//------------------------------// // New Beginnings // Story: The End of Star Swirl the Bearded // by Enigmatic Otaku //------------------------------// Not-Star Swirl coughed as the room had stopped shaking and started filling with smoke. He tried to fan it away with his hoof, but stopped when he realized it was a loosing battle, instead, he tried to find the exit, but found it difficult to locate because of said smoke. He started coughing even harder, if he couldn't find it in time, would he-- *Knock, Knock, Knock--* "I'm coming!" He shouted before there was a fourth knock; for some reason, and without really knowing why, he was dreading a fourth. He then made his way to where he heard the knocks, feeling through the thick smoke, hoping to find the door. Once he found it, he opened it and was surprised to find a gray pegasus mare at the other side, who didn't seem to mind the smoke coming from behind the stallion; she was wearing a blue mailmare uniform that perfectly complimented her blonde mane, along with a saddlebag on her side full of mail, also, much to Not-Star Swirl's surprise, one of her eyes was looking at him while the other...wasn't... "Uh...hello?" Not-Star Swirl said. The pegasus was about to say something, but stopped and instead lowered her saddlebags to the floor, opened it, then pulled out from it some mail held inbetween her teeth. "Here you go." She muttered around the letters before giving them to the stallion. The stallion had a confused look in his eyes as he eyed the mare, then the envelopes that were resting on his hoof. "Uh..." He muttered as he gestured at the letters. "These are addressed to somepony named Caramel. I'm not Caramel..." The gray mare's eyes widened as she blushed. "Sorry! I'm still kinda new to this job!" She shouted before taking the letters back and returned them to her bag. "What's your name so I can give you the correct ones." "It's..." The stallions ears then flattened. "I don't know..." He couldn't remember his name, he knew he had one, but he just couldn't remember! The mailmare then gave him a strange look, well...every look she gave was strange, but this was the kind that showed that she was curious about what he said. "Don't know?" She asked. "What, do you have amnesia or something?" The stallion pulled his head back. "What? No! Of course I know, it's uh..." He looked around the smoking room, hoping to find some clue to what his name was, but couldn't because of the...you know, smoke. Instead, he thoroughly inspected himself. "It's uh..." His eyes rested on his Cutie mark. He was about to say Hourglass, but thought that it wouldn't fit him very well. For some reason, he liked the idea of having a shorter name. "It's uh...Time." The mailmare raised a brow at him. "Time...what? Is it Time Waster? Because that's what you're doing right now." The mare seemed to be getting impatient, and the stallion instantly caught on to that. Time...whatever his name was, was getting nervous; he then thought of something that might give him a bit more time to think of a proper name. "Since you're asking for my name," he said, "why don't you tell me yours?" The mailmare had considered whether to tell him or not; she did find it strange that he lived in a small blue box, but other than that, he seemed pretty harmless, besides, she had just delivered mail to a stallion who was practically bathing in tub of jelly, so compared to him this guy was normal by comparison. Also, if she were to be delivering this guy's mail to him from now on, it'd only be fair he knew her name as well. "It's Ditzy Doo." She said. "Ditzy" Time repeated to himself. "Well that's a lovely name." She smiled after hearing that. "Thanks, so...your turn." Oh dear... Time thought to himself; he failed to think of a proper name, and it was his turn! Wait... "Turner!" Time said in a near shout, glad that the two words he chose somehow clicked with one another. "It's Time Turner." "Time Turner?" Ditzy muttered to herself before she searched through her mailbag. Minutes later, she faced Time Turner and shook her head. "Sorry, there's nothing here for you. Did you register your..." she stepped back and looked at the blue box that was just sitting near the edge of town, "address with the post office?" Time Turner scratched his chin with his hoof. "Uh, no... Where am I exactly?" He asked, sticking his head out of the blue box's door and looking around to see a few cottages here and there. Ditzy scratched the back of her head. "Jeez, mister, you must have amnesia; who moves to a town without knowing the name?" Whether he really did have amnesia or was playing some joke on her, Ditzy didn't care and just decided to tell him. "This is Ponyvile." "Ponyvile?" Turner said to himself. Ditzy raised a brow at him. "Yeah...Ponyvile... Listen, if you're gonna be living here from now on, I'm gonna have to take you to the post office to get your mail service set up. Are you free enough to do that now? Or do you have to put out that fire in your uh," she fanned away a stray trail of smoke that neared her face, "home." Turner looked back into the smoking blue box's interior, then back to Ditzy. "Sure, I've got nothing else to do right now." He said with a shrug before stepping out of the box and closing the door behind him. Ditzy had a concerned look when she gestured at the box's door. "You do realize something was burning in there, right!?" "Hmm?" Turner voiced, confused by what she meant before a realization hit him and he shook his head with a smile. "Oh, no no no." He placed a hoof on the box and patted it. "Ol' girl just blew a few stabilization dampeners cause of the regeneration energy; should be resetting herself to factory settings to fix them." He then rubbed his chin with his other hoof. "Darn, now I'm gonna have to choose a new desktop; that's always so difficult..." All of what Turner said just flew over Ditzy's head. "What? What does that mean?" She asked. He turned to Ditzy, yet his eyes were looking elsewhere, as if he were trying to solve some riddle. "I--I don't really know." He wasn't lying, he honestly didn't know where all those words came from, it was as if some far off memory resurfaced, only to fade just as quick as it came. He then shook his head and refocused on Ditzy. "Lets just go to that post office." He said while trying to put on his friendliest smile. Ditzy nodded. "Yeah, sure, follow me." She said before she flapped her wings and hovered a few feet off the ground, then started heading towards the post office with Time Turner following closely behind. Several minutes later, they both were passing through town and Time Turner couldn't help but notice that all of the town ponies appeared to be preparing the place for something; decorations were being set up and everypony seemed to be thoroughly cleaning every nook and cranny in sight. "Ditzy?" Turner asked, prompting the gray mare to stop and face him. "Is there some sort of event going on?" "Uh-huh," was her response. "We're preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration." She then smiled. "I hear that this year, Princess Celestia herself is gonna raise the sun from here in Ponyvile!" "Well that sounds ni--" Time Turner stopped speaking when he spotted a golden cart pulled by two armored pegasui land further down the street, soon a purple unicorn mare and small dragon hopped off of it. "Hey, Turner? You in there?" Ditzy asked, waving a hoof in front of his eyes. Turner shook his head a bit. "Hmm? Wha?" "You ok? Ya kinda zoned off for a bit there." Ditzy then pointed at the purple unicorn who just arrived. "You were kinda staring at her; do you know her?" Turner turned back to the purple mare and after a few seconds of looking at her, he turned back to Ditzy then shook his head. "Nope, no idea who she is." "Oh, well, lets just get to that post office already." Ditzy said with a wave of her hoof, gesturing for Turner to continue following her. As they began to walk away, Turner glanced back at the purple mare, who was now speaking with a pink earth pony. He then muttered something that confused him moments later. "Clover, you clever girl."