Day and Night

by Dark_Soliloquy

The Sister I Love

"Lu... Luna?" Dream-Celestia asked. "Why... How are you here?"

Luna smiled sadly. "Even on the moon, I can still enter dreams."

"You... Can enter other ponies' dreams?"

Luna laughed, but it was strained. Even so, Celestia hadn't heard Luna even fake a laugh in a long time. "I guess I have not told you much, lately. I have more skills than you think." She smiled slightly mischievously. "But nopony notices me, I guess," Her smile faded. "They're too busy worrying about you." Luna tried to mask her bitter tone.

"Luna, you're their princess. They love you!" Dream-Celestia said.

"No, Tia, you're their princess. Haven't you seen how they look at you, compared to how they look at me?" Luna paused. "But we... We digress. I know you have been struggling, sister. I've seen your nightmares. I wanted to warn you-" Luna's form started to fade.

"Luna? What's happening?" Dream-Celestia reached out to touch her sister.

"Don't! I'm just an image. You're waking up. I wanted to tell you something that will help you block out-"

Then Celestia woke with a start, and she never found out what Luna was about to tell her.


Things went along smoothly for several months, but Celestia never saw Luna in one of her dreams again. But that was alright, after all, that voice in her head was silent for the most part. As the days went on, the day Celestia had been dreading was approaching: The Summer Sun Celebration. It was the anniversary of when she banished Luna to the moon. And she definitely did NOT need a reminder. Why did ponies have to create this holiday?

"Princess, we can't just 'skip' the Summer Sun Celebration!" Silver Suit, the royal adviser, said. "Think of your subjects! They would not take it well."

"I know, Silver, but I just... Can't do it. I never wanted them to celebrate Nightmare Moon's defeat! I never agreed to this." Celestia said flatly.

"And it would be lovely if you could enlighten me on your reasons?" Silver Suit said curtily.

Celestia grew impatient. "Last time I checked, Silver Suit, I was the Princess here." She glared at Silver. Celestia felt her anger rise, but she held it in.

"Yes, I know, but I just want what's best for the kingdom!" Silver looked taken aback and pranced huffily away.

He's not the boss of you, Celestia. Why don't you-

How many times do I have to tell you to be SILENT!


At last the day was here. Celestia was wearing the finest silk gown embroidered with gold ribbon and a ruby trim, with a matching crown. She tried to keep a smile on her face, but her thoughts kept trailing to the night of Luna's banishment. The crowd, however, did not seem to care about anything but their precious princess raising the sun, and lowering the daunting moon.

Silver Suit stepped up to the platform which Celestia stood and cleared his throat. "Today we celebrate our great ruler's triumph against NIghtmare Moon!" He paused while the crowd stomped their hooves in delight. "And now, Princess Celestia will raise the sun to remind us of her victory!"

Celestia noticed how Silver purposely left out the part about Nightmare Moon being Princess Luna, and more importantly her sister. She let out an obvious sigh and raised the sun. The crowd cheered louder than ever.

Oh, what a lovely holiday. Having good memories, Celestia?

"Why did they have to celebrate this?" Celestia whispered under her breath.