Blue Eyes, Black feathers

by cmg12344

Chapter 4 "Breakfast"

We were in bunks. My eyes fluttered, letting the moonlight shine on my eye slits and I woke up to two blue eyes boring into me!

"Gah!" I yelled in surprise, falling out of bed

Thank Celestia I was on the bottom bunk. I growled, and demanded,

"What was that for?!"

Shriek Spear looked hurt, starting to walk out of the room.

"Sorry, I was trying to wake you up..."

I shook my head, and felt my head, feeling around for bruises. Nope! Just my mane, and my horn.
Wait... My horn! I screamed, and shoved my head in a pillow, diving back in bed. Shriek Spear ran back inside and asked worriedly,

"What's wrong!?"

I pulled the covers over my head and left a hole for me to look at her.

"N-Nothing! Just a little... hyper?" I laughed weakly

Shriek Spear tried to come closer, asking,

"Are you sure? I can get Officer CharmMane if you're feeling sick, or something."

"No! No, no," I insisted, nudging her away with a hoof "I'm alright, really!"

She shrugged, and said,

"Its almost time for breakfast, you should come 'n meet the others."

I nodded franticly, and she stepped out of the room. I let out a sigh, thinking tiredly,

Ugh, How did Luna's spell go again?
I tried to light up my own horn, concentrating on myself as a regular bat-pony. I closed my eyes tightly,
and felt as if I was free from something. Like a weight taken off my back, so I could breathe. I was never good at
magic in the first place, so when I felt my hoof to my head, horn taking away-ing was probably a very simple spell.

I galloped out the door, running down a set of cobblestone stairs, and stumbling onto my face, my legs splayed out awkwardly
in front of eight other mares and stallions. My face reddened, and I got up to my hooves, trying to keep my dignity. A tall tan stallion with
green eyes, lent me a hoof. I smiled, taking it, embarrassed that I needed help from anypony to get to my feet.

"'Morning Crazy-Hooves." He chuckled,

"Hi..." I replied nervously,

Shriek Spear made an 'oooooh!' sound, clamping her hooves over her fanged mouth.
The other bat-ponies turned back to their breakfast, almost in annoyance. I shushed her with a look, and the stallion pulled my hoof close, pressing it to his sticky lips.

"A pleasure to meet you, m'lady."

I pulled it away, faking a vague smile.

"Dito... Hehe... You are?" I asked

"Sir Charm-Mane, this troop's Officer and you?"

"Axis Heart-Catcher." I replied, trying to be a bit more friendly

He paused for a moment,

"Axis...Heart-Catcher you say," He paused yet again, tasting the words on his tongue, "Heart-Catcher indeed."

I blushed, and folded my ears down, still embarrassed by his 'Charming' words.
I heard a disappointed whimper in the back ground, but I ignored it, even if Shriek was getting impatient by the second,

"Axis! Over here!"

I looked back into CharmMane's deep...hypnotic...forest green eyes. Shut up! He was an officer.

"I've gotta go. It was great to meet you though." I sighed, beginning to trot off, "Bye..."

"Good day Fair Axis." he said in return, walking off

I sighed, and sat down next to Shriek.

"Haha! Looks like somepony got bit by the Love-Bug." she giggled

I nudged her playfully.

"Charmmane? No way. He's an officer remember? Plus, ughh He's way too..."

"Charming?" she suggested

"Yeah..." I sighed dreamily, but I sat up, slapped myself (much to Shriek Spear's surprise) and thought,

No. I'm here to learn to achieve my job. Not a Colt-friend!