The Courier's Journal

by RF and AG

Journal 6

Never Again

Never. Again.

Fuck, I don’t even know what to write here. There is indeed a hell, a place where all of your nightmares become true.

A city built for the lingering souls of the dead. The Sierra Madre was hell.

For all the horrors I faced, for all the deaths that came before me, and most importantly for those I met trapped there, I killed Elijah and took everything he wanted. Well, killed might be a strong word.

With the help of my boot, I persuaded him to stay in that vault forever. Of course, I took my fair share of what was in it first. It was fun dragging four hundred pounds of gold out of the hotel, of course it was more fun dragging it back to the Mojave.

Luckily I was able to pay off a Prospector to share the burden and no gold bars were lost, just a bunch of those star caps. The guy probably would realise the folly in them once he got to the warehouse.

I hope that never again will a soul find their way to The Sierra Madre, for no matter who is there, it is a blight on the land.