The Pony and the Wolf

by LoneW01fDusko

Chapter 1: Beauty met the Beast

It was a busy Saturday afternoon in Ponyville as many ponies from different parts of Equestria we're catching up with some of their friends while eating salad sandwiches, and foals playing tag with one another and some going to Hayburger Queen with their parents while playing with a happy meal toy, and a pink party pony was spreading joy in the afternoon by throwing after birthday parties and giving out free balloons to any filly or colt that walked by.
Applejack was making a bundle of bits for her apple farm, not one customer refused to pay and the apple treats had tasted extra good even the visitors from Canterlot loved the sweet apple goodness.
The weather team had planned a beautiful cloudless day, the birds whistling a gentle soft tune while flying with their families, all around Ponyville. While everypony in town was enjoying the afternoon, a certain white unicorn with an elegant purple mane and tail along with a purple baby dragon who was hauling a cart filled with sparkly gems, as the mare's gem finding spell had led them into the dark, dingy and scary Everfree forest.

"come along Spike there are more gems over here" said the white unicorn in a soft ladylike voice.

"I'm coming Rarity" Spike spoke in a eager excited tone.

Spike caught up to Rarity and set down the cart, his mouth watering just from the clinking of jewels in the cart as they sparkled

"did you find more gems where are they," Spike said still in his excited tone

"yes Spike right over there" Rarity said pointing with her forehoof to where the pile of gems were.

Spike ran towards the area where Rarity pointed and with no hesitation he started digging not knowing they were being watched, as the bushes started to rustle which caught Spike's eye which made him stop digging, Rarity looked down to the little dragon and wondered why he stopped digging.

"Spike is something wrong" Rarity spoke in a worrisome tone.

Spike quickly snapped out of his concentration from the bushes as he shook his head repeatedly.

"huh what..." Spike replied as he began to focus on Rarity "I thought I saw something move in those bushes" he continued as he pointed at bushes.

Rarity looked forward at the bushes where Spike was pointing and saw nothing, but she noticed the air started to turn chilly as her body began to shiver from the cold air.

"it's ok wittle Spikey Wikey just dig up this last batch of gems and we'll get out of this dreadful forest" Rarity spoke as she put her hoof on Spike's shoulder.

So Spike continued digging and then the rustling of the bushes started again, he took a quick glance as he still continued to dig but his nose caught a foul stench he had smelled before which made him nervous, he then dug a lot faster and grabbed the large pile of gems and threw them onto the cart.

"ok thats all the gems now we can get out of here right" Spike said as he looked nervously at the bushes again as they began to rustle again which made him jump again so he quickly went to Rarity, while holding the handle for the cart as he was about to speak to her a loud growl from the bushes caught they're attention and a whole pack of timber wolves jumped out the bushes snarling and growling, Spike froze in fear while Rarity grabbed Spike by the spade tip of his tail with her teeth and flung him on her back and she ran as fast as she could her hooves pounding on the ground the timberwolves in hot pursuit of them.

Deeper into the Everfree Forest above the top of the highest cliff; there was another wolf but it wasn't a timber wolf, it was a Everfreeian grey wolf, with ice blue grey fur, light yellow markings where its face was and paws, and a piece of red fur on the top of it's head coming down to it's neck.
yeah that's me my name is Dusko, I've been a lone wolf all my life never had a pack or a family to call my own well the pack I was born in... well they didn't really approve about my decision. wait you wanna know my story, well ok, I was only young still just an innocent pup it all started when a couple of ponies had invaded our lands most of the pack were killed and...


A high ear splitting scream was ringing in Dusko's ears, he reached to the top part of the cliff and also heard growls which were as loud as thunder.

"timberwolves" he growled.

Dusko wasted no time and jumped down the cliff by using his claws for grip as he slid down and as he got down to the bottom he leapt to the ground running as fast as he could jumping over small streams leaping into rivers and swimming to the other side, he showed no signs of giving up he was determined to save the innocent soul from the timberwolves.
Dusko jumped out of the water not even bothered to shake the excess water off his fur, as he continued running, he could tell he was getting closer by the sound of the timberwolves growls and snarls, oh and not to forget the screaming he could tell one scream was defiantly female because of its feminine tone, he could tell he wasn't that far so Dusko decided to climb up a tree to see how far he was, he climbed to the highest branch and what he saw was the strangest thing,

"is that... a dragon on that... pony's back huh" he spoke quietly as he tilted his head in confusion.

known the less he carried on as he jumped down and landed on a huge rock but he decided to take a little shortcut up the hill so he could get to them quicker as he continued on the face of determination and willing he showed as he ran, climbed and jumped.

Rarity was in panic she didn't want to die by timberwolves, even the thought of looking for gems in the Everfree now just sounded foolish to her knowing it was the beginning of Spring and so the timberwolves would be out hunting. Anyway she then continued to run but was then was trapped by a dead end.

"oh no we're trapped what are we gonna do!!! we're doomed" Spike screamed in panic.

Rarity thought a moment and levitated Spike with her magic to the top of the ledge and as soon Spike's feet touch the high ground, a mysterious figure had leapt above jumping down to the timberwolves, the wolf had landed in front of Rarity snarling and growling at the timberwolves.

Dusko glanced at the white unicorn with a raised eyebrow and then turned back to the timberwolves who were not pleased seeing how a wolf was stopping them from getting their pray, Dusko launched at wolves biting and snapping at their stick limbs.
Rarity was in shock a wolf was saving her life, she then turned to Spike who was watching this wolf defending them until Rarity had levitated a stick to poke Spike out of his concentration Spike shook is head and focused on Rarity.

"Spike go get some vine so I can climb up" Rarity spoke glancing at the wolf who was defending them.

"ok Rarity I'll be back shortly I promise" Spike said boldly as he ran off to find some piece of vine.

"Be careful Spikey Wikey" Rarity shouted as she cringed nervously looking at the wolf who was fighting viciously to protect her.

Dusko pounced on to the timberwolves biting them trying to tear them to pieces until one of them tore a chunk of flesh from his left foreleg that led to the bone and the timber wolf threw Dusko to the wall where Rarity was, he quickly got up not trying to notice how much pain he was in, he looked at Rarity and notice concern for him in her eyes but a timberwolf was able to scratch his face and leaving a bloody cut above his left eye.
He then quickly moved his body in a more defensive position as he shielded Rarity from the timberwolves and growled at them while snapping his teeth to warn them off until he got an idea, he looked up to the top ledge and noticed that dragon had come back with a piece of vine.
So he hurled Rarity onto his back and used his claws to climb up to the top of the ledge, placed Rarity onto the ground and no sooner he did Spike ran to her wrapping his little arms around her.

Dusko glanced with a raised eyebrow in confusion and curiosity and then turned his attention was drawn to the timberwolves trying to reach at them, he let out a glare as he growled to warn them off again and then grabbed the piece of vine in his mouth and leapt onto the tree that was behind the timberwolves and very unexpectedly a blue magical aura had held of the vine he then looked towards where the magical aura was coming from and found it was that white unicorn he gestured with his paws to tie the vine around the tree and he jumped back to them and smirked at the timberwolves as he grabbed the other end of the vine with his mouth and pulled the vine and he had help with the dragon and the white unicorn helping him pulling the tree down, the tree began to crack and tilted forward.

Rarity wondered what this wolf was doing as he gestured to her to help him, while her and Spike still pulled the vine to make the tree fall she caught a glance at the creature as he jumped onto the tree next to the cracked tree and then on to several others until he got on below ground and took off running, and started heading towards the cracked tilted tree and climbed onto the trunk of the tree and leaned in and pressed his weight onto it, the timberwolves were starting to climb up the ledge and Rarity and Spike quickly moved backwards leaving Dusko to do it on his own as he glanced towards them and the timberwolves and let out a little gasp and used all his strength on the cracked tilted tree and the pressure from his weight pressure the tree began to crush onto the timberwolves smashing them into tiny pieces of sticks.

Dusko let out a large exhale while wiping his forehead as he looked at the stick remains of his rival cousins as he let out a smirk. Rarity and Spike on the hand could only stare at the wolf, curious on how he was smirking at the vicious beasts remains.
Dusko stopped and saw the two beings staring at him, he then jumped off the tree and climbed to the top of the ledge as he noticed a hoof reach out to him as he was about to climb up, he stared at the hoof with a raised eyebrow showing confusion on his face until he let out a little growl and Rarity backed off as he scowled at Rarity and Spike.
he got up and slowly walked towards Rarity becoming an inch close to her as he smelled a weird fragrance on her that he couldn't describe but it made him scrunch his nose up just by one whiff of her, he then stepped back.

"what are you doing here" Dusko spoke in his rustic husky tone.

Rarity was speechless she never expected this creature to talk, but not only that he could speak but she could understand what he was saying, since she heard different species from the Everfree didn't communicate or even speak the same language, after her confusing thought the wolf frowned at her like he was waiting for a reply.

"uh hello there mister uh... Wolf I'm Rarity and this is my friend Spike" she spoke nervously as she grinned, Spike gave a nervous smile as the wolf looked at him.

Dusko scowled again yes it was nice to know they're names but he wanted to know what they we're doing the the forest.

"Answer my question!... What are you doing in the Everfree forest" he looked at them his scowl turning into a little frown.

"Me and Spike we're looking for gems and I'd thought there might be some ancient gems in the forest so I could take them back to my boutique so I could use them for a brand new fashion line I'm creating for a client" Rarity explained.

Dusko raised an eyebrow as he had no idea what she was talking but he shrugged it off thinking it was just a silly pony thing.

"I'll escort you out the forest" he said, Rarity was about to follow until Spike grabbed her by the tail and pointed out.

"what about all the gems we found and the cart" Spike exclaimed, Rarity looked worried as Dusko frowned at them 'sigh' "hide into that abandoned cave and wait until I return with your gems" he spoke as he limbed to find their cart.
A few minutes had past and Dusko returned with the cart still filled to the top with gems, Rarity and Spike peeked out of the cave and noticed he had returned as they walked up towards him.

"oh thank you mr... do you have a name" Rarity said curiously.

Dusko let go of the handle of the cart as he saw the little dragon known as Spike grabbing the handle of the cart he then turned his attention to Rarity and snickered at her question.

"of course I have a name... it's Dusko" he frowned as he began to walk them back to Ponyville.

On the walk to their town, Dusko was thinking to himself saying why did he save this pony and her friend, why was it him that saved them, all these things floated about in his mind he then took a quick glance at the mare as she was keeping an eye on Spike so he wouldn't eat any of those gems, but Dusko couldn't help but just stare in wonderment and curiosity, on how this baby dragon and this pony are friends.
Rarity was walking behind Dusko and felt the need to repay him for saving her and Spike, until she glimpsed down to his left front leg which was dripping with blood, and thought of a crazy generous idea.

The trio made it to the entrance of Ponyville, night had risen and Spike was shocked as he had to get back to Twilight, so he put down the cart next to Rarity as he was about to speak.

"wow it's late I best be getting back home to Twilight" he said as he ran to the Ponyville library.

Rarity and Dusko watched the little dragon run until he was completely out of sight, Rarity turned to Dusko concerned about his leg and thinking of her offer for him after he saved her life.

"thank you again for saving me and Spike" she spoke very gratefully.

"it's no problem..." Dusko replied as he then turned to his badly injured leg and began to lick it and started to turn back into the forest until.

"wait!!!" Rarity yelled out, Dusko turned his head in confusion "in honour to repay you how about I take you in so I can fix your leg up" she responded with a generous smile.

"Did I hear that right or is she going completely bonkers, take me into a town full of ponies, into her home so she can help me with my injured leg?..."

Dusko stared at Rarity confused about her offer, Rarity tensed up a bit as he stared right into her sapphire blue eyes but somehow she knew he wasn't gonna hurt her, but Dusko didn't seem to understand no-one or no pony for that matter would never help out a wild animal.

"why should I trust you" he frowned as he backed away from the fashionista.

"why should I have trusted you... you might of just fought those timberwolves so you could do what your predator instincts tell you and attack me and Spike.

If there was something he wasn't keen on it, living up to his carnivore predator instincts especially on ponies it just didn't seem to suit the Everfreeian wolf taking an innocent life seemed so wrong thinking about they're family and friends who would miss them made Dusko very depressed though eating another animal seemed fine to him, maybe thats why his birth pack left him at such a young age he didn't know probably. He then frowned at Rarity growling and shouted.

"don't you dare mistake me for a timber wolf" he growled staring right into Rarity's eyes, he then back away again and snickered "good point but say I was gonna go along with your offer, that you keep your promise that I shall leave as soon as my leg is healed" he said curiously.

After Dusko spoke Rarity felt nervous when Dusko yelled at her, like she offended him and him saying she mistaken him for a timber wolf, which confused because she thought all types of wolves were the same.

"oh I'm sorry if I offended mr Dusko... But yes you can go back to the Everfree" Rarity smiled, Dusko looked at the Everfree and then back to Rarity.

"Let me think about it..." he looked onwards into the forest and then turned back to Rarity.

"If you hear a howl like this" he spoke as he got ready to howl.

During his howl, Rarity couldn't believe how beautiful his howl was it wasn't like a timberwolves, no his was full of passion and it was as sweet like a melodic harmony tune he could let the wind flow around him like if his howl was magic.

"go back to your town for now and when you hear that howl meet me here" Dusko spoke sounding firm and bold as he limbed towards deeper into the forest but before he got about 5 inches towards the forest, he glanced behind and noticed a gem was being levitated in a blue magical aura as he stopped and lifted up his good paw and let the gem be placed onto his paw he then turned to Rarity and slightly smiled.

"if you don't want me to help with your injured leg then at least take this as a token of my gratitude" she said in an elegant graceful tone.

"thank you miss Rarity" Dusko replied as he let out a smile and carried the gem with his mouth and continued to walk on into the forest, Rarity went on her way and was thinking what decision he would make.

At the top of Everfree peak was Dusko his leg heavily bleeding and his left eye was starting to swell, he lay down at top looking onward towards Ponyville while licking his injured leg as he thought deeply about Rarity's offer.

'sigh' "I can't do this can I??..." he thought as stopped licking his left leg and gazed at the moon.

"what decision shall I choose" he spoke out loud to the moon.

Your probably wondering why I'm talking to the moon, well we Everfreeians or any other tribal related creatures have a mythological legend that has gone on for generations, and it all began when ancient earth pony tribes had a ancient ritual that can help to communicate with the moon by drawing a symbol of the moon and embracing the moon's light while speaking the words of the night. But creatures like wolves reflect in the moons illuminating light which makes the breeze howl the moons whispering wise words, sounds confusing and strange I know but I like to call it a instinctual superstition.

A soothing breeze had flourished into the air from the moon coming down onto Dusko, as the breeze blew around him Dusko closed his eyes and listened to the wise whispering of the breeze from the moon.

"I don't understand. What are you trying to say" Dusko said directly to the moon.

Another gust of breeze had flourished towards Dusko his ears twitching from the breeze whispers of the moon, as he glanced at the dancing leaves that were flourishing with the breeze as they flew around his injured leg and back towards his ears he then opened his eyes and looked over the distance towards Ponyville.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" he spoke with grief but he knew his leg weren't gonna heal without help, and began to let out a strong howl.

Rarity had made it back to her Boutique and notice a sleeping unicorn filly on her step, she then set aside the cart with gems but the clinking from the gems had awoken the sleeping filly.

"huh?... who's there" said the little filly squinting her eyes open, until some candles were lit and the light had hurt her eyes from her sleepy state.

After rubbing her eyes she noticed her big sister Rarity and jumped towards her and hugged her big sister tight.

"Oh Rarity I was so scared you wouldn't come home," the filly said hugging Rarity, Rarity smiled and wrapped her hoof around the filly who started to cry tears of joy.

"It's alright Sweetie Belle I'm here now" Rarity said comforting her little sister.

Sweetie Belle let go of her sister and noticed Rarity was walking to her first aid box, picking it up off her shelf with her telekinesis and as she opened it she checked through what was in it and whether she had enough.

"bandages, disinfected... mmm only one plaster... I guess I can get help from Fluttershy since she loves helping out animals" Rarity murmured as she noticed Sweetie Belle was still watching her with a confused expression her face.

"Um Rarity?... What are you doing" said by the confused little filly, before Rarity could say anything she put her forehoof around Sweetie Belle's shoulder and led her towards the stairs until.

Rarity looked back at the window and her eyes widened when she heard that howl, she knew it was his, due to it's soft soothingness, Rarity quickly composed herself.

"Sweetie Belle go back to bed I'll explain everything in the morning" Rarity smiled as she glanced at the door.

The little filly had done what she was told but as she walked up the stairs, she caught a glimpse of her big sister running out and looked at her with a suspicious look of confusion but none the less Sweetie Belle did as she was told but was still curious.

Before going to the Everfree Rarity made a stop at Fluttershy's cottage; the cottage was small but cozy filled with birdhouses and burrows where all the animals would sleep the roof of the cottage was a flat rounded moss surface which kept it nice and dry.
Inside the cottage the whole decor reflected everything the resident of the property loved, more birdhouses hung from above, there were shelves of books titled how to handle different species of animal, and books about all behaviours of different animals.
Up the stairs was a single bedroom, sleeping the bed was an adorable yellow pegasus mare with a long flourishing pink mane and tail who's sleeping peacefully, until a loud knock on her door had startled her from peaceful slumber.

'yawn' "who could that be... It's still dark" the shy pegasus said in a quiet soft gentle tone.

She gets out of bed rubbing her eyes with her fore hooves and started to walk down the stairs towards the front door, and as she opened it slowly it was somepony she would of never expected.

"Rarity... it's a bit late isn't it" Fluttershy spoke still rubbing her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Fluttershy but I need your help" Rarity explained as she looked exhausted from the day she had, she was more exhausted than that day she had to redo her friends Gala dresses.

"Can't it wait until morn..." she was then interrupted.

"Fluttershy there's a creature who is in dire need of medical attention and I need your help to treat his injuries" Rarity spoke looking desperate.

Fluttershy's eyes widened as she moved her right forehoof over her mouth and gasped "oh dear the poor thing" she spoke sounding worried for the poor creature Rarity spoke about.

"So that's why I need your help" Rarity said with a smile.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and quietly sighed "ok I'll do it. so what's the plan" she spoke curiously but also willing knowing she was gonna help a poor creature.

"Ok then... if you have any spare medical supplies then bring them" Rarity spoke very firmly since she was in a hurry to get to Dusko.

Fluttershy didn't know what to think that seemed in a hurry to help this creature and she couldn't argue about that especially if a poor innocent animal needed help, she grabbed most of her badages, ointments, plasters and disinfected all in her saddlebags and headed out with Rarity.

It had been a few minutes and Dusko was waiting outside of the forest, he started to feel weak due to the massive amount of blood loss also he started to feel sick from the horrendous amount of blood, his eye was blowing up like a balloon he could barely open it, also due to the state he was in gave him a head banging migraine which felt like to hammers were banging down on his skull.

"what's taking her so long" he wondered glancing all directions.

Ok it wouldn't surprise me if she went back on her offer and decided she wasn't going to help me I mean who would help a wolf anyway, or maybe she went to tell the equestrian authorities to capture me and possibly experiment on me or worse even kill me.
Wait what I'm saying she didn't seem the type to do that, plus it was her idea to take me in, so why I'm thinking like that snap out of it Dusky.
Dusko used his right paw to slap him out of his crazy talk and ended hitting his swollen eye.

"AHHHH!!!" he screamed from the agonising pain from that hit.

"Ok that was not smart" he spoke out loud clenching his eye as he winced in agony as his eye began to run filled with water that started flowing out like a river.

he was about to open his eyes until he saw two blurry silhouettes of one pony. Wait what two ponies now, Dusko was about to panic since he was too weak to run away and since his vision was blurred he couldn't tell which one was Rarity.

"Rarity" he spoke as he fell to the floor, seeing nothing but blurry surroundings.

Off in the distance Rarity and Fluttershy saw Dusko on the ground and quickly sprinted towards him, Fluttershy was about to be in tears as she was in shock in the condition he was in, and not to mention how much pain he must be in.

"So this wolf got into this state because he protected you and Spike from timberwolves" she spoke looking horrified.

"Thats right..." she then returned her attention to Dusko and she was also in shock cause how bad he looked "Dusko, Dusko, oh dear Fluttershy let's get him back to your place since it's closer" Rarity spoke as she used her telekinesis to place Dusko on her's and Fluttershy's back.

"good idea... I guess" she began to feel a bit uncomfortable not about bringing a wolf into her home, but more like what would her little critters think and Harry the bear would probably attack the wolf.

The two mares had walk back to the cottage with the unconscious wolf on they're backs, as they reached for the cottage door Rarity opened it with her magic and gently hovered Dusko on some cushy pillows next to the fireplace, and lit all the candle lights to light the place up, while Fluttershy got out her medical supplies and started cleaning Dusko's wound on his leg first.
At first she started gently rubbing a cloth with disinfected on his leg as he let out a loud growl.

Dusko's eyes bursted open as he growled from the pain and confusion, glared at Fluttershy who seem to be staring him down which only confused even more.

"huh?... why are you staring at me like that" he spoke raising an eyebrow confused on what this pegasus was doing.

"Fluttershy I don't think using your stare on Dusko is going to work" Rarity pointed out as she saw Dusko not reacting like the pegasus's animals.

Dusko turned his head and saw Rarity "Stare... what are you ponies talking about" looking at the two mares in front of him.

Fluttershy continued tending to Dusko wounds,while Rarity comforted him, Dusko on the other hand felt like his life was falling apart he felt like he was being domesticated and thinking to himself why he agreed to this idea.
But it didn't matter he had a good feeling from these ponies and started to think "some ponies aren't all bad" he thought as he let out a smile.