Tales of Trotbhala

by Liracrowned

Chapter 5 - Destiny Flux

Using my back leg I kick the door shut. The institute had plenty books on Boltsamore and the region around it. I found a few different maps of the region too. The area seems to have been pretty well explored in the past, so my goal is to try and identify spots which may have been missed. That should be the best bet for finding the temple that holds the artifact I’m looking for. I mean, if it was in a temple in an area which had already been well explored it would have likely been found, right?
Going back to my study I can finally lay these books down and give my horn a rest. To start, I will read this old Boltsamore history book. I know a little about the city; but I have only seen the city from afar. It silhouette is a stunning site for sure.
Boltsamore was founded by an explorer named Boltcaster. He was supposedly the first pegasus ever in the region. But nopony is really sure if that’s true. He founded the city Boltsamore so that the pegasus of the kingdom would all have a place to call home. The city originally was all in the clouds. The Pegasus worked with the wylafi to maintain the weather across the two kingdoms. But as the kingdoms grew the city of Boltsamore expanded below the clouds. The city below was made up of factories that produced clouds and snow and stored rain; anything that would help with the weather. These factories began employing ponies without weather magic because although they may not have been able to control the weather, they could control the machines that helped make it. This freed up the pegasus to expand their weather control into the cloud kingdom and made them the weather capital of both kingdoms.

I set the book aside. It was all good information, but it didn't really tell me anything I needed to know for the upcoming expedition. Pulling out a few of the maps I brought back with me I unroll them on the floor. Cross-referencing between them shows that most of the area seems to have been explored at one time or another, but there are a few gaps. The most promising area seems to be South West of Boltsamore; but there’s another area to the North West as well. Sighing I walk away from the maps and back to the table. Using my magic I lift the books on the region and spread them in front of myself. I don’t really have time to go through all of these in detail, which will help me most I wonder. I just need to narrow it down to one of these two regions.
I glance back at the maps of the floor.
Napenarrow Pass. That’s what it said in Wartwood’s book didn't it? Setting all the books back down I have to recall where I placed Wartwood’s book. I left right after I sent Trot off with my letter. Oh right, I took it to the other room when I was writing to the guard. Heading into the other room I retrieve the book and open it as I make my way back into the study. As I enter I step on the corner of one of the maps and it slips out from under me. As I fall to the floor the book I was carrying flies across the room and into the stack of books on the table. As the stack begins to sway and tip I hop back to my hooves. Just before they all topple to the floor and manage to stop them midair; all but one falls to the ground.
I neatly stack the books back on the table along with Wartwood’s. Going to the single book which had landed on the floor I noticed it has opened to a page about Napenarrow pass. How strange. Beginning to read the book describes a tribe which had lived and protected the pass. They would prevent ponies from going down the pass and into the valley below claiming it was far too dangerous and that nopony could make it there and back. But rumors of ritual the village had in the valley below were common for a long time. When a young pony would come of age and had earned their mark they would make the journey down the pass and return with a vision.
The next few hours were spent looking more into Napenarrow pass. Apparently at some point the Napenarrow village was abandoned. But nopony ever bothered exploring the valley because of all the old rumors of danger.

Napenarrow Pass looks promising. But I need to get some rest. Looking at the clock above my table I see it’s already a new day. It’s likely I will hear from the guard today and I will want to leave as soon as they are ready. The maps are rolled back up, the books are straightened once more and I put out the candles as I leave my study.