//------------------------------// // Encroaching Darkness // Story: Dark Warrior of...... Neutrality?! // by Cipherthefightingwriter //------------------------------// Five Monthes After Blaze's departure Zelda watched as Canterlot came closer as she, Link, and Lana, along with Twilight and her friends rode in a pair of carriages to a Gala that Princess Luna had invited them to. As they rode, she sighed, 'I wish I could hear of some news on how Blaze has been doing, it has been five months since he left, and he hasn't sent any letters or such of how he has been.' She started slightly when she felt a hand on her shoulder and seen it was just Lana, "Zelda, are you alright?" She nodded slightly, "I just fear for Blaze, he left only a note on what he was doing, and there is nothing from him since then." Rainbow Dash who had been riding with them while reading a book spoke up, "I'm sure the big palooka is fine. I mean, just the sight of him is intimidating enough." Lana rolled her eyes as Link decided to ask a question, "So what book are you reading?" Grinning, she held up the book, "Daring Do and the Crimson Hand, it is the newest one by A.K. Yearling. It is awesome so far, like me!" Link blinked, "A.k. Yearling? Isn't that the pony Blaze mentioned he was going to work for?" Curious, Zelda asked, "Rainbow Dash, what is that one about?" "Well, in this one, Daring Do is in a quest to find an artifact called the crimson Hand. The hand when wield allows the wielder to drain the magic of unicorns when the palm touches them. During her journey though, she comes across a warrior that is believed to be ageless and holds dark power, only to find as her old enemy Ahuizotl tries to stop her and take it for himself. Unfortunately for Ahuizotl, the warrior knows his intentions and stops him, revealing that instead of being evil, he merely is a cursed warrior forced to live eternally with darkness emanating from him, never knowing peace." Zelda was intrigued, "Sounds almost like she used Blaze as a base for this warrior." Rainbow Dash shrugged and went back to her reading. Turning to Zelda, Lana smiled, "I believe that is a sign from the goddesses that he is well. For the author to use him in her story." Zelda nodded, "I hope so Lana, I indeed hope so." Lana nodded then looked outside, "Well, looks like we are at the castle, shall we go and seem if the nobility here is as snobbish as back home?" With that, the group got out and went inside. As they converged together, Rarity asked, "What in Equestria could prompt Princess Luna to ask us to return? The last gala we came to was a disaster despite what Princess Celestia said." Twilight shook her head, "All she said was that it was a surprise and that she wanted us to have a better time." With that, they went inside and proceeded to meet with the Princesses first. After they greeted them, Celestia went to say something to Twilight, only for her to walk off, leaving a sad Celestia. The rest then followed her to the ballroom where they moved to a spot to keep to themselves. Chatting for a while, ultimately, Pinkie Pie noticed something, "Thats odd, wheres the music?" Sure enough, there was no music, looking to the stage, they watched as a gray pony they recognized as the cellist from the last gala the mane six came to came on stage and spoke, "Mares and gentlecolts, I wish to apologize for our being late. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our original violinist was unable to arrive. Fortunately, Princess Luna in a show of kindness, was able to bring in a temporary one for tonight. With that, we shall perform for you." As the group watched, the band came on stage and took their places. Though as they watched, they were shocked to see, there on stage joining the band, was Blaze. Shocked, they watched as he himself up amongst the band then proceeded to play. He sounded only slightly out of place, obviously due to being a short notice case, and obviously stood out in appearance with a few nobles noticing him and commenting. The group watched him perform and while he seemed nervous just from his stance, he continued to play. Finally, they came to a break and as the nobles clapped, the cellist came forward, "Mares and gentle colts, at the request of Princess Luna, our violinist shall now perform two songs for your entertainment." Swallowing visibly, Blaze stepped forward and bowed to the crowd, "Before I start, the songs I am to perform are from my homeland, which though foreign, I am sure will be enjoyable." Placing his bow to his violin, he then said, "This first song I dedicate to our royal hosts, especially Princess Luna." As the music flowed, the nobles couldn't help but to relax, the music soothing and relaxing. As the princesses and Ponyville members watched, some nobles actually went into a slow dance with their partners, holding them close. Leaning to Luna, Celestia asked, "Luna, what is the name of this song?" Luna smiled, "It is something appropriate to a degree in his dedication dear sister, for this song is called, 'Moon Embracing the Sun'." Celestia looked surprised but said nothing as she resumed watching, a small tear forming as she listened to the music, reminded of the times her and Luna had together growing up, all the joy and sorrow. Finishing the song, a few ponies clapped in approval, prompting Blaze to bow before speaking again, "This next song is a piece that has lasted over two hundred years and been one of the biggest inspirations for violinists through all that time, so please, enjoy this pearl from my home." As the nobles listened, the song made a few of them bob their heads slowly to the song, the classical tones truly elegant to them, making a few wonder where in Equestria such a cultured song had been made. After finishing, Blaze bowed once more, "Mares and gentlecolts, due to the nature of the final song, I shall be saving it for the end of the gala when as due to it being appropriate. So for we return you to your normal music." As Blaze returned to his position and started playing the band's music, the Ponyville members were surprised to see some nobles looking disappointed, including one in particular with a blue mane, mustache, and monocle. As they smiled, Rarity looked annoyed when a snobbish voice spoke up, "That violinist needed to go back to where he came from and relearn his craft, he-." Rarity turned and jump kicked a Stallion with a blond mane and white coat in the groin, causing him to bend over and hold himself as Rarity lead the others away, closer to the stage. Leaning towards Twilight, Link asked, "What was that about?" She shook her head, "That was Prince Blueblood, Rarity met him here the last time we were here, and contrary to her expectations, he was rude, selfish, and arrogant, and seems to haven't changed at all." Link nodded, "Then I don't blame her for hitting him if he is how you make him sound." Before Twilight could say anything else, she noticed Fluttershy covering her mouth, looking shocked "Fluttershy? Whats wrong?" Fluttershy pointed at Blaze, prompting the others to look. They had to look closely, but there on his face, faded and hard to see thanks to his green skin and green makeup that faded from sweat, but there were along his right cheek and over an eye, multiple scars." Seeing this, Zelda frowned, worried and suspicious before turning to Twilight, "Miss Twilight, when we were told Blaze was going to be working for an author, we assumed he would be safe. Why is it that he is standing up there now scarred?" Twilight looked nervous with the group of humans focusing on her, only for Applejack to speak up, "The truth is, it was suppose to be a secret. While miss yearling does write books, she does after she finds the things in the books." Zelda quickly realized what Applejack was getting at, "A.K. Yearling is actually Daring Do isn't she?" Applejack nodded, "We found out ourselves when we went to see about her next book, only too get caught up in her adventure. She asked us to keep her real identity a secret so that her enemy, Ahuizotl, wouldn't be able to find her or any other ponies wanting to settle things." Link then stepped in, "So not only has Blaze not been working for a mere author, he has been going around, risking his life for tthings in ruins and getting in fights? You do realize that he isn't a fighter right?" Rainbow Dash stepped in, "Are you kidding?! Look at him! How can he not fight in a body like that?!" Lana then spoke up, "And did you happen to see his true self when we were in his mind that one time? Did that look like a man who could fight?" Before Rainbow Dash could say anything, the music stopped and Blaze stepped forward again, "Now, as promised, for the closing of the Gala, I shall play one last song from my home, I enjoy, and I hope that everyone has a pleasant trip home and a good night." With that, he put his in place, and as the Ponyville group watched, his piece of the triforce glowed and the sound of a small orchestra reached their ears. While a few nobles had proceeded to leave due to the end of the gala, others stayed behind, entranced by the combination of the violinist who somehow made the sounds of an orchestra play with him, but the song that he played that seemed fitting for a finale. When he finished, the audience seemed a bit disappointed but still seemed happy as they either finished their conversations or proceeded to leave. As the group watched, Blaze seemed to talk with the cellist for a bit before going and stepping down off the stage and heading for the food table. They went to go talk to him, only to see Celestia heading his way. He seemed to notice her coming, and after grabbing some food, he proceeded to leave but not before dropping a banana. As they watched, Blue Blood went to the table, only to slip on it, slide some, then crash into a column. Before they knew it, the column that managed to hit started to to fall, then land on the end of the food table, and a cake that had been on the opposite end was launched. They followed its trajectory and to their stunned amazement, it managed to land on Celestia's head. While the nobles tried to help clear the cake, preventing her from going anywhere as they tried to earn her favor, Blaze slipped out. They wormed their way past the crowd in order to catch up, but by the time they got outside, he was already gone. Shaking her head, Zelda commented, "So close to be able to speak to him and make sure he is OK, only for this to happen. Twilight placed a hand on Zelda's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I should have tried using my authority as another princess in order to detain him." Link shook his head, "I think it is a good thing you didn't do it Twilight. Blaze hasn't seemed so far like the person to take kindly to being forced into things, especially if there isn't a good reason. If you did send guards after him then you're liable to make him mad." Twilight looked disappointed but nodded as Pinkie Pie spoke up, "Who knows Twilight? Maybe the author has something planned and we will see him soon?" The group just shrugged, passing Pinkie's comment off as her being Pinkie, but hoping it might be true that they see him again. A week later, Ponyville, Nightmare Night Nodding to herself in the mirror, Twilight turned to go outside, dressed again as starswirl the beared, "I am sure that this time they will recognize who I am dressed as!" Going out and walking through town, she eventually met up with the others. As she walked up, Rarity, dressed as a cat, sighed, "Trying the same costume again darling?" Twilight shrugged, "I'm just hoping someone will finally recognize me this time." Link, dressed as a dinolfols, just shrugged, "Don't expect me to recognize who you are." Twilight sighed, "I am dressed as Starswirl the bearded, he was a unicorn who revolutionized magic and it was one of his theories that lead to me becoming an alicorn." Link just nodded as Zelda dressed as her patron goddess Nayru motioned, "Shall we go and interact with the town then?" With that the group went to the town square where the festivities was going on. Once there, they started mingling with the ponies, having fun when a mist flowed into the town. Before they knew it, a black furred alicorn mare wearing armor and a helmet appeared, "LITTLE FOALS, WHERE ARE MY TREATS?!" Pinkie pointed and screamed, "ITS NIGHTMARE MOON! RUN EVERYPONY!" Link, Lana, and Zelda went to get ready for a fight, only for Twilight to go up to 'Nightmare Moon', and surprised them, "Princess Luna! I didn't expect you to come this year!" With that, the mare dispelled an illusion, and suddenly Princess Luna was standing before them, "As much as I dislike who I once was, this holiday is too much fun Twilight Sparkle, so I couldn't resist coming out. Also, I happen to have a surprise tonight an-." Before she could say anything further, screams suddenly rang out. Snapping their heads in the direction of the screams. They watched as a mist rolled into the town, and in the midst of it, a giant figure moved towards the townsponies. The creature, looking humanoid, looked like a mess, a mangled body wrapped in ropes and a torn robe, one arm bound to its chest while numerous large spikes were embedded along it. Among all this, the creature intermittently would fade in and out. Twilight thought at first it was an illusion, but as she watched, it knocked over an empty cart and an empty stand. Before her and her friends could do anything, Luna charged in, "Foul creature! You will not terrorize these ponies anymore!" From there, she launched her attack, sending spells at the creature, only for them to weaken then fizzle out in the mist. Seeing this, Luna snorted then charged in at the creature to tackle it. To her surprise though, she went through the creature. Turning back to it, she went wide eyed as it swung its free hand at her, hard enough to send her into a stand, knocking her out. Fearful, Twilight and her friends didn't know what to do, only for a shaking Mayor Mare to step forward to the creature, "Wh-wh-what do you want from us?!" The creature simply stared at her, then it spoke in an echoing voice, "I. Want. Your........ Sour candy!" This made her, and everyone in earshot blink, "Our sour candy?" Then it grinned before speaking in a familiar voice, "That or anything lemon flavored." Twilight blinked again as the creature suddenly started dancing a weird dance, only for Luna to climb out of the debris, "So, you think you can dance? Then try to best me!" Before anyone knew it, Luna suddenly started dancing a skillful dance, impressing a few ponies. Then the creature grinned before speaking that familiar voice, "Two can play that game Princess!" With that, the creature to everyone's shock, started river-dancing. Blinking, Link said to the others, "Are you all seeing this?" Before anyone could respond though, Fluttershy suddenly gasped, prompting them to look and go wide eyed. In place of the creature, with the mist gone as well, was Blaze, still river-dancing. With a jumping spin and a flourish, he then bowed, grinning at Luna who then said, "Curse you and your dancing Prowess Blaze. This victory is yours, but this is still my night and the candy is mine!" With that she changed back into Nightmare Moon before disappearing while Blaze simply bowed to the town. Realizing they were in no danger and that when Blaze revealed himself, the 'damages' disappeared as well, revealing the whole thing as an illusion, the towns ponies laughed and clapped, amazed at the show they received before returning to the festivities. Not wanting to risk him taking off again without saying anything, the group rushed over to Blaze, with Fluttershy beating them to him, and wrapping her arms around him, she cried out, "Blaze! I am so glad you are alright! We were all worried about you!" As the group reached him, He chuckled softly, "Worried about a selfish SoB like me? Surely, you're joking, and besides, I was working for a writer, what danger is involved in that?" With a deadpan look, link commented, "Your makeup is fading." Blaze flinched, only to sigh when a voice said, "Trixie told you that you should have gone with water proof makeup." He sighed while the mane six looked shocked, "I know Trixie, I know, but I didn't want to go expensive and have something impossible to wipe off at night." Blaze's view I turned to Trixie as the blue furred show mare came into view saying, "And yet there are types that are both water resistant and come off easily. Trixie knows you didn't bother even looking at the brands and simply went with the cheapest. You are too frugal for your own good Blaze." I put my hands on my hips, "Well excuse me, not everyone wants some extravagant junk that more than likely is fake!" Trixie went to say something and I got my own comment ready, only for Rainbow Dash to interrupt, "WHAT THE HAY IS GOING ON AND WHY IS TRIXIE BACK?!" I went to reply only for Trixie, now looking sheepish, replied, "Normally, Trixie would not return here after everything that happened, but unfortunately Blaze lives in this town, and until I repay the dept I owe him." I motioned for her to not say anything else, only for Twilight to ask, "A debt? What debt are you talking about Trixie?" I went to tell her only for Trixie to speak up, "Well, if you must know, Trixie had gone on her own adventure, trying to obtain treasure and riches when-." "Trixie managed to get a different town pretty mad because they took her challenge to them as insults and wound up forming a mob and chased her, and when she ran into me, I wound up having to hide her because she begged me and wouldn't stop." I just rolled my eyes as she tried to scare me while Rainbow Dash laughed, "You got ran out of another town?!" She huffed, "Those Ponies just don't get Trixie's methods of entertaining." Rarity raised an eyebrow, "Attempts at entertaining?" I decided to defend her on this, "Not every show person or pony as the case may be is going to be polite Rarity, in fact, be glad you didn't sit through a show from my home." In response to that, Lana asked, "How bad can a show from your world be?" "Some comedians will in order to entertain the audience, harass one to the point of either crying or making them embarrassed and angry just to make the rest laugh." Pinkie Pie, who returned to the group, actually looked offended, "What kind of cray cray pony would make another pony cry just to make others laugh?!" I just sighed, "That's modern Earth humor for you, the more time goes along, the more humor will degenerate. Right now it is at where cruel stupid jokes and seeing other people hurt themselves in stupid ways is whats funny." Pinkie Pie looked depressed at the thought while Link asked, "How did you wind up with all those scars though Blaze?" I went to make up a story only for my employer to speak up, "From running head long into various traps and generally being accident prone during our work." Rainbow Dash nearly squealed as Daring Do walked over but I just scowled, "They didn't need to know that!" She rolled her eyes before turning to the others, "I think you need to teach him some patience because I can't tell you the number of times I would tell him there was a trap and he would still try to charge right in." "Blaze here never seemed the patient type, so I would have been more surprised if he had managed to show patience." I merely kicked backwards on reflex, and grinned as I felt the hit and heard the thud as Urahara hit the ground after taking my kick to his gnads. Turning to Daring, I asked, "How are the others doing?" She nodded, "They're ready to meet Princess Luna, just waiting on you." Curious, Zelda asked me, "Who are these others that are waiting?" I turned to her, blushing slightly as her costume showed some of her figure, "You'll see when we meet them, I want you guys to come along as well." I then had them follow me to the everfree to the statue of Nightmare Moon where Luna was waiting. Seeing me, she came over, "I take it you are going to introduce me to these new friends you mentioned when I asked for that favor?" I nodded, then said to them all, "Before all of you do anything, know that the two I am going to introduce are both with me and as a result, any action against them is against me, and anything they do I will deal with it. So please, when I do reveal them, at least listen to what I have to say before saying or doing anything, alright?" They nodded and I turned and whistled into the forest. Soon after the other two of my group entered the clearing, causing both sides to be surprised. Motioning to one, I said to Link's group, "I believe you three already know Cia, and for everyone, my other traveling companion is-." "CHANGELING!" Reacting quickly, I grabbed Rainbow Dash by the back of her Daring Do outfit before she could attack said changeling. I then motioned to Luna who grabbed Dash with her magic then pulled her back as I continued, "Now if I could continue uninterrupted, this is Dopple, one of the last chhangelings." Luna looked at me with curiousity, "One of the last? What do you mean?" "Tell me Luna, why did the Changelings try to invade Canterlot?" Rainbow Dash butted in, "To try to capture and- eep!" I merely looked at her and my eyes seemed to do the rest as she clammed up, "It was a move out of desperation, not pure malevolence. It is another reason why I don't like Celestia, yet at the same time, not to sound like a Gary Stu, the all thing more than likely could have averted if both sides had been willing to talk, but no, the changelings were ejected from the city and no one asked why there was an invasion in the first place." Twilight whether to humor me or what, I don't know, asked, "Why did they invade then? It seemed like a calculated move." I gave her a 'seriously' look, "Twilight, does that REALLY seem like a calculated move? Attacking during the wedding was calculated, I will give you that. Attacking CANTERLOT though of all places? Twilight, I am no tactician, nor have the patience to plan as anyone will tell you, but attacking the place where, not only most of the royal guard is as well as the ones powerful enough to raise the moon and sun? Even Hitler wouldn't be stupid enough to launch such an attack, and he had his forces attack Russia during the winter!" Twilight blushed as Luna asked, "What became of the Changelings then, I will admit, I nor my sister heard any news on them since the attack." "Most of them are gone Luna, they had been unable to support their whole hive, and it turns out, changelings that don't feed enough will ultimately lose the ability to transform, and without that ability, how do you think they will be able to feed?" "Surely they could have come to somepony to help." "Tell me, have you heard of the Zecora incident that happened here in Ponyville a while back? How the ponies here hid in terror from her simply because she was different? If ponies react that bad to simple differences, how do you think they will act according to a major one like with the changelings who already gained a bad reputation?" Luna had nothing to say to that as I continued, "As it is, Dopple here was lucky to survive, it was losing its ability to maintain a different form already and could barely run as it tried to get away from me." Fluttershy raised a hand, "Um... Why do you keep calling Dopple an it Blaze?" I rubbed the back of my head, "Apparently, from what Dopple wrote after getting it patched up and fed, Changelings in order to form a good bond with a pony, have both genitalia, so can be considered he or she, but prefer it for simplicity's sake, even Chrysalis apparently preferred being called it." That made them all blink before Twilight asked, "But why didn't Dopple capture anypony to change them into a changeling or to feed?" "A lie they made that came back to bite them hard Twilight. From what Dopple wrote, they couldn't change anyone into a changeling, rather, this was just something to scare ponies they captured in order to make the next step easier." Luna raised a hoof, "And what was this next step?" "Tell me Luna, if you had been an ordinary pony, captured by the supposed vampires of your world, how would you react to a pony managing to save you? Joy, gratitude, maybe even falling in love with them?" That last one made her and Twilight look at me in shock, prompting me to nod, "Thats right, they made ponies afraid of them, so that they would fall in love with them more easily when one of them in disguise would 'rescue' the prisoner, but because of ponies becoming more cautious and avoiding where changelings usually ambushed ponies...." Rarity looked horrified, "Potential ponies to 'help' and get food from became scarce, leading to the attack." I nodded, "I didn't believe it at first, after all, Changelings do use deception in a lot of things, so how could I believe it? Then I saw, and smelled the bodies. After getting Dopple helped out, it lead us to where a number of changelings laid dead. Among them was Chrysalis herself. The changelings tried to keep her alive, Dopple being the last one to do so, but ultimately, she was on death's door from the look of it, and because I held up Dopple and kept her with us for too long.... Chrysalis was still warm when we got there, and the only reason Dopple is alive is because I convinced it to not die but rather live as a tribute to the rest of its kind, a living memorial." After the group got over the shock of the news, Zelda came over and placed a hand on my shoulder, "It was truly noble of you to do that, to save Dopple." I frowned and looked down, "Not even close Zelda, not even close, just more selfishness from me." She looked confused when a voice said, "You fed this Changeling using the love you have for your previous lover, and in exchange you get to see her again, even if it is a facsimile of her." I scowled as the others whipped around to face the new pony to join us while I just turned with a scowl, "Celestia, decided to crash this little party of ours then gloat that the one you hate truly is a selfish bastard?!" The solar princess said nothing as she revealed herself, nor did she smile at revealing that bit of info I didn't mention. She stepped forward till only a yard of distance separated us, then shocked me when she actually knelt in a bow to me, "Blaze, though it can not fix my mistakes. Though my words will not be able to take back everything I had done and said, know that I regret all of it, and I am truly sorry." I scowled at her words then brushed past her, stopping only to say one last thing, "You're right, your words can't fix it. You can't give Sophia back to me, you can't give me back the years I spent trapped in stone, nor can you give me back my old life. So the only thing you can do, is stay the hell away from me." With that, I left the clearing, heading back to the house with my group following as we went back to the house so that I could tell them about my trip. The next day, 3rd PoV Blaze woke with alarm as he heard screaming, rushing to the source, he found that it was Daring Do who was screaming in fear. Trying to comfort her, he realized, there was more screaming that just hers. Rushing upstairs, he found Trixie and Dopple both screaming in fear from something. As Link and the others came to investigate, he had the others help him comfort the two ponies and Changeling, unaware of the screaming coming from the rest of the town and a dark presence admiring the fear and despair.