The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Trick (Part 4 of 4)

“This...this is crazy...” said Sunset Shimmer as her face became paler and paler. “This is so messed up...”

“Why is that Sunset Shimmer?” said Octavia in a calm tone.

“I...I...I thought...” she said as tears began to form around her eyes, “I thought...I thought we were friends...”

“We still are Sunset!” said another cloaked pony as they took off their hood.

“ you're a Feather Blade as well...” said Sunset as more tears began to form.

“Sunset Shimmer.” said Octavia in a humble tone. “I suspect you think we are enemies due to us following you and getting paid by Muggy Snide.”


“The truth is...we are very paranoid ponies. We keep both our work as musicians and thieves as professional as possible. However, we sold the information due to lack of money at the time.”

Sunset's mind began to think about what she had researched about the Feather Blades. “...that makes sense...there hasn't been any reported crimes from the Feather Blades in some time...”

“Indeed...our current state is not exactly good at the moment. We currently sell information due to lack of money. Its also why we have been performing our music more often as of late.”

“So...why follow me?”

“At first, we believed you to be an undercover police pony. However, to our surprise, you were chasing after our rival thieves.”

“Rival? You mean the Rainbooms?”

“Yes. We wish to show them that we are better thieves. It's nothing to really worry about.”

“I are you telling me this?” asked Sunset Shimmer as her tears stopped flowing.

“We would like you to join us.”


Lyra then said, “Yeah! We want you to become a Feather Blade!”

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

The Rainbooms had gone to their respective homes for the night. Rainbow and Pinkie got rooms at the local inn since they didn't have a place in Ponyville. However, about the time Rainbow and Scootaloo were about to leave, Scootaloo went up to a depressed Twilight who was sitting on Fluttershy's couch.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Scootaloo asked.

“Hmm? Oh, um...I'm okay Scootaloo. Just thinking.” said Twilight with a small frown on her face.

“You know and sis and Pinkie have been traveling a bunch but...your story in Canterlot sounds five times crazier then anything we ran into on our trip.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah...I love traveling but...I wish all of us could go...” said Scootaloo with a reluctant smile.

“Sorry Scootaloo...I'm no traveler.”

“I know. Say...about that crazy prophecy stuff Twilight...”


“ sounds like Princess Celestia wants you to save her sister because of your cutie mark? Is that right?”

“ could technically say that's true...” said Twilight as she began to rub the back of her head. “She said the so called 'prophecy' said that a pony with the mark of the 'six-pointed sparkle' will be the one to inherit Harmony.”

“That sounds really cartoony.”

“No kidding.”

“So...what if your cutie mark was different Twilight?”

“Then this wouldn't be happening to me Scootaloo.” said Twilight as she began to slump down into the couch. “ cutie mark says otherwise...”

“Say Twilight...what is a cutie mark really?”

Twilight then put her hoof to her chin, “Well...if we want to get scientific...cutie marks represent what that pony is meant to do or meant to be...”

“But mine's just a wing with a lightning bolt behind it. I'm already a pegasus pony so I was meant to fly no matter what. Doesn't my mark contradict what you just said?”

“Yeah...I guess that's true...”

“You know Twilight...when I got this mark and started to think about it...I realized that it could mean anything! It could mean I could be a great flying pegasus or a pegasus teacher!”

“Could be anything...huh...” said Twilight as Scootaloo's words sank into her mind. Then, as if an army of lightbulbs had turned on in her head, Twilight got up and hugged Scootaloo. “That's it! OH THANK YOU SCOOTALOO THANK YOU!”

“'re welcome?”

“Thank you so much Scootaloo.” said Twilight as she stopped hugging Scootaloo. “Now, I know exactly what I have to do!”

“You do?”

“Yes!” said Twilight as a huge smile appeared on her face. “It's just as you said, 'It could mean anything!' That means my mark doesn't determine who I am! If that's true...if that's true...then I can define what my future really is! I'll make my own path just like I always do!”

“I don't understand.”

“Don't worry, I understand now Scootaloo. That's more than enough. Now, all I need to do is change that stupid prophecy and I'll be free to do whatever I want.”

Twilight then left the living room and told Fluttershy one thing. “Fluttershy, I'm sorry but I'm leaving to Manehattan tomorrow.”

“Um...okay...but so soon?”

“Yes. I'm going to solve this prophecy garbage as soon as possible.”

Rainbow then entered the room and said, “Oh? Does that mean the Rainbooms are gonna do another heist?”

“Not yet Rainbow. First, I have to destroy this stupid prophecy or Celestia will never stop trying to make do this idiotic destiny of hers. Then we can be the Rainbooms again.”

“Aw yeah!”

Back in Manehattan...

“Join the Feather Blades?! Me?” said Sunset in surprise.

“Yes.” said Octavia with a small smile.

Sunset sat there for a second as her mind started to race, 'Join the Feather Blades? Join them? Should I...should I do it? friends...they're my friends...but...' she thought and then her memories began to flow through her head, 'Spike...Trixie...Princess Celestia...I...I...'

“No...I can't.” said Sunset as tears flowed from her eyes again.

“Why not?” asked Lyra.

“Because...I am Sunset Shimmer...”


“Tell you know who I really am?”

“I don't understand the question.” said Octavia.

“I am...Sunset Shimmer...I am a student of Princess Celestia...”

“Princess Celestia?” asked Octavia as her eyes began to grow in shock. “Are you serious?”

“Yes...I kept that fact hidden because if ponies would be harder for me to find friends...”

“All you wanted was friends?”

“Yes...I do hold a grudge against the Rainbooms...but...”

“But what?”

“Well...because I am the student of the Princess of the Sun...I am currently undergoing a special type of training...”


“Yes...and I must complete it at all costs. It...its my life dream to complete this training.”

“Let me guess.” said Octavia in a calm tone, “This is reason you won't join us?”


“Very well. We're done here.” said Octavia as she put her hood back on.

“Wait, what?!”said Sunset in confusion. “You showed me who you really are and you're just going to walk away?”

“Is that problem?”

“Well...aren't you criminals? Aren't you gonna like shut me up or something?”

“Do we seem that barbaric to you?” asked Octavia.


“Trust me Sunset,” said Lyra with a smile as she put her hood on, “We still consider you our friend.”

“You do?”

“Yes. However, we can't stay here anymore Sunset Shimmer.” said Octavia.

“What do you mean?”

“Our cover has been blown, so...we'll leave Manehattan for a while.”

“Where will you go?”

Octaiva then shook her head, “We're thieves Sunset Shimmer. We can't tell you that little detail.”

“Right...” said Sunset as she watched the three cloaked ponies leave the alleyway. Sunset, on the other hand, just sat there. She sat there, unable to move. She couldn't do anything. Sunset then thought, 'They said I was still their friend...even after trying to hunt them down...unbelievable...I came to Manehattan to catch the Rainbooms...and make friends...yet...will I really be able to accomplish either? I just...I don't know...I just don't know...” Tears dropped from her face as she sat there. 'Is this...what the princess wanted me to learn? Is this it? I just greedy? Am I...just...a failure?'

Sunset eventually went back to her apartment. There, despite Spike's tries to cheer up Sunset, Sunset sat there in her apartment and tears flowed from her face more and more. Then she asked Spike to write a letter to Celestia. He grabbed his quill and began to write:

Dear Celestia,

I just lost a few friends today. They left Manehattan and I don't know where they went. Before coming to Manehattan, I believed that friends were for the weak. All I cared about was becoming a princess and some petty grudge. However, I've made some friends, which in turn, I lost and now I don't know what to think. I need your advice princess. I'm not sure what to do now.

Sunset Shimmer

“Send it Spike.”

“Are you sure Sunset? This sounds really depressing.”

“Don't worry Spike...she'll know what to do. She always does.”