The Secret of Sheldon Clopper.

by theanonymousbrony

Video Games and other Fantasies

The two snobs that are better known as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were having a tea party, while discussing about all that had happened today. Silver Spoon took a sip of tea as she said, "So, like what do you think of Sheldon?"

"He seems OK for somepony who can't talk," said Diamond Tiara. "Why, do you fancy him?"

Silver Spoon's cheeks started to turn pink as she responded, "Well, he like does look more handsome than any of the other colts in school--and he definitely has a cute flank."

"Then you should totally make him your special somepony! You two would make a perfect couple!"

"I don't know, Diamond; he might not even like me back."

"Well you should definitely do something before Apple Bloom takes him away."

"Like why would she?"

"You mean you never noticed? he was taking glances at her all throughout the entire class. Those Blank Flanks are clearly starting to corrupt him."

"Don't be ridiculous, Diamond. There's like no way that somepony like Sheldon would ever want to hang around with those losers."

"Oh really, then what do you call that?"

She then turned her head towards the window and she saw me walking beside Button Mash and Spike. Silver Spoon started to twitch a little, "H-how can this like be possible?"

"Don't you see, Silver," said Diamond Tiara, "they're corrupting him; if he's still around them for any longer, then he might not want to be with us again."

"Like what should I do?"

"When we go to school tomorrow, the first thing you do is lay your claim on Sheldon. Let everypony--especially Apple Bloom--know that he's your boyfriend. And when you do, you make sure that he's right by our side. Then those Blanks Flanks will never be near him again, and you'll have your special somepony all to yourself."

"OK, but like what if he doesn't approve of it?"

"Silver, he can't even say anything. So that automatically means that his opinion doesn't matter."

"Oh, well when you like put it that way, I guess he wouldn't mind."

"Of course he wouldn't mind." They ended the conversation with their little flank shake and went back to sipping tea.

Meanwhile, Button Mash was taking me and Spike over to his place. (The reason why Spike came along is simply because he claimed that this Princess Twilight Sparkle doesn't have anything for him to do at the moment.) As we entered his house, he shouted, "Mom, I brought some friends over!"

"That's good, sweetie," I then saw this mare with long, light brown hair and beige colored fur come in from the kitchen (I assumed that she was his mom). When I saw Button's Mom for the first time, I was a bit enamored towards her. I was literally having the same feelings that I was having towards Apple Bloom as I was looking at her. But after what Rumble told me about Pecan and Spike, I had to quickly wipe those thoughts away. Come on, Sheldon, don't you start being attracted towards older girls too. Just forget her, and think about Apple Bloom. I closed my eyes, and I could see Apple Bloom standing right in front of me. She was standing in front of a glittery background as she was waving her hair around, and batting her eyes at me. She then came closer, and as she was about to kiss my muzzle, I was suddenly awoken by Button's Mom.

"Are you OK, sweetie?" she asked. "You weren't moving, and we started to get worried." I took the time to rewrite the "Hi, my name is Sheldon" greeting, and when she read it, her reaction was like this. "Why do you have a chalkboard around your neck?"

Then Button explained, "He can't talk, Mom; this is how he communicates."

"Oh dear, well I'm sorry about that, Sheldon." She then gave me a comforting hug, and my cheeks started to feel warm by her touch. Dang it, why does his mom have to be so beautiful?! She then let go and told us, "Well you boys go have fun, and I'll make you all some sandwiches."

Then when she went back to the kitchen, Button said to us, "Come on, guys, I got some cool games you might want to play!"

We followed him up the stairs, and that's when we saw his room. My parents would probably describe his room as a complete mess; there's literally tons of junk just lying all over the place, in absolutely no order. As he was rummaging through some of the piles of junk, he said, "Any games you guys feel like playing?"

Spike looked through some of the piles and said, "Ooh, how about this one?"

He then pulled out this little rectangle that had a picture of him dressed as some kind of spy, and in big, red letters was entitled: CRYSTAL GEAR SOLID. Button Mash had an annoyed look on his face as he said, "Spike, we all know that you only want to play that game because you just happen to be in it."

"This game is about how I saved the Crystal Empire," Spike pointed out. "So it's a lot more important than it looks."

I took the time to write on my board, "I'm sorry, but what is that exactly?"

Button gave me a surprised look, "It's a video game. Don't you have video games back at Canterlot?" I figured that I could easily just shake my head, rather than just writing "No" on my board. Button then let out a gasp, "You've never played video games before?! Then it's a good thing I brought you over!"

"And it's a good thing that I picked out the first game for him to try out." Added Spike.

Button let out a sigh as he took some kind of circle out of the rectangle, placed it in some kind of box, gave me some kind of controlling device, and made this even bigger box have some pictures appear. After some instructions from Button, I was beginning to get the hang of this so called "video game".

The one that I was playing was about Spike (who in the game is known as Solid Drake) sneaking into the Crystal Empire, and trying to take the Crystal Heart away from King Sombra. It mostly required a lot of stealth; I had to keep out of sight from most of the enemies, and I could even hide inside a box. Though I was kinda a bit annoyed by this. I mean, even I doubt that you can sneak past anypony by just hiding in a box.

After I was through playing, Spike asked me, "So, did you like it?"

I put the controller down and picked up my chalk and board, "It was fun, but is there one that doesn't involve hiding in boxes?"

"Well why don't you pick out the next game?" Button suggested. "Just look through the pile and pick one out."

Seeing as how there wasn't any better options, I decided to just go with it. I looked through the pile of rectangles until I found one that caught my eye. This one had a pony wearing a white cloak and was entitled: ASSASSIN'S STEED.

The second that I started playing it, I was in for a real treat that would later leave a big impact on my life. In the game, you play as this elite assassin called Altamare who has to redeem himself by killing certain ponies. But in the end, he realizes that something much more sinister was transpiring. And in the end, he had to kill the stallion that had mentored him from the very beginning. It's definitely much better than the last game I played; at least in this one I'm getting to actually fight enemies rather than just hide from them. But the controls can be a bit frustrating and Altamare's voice didn't really sound right. You'd think for an elite assassin, he would've been given a very cool voice; but no, he instead had to speak in a bland monotone. But it wasn't really the gameplay that I cared about, it was just the story. I don't know how to explain it, but I kinda wish to be like Altamare one of these days.

After that, Button's Mom came in with a tray of snacks. "Here you go, boys. Some hay sandwiches and apple juice."

As I looked at her, everything started to turn pink all of a sudden. Only when she had finally left the room did Button say, "Oh sweet Celestia, please tell me you're not in love with my mom?"

My vision suddenly came back to normal as I wrote down, "What makes you say that?"

"Hello, your eyes turned into pink hearts when you saw her!"

Spike patted me on the shoulder as he said, "It's OK, I had the same reaction when I saw Rarity for the first time."

Button then added, "Besides, I thought you love Apple Bloom."

Spike then asked him, "What's this about Apple Bloom?"

"Let's just say that our mute friend here has his heart set on a certain country filly."

Spike then asked me, "Have you told her?"

"No," explained Button, "but Rumble's already planning on helping him impress her."

"Do you even know if she is interested in you?"

I took my chalk and wrote down, "I'm pretty sure that I haven't left much of an impression on her."

"Well you know what I do when I don't know if a girl's into me?" Spike advised. "I take a flower and pull off the petals."

"How does that help?"

"Because when you pull the first petal, you say 'she loves me', then when you pull the second petal, you say 'she loves me not'. And you keep pulling them until the last one is either 'loves' or 'not'."

"And that's worked before?"

"I've done it with Rarity a couple of times; she's not completely interested in me yet, but I know that we'll be together."


After that, I went back to my house so I can haver dinner with my family. (I wanted to leave Button's house because I know my parents will worry about me, and the further that I stay away from Button's angelic mother, the better.) That night, as we were having our dinner, my mom asked me, "So how was school today, hon?"

Seeing as how the blinds to our windows were closed, I figured that it was now safe to use my Mindbending Powers. So while I was eating, I used my mind to lift my chalk and board, and I wrote down, "It was great."

My dad then said, "You didn't use your powers in public, did you?"

"Of course not, Dad."

"Did you make any new friends?" asked mom.


"Really, do you remember their names?"

"Pecan, Rumble, Button Mash, and Spike."

"They sound nice."

My dad then asked me, "See any cute girls, Sheldon?"

I blushed a little as I wrote down, "Maybe."

"Does she have a name?"

"Apple Bloom."

"Sounds like a beauty."

I then decided to ask them questions. "So how was work?"

My dad was the first, "Well the rock farm wasn't exactly thrilling; especially when your boss is about as dull as one."

"What's your boss like?"

"Well she's definitely a wiz when it comes to rocks, but other than that, she's kinda boring."

"What about you, Mom?"

My mom then said, "Well, I just got a job over at Sugarcube Corner. And one of the employee's was thinking about throwing us a welcome party."

"Well that's awfully nice of her."

"What do you think, Sheldon?"

"A party sounds nice."

After dinner, I got into bed, and the second I turned the switch off with my mind, I immediately went to sleep. It was a sunny morning; the flowers were in bloom, birds were singing, and on the top of a big hill, stood the filly of my dreams. As I walked up the hill, I got a full glimpse of my beloved in a red dress as she turned and said, "Hi Sheldon."

"Hello darling," I told her. "You enjoying the picnic?"

"Yes, but not as much as I enjoy you."

As our lips were about to collide, everything suddenly became dark, and I watched as my love was being taken away from me!


"Apple Bloom!"

I then started to hear a maniacal laugh; I turned, and to my complete horror, I saw a darker side of Princess Celestia. I didn't get it, most ponies say that she's beautiful and kind. But this one looks terrifying! She then said to me, "Oh Sheldon, Sheldon, Sheldon, you picked the wrong day to be a Mindbender."

Her horn started to illuminate in a horrible glow! As she was about to blast me away, I saw a bolt of magic blast her away instead. Then came this blue Alicorn who kinda looked like a smaller version of Celestia herself. "Fear not Sheldon Clopper, nothing can harm you."

"Who are you?"

"I am Princess Luna, and what you're experiencing is not real."

"Of course it's real; I was about to kiss my special somepony, and then Princess Celestia almost kills me."

"I know this isn't real because I'm the Princess of the Night; and as such, it is my duty to enter ponies dreams."

"And how do you know this is just a dream?"

"Because you're talking."

When she mentioned that, I then realized that my chalkboard was nowhere around my neck. Which would mean that all of this is just a dream. "So I'm still mute?"

"I'm afraid so my little pony, and you're also still a Mindbender. And as you're probably aware, my sister doesn't take too kindly to them."

"Celestia's your sister?! You're not gonna tell her where I am, are you?!"

"Don't be afraid, I would never do such a thing. Even during my banishment, I could still remember those horrible moments when my sister had called for the blood of all Mindbenders. And I don't wish to see those moments to be repeated; and especially to such a little foal as yourself." After she gave me a comforting pat on the head, she then flew up into the sky. It only happened in the blink of an eye, but I could of sworn that I saw the princess' eyes flash green; but I couldn't address this slight alteration any further once she said, "Fare thee well Sheldon, and pray that my sister never discovers your secret."

I soon found myself back in my bed. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. For I was no longer dreaming.