The Bare Weekend

by Blake Skies

Day One (Part One)

Day One

Applebloom awoke the next morning just at the crack of dawn. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were still half-asleep in their sleeping bags as she crawled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Upon entering she tossed off her pajamas, grabbed her tooth brush, and turned on the shower. Stepping in immediately, she let the shock of the cold water wake her up completely.
Soon enough the water became hot and she began to clean up. As she did so, her mind ran through its mental checklist of what the day’s chores were going to be, at least for her. Today she was supposed to clean the house, take in some of the corn crop, and mow the lawn for the cows. Simple chores that were made a lot easier with Scoots and Sweetie Belle present.
A smile crept onto Applebloom’s face; this was going to be a fun weekend. As she reached for the loofah to begin washing her body, she remembered that she was going to have to do all those chores naked. Applebloom gulped a mighty big gulp as she washed herself down. She was young, there was no denying it, but she wasn’t a little girl either. She was filling out, though her body was still in the early development stages. Unlike Sweetie Belle, who’d popped up like a weed when she’d first hit puberty.
But that being said, she was going to have to go outside, with the possibility of being seen by other people, naked, on full display. And if even a hint of this got sent to her family, or worse Diamond Tiara…
That made Applebloom quiver with fear. Her nerves got the better of her as she began to think of the myriad ways she could be shamed or punished. So much so that she forgot how long she was in the shower. Applebloom was only woken out of her horrified trance when Sweetie knocked on the door.
“Applebloom, are you still in there?” she asked.
“Oh,” Applebloom squeaked, “Oh, yeah. Hang on a second, I’m almost done.” She then quickly wrapped up her shower and got out. Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around her and opened the door. “All finished.”
“Thanks AB,” Sweetie Belle replied sleepily, rubbing her cheek to help her wake up.
“You’re welcome, water’s all nice and hot for ya too,” Applebloom said very shakily.
“Something wrong?” Sweetie asked.
“Oh no, just a little sleepy,” Applebloom lied. “I’m gonna go get dressed. Is Scootaloo up?”
“She’s in the master bathroom so you don’t got to worry,” Sweetie Belle smiled, “Though really, Applebloom, I don’t see the need for you to worry.”
Applebloom bit her lower lip. “Well, I kinda do.”
“What’s the matter, are you nervous?” Sweetie asked.
Shifting her eyes, Applebloom took a moment to answer. “A little bit,” she admitted quietly.
“You could always back out, and save us the trouble as well,” Sweetie said softly.
“Yeah, but something tells me Scoots would never let me live it down, especially considering my display yesterday,” Applebloom said.
Sweetie Belle nodded. “Yeah, good point. What are you going to do, then?”
Applebloom took a deep sigh. “I guess I’m gonna have to go through it. Besides, it’s only for chores, right?”
“Yeah, so nothing to worry about, really. Plus your family is away, so no one’s gonna approach the farm. You’ll be fine,” Sweetie Belle reasoned. “And if things really get tough, I’m sure Scoots will relent.”
Applebloom nodded as she conceded that point. It was comforting, to know that her friends would still be by her side no matter what. And that did make her feel better.
“Okay, thanks Sweetie, I needed that,” Applebloom said gratefully. “Anyway, I’m gonna head over to my room and get dressed.”
Sweetie nodded and then headed into the bathroom to clean up. Applebloom, meanwhile, walked back to her room. All the while Sweetie Belles words stuck with her. Scootaloo was compassionate and could easily forgive bad bets, in fact Applebloom was sure Scoots was hoping she’d pull out because of what day three was supposed to entail. Then again, maybe she’d accepted this deal for a different reason.
What that was she wasn’t sure of yet, whether it was bravado or the fact that she still hadn’t gotten an apology from either of them. And yet, despite her misgivings, there was something else driving her. She had always heard rumors in her class about kids streaking around their houses naked when the parents weren’t home, and it always eaten at her that she never did. Now her family wasn’t home, and she’d finally check that off her “to-do” list in life. It would be exciting, maybe, if she got over her fears.
Walking into her room, Applebloom looked around for something to put on. Sweetie Belle was also right in another regard: why would she put on clothes if she was just going to take them off again? Then again, it probably wasn’t a good idea to be naked during breakfast. So she grabbed one of her old pajamas, which was nothing more than an old style nightgown Granny Smith had given her. It was pinkish in color, though the color had faded a bit, but more importantly it was easy to get on and easy to get off.
Shedding the towel, Applebloom took a deep breath to calm her still-frayed nerves. Sliding the garment on, she suddenly felt weird wearing only that. She finally understood the value of undergarments, as the cloth of the old nightgown itched slightly. But this also reinforced to Applebloom something else: this garment was the only thing between her and complete nakedness.
She was really going through with this.
“No turning back now, Applebloom, time to be brave,” she said to herself.
Then she turned and headed out of her room to breakfast. Each step she took felt different now. She had walked around the house barefoot before, so the feeling her feet was getting against the wooden floors wasn’t anything new. But the sensations the rest of her body felt was completely different. The nightgown swayed with each step, as if trying to reveal the farmer’s fur and body underneath. She gave the nightgown a gentle tug and that seemed to straighten everything out. Descending the steps, Applebloom saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sitting at the dining table.
“Good morning, Cutie Mark Crusaders!” she announced with a smile.
“Good morning, Applebloom,” Scootaloo replied. “Sleep well?”
“Meh, I’ve had better nights,” she said walking over to the cupboard to grab some cereal and milk.
“Yeah,” Scootaloo chuckled, “I hear ya. Sleeping bags are fun and all but not when it’s on a hard floor.”
“I don’t, know I slept fine,” Sweetie Belle commented.
“Maybe it’s just me,” Scootaloo shrugged.
“Guess you’re still not comfortable sleeping in sleeping bags,” Applebloom agreed.
“Hey, that was only because I was scared of those ghost stories Rainbow Dash told us,” Scootaloo said defensively.
Applebloom smiled as she poured herself breakfast and then joined the girls at the table. “Oh before I forget, everyone know their jobs today?” Applebloom asked.
“Yeah, I still got the list you gave me,” Scootaloo said. “Can I just ask, I’m supposed to bale the hay in the barn, do you also want me to move the hay bales?”
Applebloom shook her head. “Absolutely not, Big Mac always takes care of that job. All you gotta do is just clean up the barn.”
“Okay, good,” Scootaloo said. She then took a bite of her breakfast before looking back at Applebloom. “By the way, I take it the deal is still on?”
Applebloom froze midway through putting the spoon of her cereal into her mouth. She looked at Scootaloo, who had a small smirk on her face. For a few moments, Applebloom had almost hoped Scoots had forgotten about the deal, but then again she hadn’t any other time. So Applebloom finished taking a bite of her food before answering.
“Of course, Scootaloo, you know we Cutie Mark Crusaders never back away from a challenge.” Applebloom said.
Oddly, that didn’t make Scootaloo look any happier. “Oh, uh, I was actually kinda hoping that you’d back out, to be honest.”
“Why’s that, Scootaloo? I mean, yesterday you seemed all to determined to have this thing go through,” Sweetie Belle asked slyly.
“That was my ego talking,” Scootaloo said dismissively.
Applebloom smiled, “Well, we made the bet anyway. And none of us have backed out of a bet yet.”
“But you’re not, you know, nervous?” Scootaloo asked.
“Oh, unbelievably,” Applebloom answered quickly, remembering how jittery she had been. But she steeled herself. “But, now that I think about it, maybe it would be rather fun to actually do it instead of backing out. I mean no parents, no older sister, and no older brother even. Maybe running around this place naked would be kinda refreshing.”
Scootaloo sighed. “Well I’ve got two days before I have to even worry about it. Hopefully that’s enough time for either you or Sweetie to forfeit.”
“Maybe,” Sweetie grinned.
“Okay then, it’s settled for reals this time,” Applebloom said. “Let’s finish breakfast and head out to work.”

The airplane landed softly at Las Pegasus International Airport after a long flight from Canterlot. Cheerilee eased herself out of the chair she was in the moment the plane reached its gate. She had always hated flying ever since a flight to Zebrica she had been on as a girl had hit extreme turbulence. She was a bit envious of Twilight Sparkle, who was much more comfortable flying. Despite having wings Twilight was still too inexperienced to fly herself intercontinental distances safely. So she rode with Cheerilee on a commercial flight over.
Cheerilee sent a silent thanks Celestia for Twilight’s company, as the other mare had kept her mind completely off the flight and on random trivia about Equestria. The other passengers probably would’ve complained if Twilight hadn’t informed the flight crew of Cheerilee’s fear. Still, it was nice to be on the ground once again. The duo grabbed their carry-ons and walked out of the aircraft through the gateway to the terminal.
Twilight was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a very nice blouse that probably came on loan from Rarity. Cheerilee, however, was dressed in a long blue dress with hot pants underneath, just in case any gust of wind got curious. That being said, she hadn’t worn a bra or panties, as she wanted very little to get in her way when she had to strip. Twilight had voiced her unease about Cheerilee being so daring, especially since she had never done this before.
But Cheerilee told Twilight that doing this was like going into a pool for the first time. Either dive in fast to give you little time to back out or wade in slowly and really think about it. And Cheerilee wanted the former over the latter. So Twilight bit her lip and continued on. But that hadn’t stopped the alicorn from informing Cheerilee about all the rules and regulations as to nudist conduct.
When they got into the terminal and recovered their luggage, Cheerilee turned to Twilight, who seemed to be looking for someone.
“So, Twilight, how exactly are we getting to this place?” Cheerilee asked.
“We were supposed to be picked up by someone, but I can’t find her,” Twilight grumbled.
“Twilight Sparkle!” shouted a voice.
Cheerilee looked in the direction of the voice and saw two women approach her, one unicorn and one earth. The unicorn had yellowish white fur, blue hair, and red eyes. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a pink double eighth note on it and tight black jeans with a blue stripe down the side. Her blue hair was cut short and very spikey. The earth had goldish grey fur, black hair, and purple eyes. She looked a lot more formal than her companion, despite only wearing a nice shirt and long skirt.
It took Cheerilee a moment to recognize the unicorn. “Oh my goodness, Vinyl Scratch! How have you been?”
“Cheerilee!” Vinyl screamed as she ran up. A split second later Cheerilee was nearly knocked off her feet by Vinyl’s jump hug. “Oh my god it’s been so long, what are you doing here?”
“I’m on vacation from my teaching job for three days and Twilight invited me,” she answered.
Vinyl gave Twilight an odd look, but before she could ask Twilight flashed a knowing nod. Vinyl grinned, turning back to Cheerilee. “Well thank Celestia she did, it’s been too long since I last saw Party-lee.”
Cheerilee laughed, “Too long, Turn Tables.”
Vinyl laughed at the old nickname, then turned around again to address her partner. “Octavia, this is my old college roomie Cheerilee. Cheerilee, this is my friend Octavia Melody.”
“A pleasure to meet you Miss Cheerilee. Forgive me for asking, but you’re the schoolteacher, right?” Octavia asked, extending a hand.
“Yes I am,” Cheerilee answered taking the hand and shaking. “And don’t worry, Vinyl’s such a social butterfly it was hard even for me, and I knew her before she was DJ.”
Octavia smiled in response. “Very good,”
“Good, we’re all introduced.” Twilight smiled. “I take it we’re ready to get going?”
“Oh, yes, we’d best get going,” Octavia replied.
With that the four girls walked out of the terminal. None really spoke up until they got to the parking lot and out of public eye.
“Wow, Twilight, I’m actually quite shocked no one came up to us,” Cheerilee said in an amazed tone. “I mean two of Equestrian’s most famous people just walked out of the airport that has got to make some sort of news.”
“Meh, if you keep your nose clean the press eventually gets bored with you,” Twilight answered, rolling her eyes.
“And besides, it’s daytime, none of the tabloid writers care what we do doing our day lives,” Vinyl added as they reached Vinyl’s car, a small four door vehicle. She then opened the trunk and began to help load the luggage in. “By the way, Twilight told you exactly where we’re going, right?”
“Comp D’ Ace,” Cheerilee answered. “She told me all about it last night.”
Vinyl looked at Cheerilee oddly. “Did she really?”
“Yeah, it’s a nudist place,” Cheerilee answered.
“Okay, ease off, Vinyl. She’s clearly informed,” Octavia chided.
They climbed into the car with Vinyl in the driver seat. Twilight and Cheerilee climbed into the back seat. Soon enough the car began to drive off towards the coast.
Cheerilee leaned back in the seat. “So, Vinyl, I never knew you were a nudist. Did you become one after we graduated?”
“Actually, been one all my life. But back then I was actually unsure of whether or not I was going to continue the tradition,” Vinyl answered. “I got back into it a few years after graduation when I went with my parents to this place for a friend’s wedding. But I will admit I got real close to keeping my clothes on.”
“Really, Vinyl, I never thought you would be the conservative type,” Octavia teased.
“And when did you become a nudist Octavia?” Cheerilee asked.
“Vinyl got me hooked about a year and a half ago,” Octavia answered. “When I moved to Canterlot I moved in with Vinyl. One thing led to another and I soon discovered this wonderful lifestyle.”
“And you became a nudist last year Twilight?” Cheerilee asked again.
“At the Soft Sun’s party, yeah, that’s also where I met Octavia,” Twilight answered.
The car soon got off the highway and began to drive along a road hugging the coast.
“So Vinyl, you’ve been here before, right? How is this place?” Twilight asked.
“Very wonderful, it’s actually a living community with shopping malls and even a school,” Vinyl replied. “Kinda like Spirit’s Maximus County in Unalando. I honestly love the golf courses and the beach they have, but Cheerilee I think you and Twilight will love the theme park.”
“Please tell me it’s not nudist themed,” Octavia sighed.
“Nope, it's ocean themed. Marine World, I think it’s called. From what I remember they have a lot of great rides there and even some great exhibits. Haven’t been there in a few years, though, so I might be a bit off,” Vinyl answered.
Twilight snorted. “A marine-themed nudist theme park Kinda doesn’t fit the aesthetic, if you ask me.”
“Well Twilight, what theme would you have picked?” Cheerilee asked innocently.
It took a moment for Twilight to think about an answer. “Well if it were up to me, I’d probably make it a fantasy themed park.”
“Aren’t there, like, five of those in Horsica?” Vinyl asked.
“And none in Equestria, which only validates my answer,” Twilight smiled.
“I don’t know, I would love to go to a music themed place,” Octavia replied dreamily. “Just think, being able to ride on music sheets, take a run on roller-coaster version of one of Bach’s creations, or maybe even a spin on a DJ turntable.”
“I spin those already, Octy, and let me tell you, it ain’t that impressive a thing to ride,” Vinyl snorted in reply. “I’d love to go to a space themed park. Just thinking about the rides they might put in is freaking awesome.”
“Space, wouldn’t you want to expand on the idea and just make it technology in general?” Twilight asked.
“Nah, then it’d be Tomorrowland,” Vinyl laughed. “So, Cheerilee, your turn what would you pick?”
Cheerilee thought about it for a moment. “I honestly would go to a comic book themed park.”
“That’s an interesting choice,” Octavia said carefully. “Were you into comics growing in?”
“Party-lee, are you kidding? She was the biggest nerd imaginable,” Vinyl laughed.
“Hey, being into comics doesn’t make you a nerd!” Twilight snapped.
“Don’t worry about it, Twilight,” Cheerilee said airily. “Vinyl’s a nerd too, she was big into Darkhorse. I was a Marvel kid.”
Twilight looked between Vinyl and Cheerilee. “Really, Well, Scratch, I’m learning more and more about you every time I see you.”
“Speaking of,” Cheerilee said, changing the subject. “Are the tabloids right about you two?”
Both Octavia and Vinyl laughed really hard for a moment. As the laughter subsided, Octavia answered, “No, no, no, we’re not a couple. We’re just good friends.”
“Yeah, the tabloids are only going crazy because of a prank the two of us are pulling on them. Just a little revenge for all those stupid articles,” Vinyl added.
Cheerilee laughed, “Same old Turn Tables always loves to have fun with the media.”
Twilight stretched her arms out and then adjusted her shirt, “So Vinyl, how long until we get there?”
“Not too long, just about another thirty minutes,” Vinyl replied
“By the way, Vinyl, you never did mention this, but are we renting an apartment or a condo?” Octavia asked.
“Neither, I managed to get us a house!” Vinyl replied with a smug grin.
“Are you kidding me?” Octavia yelped. “How were you able to afford that?!”
“Believe it or not they’re actually giving us this house as a thank you for me preforming there. Yup, turns out I’m actually getting them a lot of sales on resort tickets,” Vinyl smiled.
“So, essentially, we’re going here for free?” Cheerilee asked.
“Yep, and you’ll thank me even more when you find out normally the cost would run up to five hundred bucks,” Vinyl said.
“Wow, Vinyl, that’s really generous of you,” Twilight said in mild wonder.
“You’re welcome, Twilight.”
Soon enough the car arrived at Comp D’ Ace. From the outside it looked like a normal resort. But soon enough after they entered the town and both Twilight and Cheerilee saw what it really was. It was a normal town, but everyone in the town was completely naked. Cheerilee took a deep breath as the sight set in. Suddenly being so brave and bold seemed much harder. But a reassuring nod from Twilight bolstered her resolve again.
The car turned down a side street and then pulled up into the driveway of a one story house. The four girls exited the car and looked upon the house. It was a quaint dwelling with a very light pink front and reddish roof. The lawn was neat and some sunflowers were up by the windows.
“Well this is nice,” Twilight said, grabbing her luggage.
“Indeed. Is this a four bedroom place?” Octavia asked.
“Well, technically a two bedroom place, but they got four beds so we don’t have to double up. Oh, and they have three bathrooms so we shouldn’t have much trouble on that front,” Vinyl answered.
“Oh, okay. Well, that should be nice,” Octavia said as they walked in.
Much like the outside, the interior was quite quaint, nothing too important about it at all. The girls walked into the living room and Octavia closed the door behind them.
“Okay ladies, let’s get to our rooms, get unpacked, and then get these clothes off,” Twilight said
“Vinyl and I shall share a room. Cheerilee, do you mind bunking with Twilight?” Octavia asked.
“Oh, not all,” Cheerilee replied.
“Less talking, more unpacking,” Vinyl said, running into her room.
And the four girls headed off into the respective rooms. When Twilight and Cheerilee entered their room, they saw that indeed there were two beds.
“Well, at least Table’s wasn’t lying,” Cheerilee said.
“Okay, I take left you take right?” Twilight asked.
“That’s fine,” Cheerilee answered, heading to the right-side bed.
Twilight looked at the school teacher. “Last chance to back out, Are you really sure you want to do this?”
“Twilight, we’re here already, I don’t think I can just call it quits right now,” Cheerilee replied, shaking her head.
“I’m just making sure.”
“Thanks, but I don’t want to think about it too much,” Cheerilee answered. “It’s helping me cope.”
Twilight nodded. “Well, okay. Whatever works for you?”
Then with a flash of her magic, Twilight stripped her clothes off. Cheerilee took a step back from her bed in modest shock. Twilight was actually pretty nice to look at, a good set of hips and small breasts, but nothing about her was ugly in any way. Even her wings and tail looked cute, freed as they were from her clothing. She was actually pretty beautiful standing there in the buff.
When Twilight felt Cheerilee’s eyes upon her, she looked back. “Is there something wrong?”
“No nothing, just adjusting,” Cheerilee answered. “You got naked pretty fast.”
“Magic, it really helps sometimes. Would you like me to leave the room?” Twilight asked.
“Oh no, no, it’s okay. Here goes nothing.”
Cheerilee closed her eyes, gripped her dress, and pulled it off in one smooth movement. With her chest and C cups now exposed it wasn’t long before the shorts were off too. She felt a gentle breeze brushed against her but it quickly faded. All of this happened so fast that Cheerilee’s emotions didn’t have time to process what happened, which left her in a very calm state. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes.
Twilight was giving her a warm smile. “How do you feel?”
Cheerilee pondered the answer as she stood there. “Little cold, but I think I’m adjusting.”
“Good. Well welcome to the club, I guess,” Twilight said. “You…uh…you look good.”
“Thanks, you too Twilight,” Cheerilee replied back warmly. “Well, shall we go join Octy and Tables?”
“Yeah, let’s go before you change your mind,” Twilight teased.
“Yeah,” Cheerilee said, unable to really reply.
Then she and Twilight walked out of the room. Cheerilee kept her mind focused and away from the fact that she was now naked. Sure enough, when they exited the room they found Octavia and Vinyl waiting for them in the living room, nude as ever and with their purses.
Vinyl had great hips with breasts smaller than Twilight’s, while Octavia had the biggest chest but slim hips. Still, the two of them and Twilight looked very comfortable in their nudity, while Cheerilee felt incredibly stiff. Though, to be fair, they had been nudists a lot longer than she was.
When Vinyl spotted Cheerilee, she smiled. “Well you’re looking nude. How do you feel?”
“Chilly,” Cheerilee answered honestly. “And a bit, uh, edgy, but I’m ready to go. Where to first?”
“Well, I’m up for some exercise. Want to head over to the sports complex?” Octavia suggested.
“Actually, why don’t we just take a walk around, see the place?” Twilight added.
“Are you kidding, a place like this is so big it’d take us a day to see half of it by walking. No, let’s go get something to eat first. I’m starved.” Vinyl said.
“Okay, I’m game for that, how about the mall afterward?” Cheerilee said. “It would give us a good walk too, Octavia.”
“That actually does sound rather nice. Alright, we’ll do that. I’ll drive,” Octavia decided.
The four nodded and headed for the door. That’s when Cheerilee felt a bit uneasy. Being nude indoors, in front of friends, was one thing, but outside? That was something else. But she had to do it now, no turning back. So once Vinyl opened the door, Cheerilee was the first one out.

Applebloom shook with nerves. Earlier she had been sure about doing the bet. Now that the actual time had come, nothing told her to do it save for pride. But even that part of her was cautious about doing this. She was going to walk outside naked, do chores naked, and work the farm butt naked. Breathing heavily, Applebloom looked at the dress she still had on. The nightgown was itchy, yes, and a bit uncomfortable without underwear, but it was still the only thing protecting her innocence. Yet she had to remove it.
Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were already doing their chores and out of the house. Applebloom was standing by the door with a cart filled with empty baskets outside waiting for her. The baskets were for the food crops that Applebloom had to pick so the family could have meals. Picking corn and apples was her first task, and then she was to return home to clean the house with the other girls.
Applebloom bit her lower lip. All the thoughts she’d had during her early morning shower came back. What if someone saw her, what if Applejack or Big Mac came home early, what if Silver Spoon or - Celestia forbid - Diamond Tiara caught her, or what if she got lost out there and couldn’t find her way back in? She could keep the nightgown in the cart, but what if the cart rolled away? Then again having the nightgown might raise more questions than if she was outside naked. What if it started to rain? What if she got really sick?
As she reached for the door handle, everything in her head told her to open the door and shout to Scootaloo that she wasn’t going to do it. But then something crept into her mind: her pride. If she said no, she would probably regret it later on. Included in those what if thoughts from earlier was the knowledge that other kids had done this, so why hadn’t she? Applebloom right now had the best opportunity to perform this task. And nothing but her fears stood in the way. And maybe she could get her cutie mark in bravery. It was a valid idea; if she did this it would be one of the bravest acts she had ever done. And who knows, it could be fun.
That sealed it; she was going to do this. Taking a glance out the window, Applebloom saw that no one was within sight of the house. So she was alone and knew that neither Sweetie Belle nor Scootaloo were gonna pull a fast one on her. This was it.
Applebloom took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.”
She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it off. Folding up the dress, Applebloom left it on the chair near the door in a neat square. A gentle breeze then brushed against her fur, making the poor girl jump in shock. But the breeze passed quickly and Applebloom straightened out. She walked back to the door and gripped the handle. The nerves returned, this time stronger, because she was now naked as the day she was born.
With a very uneasy breath, Applebloom turned the handle and opened the door. To her relief, the outside was still vacant of life. And to her surprise, she felt the heat of the day hit her in force.
“Wow,” Applebloom muttered, “I’m actually glad I’m doing this, this heat is unbearable.”
It was a sarcastic comment at best, as Applebloom had a soft tremble as she walked outside. Her fur rustled a bit as the breeze caught her again, this time from the wind. It felt weird, very weird at first. For Applebloom it was hard to describe going out to the outside word naked. The feelings she usually got on her arms and legs, which she often had exposed due to her short pants and shirt, were now being felt all over, even on her breasts and special place. That was the surprising shock, and it felt extremely unnerving.
But at the same time, there was an element of fun to it as well. None of the feelings she was getting felt bad, just different. Her nerves began to subside, but only just. After standing out on the front porch getting used to the new sensations she had felt, Applebloom took a look around. It was a gorgeous day. There were few clouds and barely any wind, and the sun shone on Equestria just strong enough to make being nude comfortably warm.
Applebloom walked off the porch and grabbed the cart. Soon she began to walk towards the corn fields and it didn’t take long for her to arrive. That’s when she remembered her first fear, being spotted. The corn field, much like the apple orchard, was very close to the main road. Anyone walking down the road could see her from the first two rows of crop. Worse still, once she was done with the corn, she had to cross that road to go into the orchard.
The chances of being seen scared Applebloom. But she couldn’t turn back; she was outside already and in the corn field. So she began her work. Much to her surprise, nothing had changed. Picking corn was the same as she had always done; there was nothing unusual about it. The only difference was her, she was naked. And that was it. As she picked the crop Applebloom thought about her situation: she was naked and picking food, nothing indecent about it. There was no one with a camera recording anything for lewd purposes, and furthermore she felt more nervous than excited, at least excited in other ways.
As she reached the end of the first road, she realized she was actually having fun. Granny Smith had a rule about being indecent, a rule that Applejack enforced severely. Now she was breaking that rule.
“Wow,” Applebloom muttered, “This is actually pretty fun. I never knew it.”
She turned onto the second row and began her work. Soon she was half way down and totally absorbed in her work. The fact that she was doing the working nude had gone from a horrid abomination to a point of amusement.
“I don’t know why ponies hate this so much,” Applebloom smiled, “It’s actually very helpful, especially on hot days like this. And plus no clothes to get wet from my sweat. That means very little to wash later!”
Just then she heard two people talking. At first she thought it was Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo talking. But then as the discussion became clearer she realized it wasn’t. Now her nerves returned as exactly what she had feared had come about. Applebloom, midway through plucking a cob off the stalk, began to panic.
“Oh sweet Celestia what will I do?” she gabbled. “What am I gonna do, I’m gonna get caught!”
The conversation got louder; it was only a matter of time before she was caught. She began to hyperventilate as she spun around looking for a way to get out. Then she spotted the cart, and quickly dove behind it. Holding her breath, Applebloom kept her body hidden and head down. It didn’t take long for her to realize who it was that were walking past.
“Oh, it’s Carrot Top and Derpy,” she sighed in relief. “They must be socializing.”
Carrot Top and Derpy Hooves were too busy talking to notice Applebloom, who was invisible behind the kart regardless. Soon enough they had walked past and were out of earshot. Applebloom sighed with relief. Her heartbeat began to even out and she took a welcome breath of air. The adrenaline still rushing through her was still going; she had actually gotten some enjoyment out of getting nearly caught.
A warm and yet devilish smile appeared on her face. “This thrill might actually make this all worth it.”
But pretty soon that rush went away and she had no more close calls. Applebloom managed to get the food picked and shipped over to the house without any clothes. Finally she managed to clean the house before days end. All the while, she began to enjoy her time naked and completely forget that she was nude. Sure, she had some reminders whenever a gust of wind blew by, but even then she became used to it.
By the midafternoon the chores at Sweet Apple Acres were all over. Meeting up with the other Crusaders in the living room, Applebloom was kinda surprised to see them quite cheerful.
“Howdy guys how were your day?” she asked.
“Not bad, AB,” Sweetie Belle said. “Those chores weren’t too tough.”
“Yeah, I actually had an easier time than I thought cleaning out the farm. I got done so early I helped Sweetie Belle with her chores,” Scootaloo said.
“Yeah, I did alright, too,” Applebloom said.
“Did you run into anyone?” Scootaloo asked.
“Nope, Derpy and Carrot passed by but other than that, nothing,” Applebloom said.
“Oh that must’ve been torture, did they see you?” Scootaloo asked again.
“No, I leapt behind the cart before they could,” Applebloom answered sitting down in the chair.
“How did it feel?” Sweetie asked.
“Very weird at first,” Applebloom answered honestly. “I was really scared to do it at first and then again with Derpy and Carrot Top passed. But as I got used to it, I really forgot about it. I have to admit, it’s quite comfortable.”
“So, you passed day one, I guess that means I’ll have to join you tomorrow,” Sweetie Belle said with no trace of nervousness.
“Great,” Applebloom said. The trio sat there for a moment before she spoke again. “So what do you girls want to do now?”
“Shouldn’t you be putting your clothes on first?” Scootaloo asked quizzically.
Applebloom looked down for a moment. She actually thought about that question as she had gotten used to being naked. And the thought of putting something back on actually made her sad. Besides, she was going have to get nude tomorrow and Sunday. So maybe it would be a better idea to stay naked.
“Well, I actually thought I might stay this way,” she said, shifting in place.
“Really,” Sweetie asked. “Why?”
“Yeah Applebloom, bet’s over for today. You can get dressed now,” Scootaloo added.
“I know that’s true and all, but...” Applebloom started still shifting in her seat. It took her a moment to choose her words, but before she could Scootaloo spoke up.
“You can’t tell me you’re turned on by this.” Scootaloo said with a mild tone of disgust in her voice.
“No, it’s not that!” Applebloom hastily denied. “It’s just that…I’m comfortable.” Silence fell over the trio for a moment. After a few moments, Applebloom continued, “I know it’s weird and ain’t exactly natural, but that’s how I feel. Although, if you girls want me to put my clothes back on I will.”
Sweetie looked at Scootaloo. “Well, she will just have to get naked again tomorrow, what would be the point of putting the clothes back on?”
“Yeah, but what if we have to go into town and get something? What if someone comes?” Scootaloo countered. “She nearly got caught with Derpy and Carrot Top today. Who knows what tomorrow or Sunday will bring.”
“I will admit though, it was kinda fun dodging those two,” Applebloom muttered. “Kinda like sneaking around the house with an arm full of candy you swiped.”
Scootaloo looked back at Applebloom. “Okay, that’s kinda weird. And yet cool at the same time.”
“So it’s okay with you Scootaloo?” Applebloom asked.
Scootaloo was silent for a second before answering. “You know, that zip line we built way back when is still hanging in the forest. You girls up for another thrill ride?”
Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom whooped an affirmative.

Cheerilee smiled ear to ear in pure enjoyment. The quartet sat in the outside of an ice cream parlor enjoying the perfect day. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, and the breeze had all but stopped. She was enjoying a lovely strawberry sundae with a milkshake. Twilight was gently eating a pomegranate yogurt with a soda. Octavia and Vinyl each had a gluten free chocolate frosty soft cone. Nearby was the Comp D ‘Ace beach and Godiva Cove.
The girls had planned to go there after eating their food, but for right now they were enjoying themselves. But what made Cheerilee smile brightly was that they were still naked. What an absolutely naughty and yet lifting experience. During the drive over, Vinyl had gotten lost and they had pulled up to a couple to ask directions. The couple was extremely nice in giving directions and they even struck up a conversation, and to Cheerilee it was the most sincere conversation she’d had in years. Twilight summed it up well when they left the couple to hit the parlor.
“You see, the most genuine thing about nudists is that they’re very open people. Since no one wears clothes, there are no restrictions, no limitations, and best of all complete sincerity. You’ll get your bad apples here and there, but again that’s true with everything.” She had explained.
And Cheerilee believed every word of it now. The teacher took another spoonful of her sundae and looked out towards the beach. There were plenty of hot guys there, though the single ones were a dime a dozen and even then she wasn’t sure that they were alone. That saddened her a bit, but only just. Vinyl was going to be performing tomorrow and there was sure to be single guys there.
So Cheerilee looked back at her meal. “This isn’t half bad.”
“Indeed, I must admit this is the best ice cream I’ve had since I was a little girl,” Octavia agreed.
“Well usually beachfront ice cream parlors are pretty good, and they kinda have to be,” Twilight replied.
“True that, Twilight,” Vinyl added.
“Vinyl, I thought you were aiming to amend your alliteration annoyance,” Cheerilee said, giggling. Noting the looks Octavia and Twilight were sending her way, she explained, “She did that in college all the time.”
“Hey, honey, I haven’t had this habit in a while.” Vinyl smirked.
“Oh believe me, I know. And it gets even worse when you hear her do it in her sleep,” Octavia groaned.
“Oh really,” Cheerilee asked slyly. “Are you two sure you aren’t a couple?”
Octavia shook her head. “Goodness, no, Vinyl’s nice and all don’t, mistake me. But she’s not my type.”
“Octavia’s straight Party-lee, and my boy and I are quite happy right now,” Vinyl smiled.
“Wait, you have a boyfriend?” Twilight gasped in surprise.
“Yeah, met him a few months back in Manehattan,” Vinyl answered.
“Then why isn’t he here?” Cheerilee asked, puzzled.
“They had a fight; he couldn’t get out of a booking,” Octavia answered for Vinyl.
“Hey!” Vinyl snapped, before subsiding. “Yeah, he’s a standup comedian, name’s Sikes.”
“Oh I’ve heard of him, he’s actually pretty funny. Although I didn’t know he was into nudism,” Cheerilee said. “But I guess he’s hiding that, too?”
“Yeah,” Vinyl sighed. “Shame about the taboo, but hey, that’s for another time, right?”
“Indeed. Now shall we finish up and then go for a swim in the waves?” Octavia asked.
“Yeah I’m down for that,” Cheerilee said, attacking her ice cream with renewed vigor.