//------------------------------// // 37 - It's a Pretty Night // Story: Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat // by David Silver //------------------------------// The sun had set, the moon had risen. Everything felt hollow and broken. Silver had barely touched the food offered. The princesses offered their congratulations and thanks for his part in the peace. They seemed to swell with anticipation and joy at the thought of true cohabitation and harmony with one of their old enemies. They barely noticed as he slipped away. He wandered the halls of the castle, and found himself up on the roof. He'd never been up there before. The stars were twinkling gently up above, and the wind was cool and sharp. Silver trotted over to the edge, looking down at Canterlot, thinking of all the ponies that lived there. He thought of what he had done and seen since coming to this world. He had met his pony self, who was now married and returned to his quiet life of reading with Trixie at his side. He met Lyra, and the first taste of passionate love, though they never consummated it. He had wanted that mint-green unicorn, and her grounded friend, and they seemed to want him back. Violence and a local demigod put an end to that. He met some good friends in grade school, though all had moved on to their adult lives. He wondered what had happened to the emotionally-crippled Tumble, and rubbed a spot where he had been beaten what felt like ages ago. He had helped them all leave, just as he made the wish that sent Lyra away. It was always his action. He had forgotten Tirek, and he didn't protect Celine from his eventual arrival. She ran away, then she was gone, forever. He had a fine school, a chance to be friends with Lyra, and he threw that away with a thoughtless spell. Maybe Rough and Trixie wouldn't have been captured... But, of course, none that was as direct as when he didn't fight his wives about their coming. They had no business coming with him into that trap, and for his... neglect? abuse? Whatever it was, the world saw fit to snatch Fast away from him as punishment for the crime. There he was. Another choice. Another bad choice. Maybe this world of magic and wonder just wasn't for him? The rainbows never seemed to arrive to save him, or teach him a lesson. The world seemed to wield a wicked spiked pole, while others got their rainbows. He was tired of feeling its bite across his snout. Maybe it was time to take back his promise. Maybe it was time to break one last oath. He looked over the edge and felt so little. It was painfully numb. A part of him wailed at the notion, screaming for him to consider what good remained. He had a wife, a pregnant wife that loved him. He had a mistress that also adored him, who also bore his seed. They would be so sad if he left, especially like this... He was good at making people sad. It was a talent... He didn't remember stepping forward, only that the wind screamed in his ears and the ground was approaching far too quickly. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see it anymore. His tears trailed behind him, whisked away by the wind as he plummeted from the parapet. He struck something, but it wasn't nearly as hard or painful as he imagined. He heard the powerful flapping of wings and opened his eyes, seeing himself spread across Luna's back. In an irrational fit of rage, he squirmed, "Let me choose my life! Everything is taken away from me. I'll put this one down myself!" Luna's magic held him firmly as she raised high into the sky, and began to sing. Silver squirmed atop Luna, curling on himself and weeping anew. Her words were like daggers. So gentle and soothing, and yet digging painfully into his soul. He said nothing as she carried him quietly through the night sky. Canterlot passed by underneath, unaware and uncaring of their moment. As Luna's song began to come to its end, she landed in the hedge garden of the castle. It was dark, and they were alone. "I am not as blind as you would take me," said Luna as she gently set him to the ground. "But even I did not know your pain ran this deep. Rare is the pony that loses so much hope, that your way seems the correct one." Silver sank in place, feeling guilty, so guilty. He had broken his sacred promise to himself, and almost caused more pain. "I... just want to stop hurting. I... I'm not a bad pony, so why do I keep getting the bad ending?" Luna leaned in and nuzzled him gently. No words were said, and her presence warmed him. She settled before him, and they sat there in the dark. Silver broke the silence first, "Do you hate me?" Luna snorted gently, "There are easier ways of dealing with a falling nemesis than to catch them." Silver quirked a smile, but it didn't last, "I must be disappointing, trying to run away like that." He nuzzled Luna's lower belly, "Would that I could be as strong as you, to endure." Luna snorts, "If I thought you would withstand it, I would offer it to you." Silver tilted his head, "What do you mean? Having wings?" Luna wrinkled her nose, "Nay, you are male, and not destined for that besides." She gathered him up in her wings and rolled over onto her back. He was set on her belly. "I would gobble up your essence, and add it to the fragile one within me. You would start anew, truly." Silver shuddered at the thought of it, "That would crush Night Watch, and what would be left of me?" Luna tilted her head, "Not even a hint of fear of being gobbled? I usually get a stronger reaction." Silver smiled at that, "I am not a true colt. You can gobble my backside if you want to." Luna stuck out her tongue a moment, "You would still be you, at the core. It would take time for memories to return, for in the body of a foal there is no room for such thoughts. Poop, milk, warmth. That will be the extent of your life for a time, but you would grow past that, into an ungainly colt or filly, and your past life would return." Silver smiled, "That... is more tempting than it should be, being your child and all, but, again, Night Watch." Luna bopped Silver on the nose, "And yet you surrendered your life already? Perhaps this should not be a choice." Silver shrank back, but his movements were slow. Some part of him thrilled at the idea of being so intimately bound to Luna, while the other quailed at the pain it would cause his perfect little Night Watch, and yet another jeered at the mess, watching cynically for Silver to mess up his life in a whole new direction. For every problem solved, new ones would be created. "What... would you do with Night Watch?" Luna flicked a wing, "She would become my personal servant. I would watch over her and care for her. When our foals were born, she would wetnurse them all. She would raise you, ignorant of your past, not knowing she stared into the eyes of that lover who threw himself from the castle walls." Silver recoiled violently, flopping over backwards. He wasn't sure which part of what she had said set him off so violently, but he shuddered in revulsion, starting to well up with a new wave of tears. "I just want to be happy... I don't want to leave her behind, crying, alone. She deserves better than that." He slammed a hoof into the ground, "She deserves so much better than that. It was my choice, again! I asked for her hoof. I took her away from the job she was so comfortable with. I exposed her to this new heartache. She wouldn't be hurting if it wasn't for me!" Silver threw himself away from Luna before flopping to the ground miserably. "I already had one restart, what will another change? That's just more... running." Luna nodded slowly, "Do you tire of running?" Silver nodded with a loud, sniffly snort. Luna smiled wanly, "What goes one way, goes the other. There is another path." Silver winced at the word 'path', but she continued unabated. "I could give its essence to you. You would become my blood." Silver tilted his head, "Why so eager to play with the essence of this child? Don't you care about its life? Its purpose?" Luna poked Silver in the side, "I care about you more." Silver wasn't sure what to think. Being more important to Luna than her unborn child seemed unreal. "Why? I'm just a pony. That's your child in there." Luna shook her head, "You are more than that. You have an old spirit, and you ache to bring justice, to correct wrongs, in your own way. Fate, such as it is, has dealt you a cruel hand. I am quite old, and will become older still. Callous though it may be, I have time yet for more foals. The life of a beloved..." She leaned close, "Celestia has learned to say goodbye to her cherished ones. I have not learned that lesson, and I am uncertain I want to. What will it take to revive that fire of hope in you, and make you smile at life again? If being my child, in whole or part, will bring you back to me, restore that fire, you have but to ask. I know it is not money you seek. Magic you could learn on your own. You have shown no desire for political power. You want love. It is a simple desire." Luna tilted her head one way, then the other, contemplating. "We could get your lover, Night Watch. She also looked up at the night sky, though her heart is not so heavy she considers what you did, she suffers as you do. Perhaps it was foolish of me to approach you without her." She spread her wings wide, then wrapped them around Silver. He felt the rush of teleportation magic and she withdrew her wings, revealing his bedroom. Night was curled on her bed, her glasses laying, shattered, on the floor. Her snout was stained with tears. His heart broke. Silver galloped away from Luna, falling off the bed once before he succeeded in scrambling up its side and throwing himself onto Night. "I am so sorry! I am the worst stallion ever!" Night rolled under him and soon they were hugging belly-to-belly, crying into one another's neck in the darkness of the room. Luna sat there, patiently watching them like a protective parent. However distantly, she was Night Watch's ancestor, so she had some right to the position. Her offers could wait until the tears were done. She had nothing but time. Night bit into his neck with her sharp fangs, "Stupid stallion... where were you hiding? I needed you." Silver squeezed her tightly, "I'm right here... We'll be together, forever. No matter what. I swear, and I'm so sorry. So sorry..." Night pulled Silver all the tighter, feeling somehow as if she had almost lost him, "I love you," she whispered into an ear as she desperately held him close, "Don't leave me."