The Dawning of a New Era

by SilverWolfAG-1

Enigma's Journey

Enigma's Journey

Enigma began,

"Two days before Dawn and I met so abruptly, I was summoned to Queen Ichoria's throne room. There myself and a group of fellow changelings learned that we were to escort a delegation of under-queens to a Diamond Dog clan that resided several leagues south of the Everfree Forest.

As the sun dropped below the horizon, we set off, planning to use the cover of night to conceal our movements. The first night of our journey went well, we kept up a good pace and were able to find a safe spot to spend the daylight hours. As dusk fell on the second night, we set off at a steady pace and flew many leagues. When dawn broke the next morning, we found ourselves over oceans of wheat. With no place to hide we flew on hoping that our speed would protect us where stealth could not. Unfortunately for us, our speed was not enough and within an hour we were spotted by a squad of Wonder Bolts. As they began to catch up to us, our under-queens ordered us to scatter and attempt to evade any ponies that came after us. As we scattered, I continued to fly straight and fast, hoping I would outrun the pegasi.

After what felt like an eternity of flying, I found myself over a sinister forest. When I looked back to see if there were any pegasi pursuing me I saw nothing but endless forest all around me and thankfully not a pegasus in sight. I continued flying onward, looking for a safe place to land. About an hour later, a flash of light caused me to look back and see an explosion of color behind me, as prismatic waves rolled towards me I frantically looked around for a spot to land and saw a clearing off to my left. I was able to aim towards it right before the waves hit me knocking me into a high speed dive rather than the gentle landing I had hoped for. The only thing I remember after that is hitting something. My next memory is waking up with Dawn standing over me.

And that is the story of how I ended up here." Enigma concluded.

"Well it seems you have undertaken quite the journey, I am glad you met Dawn and I and not some less kind pony," said Zecora. "Now you should get your rest, for tomorrow your magic we will test.