Transformers: Harmony and Chaos

by zentradiplus

Chapter 10: Corruption

Omega Supreme lands in the outskirts of New York City. The Autobots and ponies exit him.


"Don't worry about it Omega" Wheeljack said, "Just make sure you have enough to get us back home when this is over."

The Autobots then transform as the ponies hop into them, and they drive to the rendezvous point of where Megatron and Shockwave were waiting.

The Autobots come to a stop, and the ponies exit them, then transform. Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Ratchet immediately have their weapons drawn and pointed at the two Decepticons. Weary of their actions. Shockwave in turn, also points his blaster arm at the bots.

"So Optimus Prime, you decided to show up after all. I knew I could count on you to be the reasonable one." Megatron said to the Autobot leader.

"You know, as well as I do, Megatron, that we will have to put our differences behind us on this day." Optimus replied. "Our survival may depend on it."

Megatron then sees the ponies.

"So, I see you brought more of these creatures here to this world. And are you telling me these ponies, and their trinkets are what can stop Discord? Don't make me laugh!"

Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all glare daggers at Megatron, knowing about his reputation as a merciless conquerer of worlds. Fluttershy would only wimper at the sight of the two cons, while Pinkie Pie joyfully bounces up to him.

"No Pinkie, get back here!" Twilight shouted.


"Get away from me you pink parasite!" Megatron yells, as he points his cannon at her.

Rainbow Dash was barely able to push Pinkie out of the way when Megatron fired. Leaving a crater where the pink pony once stood.

"HEY! THAT WASN'T VERY NICE YOU BIG JERK!" Pinkie angrily shouted at Megatron.

"Decepticons, are never nice." Megatron replied.

All the Autobots cock their weapons and are about to open fire when Optimus stops them.

"Megatron, it is essential that all the ponies survive. If a single pony loses her life, the Elements which they wield will be rendered useless. All six must be combined to be effective." Optimus explains.

"So be it Prime." Megatron replied. "Shockwave, prepare to advance into the city."

Twilight Sparkle, still extremely uneasy being around the Decepticons, especially since Megatron just tried to kill one of her best friends without a second thought, kept her guard up the entire time the group traveled into the heart of the city, where Discord's citadel was located.

She then sees someone. It's the Autobot Tracks, but there was something different about him. He's greyed out, covered in scratches and dents. She runs over to him.

"Tracks! Are you alright?"

"Huh, oh, I guess I am." Tracks replied.

"Your paintjob, and your finish, it's all scratched and dented. Don't you want to get it fixed."

"I suppose." he replied.

"You suppose? But you're the most fashionable bot I know. And this doesn't bother you?" Twilight asked.

"I'm a robot, what would I care about fashion and looking attractive."

"So, it's true then, Discord got to you." Twilight said, nearly heartbroken seeing her friend in his current state.

"I don't believe this." Bumblebee said. "As long as I've known Tracks, he's never allowed as much as his armor to even get dusty."

"This is the fashionable bot you told me about Twilight?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"He's not normally like this Rarity, Discord put his corrupting spell on him. He did it to all of us. Like how he made you fall in love with a boulder." Twilight explained.

"I thought we were to never speak of that again!" Rarity snapped.

"Oops, sorry." Twilight said apologetically.

"It appears Discord has tainted everyone's personalities." Optimus said to the rest of the group.

As he turns around he sees a building behind him suddenly fall, and crumble.

"HEY! Someone turn that racket off!" A voice called out. The Autobots recognized it immediately. It was Blaster.

"I need some quiet around here." The greyed out Autobot said as the rest spot him sitting in an alley.

"Even Blaster!" Ratchet said, "I swear I've never heard the day he, of all bots, would tell someone to quiet down. This power of Discord must be strong."

Megatron then sees a familiar figure walking in the distance. It was Starscream, also greyed out.

"Starscream, get your transisters over here this instant!" Megatron angrily called the seeker.

"Give me a moment, I must study this geographical mound," as he pokes and prods around some debris.

"I gave you an order, you will OBEY ME!" Megatron yelled.

"Just one moment." Starscream replied.

Megatron had enough, walked over to Starscream, and knocked him down.

"When I give an order, I expect you to comply. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME STARSCREAM?!"

"Yes, yes, of course." The seeker replied.

There was something off about him, Megatron had always known Starscream to be treacherous, and conniving, yet, he seemed, humble, and honest.

"What has gotten into you?" Megatron asked.

"What? I'm a scientist. I'm a seeker of knowledge."

"What about your ambition to rule the Decepticons? Your thirst for power, to overthrow me?"

"Why would I ever want to do that? I just want to travel the cosmos, and learn about the great unknown. I have no ambitions for foolish conquest."

"I see, so he has broken you."

Megatron realized that the rest of the Decepticons are no doubt in the same predicament. It would be useless to attempt to reason with them. They had to stop Discord here and now, if his troops are ever to be restored, and if he is ever to conquer and rule both Earth and Cybertron.

Optimus also had the same realization that his Autobot friends would also be out of character if he ran into anymore. At this point, he knows that he, all the Autobots present, the ponies, and the two Decepticons are all that's left. He sees that even the humans in the area also have a greyed out color to them. They too must have been corrupted when Discord took over the city, no not just the city, the entire planet. For his own twisted reasons, he had apparently chosen New York to be his capital.

"I believe we are on our own." Optimus said with dissapointment. "We must end this here and now."

"Ah take it we gotta get to that citadel there." Applejack said while pointing at the structure.

"Let's get moving." Twilight replied to her as the group began walking towards Discord's capital.

As they came closer, they see six robots, greyed out apparently building a wall for the citadel.

"HALT" one of them yells out.

"You dare to bark orders at me? You are forgetting your place Scrapper!" Megatron angrily yelled at the Constructicon.

"No one enters Lord Discord's domain without permission." Bonecrusher retorts.

"Lord Discord?! Don't make me laugh you simpleton." Megatron responds.

Scavenger and Mixmaster resume their work, while Hook and Long Haul block off Megatron and the others.

"Bow before Megatron, your leader." Megatron says as Shockwave walks up next to him.

The six Constructions then walk up together, and point their guns at Megatron.

"I SAID BOW YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF SCRAP METAL!" As Megatron points his cannon at them.

The Constructions begin firing at Megatron and Shockwave, as they in turn fire back. Then they take aim at the Autobots and Ponies. The entire group scatters.

Ironhide transforms into his van mode, and rams Long Haul. He then transforms back into robot mode, and starts pounding him. Bumblebee and Wheeljack fire at Hook and Scavenger, while Ratchet and Optimus try to make a break for the citadel while trying their best to keep the ponies covered.

Rainbow Dash takes off into the sky while Twilight and Rarity attempt to keep several of the Constructions distracted away from them. Applejack tries to buck Mixmaster, but to no avail, as he tries to stomp her, only for his leg to be tangled up in confetti that shot out of Pinkie Pie's party cannon. Long Haul finally throws Ironhide off of him, and meets up with Scrapper. They try to shoot Rainbow Dash out of the air, but she's too quick for them. She starts flying circles around them as they try to shoot. Eventually, she flies in between them, and Long Haul and Scrapper end up blasting each other when she zips out of the way.

"You foolish traitorous glitches will regret this." Shockwave said as fires at Bonecrusher while Megatron punches Scavenger into the other Constructicons.

"This is getting out of hand. Constructions, merge to for Devastator" Scrapper calls out to the others.

The Constructicons then begin to connect to each other forming a giant greyed out version of the destructive robot.


"Oh no, not THIS again!" Twilight said.

"What do ya mean again sugarcube?" Applejack asked while in absolute terror.

"Don't ask, just RUN!" Twilight responed, as the ponies and Autobots scatter.

"How dare you use my mightiest warrior against me Discord!" Megatron cursed as he fires shot after shot at Devastator.

"Autobots, give it all you got!" Optimus calls to the others, as all the Autobots, and Shockwave begin firing at the giant.

"They need out help." Twilight said to the other ponies.

"But what can we do?" Fluttershy asked. "He's a giant scary monster!"

"I have a plan." Twilight said.

As Ironhide and Bumblebee transform in to their vehicle modes, they try to get away from Devastator, but he catches them, picks them up, and flings them like they were toys. They crash into the ground, and transform back into their robot modes.

"That didn't go well." Bumblebee said to Ironhide.

Wheeljack and Ratchet try to do their best to draw Devastator's attention to keep him away from the ponies, but with a swift kick, he sends the two Autobots flying.

Megatron transforms into his gun mode, and Shockwave catches him.

"Prepare yourself for termination you traitor." Shockwave says as he flies up to Devastator's head area, and begins firing Megatron at him. This does little but annoy the giant as he swats Shockwave out of the air. Megatron transforms back as he crashes to the ground. Shockwave himself transforms into his cannon mode, and fires several shots, but they do little to slow Devastator down.

"Applejack Now!" Twilight yelled, as Applejack ties a rope into a lasso, then swings it around, and tosses it to Rainbow Dash. Applejack then lets go of the rope, as Fluttershy grabs the other end also tied into a lasso. The two pegasi then fly around Devastator's legs, both flying in opposite directions, until his legs were tied up. Devastator tries to walk, but falls over due to being tied.

"Rarity, your turn." Twilight calls to the white unicorn.

Rarity uses her magic to pick up several metal cables, and uses them to tie up Devastators arms. She even tied the cables into what she thought was a lovely looking bow while wrapping up the giants arms.

Now Pinkie Pie pulls several large cakes, seemingly out of nowhere, and smashes them into the giants eyes.


Twilight then uses her own magic to pour cement over his joints. Devastator, has been incapacitated. He then separates back into the Constructicons, and they retreat in their separate ways into the city.

"We did it girls!" Twilight yelled out excitedly.

"yay" Fluttershy said softly.

"You really need to work on your cheering girl." Rainbow Dash said to the yellow pegasus.

"Well done my friends." Optimus said congradulating his friends.

"Pathetic....." Megatron said flately. "To think they were defeated by these rainbow colored horses. Those Constructicons are more useless than I imagined."

"I believe new troops are in order my lord." Shockwave responded.

"No matter, Shockwave. Onward."

The group finally enter the citadel. As they walk in, it had been quiet, maybe too quiet for their liking.

"Keep your guard up everyone. We do not know what surprises Discord has in store for us."

"That's because this is simply the calm before the storm Optimus Prime." A voice said.

"Discord." Optimus replied.

Discord appears in a flash of light in front of the group.

"Oh I see you're back. And you brought my dear old friends with you from Equestria."

The ponies take a defensive stance.

"Back for more are ya? Well come on, bring it fang face!" Rainbow yelled as she took a boxing stance.

"Rainbow Dash, still as energetic as ever." Discord said to her.

"We'll stop you once and for all. Girls get ready." Twilight said.

The girls stand in formation, and begin to glow. Then a rainbow like beam erupts from them. Megatron and Shockwave watch on in awe, unable to believe the artifacts they were wearing truly had such immense power to them.

"Shockwave," Megatron whispered to the cycloptic Decepticon. "When this is over, I want you to capture the ponies. I wish to utilize this power for myself."

"Understood Lord Megatron." Shockwave replied.

The beam hits Discord, as he stands idley, and simply yawns.

"WHAT?" Twilight yells in surprise, as the girls stop their assault and watch in horror as the Elements of Harmony take no effect. "I....I don't get it. Why didn't it work?"

"Oh poor little Twilight. Haven't you seen the big picture yet. Earth has so much negativity, it's caused my power to skyrocket. The Elements alone won't stop me. I've become immune to their power. Poor old Celestia probably never knew about this either." Discord said in a whimsical tone. "Now I can spread all the lovely chaos I want."

The Autobots stare in shock, as the Elements of Harmony fail. This same power, that defeated Queen Chrysalis when they were on Equestria, had no effect on the chaos spirit. Even Megatron began to grow uneasy.

"How can we possibly stop this creature? That energy blast should have ended him." Megatron says to himself.

Discord began to cackle.

"Do not celebrate your victory just yet Discord." Optimus says as he steps forward.

"Twilight, I have now realized, I must combine the power of the Matrix with the Elements."

"The Matrix?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, the Matrix of Leadership. It is an artifact that holds mystical properties much like your Elements. They also hold the collected wisdom of all of Cybertron's past leaders. It alone cannot stop Discord, but I know if we combine our powers together, it should stop him."

"Is that so?" Discord interrupted. He then snaps his fingers, and a force bubble surronds him and Optimus, leaving all the others outside.

The Autobots, and two Decepticons began shooting at the bubble while the ponies pounded on it. But to no avail.

"Ever the hero are you Optimus Prime?" Discord chided him.

"As long as I still function, as long as my spark burns strong, I will always fight against your ilk." Optimus said with defiance.

"Is that so, and why do you?" Discord asked.

"Because it is the right thing to do." Optimus answers.

"And what make you think you know what is right, and what is wrong?"

Twilight knew exactly where this was headed.

"Optimus, Don't listen to him, he's trying to break you like the others." Twilight shouted.

"Don't you know it's rude to interrupt when the adults are talking?" Discord says as he snaps his finger.

A zipper appears over Twilight's mouth.

"Now where were we? Ah yes. Why do you always play the hero? Why not just take it easy, relax. I mean look at you, you're so tightly wound up." Discord said to the Autobot leader.

Twilight uses a spell to make the zipper disappear. She then continues to shout at Optimus.

"Please, don't listen. If you fall, we have no chance of winning."

Discord then continues to goad at Optimus.

Optimus aims his gun at Discord.

"Again with the weapons! Point those things somewhere else. I have an offer."

"An offer?" Optimus inquired with a raised brow.

"Yes, Optimus Prime. An offer. I believe you remain on Earth to keep the humans from falling to the Decepticons, yes?" Discord reiterated.

"That much is true." Optimus answered warily.

"Well, would you get off Earth if someone else was protecting it?"

"Such as?"


Optimus regarded the Draconequus as though he was crazy.

"Look, I made your men go all wonky. I make the skies and the volcanoes spew chocolate. I warp reality. You think I can't handle the Decepticons with that kind of power?"

Optimus turned away from Discord. "I suppose you have a point."

Discord smirked. "If I promise I will use my powers to protect the humans to the fullest extent from the Decepticons AND any other non-human threat, would you let me have free reign over them?"

Twilight's eyes widened. "WHAT?"

Optimus looked at Discord with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Mmmh..."

"Optimus, don't listen to him!" Twilight cried out.

Optimus looked to Twilight, then back to Discord.

" would take over the humans, but keep them safe from the Decepticons?"

"Yes." Discord replied.

"Optimus, no!" Twilight exclaimed.

But Discord had found a chink in Optimus' mental armor, and his magic was slowly flowing into Prime, causing Twilight's words to be drowned out.

"Very well, Discord. I pass the responsibility of protecting the Earth and it's denizens to you." Optimus saluted and his colors fading to grey as he did so.

Twilight hung her head down.. "Optimus..."

Discord then snaps his fingers again, and the bubble disappears.

All the ponies, and Autobots couldn't believe what they saw. Optimus prime had lost his spirit. Discord has successfully broken him.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I DID IT! I WON!" Discord laughed.

"Prime, I can barely believe it." Megatron said in shock. "Optimus Prime.... gave in?!"

"You haven't won yet!" Ratchet yelled as the Autobots all raise their weapons at Discord.

"Let's blast him!" Wheeljack yelled as the bots charge their guns.

"I suppose I'll have to teach you all some manners as well." Discord replied, then laughed as he snaps his fingers.

The Autobots all begin to float into the air.

"Wha? What's happening?" Bumblebee shouted.

Discord snaps his fingers again, and in a bright flash of light the bots disappear. Then reappear behind him, in a form of a throne. Their bodies twisted, and bent together into a seat for the Draconequues to sit on.

"You, YOU MONSTER!" Twilight yelled at him.

"Ah can't believe it!" Applejack said as she looked on in shock.

"He's become even more barbaric." Rarity replied.

"A bigger Mr. Meanie Pants!" Pinkie shouted.

Fluttershy simply fainted at the sight of the twisted bots.

"You're gonna pay, we'll see to it." Rainbow screamed out.

The whole time, the corrupted Optimus just looked at his surrondings.

"What's going on? Where am I?" He asked.

Optimus' voice was different. He sounded, almost younger.

"Optimus Prime, do you not remember. You were helping us assist in the the destruction of Discord." Megatron replied.

"Huh, who's Optimus Prime? My name is Orion, Orion Pax." He replied.

"Don't be a fool Prime. You are the leader of the Autobots, and my sworn enemy. You must assist me in destroying this creature, for the sake of this world, and the galaxy. I fear Discord's power will run rampant if he is not stopped here and now." Megatron explained.

"Autobot leader? You're talking to me like I'm some kinda hero. I'm just a laborer. A dock worker." Orion replied.

"NO, you are my most hated enemy. There will be one day, when I destroy you, but today, I hate to admit it, but I need you. I need your assistance, as well as these multi colored organics, to destroy Discord before he destroys us!"

"I dunno what your deal is pal, but I don't like your tone. I'm outta here."

With that, Orion Pax transforms, and tries to leave. That is until Shockwave blocks his path.

All the ponies can do, is watch the drama unfold, while Discord materializes a bucket of popcorn and observes the situation.

"You will not go anywhere, Lord Megatron didn't say you can leave." Shockwave said.

"Optimus Prime, you will not be leaving." Megatron said to the corrupted Autobot.

Orion Pax transforms back into robot mode, and walks up to Megatron.

"Look man, can't we all just get along?"

At this point Megatron had lost all his patience, he strikes Orion in the face, knocking him down.

"If you will not remember, then I will have to jog your memory....BY FORCE!"

The ponies gasp in horror as they watch.

Megatron begins giving Orion a beating.

"Fight back!" Megatron demanded. "Fight back, defend yourself!"

He continues to pummel the Autobot, who simply tried to block his hits, without retaliating.

"CURSE YOU PRIME! FIGHT ME!" Megatron yelled impatiently.

"I don't want to fight. I don't know why you're doing this. I don't even know you."

Finally, Megatron stops.

"So it's true, he has completely broken your spirit. Fine, leave. Go away, and never come back. You dissapoint me greatly."

Orion simply shugs, transforms, and rolls away.

"Lord Megatron, are you really going to let him leave?" Shockwave asked.

"He's not even worth terminating anymore Shockwave." Megatron replied.

"Come on girls, we have to follow him. He have to get him back. Optimus is our only hope at this point. We need to combine the power of the Elements with that of the Matrix." Twilight instructed, as the rest of the girls follow her as she gallops after Prime.

"The organics are leaving my lord." Shockwave reported.

"Let them, we shall handle this ourselves. Once this is over, the world will be ours without opposition." Megatron said as he and Shockwave both approach Discord.

"So, the mouse will bite?" Discord said.

"You have mocked us for the last time Discord." Megatron said. "We are more than match for you."

"Is that so Oh Mighty Megatron?" Discord said coyly.

He snaps his fingers, and turns into a pink cloud mist. The mist then flies towards Shockwave.

"Lord Megatron, what? What's going.....AAAAAHHHH!"

The mist enters Shockwave's body. Then in a flash of light, Shockwave's head dissappears, and is replaced by Discord's. He had taken over Shockwave's body.

Megatron looks on in shock at the events, as Discord merely laughs.

"Now, let this final contest of my game begin." Discord says with a grin as he approaches Megatron.