//------------------------------// // Chapter 0 - Midnight Cloud // Story: Tales of Trotbhala // by Liracrowned //------------------------------// My family has watched over this land for as long as our history has recorded. Through the darkest times my family has prevailed. Any adversary who stood against us would fall. Our subjects relied solely on us. There came a time when we encountered something unlike anything before. A new pony came to our lands. He could fly like us, but he was not of our kind or like that of any other we knew. His body was like that of the sunstone or geode ponies, but his wings were like that of a bird. For several years the pony explored our lands. He was polite and cause us no problems. And then he left. Years passed and word reached my family that more of these winged ponies were in out lands. Shortly after word of ships on our shores with horned ponies of magic. And before long they were at the foot of our castle. Two tall ponies with wings of birds and each with a single straight horn protruding from their head; introduced themselves as alicorns from a land far from our own. They wished to make towns within our lands and populate our forests. At the time my family was distrustful of these new species and their intentions. But, in time an agreement was made. In exchange for our land they would use their magic to create fine crafts and help us better control our weather. So a new kingdom was formed just south of our own. Nowadays Pegasus freely roam our skies and unicorns spread magic through the realm. But the two alicorns who came so far to live here are gone. No one is sure where to. Their princess remains but she shows little interest in running the kingdom her parents left behind. Leaving us to look after both kingdoms. Much of this story is left to legend. Nopony alive has been around long enough to truly know of events from so long ago. Unicorns and Pegasus have been around long before my birth or the birth of my great great grandparents. For me things are as they always have been. But I feel change. Things will change soon enough. β€œI wonder what might come of it all?” Looking into the pale light of the moon a breeze catches my face. I turn my head to the side to avoid its bite and close my eyes. β€œIn time I suppose we shall see.”