//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: A Scootaloo Story // by Golden Tassel //------------------------------// The plan had been perfect: Honeydew was out of the house, so it was simple to find her stash and take one of the poison joke cigarettes. It was such a perfect opportunity, Scootaloo decided to help herself to a second one for later. She hurried up to her room where she closed the door and drew the curtains across her window. Scootaloo hid one cigarette under her mattress and lit up the other one. The first hit burned her throat, but not as bad as the first time last night. Scootaloo was able to hold back the coughing until she had taken a full breath of smoke. The first time she tried it, she had coughed so hard she nearly threw up, but this time was better. After a few deep breaths to steady herself, she was ready for more. She had just brought the cigarette back to her lips when she heard hooves stomping up the stairs. Then came Applebloom's voice from the hallway, "Scootaloo? You up here?" Scootaloo hastily dropped the cigarette onto the floor and ground it under her hoof to put it out just in time to keep it hidden as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle opened the door and came into her room. She put on a wide grin and said, "Oh hey, you two. What're you doing here? I thought you were busy." "We were worried about you, Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said. "It's not like you to run off like that. Is something wrong?" "Wrong? No. Why would anything be wrong?" Scootaloo's eyes darted back and forth between her two friends. Did they always stand so far apart? "Well you said you had to wash windows, but it don't much look like that's what you're doing. And I—" Applebloom stopped and sniffed at the air. Her nose wrinkled. "What's that smell? You're not playing with matches again are you, Scootaloo? Indoors?" "What smell? I don't smell anything. Do you smell anything, Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo asked. "Oh no," Sweetie Bell said. "You're not getting me with that again. Last time I said I smelled something you said 'she who smelt it dealt it' and blamed it on me." Scootaloo snorted and laughed as she remembered that incident. "Yeah. But this time it was Applebloom who smelt it." She looked over at Applebloom. Scootaloo felt her face stretching as she smiled and laughed raucously while pointing her hoof. "Whoever spoke it broke it." "I did not! That's not even what I'm talking about. I—" "She who denied it supplied it!" chimed Sweetie Belle with a laugh of her own. She was pleased to be on the other side of the joke this time. Applebloom shot her a cross look, though, which immediately quashed any intention to continue the crude rhyming game. Scootaloo was still giggling uncontrollably though. Applebloom sighed. "Alright, fine. You're having a good time without us. Let's go, Sweetie Belle. We'll see if Featherweight still wants to show us his camera." And with that, Scootaloo's friends left. Scootaloo locked her door after they were gone, and peeked out her window from around the curtain. She waited until she saw Applebloom and Sweetie Belle walking away from the house before she salvaged what she could of the cigarette she had stomped on. She'd only had one hit off it and already her wings felt lighter than air. Soon she would be soaring again, and she couldn't wait.