A Scratched Melody

by Pankrazius

Sixth Chapter - Valentine's Day is over

The hardest part had been to be serious and honest to myself. To make decisions - real decisions and stick to them. Berry was kind enough to let me stay at her place. I knew if I started to hang out with the same guys as before, every try to get out of this mess was in vain. Not that my friends - or the ponies I hung out with - were evil or something. They probably didn't have any problems with partying and drinking the nights through. But they had a live, parents nearby, friends and relations, which keep them sane. Besides Berryshine now I had nothing this way. So I stuck with her for the next time.

She even offered me a job at her shop - even if she watched carefully I didn't anything dumb with her stuff.
But at least this was not the big problem. I could be some ass of a pighead. Staying away from Berrys booze was easier then expected. So I stacked boxes and shelves and such. Nothing comparable to flipping records - but everything was better then the time before.

"Hey Vinyl.", Vinyl came down the stairs from the apartment, right as I paused with a bottle of apple juice, leaning on the decorative barrel amidst the shop. I looked up to see her waving with the newspaper.
"I think I have found something you could be interested in." she smiled, closed the distance and dropped the paper atop the keg.

I glanced over the classifieds, not sure what she wanted from me. Jobs? No. Didn't think she wanted me to go. Pets? Lost and Found? No.... Then my gaze got caught at the rentals.

"Mixing station?" I whispered and gazed in her gleefully nodding face. I... dreamt about making music again. Why did she know? I didn't mention it....

"I hear you humming the whole time. And you clopping beats with your hooves, every time you feel unobserved... but, the ceiling is not very soundproof..." I felt heat in my face.

"I..." I started.

"No... nothing to excuse here. Don't worry. But after all - Wubs are your special talent. Cutting you off from it, won't help you." she said, now more serious.

"Yeah. Can't get it out of my head. There is music in there, wanting out. It's like ... you know - needing to pee..." Yeah.. none of my better wordings I guess. But Berry just snickered. "But.. look - its too expensive. How should I afford this?"

"Oh - this is easy. I take the half of the costs." she said with a certain tone.

"No! I can't accept that. Impossible! After all you have done for me..." I stared at her, gasping.

"After all I have done for you? Most of the things you have done yourself. I gave you a shove in the right direction maybe. And I helped you to start. And after all - you work very well here. So consider it just a raise." Even if she smiled again, her words sounded really serious. But...

"What could I say?", I swallowed. Making music again! There was not much more I wanted. At least nothing I could realistically get.

"Maybe 'thank you'?" Berry looked at me.

"Thank... Thank you. Ooooh. I...", I tackled her in a hug. And I swear I didn't cry! ... at least no one saw it.

* * *

I was about to preparing dinner - again. Since the ... last time, I stayed away from making it in secret. I had asked Tune beforehand. Now, what should I say. Not every pony liked surprises. But at least he was reliable. And he seemed to be really happy with my offer. Candles, casserole in the oven. This time would get perfect.
Why had Tune changed that way? I mean - the first months of our relationship he was so... cool, so gentle and all. Even spontaneous. OK - he was spontanous. I never tried to be, that time. And the first time I wanted to surprise him - had backfired badly.
Pondering I walked back in the kitchen. Had bought some noble wine. Hopefully Blue would at least don't mind this surprise.
Wine from Berryshine. Funny thing there. I had headed for her shop early in the morning. And I could swear to have seen Vinyl in the back room. Or probably some helper of Berry with the same white coat and blue mane. Because I just couldn't believe that someone like Vinyl Scratch would apply for serious work.
While preparing the table I couldn't do anything but think on the past times with her. She had been so random, so oblivious. Now everything was determined. No strange things happened. No... burnt furniture. And... no surprises any more.

I sighed.

The doorbell rung and I lifted my head from the bottle I had stared, lost in my memories.

"Hi Octavia. Let's see - One letter for Mr. Blue Tune, some advertises.... nope - that's all." Derpy, our mailmare hoofed me a bag of paper and a small package, tipped her cap and turned around. The grey, blond maned mare with her somewhat strange wall eyed look trotted off. I flipped through the ads, ready to dump them right away in the paper-bin. But then my eyes caught something. A resemblance of the Royal coat of arms. At the second look, it seemed just to be another advertise, trying to get attention by using regal symbols. But then I recognized what it was.

"And I said NO!", I never had witnessed him this upset. He stand in front of me in our cozy small living room. Moments ago I had showed him an application form for the Royal Garden Showcase in Canterlot. The form was part of the invitation for every singer, musician or instrument player in the region.

"Tune... Cello..." I heard my own voice trembling. I had waited with the letter since after the dinner. He had arrived a bit later than usual and seemed a tired. But his mood had risen since I showed him the prepared table and even more after he had taken the first bit of my food. So I thought it would be safe to ask him.

"I already said - I don't like surprises. More so, if I the surprise itself is ridiculous!" he said with an angry growl.

"Tune... I dreamt of playing at the Royal Garden Showcase for... years." I held the piece of paper in my hoof like a child, hoping for a parents sign under it. "What is the big deal? I mean it is a showcase - its no competition. I play just for the audience and myself."

"That's exactly the point. Its no competition. So where is the reason to play there? Do you hope that a producer will become aware of you? What do you want to play anyway?" he stepped away from me, avoiding my face while he talked.

"I have prepared a piece extra for an opportunity like this." I felt challenged by him.

"Ah. Your... experimental composition you practice the whole time?" I heard the annoyance in his voice. Every single word burnt.
After all - even if it wasn't Clopin, it was my work.

"Do... do you really think so? Is it that bad?" My voice trembled even more as I felt the sting.

"Tavi... Tavi. Bow. Listen - There are just nobles and royalty there. Its the most harsh audience you can think of - "

"No." I interrupted, feeling angry myself now "Not only. There are guests from all over Equestria there. This is my chance to - "

" - Drown!" his voice got a tad too loud. "And you know I hate to get interrupted. So listen Tavi: You won't do anything good for you. There you are just one out of many musicians. And even if its no competition per say; judges, audience and managers will be there. You don't have the slightest chance to shine. At best no one recognizes you there. At the worst your name gets stained with your poor performance there."

"Gosh - is this everything you can think of? Its not all about competition or career.", I shivered in pain and anger. "What is your problem? That it isn't your plan? That I have ideas on my own?"

"Ah. Now its me. Yeah? Is it that?", he yelled. "You are an ungrateful little princess! You want to get whatever you wish for. You don't think at all the things I do for you. And moreover - the Showcase is in two weeks. We are probably gone then."

"Oh you! You are so eager to leave Ponyville. But... even if you have an application for an orchestra right now - It would take longer than two weeks to leave." I yelled back. Gosh he was crazy about leaving the town. I knew he would move away yesterday rather then now. But... this was hilarious!"

"So? I have sent another wave of applications, called some ponies in high places. We have to be prepared every moment. And you should stay focussed to your career. It is not MY job to get you a job!", he had turned around.

"Ah. At least you look at me?" - I steamed from anger now - "But you have made it your bucking job to manage MY career. I don't have to say anything in your planing."

"Yeah. And do you know why?!" he glared at me with narrowed eyes. "You showed it. Because you don't mind it the slightest bit. If you were in charge, we would sitting here forever. In this celestiaforsaken town! If I didn't do your work, we wouldn't came anywhere. I cannot leave you unwatched for one afternoon - just because you have another of your dreamy nonsense-ideas."

"You...", I felt how me hooves and legs got cold, while heat shot in my head "You are obsessed with your great plan of life. You... control-freak! You...", the rest of my rant got cut short. An explosion of pain overwhelmed me and it took a sheer eternity to realize what had happened.

I saw Tunes risen hoof, his face distorted in rage before he hit me the second time. Suddenly my anger had vanished. I didn't feel the burning pain at this moment, but just an endless weakness in my limbs. I stood shocked.
What.. What had I done?

"Tune.. I..."

He seemed to be horrified too.

"Sorry. I ... I didn't want to do that." His hoof twitched while he stared between me and his leg.

"I...", I started to cry. Faltered direct before him and sobbed. "Sorry. Sorry Tune."

I had gone to far. Had got carried away by my feelings.

"No.. its OK... I had a stressful day I... really didn't want to hurt you." after a brief break he spoke, silently now. "And I am about to find you a job... I felt betrayed and was worried. But... Me is the one who as to ask for forgiveness..," I jerked, as I felt his hoof at my back. I tried to relax.

"You may go." he finally said.

I registered his words. And I knew I should feel joy. But....