Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 6: Dealing with Reality

Author’s notes: I’m sitting here and staring at my computer with a blank coming into my mind. It’s not a blank of what to do in the story; it’s a blank of how to present it to you, the reader. I know how I would react at this point but I need to crank it to eleven with Ryan here. The point is, there will be slightly more swearing in this chapter to some of the main characters and I just wanted to warn the faint of heart.

Heh, ‘shit-load’. Off to a flying start, aren’t we?

P.S. Before any of the Brits or Canadians nail me to a cross (you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see it), I just put that comment it there to make writing this easier.


I watched as Spike worked feverishly on the paper with his quill. I was amazed that a… kid could be so proficient at writing. I could only stare in awe as he rolled it up and lit it on fire in a puff of green flame.

“Why the hell did you just burn the damn letter?!” I exclaimed at him.

“Calm down! You act like you’ve never seen magic before.” Twilight said giving me a look of confusion.

“Magic? You are joking right?”

“No, most unicorns are proficient in it.”

“Great. I come from a world where everything abides by the laws of physics only to have physics fall apart around me.”

“You mean that you don’t have magic were you come from?” Twilight asked with a look of sadness coming across her face.

I turned around and walked up to a window. The window was circular and had a diameter of around a foot and a half. I watched as the town outside went along its daily business. I could see that Applejack was peddling here various products and other salesme- ponies, followed suit. I placed my hands on the window sill and took a deep breath.

“Magic is just a legend,” I explained “and for the record, humans are the only sentient species in my world. Magic doesn’t exist and probably for the best. Most would probably abuse it.”

Twilight fell silent I turned around from the window. I looked around and saw that all of the ponies had taken a seat and were watching me with curiosity.

“Did I say something?”

Twilight’s horn suddenly started to glow a purplish hue and a quill and paper, coated in the same hue, floated over to her.

I gave a small chuckle and said “Use the force, young Skywalker.”

“What?” Twilight asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“Nothing. What’s with the paper? Going to interrogate me or something?”

“No, I just want to ask you some questions about your world.”

“Hang on,” I said holding my hand out in front of me “I need to know about yours first.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Give me the basics.”


Three. Fucking. Hours.

I felt like I was in the first grade all over again. Almost none of what she told me made any fucking sense but I think I collected some of the basics.

1. Unicorns have magic.
2. Pegasi control the weather.
3. The normal ponies, or Earth Ponies as she called them, grow the food and do a majority of the hard physical labor.
4. EVERYTHING is sentient.
5. Celestia controls the sun and Luna controls the moon.

Total. Mind. Fuck.

It was like being told the down was up and cold was hot, like everything I knew was wrong. The worst part was still the magic. I just couldn’t comprehend that. It was like everything I learned in high school physics was a lie.

I was sitting down at this point with my head buried in my hands and my mind leaking out of my ears. I wanted to cry out that everything she told me was bullshit, but I knew that she had no reason to lie. Not to mention the fact that I had actually seen magic in action. I let my hands fall into my lap as I lifted my head. The look on the ponies’ faces was one of sympathy, like the kind that someone would look upon a lost puppy with. I didn’t like it and wanted to lash out in anger but I was too drained from the long speech from Twilight.

“Is there anything else I should know?” I shouted “Do aliens visit on a regular basis? Is water acid? Does gravity cut off on Thursdays?!”

“Calm down! I’m sorry this is such a shock to you but I’d still like to learn about your world and species.”

“Fuck!” I exclaimed out of sheer frustration “OK, first of all, the sun and moon rise and fall on their own.” A look of horror came over the ponies’ faces “The weather works on its own-“

“How do you stop bad weather then?” Dash interrupted.

“You don’t. We just have to take the brunt of it and hope for the best. Mother Nature is kind of a bitch. Back to the subject at hand,” I said getting back to my speech “There are many warring countries fighting for control of territory. There is no ‘Celestia’ to save the day. I just had the fortune to be a part of the most powerful country on the planet, The United States.”

“Why do humans fight so much?” Twilight asked with a look of worry.

“Trivial reasons, trivial reasons. Not believing in the same ‘god’, money, food, water, or even just because the two warring parties didn’t like one another. I wish I could explain the brutality of war but I’m, afraid I might scar you.”

“Are you saying that I’m weak?!” Dash exclaimed, immediately getting to her feet in anger.

“You haven’t see anything.” I said brushing the comment aside “Have you see someone killed in front of you? Have you seen a child drop dead just because he didn’t fly the same flag as you? Have you had to kill someone so they didn’t fucking kill you first?” I lectured while throwing my finger in her face “I won’t tell you because I know you can’t handle it.”

Dash immediately took her seat and became quiet again. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Spike ran in with a sealed letter. He immediately pushed it into my hands and ran off.

“Did I say something?” I asked to no one specifically.

“I think you scared him.” Twilight pointed out.

“He would have eventually figured out that my world wasn’t all happiness and sunshine.”

I shook my hand and cracked the wax seal on the letter. I unrolled the parchment and saw the most beautiful hand writing that I had ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on.

Dear Ryan,

I see that you have met my most faithful student and have made some friends as well. I am currently on business and won’t be back for a few days. I hope that you can behave yourself until I get back.



“That’s it?!” I yelled, throwing the paper across the room “I mean, what in the fresh hell is this! She summons me here and immediately turns tail and leaves?!”

“Calm down Ryan!” Twilight called out, rushing over to my side “Watch how you talk about the Princess too!”

I climbed to my feet and watched as the various ponies began to back away toward the wall, away from me.

“This is pretty much the royal equivalent of a ‘fuck you’!” I said pointing at the paper “Why didn’t she just send me back when she had the chance, instead of playing these fucking games with me?! This is bullshit and you all know it!”

Due to my blind rage, I failed to realize that my hands had balled up into fists and my fury began to build. I spun around and landed a punch right into the wall behind me. I had hit the wall so hard that I had left a dent and my hand began to pulsate in pain. I wanted to cry out but my rage dulled the pain. I shoved my hand into my pocket and marched over to the door. I was less than three feet from the door when Twilight blocked my exit.

“Out of my way.” I icily told her.

“I can’t let the others see you yet. I don’t know how they will react!” She said, trying to calm me.

It wasn’t working.

“I’m am one wrong word from getting violent. Move. Now.”

I took another step, but Dash and Applejack stepped in as back up.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Dash said with that all too familiar look of determination on her face.

“Move or someone gets hurt.”

The trio held strong in front of me as I took another step. Suddenly, a book slammed into the back of my head. I immediately stopped in my tracks and felt my rage build within me. My hands turned into fists once more and I grabbed my handgun from its holster. I swung wildly and fired twice into the wall behind me at chest height. In any normal circumstance, I would have hit my attacker, but due to the small size of the ponies, my bullets landed just above Rarity’s head, putting to .45 sized holes into the wall behind her. I stood there for a moment as the gun smoke poured from the end of the barrel. I took a few deep breaths and let the gun drop to my side.

“Next time, I won’t miss.” I spat venomously.

I watched Rarity cower before me as the gun’s report probably shattered her ear drums. I listened as the gunshot echoed throughout the house and the realization that everyone in town heard the gunshot, hit me. I felt my lips part slightly as I let a low pitch exhale escape them. I was furious, but I knew that murder won’t look good on my record here. I marched over to the wall and leaned up against it.

“Are you o-“ Dash tried to ask.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I yelled bringing my hands to my face, gun and all.

I slid down the wall and fell on my ass. The hand that I punched the wall with continued to cry out in pain but I didn’t care. I was emotionally shattered like a goddamn helpless child. I placed my hands on the side of my head and let the cold, metal slide of the 1911 rest against my head. In a way, it was comforting but eerily familiar. I brought my knees up to my face and buried my head in them.

My mind continued to switch between sorrow, anger, and confusion as I tried to press into the wall. I just wanted to disappear from sight. Various thoughts and ideas flew through my mind as I sat there. I could just shoot my way out of the town or I could just book it. I figured that both of these were an option.

I could hear whispers as I sat there in lock-down mode. I assumed they were comments on how much of a monster I was or how they were going to turn me in. I felt my left hand instinctively tighten around the .45. I sat there for a moment before I heard the front door close. A few whispers continued before I heard footsteps approach me. I felt my eyes lock closed and my hand snake toward my pocket knife before something odd happened, I was hugged. It blew my mind. I hadn’t been hugged in years. I felt my grip loosen and the gun fell to the ground with an audible ‘clunk’. I felt my hands wrap around whoever was holding me and give a shaky hug in return. My mind was finally at peace for the first time in years. Or at least I thought it was.

My mind suddenly fought back and urged me to push my huggers away. I released my grip and placed a hand on a furry chest and pushed. The hug only grew in intensity. I gave a ragged sigh and just gave in. I opened my eyes and found that I was being hugged by Dash and Twilight. I wanted to say something but my lips were just sealed like someone had applied superglue across them. Dash was locked around my chest and Twilight had a grip on my right arm. With my left hand, I grabbed my handgun and slid it back into my holster while trying to avoid hitting Dash in the head. I watched as the two buried their heads into my chest as I laid my head against the wall behind me and looked at the ceiling.

I watched as Spike entered the room and caught a sight of us. I motioned for him to leave the immediate area with extreme haste and he immediately complied, running of into the other room. I placed my head against the wall once again. ‘Shit,’ I thought ‘the town had to have heard the gunshots.’. I placed my ear against the wall and listened as footsteps could be heard from outside. I could hear a panic arising from outside. The ponies were shouting various things that were too muffled by the wall for me to hear when I heard Applejack’s voice boom out.

“One of Twi’s spells backfired. Everythin’ is ok.”

‘Thanks Applejack.’ I said as I mentally counted my blessings.

I looked over to the window and saw that the sun was on its way down as I limply sat there on the floor with Dash and Twilight still latched onto me. Before this, I would have bolted from anything resembling this situation but now, my mind came to accept it. For now, at least. I pulled up my left hand and set it on Dash’s neck. She gave a slight shudder from the shock at first but quickly settled right back down. I raised my hand ran it through her soft mane, multi colored mane as I sat there. I felt kind of guilty for not being able to do the same for Twilight but she had a secure grip on my right hand. As I sat there, my mind made me think of my past and how… empty it was. I have nothing waiting for me back home except a bottle of Jack and a bullet with my name on it. I tried to push the notion out of my mind as I thought about it, but that only made the thoughts more intense.

After a few minutes of this, my back began to hurt and I readjusted myself. Twilight immediately stirred to life and backed away. I looked up at her and something must have spoken for me because she immediately gave me a smile and walked off into the next room. A part of me never wanted this to end, but I knew it would have to at some point. With Twilight gone, I wrapped my right hand around Dash and closed my eyes. Something in my mind told me this was wrong and but I killed that thought with extreme prejudice.