The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Bright Light Bank (Part 2 of 2)

“We’re gonna make them think we’re outside while we’re in the bank?” said Applejack in surprise. “That sounds hard…”

“It’s not hard Applejack…” said Twilight slowly. “It’s just…well…a bit different compared to other heists we’ve done.”

“So what does the drill do?”

“Well, it’s a special digging device. As I did some recon, I found several places with can use the drill to dig a tunnel to the vault.”

“A tunnel? Sounds silly…”

“I know it sounds silly but…it’s the best the move I could think of. That’s why this plan is different. First, only four of us is technically required though, I would like Rarity to assist me with levitating the giant amount of money we’re stealing.”

“I’ll gladly assist there darling, but I’m not digging.”

“I know. I had a feeling you would say that.” said Twilight as she then looked at Rainbow and Pinkie. “You two are especially required in this heist.”

“Oh yeah?” said Rainbow with a big grin.

“Yes…you two are going to make them think we’re outside. Rainbow, you’ll be using this.” said Twilight as she put an orb on the table. “This is an explosive orb. You’ll be hiding in the clouds and you’re going to drop this on one of the generators.”

“So we are blowing the machine to bits…heh heh heh…” said Rainbow as grinned while picking up the orb. “Awwwww yeah!”

“You’ll be blowing up one the generators on the side of the bank. At the same time, Pinkie will then be setting off fireworks around the bank. I’ve scoped it out and they’ll be a few spots you can hide to set them off Pinkie.”

“YAY!” said Pinkie as confetti flew out of her mane.

“Yes, now…when you two do this…it will need to be at the same time.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because, I’ve scoped out a place for us to stash an escape carriage and use the drill. I’ve already dug a bit with the drill to the vault. You see, once I’ve dug to the vault, things will happen very quickly.”

“You think they’ll be an alarm in the vault?” asked Rarity.

“Yes…based on what I saw with this machine…though I couldn’t see the inside of the vault when I went inside the bank…I would say there is probably an eighty to eighty-five percent chance that an alarm is inside the vault.”

“You want Rainbow and Pinkie to distract them from the alarm…I get it…” said Applejack as she tipped her hat. “Does that mean I’m in charge of the escape carriage?”

“Yes. Pinkie, once you set the fireworks off, get to the carriage. Rainbow, as soon as you drop that orb, I want you to fly out of there. We only get one shot at this girls.”

“Okay…I’m in.” said Applejack with a small smile.

“You know I’m in!” said Rainbow with a huge grin. “This is gonna be awesome!”

The seven put their hooves up in the air and then said, “We are the Rainbooms!”

The night of the heist…

“Um…” said Fluttershy on the headset. “How’s it going Twilight?”

“FINE!” yelled Twilight as she continues to use the drill. “SORRY, THE DRILL IS REALLY LOUD! I’M ALMOST THERE!”

“Um…okay…” said Fluttershy as switched to the other members. “Um…Rainbow?”

“I’m ready. I got a bird’s eye view on the target.” said Rainbow as she stared at the generator.

“I’m ready too!” said Pinkie in a joyful tone.

“Okay…” said Fluttershy as she took a deep breath. “Okay…you can do this Fluttershy…alright Twilight…we’re ready.”

“I’M ALMOST…” said Twilight as she then hit something.


“Okay…here we go…” said Twilight with a grin. “Fluttershy! Tell them to get ready!”

“Okay.” said Fluttershy as Scootaloo patted her on the back.

“It’ll be fine Fluttershy. Don’t worry so much.” said Scootaloo with a small smile. “We’re all here for you.”

“Thank you Scootaloo.” said Fluttershy as she readied herself, “Okay everypony…Begin!”


Rainbow and Pinkie in unison began their parts of the plan. Rainbow dropped the orb and hit the generator while fireworks blasted in the air.


“Holy Money!” yelled Flam.

“AAAAAAaaaaahhhh! They’re here!” yelled Flim.

The two brothers than began to fight over the microphone they had together as they both screamed at Smoking Brick’s goons. “Guys! The Rainbooms are here!”

The goons immediately ran to the explosion. There, they panicked as they looked around the scene, trying to look through the smoke from the explosion.

“Keep looking! They have to be here!” “Blasted smoke!”

Unfortunately for the goons, the ponies responsible were already gone. As for Twilight, she drove the drill through the vault. She quickly popped her head out of the hole she just dug like a mole. She quickly scanned the vault and saw alarm tripwires throughout the vault. ‘So…I was right…’ she thought. ‘Well…time to get to work.’

Twilight’s horn began to shine as she levitated tons of bits through the hole. She had brought several bags with her as she transported the money out of the vault. At the same time, the brothers then noticed that the alarm had gone off in the vault.



“They…they already got into the vault…”

“Wh-wh-wh-WHAAAAATTTT?!?!?! HOW?!” yelled Flim.

“I have no idea…”

Flim immediately grabbed the microphone and yelled. “They’re in the vault! GET TO THE VAULT!”

But it was too late. As soon as the goons got to the vault, the money was gone. It was at that moment, the brothers began to run away from the bank only to find themselves surrounding at the front entrance.

“Um…hi guys…” said one of them as both brothers trembled at what was going to happen next.

“Hey there…” said one of the goons. “Guess what?”


“You failed.”

The two gulped as the goons surrounded them. Then the beatings happened.

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms loaded up the escape carriage and began their escape. Pinkie and Applejack connected themselves to the carriage and went through Manehattan as fast as possible. While the carriage began to zoom through the city, a gold bar flew out of one of their bags and onto the street.

“Uh Twilight…I think we lost something.” said Rarity as she saw the bar fly out.

“Huh?” said Twilight as she looked outside the carriage. “Oh, it was just a bar. Don’t worry, keep going. No other bits flew out. We’re not leaving a trail so keep going.”

Later the Rainbooms got back to the hideout. There they partied and celebrated over the successful heist. However, things were different the next day. As Twilight went to her computer with her morning coffee, her eyes quickly widened at the morning news she found on her computer.

“Um…Girls! Get in here!” yelled Twilight.

As the others began to enter the room, several began to complain and moan.

“Twi…it’s too early for this…”

“Yeah…what is it already?!”

“Just look at this…” said Twilight as she pointed to the computer.

As the ponies read the news on the monitor, the ponies then gave mixed reactions at the news they read. The ponies then looked at Twilight and asked.

“Is this real Twilight?”

“Yeah…this looks…I don’t know…”

“I know what you mean…” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes and then looked at Pinkie. “Pinkie? Are you okay?”

Pinkie sat there speechless, her eyes kept growing as her jaw dropped to the floor. Then she began screaming as she looked at the news again.

“AAAAaaaaahhhhh! OH NO!” yelled Pinkie. “THIS IS BAD! THIS IS REALLY REALLY BAD!”

“Pinkie?! What’s wrong?!”

Pinkie then grabbed Twilight and then yelled. “Did you not read that Twilight?!”

“Yes…I did.” said Twilight, confused at Pinkie behavior.

“Yeah!” said Pinkie as she began panicking. “Here, I’ll read it again for you. It says that the police arrested a pony who they believe is a Rainboom!”

“I know. That’s why I showed it to you…”

“You don’t get it!” yelled Pinkie as she pressed her face onto Twilight’s face. “The pony they arrested is my sister, Maud Pie!”