The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Element of Magic (Part 2 of 5)


Celestia fell down as her connection to the elements was completely severed. She tumbled down the countryside as her flying was cut short. “Augh!” she yelled as slammed into the ground. “Ohhh...I'm going to feel that in the morning...”

Celestia began to try to spread her wings again. “Ugh...that really hurt...” she said to herself as she flapped her wings up and down. “I...I got to get there...” she said as she began to fly again.

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest...

Twilight had put the elements into her saddlebag she brought with her. They fit snugly into her bag and she began looking for the Tree of Harmony. As she traversed through the forest, she kept thinking, 'Wow...I feel incredible...the elements are truly filled with magic. I can even feel the magic in my bag...'

Twilight stopped as she found a staircase. 'Could this be it?' she thought as she went down the stairs. Then she saw it.

“Incredible.” said Twilight as a huge smile appeared on her face. “So...this is the Tree of Harmony! Unbelievable! So it does exist! Not only is magnificent! I can feel the magic this tree has just standing here! Oh...if only I could study it...but...unfortunately, I'm on a time table...”

Twilight opened her bag and levitated the elements in front of the tree. Twilight thought, 'Okay...if my hypothesis is correct...with the elements I should be able to...'

“STOP!” yelled a voice behind Twilight.

Twilight's face put on a menacing grin. “I was wondering when you were going to appear...” said Twilight as she slowly turned around to face the voice. “Celestia.”

Celestia had descended behind Twilight and was slightly out of breath from the flight and crash. She said, “Twilight Sparkle...what are doing?”

“What am I doing?” asked Twilight with a smirk. “Isn't it obvious?! I'm destroying your beloved prophecy!”

“What? Why?!”

“WHY?! You would seriously ask me that?!” screamed Twilight with anger. “Isn't it obvious?! Its so I can make my own path in life!”

“You can't be serious. Do you not understand the consequences of what you're doing right now?!”

“I fully understand what I'm doing Celestia. Don't worry, I'm a very smart pony.”

“Tell me this Twilight Sparkle, what are you planning on doing to the Tree of Harmony?”

“Ah...I'm glad you asked.” said Twilight with a giant grin, “You see, I have a theory.”

“A theory?”

“Yes, I have spent several months researching over the Elements of Harmony and have come to a startling hypothesis. My hypothesis is this...I believe there is way to seal the Elements of Harmony away. For good.”

“What?! Why would you even attempt to do such a thing?!”

“I told you. Its so I can forge my own path in life. My plan is quite simple Celestia. As you probably know, the Tree of Harmony is filled to the brim with magic. Even now, the magic inside this tree is filling this forest with unthinkable amounts of magic.”

“I don't like where this is going...”

“I, on the other hand, do like where this is going. As I was saying, this tree's magic is incredible. However, as I came closer to the tree I observed something very interesting. You feel it as well, don't you?”

“The tree is losing magic.”

“Yes. It's loss of magic is very slow. At this rate, it'll take a few years before it finally runs dry.”

“Why does that...” said Celestia as fear possessed her face, “No...don't tell me that's your plan?!”

“Seems you caught on Celestia. Over these past few months, I did countless hours of research. Though I didn't have access to the Canterlot archives, what I found was quite interesting. No matter what I researched, certain similarities always appeared. For instance, I figured out how different ponies can activate the elements.”

“What do mean?”

“Let me ask you Celestia, why do you think you and your sister were able to obtain the elements back then?”

“Because we were alicorns. Alicorn magic is very different from unicorn magic.”

“Well...sorry to say but you're only half right.”

“Huh?” said Celestia in confusion. “I don't understand...”

“Let me ask you this...which one of you inherited the elements?”

“What kind of question is that? We both inherited the elements that day.”

“Heh heh heh” laughed Twilight. “'re dumber than you look Celestia! I can't believe you thought that for this many years!”

“Stop laughing! What is the meaning of this?!”

“Isn't it obvious?! I'm saying only you inherited the elements!” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof at Celestia.


“Think about it. According to my used the elements to seal away your sister didn't you?”

“Yes...I did.”

“Then let me ask you this. When I inherited the elements, I felt like I was on top of the world. Even now, it feels like the elements are enhancing my magic. Didn't the same thing happen to you?”

“What do you mean? Of course that happened.”

“Still haven't figured it out have you? Wow, you really are stupid. Think about it for a second...why is that enhancement important?”

“I would like to ask you to refrain from using petty insults Twilight Sparkle, and also quit being so vague.” said Celestia in an anger-filled tone.

“My the mighty have fallen...let me explain it this way. The elements enhanced your magic Celestia, that includes your sun magic!”

“My...sun magic? don't mean...”

“Indeed I do.” said Twilight with a huge smile. “That's right, the elements enhanced only you! Because of this, your sister began to become jealous. The elements helped your sun shine greater than her moon ever could! Your sun became so great thanks to the elements that she had to become jealous!”


“That's right. All because you took the elements from the Tree of Harmony.”

“Why are you telling me this? Is this some petty revenge scheme of yours over what happened in Canterlot?” said Celestia as angry tears began to flow from her eyes. “All I wanted was to talk to you, but you flat out rejected me at every turn!”

“Petty?! You think me telling you this is petty?!” yelled Twilight. “Seems you misunderstand what's at stake here. This isn't some revenge garbage or some mission of vengeance! This...This is my path! My story! I will not let you manipulate and dig your way into my life!”

“I told you before, I never meant you any harm! I had no choice...” said Celestia as tears flowed from her face. “I...I just wanted to save my wouldn't listen...”

Twilight gritted her teeth as her eyes filled with anger. “You have got to be kidding me...”

“I'm not kidding.”

“YOU HAVE TO BE YOU MONSTER!” screamed Twilight at the top of her lungs. “I know what you really are're a selfish little monster...a little greedy lazy slime that can't solve her own problems. I met a whole bunch of ponies just like you out in Equestria. You would rather have some other ignoramus pony do all your dirty work for you!”

“Not that's true Twilight Sparkle and you know it.”

“Oh please, you really don't get it do you?”

“What? The fact that you'll never help me? No matter how much I ask?” said Celestia in a calm tone.

Twilight paused at Celestia and said, “No...I will gladly help anypony in need. If my friends ever needed my help, I would go to them without question. However...” she said as she glared at Celestia. “I would never help a pony that only wants to use me because they're too lazy to solve their own problems.”

“You think I can not solve my own problems?”

“I never said that.” said Twilight as calmly as possible, “I meant that when it matters most, you would rather have some other pony do your dirty work. There is always a time where ponies need to ask for help, however, that pony must also be willing to solve the problem as well.”

“You...” said Celestia as anger filled her eyes again.

“You, on the other hand, want some other pony to solve your problem and just sit back and watch.”

Celestia gritted her teeth and said, “It seems you truly know nothing about me Twilight.”

“Oh really?”

“Did you truly believe that I am that selfish? Everything I do, I do for Equestria. I will do everything I can to save it if it is in danger. That includes fighting my sister. The only reason you believe I am some absurd selfish pony is because I used a little force to first talk to you.”

Twilight's eyes twitched as her anger continued to rise, “You really think that's the only reason I think that?”

“No, it is also because of when you ran away from home. That and when I brought your parents to you.”

Twilight took a deep breath, “Ugh...let me explain something to you Celestia. I will gladly take responsibility for me when I left my home as a filly. I was young and naive back then. Not only that, my parents also took responsibility over the incident. They pleaded for forgiveness in the hospital and I...I believed them.”

“You still don't forgive them for what they did?”

“I...I'm still not sure. That's not the point though.”

“Why didn't you just go and visit them then?”

Twilight's eyes grew in disbelief, “HUH?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” yelled Twilight, “If I went back to Canterlot, you would capture me! I bet even now, you have a ton of your guards watching my parents every move!”

“I don't.”

“You're lying. I have a friend of mine who's very good at telling lies. She's taught me quite a bit on being able to tell if a pony is honest or not.”

“Grrr...I am not lying Twilight Sparkle. I do have guards around your parents but only to protect them from the media. Thanks to your little fight against me in Canterlot, certain ponies blame your family for the destruction our battle against each other caused.”

Twilight's face changed hearing this, “What? Are you serious?”


“Oh...well, even if that's still want to capture me and lock me away as your little Harmony weapon, don't you?” said Twilight as face turned back to anger.

“I never said that Twilight. That is merely what you believe.” said Celestia calmly. “I will admit that once you inherit Harmony, your life will change. You will be forced to fight oncoming battles against the darkness that threatens Equestria. That is responsibility of the wielder of Harmony.”

“That's a load of garbage and you know it.” said Twilight with a scowl, “Everypony should be allowed to choose their own path in life, not some predetermined destiny filth.”

“The inheritor of Harmony is destined to save Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. That is the pony's fate whether she likes it or not. It is not for me to decide.”

“So...even you gave up on making your own path. No wonder you're so selfish.”

“That is the fate of an alicorn. Alicorn lives are destined from birth, their fates are decided automatically. They will accomplish their destinies and die. That is it.”

“Tch...I'll never believe that. However...” said Twilight as a mischievous smile appeared on her face, “Let me ask you something.”

“What?” said Celestia in an annoyed tone.

“What would happen if I did restore your sister?”

“What do you mean?”

“Let's say I don't try my plan. Let's say I go ahead and wait the nine months to when your sister finally gets out of the prison you put her in. Then, I use the Elements Harmony and save your sister. Then what would you do? Would you thank me for my kindness? Or would you decide to lock me up because you don't like me?”

“I would never lock you up.”

“Stop lying.” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof at Celestia again. “You still don't understand, do you? If you were a truly honest pony, I would gladly save your sister. Instead, you believe that once I inherit this power, I'll be your little puppet to solve all your Equestrian problems.”

“I have never believed that Twilight Sparkle. That is merely some delusion you've cooked up in your head after running away for so many years.”

“Oh please, you know the real reason behind all of this. That being said, what would happen to me after I saved your sister?”

“If you're wondering, I would need you to become my student.” said Celestia, trying to keep herself calm, “The one who inherits Harmony will inherit the future of Equestria. Therefore, that pony will need to be taught the ways of Harmony and friendship.”

“Friendship? I already know that one Celestia. I was able to get here because of my friends.”

“Really? This entire situation sounds like it came from one very selfish pony is you ask me.” said Celestia sternly.

“Oh no, they're the reason I'm doing this. I will admit, I also had my own personal reasons but still, I also wish to protect them from this.”

“Protect them?”

“When I researched all this, I found out the elements represent six different things. Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter and a sixth element that seemed to be lost to time. I suspect myself to be Element of Magic, the sixth element.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“My friends on the other hand, I believe they represent the other elements.”

Celestia's eyes began to grow after hearing this, “You already met the other elements already?”

“Oh yes, their personalities match the elements quite well. Funny how things work out, don't they?”

“ already met long have you known them?”

“I've known them for two years now. Now, I couldn't imagine life without them.” said Twilight as her face shined with huge smile thinking about them. Celestia watched her and was amazed at how happy she looked.

“Let me you want to seal the elements because you believe you'll be protecting them from me?! Is that your absurd selfish goal?!”

“No...well, that is part of it, but...” said Twilight as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. “What I really want is a path that me and my friends can make their own decisions. That's all I want.”

“That's it? That selfish reason is why you want to put Equestria in danger?!”

“It's not selfish. Everypony should be allowed to make their own life choices. That's why I'm doing this.”

“So...what is your plan Twilight Sparkle?” said Celestia with a tinge of fear in her eyes.

“It's very simple. The Tree of Harmony is currently losing magic due to your taking of the elements. Though, there might be another reason as shouldn't be losing its magic this fast...However, I believe this tree is necessary for the balance of Equestira. Because of this, I believe the tree can inherit the elements again. Therefore, if I use the elements to absorb the magic out of tree...”

“It will need the elements again.”

“Correct.” said Twilight with huge grin. “Because of this, the tree will need the elements for years before it can have the power to live without the elements. I'll be able to live my entire life before the tree will even be able to give up the elements again.”

“That's sick Twilight Sparkle and you know it.”

“ know it could work. According to my calculations...I have at least a thirty percent chance of this working.”

“I won't let you. Besides, the elements you currently have aren't even at full power. Surely you noticed.”

“I did. For some reason, it felt like the elements were trying to change forms but didn't. They stayed as jewels like the myths said they were.”

“Indeed. Once the elements are inherited, the elements will change depending on that pony. You were supposed to inherit them with your friends Twilight Sparkle.”

“ that's it.” said Twilight as looked at the elements again. “That makes sense...however, there is still plenty of magic in the elements in their current state. That alone will be enough.”

Celestia slammed her hooves down. “That is enough Twilight Sparkle. I will not allow you to achieve this absurd goal. You are the Element of Magic whether you like it or not. It is my duty as the Princess of the Sun to guide the Element of Magic to a new age of Equestria.”

“Is that so?” said Twilight with one eyebrow raised.

“Yes.” said Celestia as her horn began to shine. “I will do everything I can to achieve this goal. I will do whatever it takes to keep Equestria safe. In order for that to happen, the elements are needed.”

Twilight's horn began to glow. “So you won't let me do my plan...and if I don't seal the elements, I'll be stuck as your Equestrian janitor...your little slave to clean up all the messes you make in Equestria. What a load of pony dung.”

“I would allow you to live your life anyway you want, as long as you answered to the call of Harmony when Equestria is in danger. However, you constantly refuse, like a selfish pony running away from all their problems.”

“And for good reason.” said Twilight as she levitated the elements into her bag. “Don't worry Celestia...I don't need the elements to beat the likes of you. My magic alone will be enough to beat you.”

“My confident.” said Celestia as put herself in a battle stance. “Regardless, I won't let you seal Harmony away! It is needed to save Equestria!”

“I told you before...” said Twilight as she readied herself as well, her horn glowing. “I'll make my own path. I'll beat you and return to my friends!”