MLDC: Firestorm Crisis

by Michael_Ravencroft

Entry 8: Our Little Secret

By Monday it was all anyone could talk about, the fight between the two inferno girls and the psycho inferno man. Every source imaginable, the news stations, the web, radio, everywhere, streamed crappy cellphone footage along with actual news caught video of the fight, it was the headline of every media outlet.

At Canterlot High it was the subject of debate and heated talks all day long. Despite the chaos of the past two days, the school board decided not to close the schools, it would only give credence to the strange happenings and make the students worry. A sense of normalcy was needed, so school was kept open, even though the teachers had a hell of a time keeping the attention of the teenagers. When lunch came around, six girls in particular sat at their usual table, one of which was feeling a little bit embarrassed at their attention.

“Really girls, I’m alright,” said Twilight.

“You can hardly blame us for worrying darling! You were practically alone with Sunset Shimmer for three nights and two days, and to top of it all off, you both were in the middle of the insanity that happened downtown!” Rarity blurted out.

Applejack sighed heavily. “Gave me a fright when Ah heard about it too. Funny, never thought Sunset Shimmer would actually help y’all in a crisis like that. Seems like the kinda gal to cut the rope and let ya fall.”

Twilight had to admit, that was a little irritating to hear. Maybe it was because of their shared power, or just how much the heat of battle helped them to bond a little, but Twilight didn’t like hearing that Sunset was a coward.

“Applejack, she risked her life to get me out of there! My Dad’s car is charbroiled, but Sunset was the one who helped keep me calm while all that chaos was going on!” Twilight argued.

The five girls blinked in surprise of the amount of conviction behind her words. “Alright, simmer down Twi, Ah didn’t mean nothin’ by it. Don’t get me wrong though, Ah’m glad she was able to put whatever grudge she has against ya away and help ya.”

“Um…if you don’t mind, how was it? Having Sunset Shimmer at your house?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight smiled, Fluttershy having asked a less harrowing topic. “Well, it was nice. She’s really smarter than most give her credit for.”

“I figured Principal Celestia just put you two together as some strange way to make you guys be friends, that, or her grades were so bad that she needed this project to get them up,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Nah, that’s more your shtick RD.” Applejack commented while sipping some apple juice.

“So what did you two do at night?! Did you stay up late and watch sci-fi movies or horror movies?! Did you totally pig out on pizza and ice cream?!” Pinkie Pie asked with her usual amount of enthusiasm.

Twilight giggled. “Not really…Sunset’s not into slumber parties. We just mainly talked, ate some dinner with my parents, did a little more work, and then went to bed.”

Pinkie’ expression deadpanned. “Wow, that’s uninteresting. I would’ve pictured Sunset as more of a wild thing at night, or at least someone who was into partying hard.” At that moment Pinkie’s expression changed to reflect inspiration had struck. “Oh, oh, we should totally invite her to our next Slumber Party!”

“WHAT?!!!” Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash nearly shouted.

“No way Pinks, we don’t want someone like Sunset ruining the vibe. She’d probably just brood in a corner or just be a total downer. She might not even want to come!” Rainbow thought about that for a moment. “Actually go ahead and invite her, she’ll say no anyway.”

“Well…she might if Twilight asks her,” said Fluttershy absentmindedly.

Twilight spluttered her drink and nearly choked. “*cough* Why would she come if I asked? *cough*”


“Go on Fluttershy,” said Rarity as she placed a hand on the pink haired girl’s shoulder.

“I just think…after hearing how she’s been around you, maybe she’s trying to be better? Trying to make friends?”

The rest of the group took a moment to digest that. True, Sunset Shimmer didn’t have any friends, to be honest, she had more enemies than she did friends, but that was mostly her own doing. The only ones who stuck around her were Snips and Snails, and after Sunset got locked up in Juvie some months ago, they were adamant about staying away from her. So now that just left the red and yellow haired girl alone.

“Now that Ah think about it, does anyone even know where Sunset’s from? Seen her parents or siblins’ at any of the functions at the school?” Applejack asked.

Another round of contemplation took place. Another fact that they had somehow overlooked was no staring them in the face. Did Sunset Shimmer have any parents or siblings at all? In the three or so years she was in Canterlot High, not one of them had ever seen her parents pick her up from school, always riding to and from school on her motorcycle. In fact, none of them even remember seeing her when they were in grade school or middle school.

It was as if Sunset Shimmer just appeared out of nowhere into the world, but such a thing wasn’t possible. The resident bad girl did have a place to live, and obviously she had enough money to buy a motorcycle, that or she stole it, which wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.

“Do you think she’s possibly an orphan?” Rarity asked.

“It would explain her antisocial tendencies, why she feels the need to have control over everything, and get respect by forceful means,” said Twilight.

“Maybe…Maybe she’s from an abusive home? She does have a lot of aggression…and tends to belittle others…a lot.” Fluttershy shuddered at the memories of Sunset cornering her and pinning her against a locker as she stood there and took her verbal abuse. But now that she put that to it, maybe it was because she was yelled at herself that she needed to yell back at someone who wouldn’t fight back.

Pinkie Pie began to sniffle a bit. “Poor Sunset…”

“‘Poor Sunset’, really?” The others looked to Rainbow Dash. “So what if she did come from a crappy home, is an orphan, or was abused. There other people who have gone through that and aren’t total assholes. Taking out your problems on other people is a coward’s way of dealing with them, instead of facing them!”

“Rainbow Dash,” said Rarity in a scolding tone.

“I’m just making a point! If she really wants my pity or sympathy, then she has to earn it!”

“Um guys, where is Sunset Shimmer anyway?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Five of the girls swiveled their heads around, scanning the cafeteria for any sign of the leather jacket and scowling visage of the girl in question. But she was nowhere to be seen, not even at her usual table that Sunset sat alone at during lunch.

“I spoke to Principal Celestia. She said Sunset’s at home right now, I guess she was more rattled by what happened than I thought and just needed some time alone,” said Twilight.



Sunset and Twilight had flown until they reached the outskirts of town, settling in a dense forest area known as White Tail Wood. Sunset found a flat boulder and sat on it, releasing a heavy sigh. She didn’t feel fatigued, even though that was an intense battle, just somewhat out of it mentally. Twilight was busy pacing the forest floor, going back and forth as she thought on their situation.

“Well, at least we know this Protocol thing works, and we did stop that psycho,” said Sunset.

Twilight stopped and looked up at Sunset with a smile. “Yes, thank god we did, but now what? We’re still in our Firestorm forms.”

“Yeah, about that, how do we change back?”

“I don’t know…”

Silence reigned for all of ten seconds before Sunset face palmed herself. “You gotta be kidding me?!”

“It was a likely scenario that if we merged with the Protocol, that we might not be able to change back!” Twilight shot back.

“So what?!” Sunset hopped off the rock and stood before Twilight. “We’re just supposed to stay looking like walking nuclear reactors?!”

“Sunset calm down, there has to be a way to change back! Blaze changed back!”

“Yeah, after you took out his Protocol…! Wait, maybe we can do that to ourselves?!”

Twilight shrugged. “At this point any option is on the table.”

Sunset placed her right hand over her chest at the same time as Twilight. Both girls closed their eyes as they tried to reach to the divided Protocol within them. But try as they might, the Protocol would not come to them.

“Maybe we have to do it to each other?” Twilight suggested.

Sunset reached out and placed her hand on Twilight’s breastplate. She concentrated and tried to reach into her to grab her half, but just like herself, she could not take Twilight’s Protocol.

“Nothing!” Sunset snapped. “Maybe we should head back to your home, go to your little underground lab and find a way to reverse this?”

Twilight’s white eyes went wide. “We can’t! By now our fight has gone viral all over the internet! If we go to my house like this people will see us and know it’s us!”

“You can transmute right? Just bend the light around us and make us invisible.”

That’ll only work for so long, when my parents get home they’re going to ask if we’re alright! I texted them about us being downtown, remember!”

Sunset face palmed again. “Friggin’ brilliant. Wait a minute, what happened to our clothes when we changed?”

Twilight blushed. “Oh no…did they burn away when we changed?!”

“Better not have, my cellphone was in my jacket pocket!” Sunset took a few calming breaths when she realized her fiery mane was lashing about in agitation, it reminded her of when she had a tail. “Alright, so, we said ‘Firestorm’ when we changed, maybe if we say it again we’ll change back?”

Twilight stepped back. “FIRESTORM!”

Nothing happened.

“Scratch that off the list. Well, what if we willed ourselves back to normal…” Sunset face palmed herself for the second time. “I’m an idiot, of course.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

Sunset opened and clenched her fists, staring down at her hands as she felt the energy that made up her body. This power isn’t magic, but it’s similar in different ways. Maybe I can control it like magic. 

The crimson Firestorm shut her eyes as she concentrated, after a few seconds red atomic rings formed around her body, and a sphere of yellow fire appeared at the center. When the rings and fireball dispersed, Sunset Shimmer was standing there, back in her normal form, and thankfully, none of her clothes were burned away. Sunset opened her eyes and blinked when she saw her normal human hands instead of metal-gloved gauntlets.

“It worked!”

“How did you do that?!”

“Like I said, I willed it. I concentrated on the energy returning to the source and now I’m me again!”

Twilight quieted her mind and did as Sunset said. Purple atomic rings appeared around her as Twilight’s body was engulfed in a pink fireball. In the same amount of time, Twilight’s body returned to normal, also fully clothed. The studious girl examined her body, making sure she had all ten fingers, ears, nose, and uh…those.

“You were right Sunset!

“And it looks like our clothes didn’t get burned, I guess they’re broken down into particles and stored away when we change.” When she didn’t get an answer, Sunset looked to the other girl. “Twilight?”


Sunset jumped back, still on edge as she took a fighting stance, but then she noticed that Twilight hadn’t transformed.

“What was that about Sparky?”

“I think the way you changed back also has bearing on how we can change into our Firestorm forms. Think about it, the activation code word is ‘Firestorm’, but it has to be more than that. Otherwise we could just say it while we were having a conversation and change right on the spot. I think your concentration technique of willing the power in and out of the Protocol works in tandem with the word. Just willing the energy free isn’t enough, it needs be lit, ignited and given form.”

Sunset placed her hands on her hips and stared at Twilight impressively. “Wow, you figured out all that just like that?”

Twilight blushed. “Well I’m theorizing, nothing’s completely concrete yet, but it’s the best one that seems to hold up for now.”

“On that note, now we can head back to your house. I’m sure your ‘rents are going out of their minds right now.”

Twilight’s eyes bulged when she realized that they more than likely saw the news on the attack and were no doubt worrying about her right this second. She pulled her cellphone out from the pocket in her skirt and saw that there were at least a hundred to three hundred text messages from her parents, each, and about a hundred and fifty voicemails.


Sunset chuckled, but then she felt her phone vibrate in her jacket pocket. She pulled out the device and saw that she had two-hundred texts and one-hundred and seventy voicemails, all from Celestia.

“Oh crap…”


Sunset laid on her couch, she didn’t bother getting properly dressed. Her mind was still too preoccupied with the events of the last three days.  She stared at the ceiling for who knows how long, but she didn’t care. Sunset raised her left hand up to the ceiling, staring at her hand and its flexed digits. The power that coursed through her was still there, it reminded her so much of her magic.

It was awesome, terrifying, like she could reduce everything around her to rumble with a flick of her wrist. Sunset wondered if this was the kind of power that Princess Celestia wielded on a daily bases. To have so much power, to know that you could raze anything to the ground, and defeat any foe that stood before for you, the sun’s power within your hands, or hooves.

Sunset clenched her fist until it resembled a hoof, it felt strange. Three years of living in this human world and there were still some things about her human body that both fascinated her and found a tad bit annoying. She chuckled when she remembered the shocker of seeing hands instead of hooves, no muzzle, and definitely no horn. That almost gave her a heart attack.

The teenage girl glanced up, staring at the guitar that was resting up against the couch. She carefully grabbed it, and took out the pick that was secured in its frets. Sunset placed her left hand at the neck of the guitar, putting her fingers in position. With a flick of her right wrist Sunset strummed a little melody. It was an electric guitar, so it didn’t get as much sound other than a few light “tings” and “twangs”.

Sunset had gotten down the rudimentary function and use of her new appendages fairly quick when she first arrived to this world, but she knew that that wouldn’t be enough if she needed to do more complex things. So she took to learning an instrument that would require good dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Amongst all of the various ones, the guitar, more specifically the electric guitar, struck her fancy.

She loved the way it sounded, how each strum of the chords made a power sound, and with the right combination could invoke an invigorating tune. Thanks to her persistence in learning the instrument, Sunset was rewarded with not only learning better control of her digits, but also became a pretty wicked guitar player too.

Strumming the guitar chords helped her to think, to clear her mind. Plugging it into the amp would be nice, but the last thing she wanted was a noise complaint from some uppity neighbor. So she just flicked the pick against the chords, playing a song inside her mind, and mouthing the words as she closed her eyes, imagining the rest of the band playing behind her.

But as she played, something else struck her mind, throwing her off her rhythm. Images of the fallen dead, the screams of terror, and the smell of burning flesh, it all returned to her in an instant. Sunset’s eyes shot wide open, panting hard as she tried to catch her breath. The red and yellow haired girl raised her guitar up to throw it in frustration, but stopped herself.

Death was a natural thing, even in Equestria. Ponies grew old and died, sometimes they’d get in horrible accidents and die, and some even got rare diseases and in the end couldn’t be cured before they expired. Such was the cycle of life. But never had Sunset seen someone blatantly murder so many in just a short amount of time, and do so without any hint of remorse.

Equestria had experienced a long time of peace, and crime such as murder was an extremely rare occasion. The last time Sunset could remember hearing about a murder was when she wasn’t even born yet. Sunset chuckled, remembering another little annoying thing about being in this world. Though she was much older back in Equestria, around twenty-one, when she arrived to this world, she was at least between the ages of thirteen to fourteen, freshman age.

“Smart enough and old enough to own her own house and earn lots of degrees, but stuck in a body that no one will take seriously.” Sunset groaned.

The former Equestrian sighed and went back to strumming her guitar, trying to clear her mind and think only of the music and song. She was getting the rhythm back, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she lost herself in the song.




Sunset missed her next chord and looked around, she shrugged and went back to her song.



That time she wasn’t imagining it. Sunset looked towards her front door and groaned in agitation. There weren’t a lot of people who knew where she lived, Sunset made it a point to make sure that was the case. The only ones who did know of her whereabouts were Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. And of course there was the manager of this apartment, but she knew that the rent was paid up long in advance, and there shouldn’t be anyone complaining about noise since she wasn’t playing loudly.

Sunset got up and walked towards the door, she was about a foot away and reaching out for the doorknob, but paused suddenly. What if it’s those guys that Sparky talked about…?

Twilight did mention to Sunset that there were bad people who wanted the power of the Firestorm Protocol, and even though they were careful not be seen there was always a chance that they might’ve been seen. She gulped, her hand shaking a bit. Sunset growled at herself. Since when was she such a scaredy-pony – scratch that – scaredy-cat?! She had the power to blow away the city if she wanted to, what did she have to fear from some MIB thugs?!

Sunset grabbed the doorknob and pressed herself against the door. “Who is it?”

“Um…it’s Twilight.”

Sunset’s eye twitched, that was simply wasn’t possible. Without thinking, Sunset quickly opened the door and standing right there was Twilight. Her mouth gaped open, there was no way Twilight could know where she lived! Did she LoJack her or something? Sunset was about to ask why she was there, but then Twilight did something that confused her. The studious girl’s face was bright red and she quickly closed her eyes and covered them with her left hand.

“Twilight, what’re you doing here?! How did you find out where I live?!” Sunset demanded.

“I-I’ll answer those, but could you, um, please go back inside and make yourself decent!” Twilight pleaded.

“‘Decent’? What’re you tal –?”

Sunset looked down at herself, she was wearing her sun embroidered pajama top, but going lower, she noticed that she only had on her purple striped panties and some socks on. The rebellious girl blushed hard at how she just callously opened the door without realizing that she was half-naked. Sunset quickly closed the door in Twilight’s face and scrambled about the apartment.

Twilight kept her gaze downward as she waited outside the apartment. She couldn’t believe what she just saw, more specifically, she couldn’t believe the way she felt when she saw it. Sunset was in her underwear, but that shouldn’t cause a reaction like the one she just had. Her heart was beating a little faster and her face was hot.

Twilight continued to hear scrambling inside the room, but when she saw the doorknob twist open she quickly closed her eyes. “You can look now Sparky.”

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and now saw that Sunset had donned her matching pajama bottoms, much to her relief.

“S-Sorry, I really need to stop reacting like that…”

“Yeah, kinda do. We’re both girls, wear the same kind of underwear, and I’m sure you’ve seen other girls in the locker room.” Sunset pointed out.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head nervously. “Yeah, again I apologize.” The thing is…it only happens when I’m around you…Why is that? 

“Well…come in I guess.”

Twilight watched as Sunset stepped aside to allow her entry. When she got in, Twilight glanced over the area. It was a very spacious apartment. There was a coffee table in the foyer, a couch and a recliner. A flat screen TV was hanging on the wall, along with a Blu-ray player and sound bar. Further back was the kitchen area, an electric stove with over hanging vents and lights, a stainless steel fridge, and near the kitchen was a wooden table with matching chairs.

There was a patio out back, with a sliding glass doors, and from there she could see a nice view of the city. But the main thing that Twilight keyed in on was that this was a single person apartment. She confirmed it when she saw Sunset make for her bedroom door and closed it. Sunset then looked at her with a dubious glance.

“Okay, now explain to me how you knew where I lived, and why you’re here exactly?”

“Oh…well…I wanted to make sure you were alright after what happened yesterday. I also brought some of the homework from today.”

Twilight unslung her backpack and rummaged through it, placing a few papers on the coffee table. Sunset scoffed at the notion of doing any of it.

“You know I don’t do homework,” said Sunset.

“I know.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I just thought it’d be good for you to know where we’re at so you’re not lost. I know how smart you are, so I figured this would be more of a menial task than anything.”

Sunset smirked. “Looks like you understand. So, Celestia told you where I lived?”

Twilight nodded.

Typical, should’ve figured.

“Just keep this to yourself Sparky, I don’t need the whole school knowing where I live.” Sunset walked over the kitchen area and opened the fridge. “You want something to drink?”

Twilight quickly turned around. “Um…well…”

“I got beer, beer, and…beer.”

The violet girl spluttered and covered her mouth with her hands to stifle a gasp. “S-Sunset! You’re underage! You shouldn’t be –!” Sunset then took out two cans of soda. “– drinking soda… and you were kidding…I’ll be quite now.”

Sunset chuckled and walked over, tossing the can of soda at Twilight. Twilight quickly held out her hands and grabbed the soda, sighing in relief that she caught it.

“Not bad, you got fast hands,” said Sunset as she opened the can of soda. She then sat down on the recliner and began sipping from the can. “So, what really brings you here?”

Twilight sat on the couch and opened her can. “Well, honestly, I wanted to see how you were doing. After everything that happened yesterday, and the fact that you didn’t come to school, I was getting a little worried…”

Sunset sighed. “I’m fine, I just needed some time to let all this sink in.”

“That’s good.” Twilight took a sip of her drink, and took a cursory glance of the surroundings again. “So…it’s just you, alone?”

Sunset stopped in the middle of taking her drink. “Y-Yeah, just me and no one else.”

“Oh…” Twilight glanced around again. “So…do your parents pay for you to attend Canterlot High?”

“Why do you ask?”

Twilight took a sip. “Well, I just noticed that you don’t have any pictures of your family. I was just curious that you may’ve come here from out of state.”

Sunset sighed heavily and then took a long sip before talking again. “Look, I have no parents here, no siblings, it’s just me, on my own. Celestia, same as my cellphone, pays for this place and I do my own grocery shopping. Although she does stop by from time to time to drop off some stuff, that about do it for you?”

Twilight just sat there, stunned at what she heard. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know you were…parentless.”

Technically speaking I do have parents, but they’re from the world where I used to live.  

“Don’t worry about it, Sparky. It’s not a big deal.”

“I know that’s a lie…” Twilight muttered.


“Nothing, but I promise not to tell anyone, I swear!” Twilight quickly added.

That was good, the last thing that Sunset needed was a pity party from her peers, or from any of Twilight’s friends. It was bad enough that she got such a look from Celestia and Luna, if she started seeing that same look in kids her own age she was going to lose it.


“You’re welcome. And actually there was another reason why I needed to see you.”


“Sunset, please come back to my house, I need to run some tests on you.”

Sunset gave Twilight an inquisitive look. “What kind of tests?”

Twilight turned the can around in her hands multiple times in nervous contemplation. “I need to see if the Protocol is having any adverse effects on our bodies. That much power contained inside us can’t be too good for our physical stability. Plus if anything does happen, these tests will give us a timeline from what date we used the Protocol and how we felt at the time. And I need your help with the tests as well.”

“My help?” Sunset asked.

“My lab, the workbench, has a biometric scanner that can read vitals and record different kinds of physical data. But I can’t run the computer and run the tests on myself at the same time. So I need you to do it for me. Please Sunset, I just want to make sure we’re alright.”

Sunset thought over Twilight’s proposal. True, neither of them knew what the Firestorm Protocol would do to their bodies. Sunset could feel the power inside herself and so far she had felt fine. But what if it was doing something else to her? What if it was deteriorating her body from the inside out? Such a thought made her shudder.

“I guess I will, the last thing I need is to go into meltdown in the middle of class.”

Twilight released a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Sunset. If you don’t mind, could we head to my house now? I want to get this started as soon as possible.”

“Fine…wait, how did you get here? Did Celestia drive you or did your parents?” Sunset asked.

Twilight blushed. “I may or may not have transformed and bent the light particles to render me invisible during my flight over here.”

Sunset’s grin widened upon hearing this. “Couldn’t resist a little joy ride huh Sparky?”


{This is getting out of hand! Director Dusk Shine, you blatantly sent those freak show teenyboppers to that city with a Protocol and had them give it to a psychopath?!}

“Mr. Miser, if I may? The purpose of doing that was three pronged. One: to show the power that our Firestorm Protocols had. Two: to flush out the missing Protocol, which we knew was sent to that city. And three: to confirm if the missing Protocol had bonded with someone. I believe all three objectives were achieved.”

{Well he’s got you there Miser old boy! I am a might curious, what would’ve happened if those two Firestorm gals weren’t there to stop that guy?}

“Easy, my Sirens would’ve neutralized him quickly if he got too out of hand. And for now, they’re remaining in Canterlot City for strictly surveillance until we can ascertain the precise whereabouts of the Protocol users,” said Dusk Shine.

{Hmmm, strange. You said only the one Protocol was missing. And yet we have two Firestorms.}

Dusk rubbed his chin at that. He did witness Professor Neigh put one Protocol into the rocket. So why were there two Firestorms? Could it be that they somehow shared the Protocol’s power? Or is that one more special than I first thought?

“That is a mystery, I’m afraid, even to me. But now that we know where they are, we can concentrate our efforts there.”

{Humph, with the mayhem that was caused by your “demonstration”, it won’t be easy!} Miser complained.

{Well Dusky does have those three girls there already. Like he said, no one’s gonna pay much attention to three teenage girls. They can gather the info we need on the ground. That good with you Dusk Shine?}

Dusk Shine nodded to the monitor. “It is. I’ll begin preparations for information gathering.”

{I think we may need more than that.}

{And what do you propose Miser?}

{If we send more Protocol users to try and take them, they’ll end up getting them taken away like that pyromaniac. I say we fight this fire with a different fire. We should get Project Skull ready for deployment.}

Dusk Shine clenched his jaw and tightened his fists, which were hidden behind his back. “I thought Project Skull was discontinued in favor of Project Firestorm?”

The shadowy figure on the monitor rubbed the back of their head. {We may’ve kept that goin’, not that we didn’t trust ya Dusky, it’s just that we needed a backup in case things went south.}

{But Miser does make a good point. Project Skull’s powers would not be able to be stolen by the Firestorms. We’ll have Project Skull on standby for now, but Dusk Shine, don’t drag your heels on this. Understood?}

“Yes. Understood.”

The three monitors cut off at the same time, leaving Dusk Shine standing in the conference room, alone. The lilac skinned young man exited the room and stood in the hallway. Suddenly Dusk punched the wall to his left with his right fist. Violet flames engulfed it as his strike melted through the wall. His eyes flared up with the flames of the Firestorm Protocol within him. After venting his frustration, Dusk Shine regained his composure and retracted his fist from the wall.

Just then he was gripped in a violent coughing fit. Dusk Shine covered his mouth with his left hand as he held himself up with the right. After a few seconds the coughing fit passed. When he moved his hand away from his mouth he saw bloodstains on it.

“Seems the Protocol isn’t enough…at least not this one.”