//------------------------------// // A Royal Pain // Story: My Twilight Facade // by axelsempai //------------------------------// Finally, she was done. The sun was set and the paperwork was all signed. At last, Princess Celestia could go to bed. It was a long day. As if it weren't enough to oversee countless forgettable files and raise the sun in the morning, the nobles were on riding her ass the best her little cowards could. Expand this, retract that. If she could tell them to sod off... But that was all over. She heeded the siren's call of her irresistible royal bed, lying her head down on the plush pillow. She didn't even care that she still wore her regalia; she stopped noticing she was wearing it sometimes, anyway. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to dreamland. A late-night scroll from her student landed on her face. Celestia sighed, sitting up and rubbing the spot between her eyes. Twilight could have had Spike send the letter at more opportune time. Still, since she was up, she might as well give it a read. She rolled open the scroll and read its contents. Dear Princess Celestia, Hi, it's Spike. Sorry to send you a letter so late in the day, but I had to be sure that Twilight didn't know about this. Celestia thoughtfully hummed at that. It was strange enough that Spike wrote the letter, but why keep it a secret from Twilight? She's been acting all out of sorts. She's taken up swearing, and she swears a lot. I don't think I've ever heard her curse something her entire life, and now she casually drops the most foul language possible every day with little provocation! Despite her sudden aptitude for colorful language, she's usually really calm and collected. I haven't seen her freak out over anything since we got here. Celestia quirked an eyebrow. Wasn't that a good thing? Actually, scratch that. Twilight has suddenly become very violent. I saw her beat down a diamond dog way more than necessary, start a fight with a griffin, and I'm pretty sure that sword in the bedroom isn't just for decoration. As weird as all that is for Twilight, that's not the worst part. You remember what Twilight likes the most? Magic. And yet, Twilight said some very nasty things about magic on multiple occasions. Something happened to Twilight when she encountered Nightmare Moon, because she's been acting strange ever since. I don't know what happened, but I do know that this mare isn't the real Twilight. Twilight is not this violent psychopath. Please, I need help. Please come to Ponyville. I know you'll agree that this isn't really Twilight. The Real Twilight's Number One Assistant, Spike. Celestia stared at the paper for a few seconds. Strange, indeed. From what Spike wrote it sounded like there were four problems. 1. Twilight has been uncharacteristically calm. An odd choice for a concern. 2. Twilight's new-found aggression. Celestia couldn't remember Twilight getting upset enough to harm anyone, yet Spike brought up a few instances where such a thing occurred. 3. Twilight no longer likes magic. Especially vexing, considering Twilight's special talent. This was flat out impossible, yet Spike claims this is the case. 4. Twilight swears a lot. Celestia could personally attest to that, actually. Twilight did swear right in front of her, and her subjects usually held their tongues around her. Spike suspects that Twilight has been replaced by someone or something. Maybe Spike was just being paranoid about his elder sister acting differently. But wait, he mentioned Nightmare Moon. Did he notice something reminiscent of the Nightmare in Twilight's behavior? If this was the case, then this was alarming news. Celestia couldn't afford to let anything remain from the vile influence of the Nightmare. She would have to investigate this. In the morning, that is. Celestia plopped her head back onto the pillow and threw the letter away without the usual regal grace expected of her. Twilight and Spike would still be there later. It was likely just Spike's overactive imagination. Besides, even if there was nothing wrong, it would be nice to spend some time with Twilight for the first time in years. For now, she just needed to get some sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I appraised the cards in my hooves carefully, comparing them to the cards lying on the kitchen table. I had a nine of hearts and a two of hearts in my hand, while the cards on the table were a six of clubs, a five of hearts, a six of hearts, eight of hearts, seven of spades, and an ace of diamonds. I held back a tiny smile, spying the flush that I was set to win. Across the table from me, Spike pushed forward a few gems into a pile of gems, of which the pot consisted for the game. "I raise by two emeralds and a ruby." With a straight face, I made my comeback. "Two emeralds, huh? Someone's confident." I pushed forward gems of my own. "I call." Spike grinned, which means he thought he had something good. I seriously doubted he had anything that could beat a flush. With a grin of my own, we revealed our hands. I looked over his cards, and looked back at the cards on the table. He had a four of hearts and a seven of hearts. My jaw dropped. The lucky bastard had a straight flush. He smugly collected his winnings. "You suck at this game, Twilight." "No, you suck!" I lamely retorted. "Deal the cards!" Spike chuckled and shuffled the deck with a shake of his head. "In case you haven't noticed, I have the majority of the gems. You're gonna lose soon at this rate." He dealt the cards, and replaced the deck. "I never admit defeat," I growled. I picked up my cards and beheld my hand. An eight of clubs and a queen of diamonds. Spike chuckled smugly at me again. "Well, you're gonna lose a lot today." I glared challengingly at Spike. So he wanted to marathon me, huh? I'll show him! "I bet two sapphires." With the tell-tale gait of a non-morning person, Trixie wobbled into the kitchen, rubbing one of her eyes of sleep. "Good morning, Twilight. Lizard." Spike shot her a dirty look, but returned his focus on the game. I waved at her without looking away from the cards. "Hey, Trix. Oatmeal's simmering on the stove." Trixie scooped out some oatmeal and sat next to me, observing our game of poker. Spike called my bet, and dealt three more cards: a king of diamonds, an eight of spades, and a three of hearts. Spike scratched the back of his neck, and pushed forward a gem. "I bet a ruby." While I spied that eight pair I had, I was wary of what Spike had this time. Trixie huffed. "He's bluffing." She whispered to me. I shot her a glance, and pushed forward some gems of my own. "I raise by a sapphire." For the vaguest of moments, I thought Spike was holding back a wince. He dropped his cards. "Fold." I was surprised. I actually won a hand! "How'd you know he was bluffing?" Trixie took a bite of oatmeal from her telekinesis. "Trixie's father is a card shark. Reading ponies runs in the family." There was a knock at the door. Again. "Oh come on, when will people learn that you can just walk in? I live in a library!" I growled, looking in the direction of the front door. Spike smiled up at me. "I think you should answer that." "Yeah, yeah." I got up and walked to the front door. Trixie glared at Spike suspiciously, and followed me to the living room to see what the fuss was about. The knocking sounded again, and I pulled the door open. "Hello, Twilight." The regal white alicorn said serenely. I shut the door, eyes wide with disbelief. Oh shit, that was Princess Celestia! What was she doing here? Deep breaths, Twilight. She's at your door and demanding attention. I opened the door again. "Hello again, Twilight." Celestia greeted, not bothered by my admittedly rude actions earlier. "Hi, Princess!" I nervously returned the greeting. "Would you like to come inside?" "I'd be honored." She replied. I stepped aside and let her walk inside, two royal guards taking flanking positions outside my door. I closed the door and turned to the scene inside. Celestia stood proudly in the center of the room, Trixie staring slack-jawed at the princess next to a bowl of spilled oatmeal. Strangely, Spike was observing the scene with a smile. I cleared my throat nervously. "Well, feel free to take a seat anywhere. Would you like something to drink?" "Yes please. I would like some tea, if you have it." Celestia said with that graceful smile of her's. You know the one. "Okay, I'll get some tea started," I announced, retreating into the kitchen. Once alone in the kitchen, I sighed. Great, this was perfect. I really wasn't looking forward to talking with Celestia. She knew who the real Twilight was, and here she was ready to hang out with her precious student. Sure, I've spoken with her a couple of times before but never for very long. At most, we only spoke for about a minute before she made a break for it. Not so much this time, it seems. I'll need to be very careful about what I say around her. I rummaged around the cupboards and shelves for some tea stuff but found none. I looked in the fridge, but all that was there was various hay-versions of food I knew I liked and lots of orange juice. No tea. Oh shit. Celestia wants tea. I don't have tea. Celestia is going to be so angry with me. I just know it. The real Twilight wouldn't disappoint her like I would, and then she'll know that something's up. Once she knows that something's up, she'll tear up my ass like an unimportant paper in a shredder. I was panicking now. What do I do? How can I serve her tea if I have none!? Wait, that's it! There's a window in here! I'll just climb out the window, run out to the store for some tea, come back, and quickly brew it and make excuses for what took so long! Man, I'm a genius. I swiped a gemstone from the table and slid the window open, hopping out and breaking into a full sprint down the road. I think the guards spotted me sprinting away, and they snickered about something, but I didn't pay them any mind. In my record time of two minutes, I got to the store and exchanged a gemstone for a single box of teabags. With my new cargo in tow, I ran outside the store. I skid to a halt just before running into the familiar face of Rarity. She had a basket balanced on her back, presumably to buy some groceries before she found me. Judging by the slight glare, I'd say she was wanting to talk to me for some time. "Ah, I'm glad I ran into you, Twilight. I wanted to talk to you." "You don't say?" I asked, glancing past Rarity at the road home. "I do say. What would possess you to take the side of that excessive braggart, Trixie?" She demanded. I trotted impatiently in place, hoping she would take the hint that I was in a hurry. "What can I say? She's a friend! I help my friends!" "How could that brute of a unicorn possibly be your friend?" I gazed longingly past Rarity. I was going to be here for a while, wasn't I? "She helped me get over a few problems I had. She's cool like that." "Well, your 'cool' new friend turned my mane green." "So what? Green's a great color!" Rarity scoffed. "With my coat and complexion? You must be joking!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't see what the big deal is. So what, she gave you a dye-job." Rarity's glare intensified. "She humiliated me in front of the whole town!" "And you interrupted her show to slander her in front of an audience, what's your point?" "Slander? I'll have you know that she was boasting to an insufferable degree about her magic prowess!" "It's a magic show, Rarity. The whole point of the act is to make you believe that she's more powerful than she is." "And you expect us to sit idly by as she spout these horrendous lies?" "Yes! It's an act for entertainment purposes! If you're being offended by it, then you're missing the point of acting!" "Well, it's not a very pleasant act." I scraped my hooves down my face with impatience and frustration. I reached my limits. "Look, I'll gladly argue with you about this later, but I have to get back to the guest back at my house that I ditched real quick to get some tea. Nice talking to you, later, bye!" I sprinted off before Rarity could reply, barreling around the corner to the library. I passed by the guards again, one of them exchanging bits with the other for some reason, and began climbing inside the window, thankful that I was soon able to do what I needed. "Had a nice walk, Twilight?" Asked that regal voice, which I just learned could scare the crap out of you. She caught me halfway through the window. I smiled sheepishly at the princess. "Uhh, I found some tea, after all?" Celestia shook her head with a light chuckle. "Twilight, if you didn't have any tea, I would have understood perfectly. There's no need to trouble yourself like this." "Heh heh, I'll remember that next time." I promised. Celestia smiled with understanding. "I'll be waiting in the living room." Celestia walked out of the kitchen. I sighed with relief. Good, she wasn't angry or anything. Lucky for me that she was more forgiving than I expected. Maybe I was wrong about her? Now that I thought of it, I read a few headlines in the paper that contradicted my image for Celestia. Guzzling tea like she was at a frat party and wearing lampshades at formal parties was a far cry from the prim and proper image she supposedly has. Perhaps Celestia was just like the common folk, after all. I brewed up some tea and levitated it out to the living room, feeling more calm and relaxed about the presence of royalty. Celestia sat across from Trixie who was smiling nervously at the monarch. Spike sat next to Trixie on the couch, eying me smugly for some reason. I set the tea down on the table in the center of the room and took a seat apart from everyone else. Celestia observed me with an idle smile. "I must say you look to be in good shape, Twilight. Have you been exercising?" I nodded. "Yup. I've been going to the gym for a while now. I also can't forget about my runs." "It is good that you are more outgoing than usual. I'm glad to see you getting some fresh air for a change." Hmm, maybe if I pretend to have a banter with her, I can indirectly learn more about my persona. "Oh, I wasn't that bad. I got out sometimes." "No offense to you, Twilight, but the most exercise you got in Canterlot was carrying a fresh set of books from the library." Aw, I already know that I'm supposed to be a bibliophile. What else you got, princess? "Okay, so I was very private for a time. That's not so bad, is it?" "I suppose not, but it's still very fortunate that you opened up." "So... is it because you're glad I'm making friends, or because I helped save Equestria a couple of times?" "A little of Column A, a little of Column B." She admitted. I laughed politely at her unusually casual phrasing. "Yeah, I'm glad we saved Equestria, too." Celestia nodded and sipped from her teacup. She looked around the room, settling on the Toph statue I still had in the corner. "My, what a lovely statue. Where did you get it?" I admired my handiwork once again. "Ah, that. I don't wanna bore you with the details, but I made that with my magical power. Ain't no biggie." Celestia's smile widened at that. "So I take it you've been busy with your magic?" "You could say that." I answered. "How have your magic studies been going?" "Pretty good." "Have you lost heart at any point, perhaps?" Odd question. Was Twilight subject to discouragement? "No, I've actually gotten more into it now. You wouldn't believe some of the things you can do with magic." Celestia's expression softened. Weird, I didn't realize how tense she was until now. "That's good to hear. May I ask what kind of spells you've researched?" "Sure. I've mostly been focusing on battle magic for a little while. Most recently, I've learned how to summon constructs from the ground." Celestia's calm smile dropped to an expression of wary appraisal. "Why have you been studying battle magic?" I stiffened under her gaze. Who knew Celestia's frowns were so powerful? "Uh... well, I live in a town that borders the Everfree Forest. That's a good reason, right?" Celestia relaxed. "Ah yes, that makes sense. One wouldn't want to live near such a dangerous place without some guarantee of safety." Fluttershy's smiling face came to mind. Now that I thought of it, she was pretty hardcore for living right on its border. Maybe we should hang out some more? Spike spoke up for the first time in the conversation. "By the way, Twilight. Have you been getting into any more fights?" "That's a very good question, Spike." Celestia commended. "So? Have you been fighting, my faithful student?" I shot Spike a disapproving look for his ill-timed query. I was trying to make good with the princess, damn it! "Not since the Diamond Dogs, no." Celestia raised a curious eyebrow. "And you didn't 'beat them up more than necessary'?" "I think I reserve the right to be extremely furious when someone tries to take me and my friends into slavery." Celestia slowly looked to Spike. "I wasn't aware of that part." I looked between the two of them. Something was going on between them, but I didn't know what. Shaking her head, Celestia returned her focus to me. "Now I only have one more question for you. You seem to be more relaxed than usual. To be honest, I was expecting you to act more like your friend Trixie over there." I looked at Trixie, whose nervous smile returned as she muttered. "T-Trixie is f-fine! She's n-not nervous at all!" "Yeah, I see how one would expect me to be like that, but you said you had a question for me?" "Indeed I do. You were nervous enough earlier to sneak out and find some tea, yet you now have the presence of mind to hold a polite conversation with me without feeling overwhelmed. What changed?" "Just to clarify, do you want to know how I'm more casual in general or just recently?" "I'd like to hear both." I nodded. "Alright. Well, I suppose I'm more casual around you now that I came to the realization that you are nicer and more forgiving than royalty usually is. In fact, you seem to be much more casual than I expected considering your public demeanor." Celestia breathed a sigh of relief and slouched slightly in her chair. "Thank goodness that somepony finally noticed. It's often difficult to live up to those regal expectations at every hour, every day." "Yeah, pretending can be fun for a little while, but it gets dull pretty quickly." I agreed with a little more understanding than she realized. Then again, her surprised look told another story. "You sound like you're speaking from experience. Don't tell me your bookish and studious tendencies were all just an act!" Celestia declared in disbelief. Grateful for Celestia's phrasing, I jumped at the chance to retcon Twilight's entire past. "Guilty as charged. I'm more for hanging out, nowadays." Celestia leaned forward with interest. "Really? Is there a friendship lesson in this?" "I suppose so. If there is one thing my friends have taught me over the past months, it's that one must stay true to themselves. Long term lies ultimately hurt relationships." I said, the words ringing hallow in my head. Celestia smiled. "Well spoken, Twilight. On the subject of falsehoods, I feel that I must reveal the purpose for my being here. You see, Spike asked me to come here." I glanced curiously at Spike, who stared with anticipation at Celestia. "Really? What for?" "He seems to be under the impression that something happened to you. He asked me to come and make a determination about your behavior, fearing that you are an imposter." Celestia announced. I hid my shock behind a mask of calm. So Spike figured me out. "I see. What reason is there to doubt my authenticity?" "Reason one: Twilight is unusually calm as of late." She listed. "You did panic earlier which contradicts this reasoning, though you explained that you are more calm now because you understand that I am more forgiving than ponies give me credit for. "Reason two: Twilight has been more aggressive. This I understand, for you were being provoked by severe circumstances. "Reason three: Twilight no longer likes magic. The way you spoke about magic does not support this premise. You spoke about your magic as if it were a paintbrush used by an artist, and I doubt there is a painter who hates their tools. "Reason four: You swear an awful lot. This I have heard from you, but I remember you went through a strenuous ordeal at the time. You are being quite open with me, and you have not spoken a single swear. More than likely, Spike just heard you interject a bad word in frustration and overreacted. "In short, I think that there is nothing wrong. You have simply changed, Twilight. You are more open about your feelings, and Spike wasn't used to the 'new you'. I believe that you simply must spend some more time together and really come to understand one another." "WHAT!?" Spike declared in disbelief. "But she's acting completely different than usual!" "I feel that we've already established the reason for Twilight's behavior." Celestia reminded. Spike was stubbornly sticking to his guns, so I elected to bring up something that raised serious doubts about his claims. "Spike, weren't you reading a sci-fi novel just a few weeks ago? Wasn't it about body-snatchers or something?" Celestia raised a brow at Spike. "Is that so? I have a feeling I know why Spike is so interested in this matter." "B-but..." Spike stuttered, his arguments catching in his throat. Celestia shook her head. "It's quite alright. I understand the paranoia one feels after reading such a story, but you must realize that those are just tales of fiction. They are not real, nor will they ever be real." Celestia stood from her seat. "It was nice to see you both and meet your friend, but I must be going. I still have my duties to Equestria to attend to." "Thanks for stopping by. This was an enlightening conversation." I said. "Perhaps we should have another visit under more casual circumstances." She proposed. "In any case, it was nice to see you. And miss Trixie, I hope to speak to you again. Maybe the next time we meet you'll be able to say something?" Trixie nervously nodded. With a wave from me and a friendly farewell from the princess, Celestia left the library. I heard a brief murmur from outside as the princess left Ponyville in her chariot, but things settled down soon afterwards. Trixie breathed a sigh of relief. "Great. Trixie believes she will go lie down for a minute." "But you talk in front of large groups of ponies all the time. Surely a tiny chat with Celestia wasn't that bad?" I asked. Trixie glared at me as if her answer was obvious. "Most ponies are not princesses." "I take it you're nervous around royalty?" "No!" Trixie quickly replied jumping up to her hooves. "Trixie fears nopony! She just needs time to... recover from her ordeal, that's all." I nodded my understanding but made no effort to show how little I believed her. "Okay, have a nice nap." "Trixie doesn't nap, she meditates!" She corrected. "Right, what was I thinking?" I replied sarcastically. Trixie didn't even acknowledge my sarcasm and walked upstairs to the guest room. By the way, my house has a guest room. With Celestia and Trixie gone, that left me and Spike alone. Spike looked understandably nervous considering he just tried to get Celestia on my case. This left me with a dilemma. Spike just demonstrated that he knew my secret and he was going to be a thorn in my side. I got lucky this time, but I doubted I could outplay Spike for long. Something had to be done. Spike would continue to undermine me until the secret is out and I couldn't let that happen. What could I possibly do, though? There wasn't much I was willing to do for the sake of convenience in this case, but I had to nip this problem in the bud. Then I remembered my trump card and specialty: bluffing. I mean, I could lock him in the basement, but I like my other plan better. So I sat closer to Spike and prepared for another dose of lies. First, the setup. "You really think I'm some kind of imposter, huh?" Spike scooted further away from me. "Y-yeah. So what are you going to do to me?" "Nuthin'." "Huh?" I shrugged. "You didn't do anything wrong, Spike. You were just mistaken about my identity, that's all. I figure I owe you an explanation for my behavior though, don't I?" Spike nodded. "Yeah?" "You see me with those glasses of water I drink while I read, right?" "Uh huh?" Then I proceeded to do what every alcoholic does: blame alcohol. "What makes you think it was water I was drinking?" Spike glared flatly. "You mean to tell me that you're drinking something else?" "Yup. At all hours of the day, you can find me drinking from bottles of scotch I hid all around the library." Spike stared at me for a few moments and shrugged. "Sure, that makes sense." I patted him on the shoulder. "Yeah, so don't worry. I'm acting different not because I'm a shape-shifter or something; I'm just drunk." Spike seemed to accept my answer. "Okay, I understand. Sorry for trying to get you into trouble." "Don't worry about it. We all make mistakes." ------------------------------------------------------------------- In the early afternoon, Trixie and Twilight left the library. When the door closed, Spike snorted in frustration. "She's drunk all the time"? How dumb did she think he is? Spike knew better than to buy into that bologna. That day marked a serious stumbling block on his path to success. If this imposter could fool Celestia, then the real Twilight was in serious trouble. It could be a very long time before he ever saw Twilight again unless he found some way to unveil this monster. Spike needed help, and he needed to find somepony who could. The question remained: who among Twilight's friends trusted her the least?