//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Keep Calm and Magic Along // Story: Black Mirror // by Electuroo //------------------------------// Black Mirror Chapter 3: Keep Calm and Magic Along Spike stood nervously in the middle of the library, standing before him with her magic primed and ready was Stardust. Twilight Sparkle standing to the side watching with interest as the rocks around the little dragon was picked up in the whitish grey aura of Stardust's levitation spell, preparing for the spell Twilight asked her to use. Twilight scan through the page she had opened in the spell book, with a nod to the silver alicorn to go ahead, the magic starts to change the rocks into clothing. A black suit jacket, red shirt and a black top hat with a red ribbon around the base. The items drift down and with help from Spike moving his arms up they slip on with ease, the dragon close his eyes thinking the hat will become a rock when Twilight had cast this spell last time. He felt something softly land perfectly on his scaly head and the aura of the magic lifts from it, Spike open his eyes seeing a very happy Twilight Sparkle and an relieved Stardust. “Oh my gosh! It really worked! I can't believe you did that in one go!” Twilight walking around the little dragon looking up and down at the fine wear he now had on, sparkling a little too. Spike took off the top hat looking at it and feeling it with his right claw hand. “Whoa... This feels real, all of it does and soft too! Stardust you're really amazing!” Spike put the hat back on his head and gave her a hug around her neck with one leap too. Stardust didn't move. She felt unsure how to approach on this and slowly place a foreleg around his back to return the hug. “Your welcome Spike. Just...” She remove the foreleg and Spike let goes landing on the ground taking a step back. “This magic still very new to me, thanks to some help from not only Twilight, but from you, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. I managed to adapt to this new body.” Stardust warmly smiled to them. Twilight close the book up. “Faster then I have, I been having problems with these wings.” Twilight open them up. “You managed not only to figure out to use them but fly from Canterlot to Ponyville with Princess Celestia. And yet your magic still surprises me.” Twilight took a look out the window watching a family heading to the station with a wagon load being pulled by the stallion Note Worthy. Stardust saw that concern look that Twilight gave as they watch more start to leave Ponyville. “Spike I left something for you in your basket.” “Great!” Spike runs up the stairs disappearing from their view. “Twilight.” Stardust turn to the new alicorn. “I will be gone for a few days, I am taking Angel to the Crystal Empire. My son...” She rolled her eyes. “Being overly stubborn. Please make sure he doesn't fly till Monday.” Twilight laughed a little before answering. “If I don't Rainbow Dash will. She been making sure to keep that stallion grounded.” Twilight walking up to the book shelf. “I have to figure out why Rainbow Dash is acting like this, it not like her at all.” Stardust with a shake of the head went to the door. “Sometimes the answers are in plain sight Twilight, I am his mother and I know exactly what it is. But I will let you figure it out on your own.” Stardust open the door. “Ok Stardust, see you in a few days.” Twilight answered. Stardust went to leave but almost walk into a young colt. “Sorry there youngster, still getting use to being so tall.” She laughed softly. “Becareful ok?” “You got it!” He answered walking by her. Stardust walk out heading off to the train station to meet Angel and get on the train to the Crystal Empire. The young yellow colt with rainbow mane and tail step up to Twilight Sparkle from behind. “Hi Twilight! Can I get the latest issue of the Daring Do book please!” Twilight not looking at who was speaking took the book off the shelf with her magic moving it over to him, giving him the book with a smile. “Sure thing young colt, just remember to bring it back when you are...” Twilight turn around at this point and froze in place staring at the young colt before her. “...Finished.” The young pegasus flap his wings with a push off the ground with a twist and turn the book drop from his hooves into the saddle bag. “Thank you Twilight! See ya later!” He lands on his hooves and walks to the door. “Wh-who are you?” He turns with a big warm smile from his golden eyes showing some confusion and laughed afterwards. “The one and only awesome colt around! Name's Spark Spectrum!” He does a pose to her with the smile still there. “Awesome intro right? Mum says it 20% of total awesomeness and Dad always think so too!” With those words spoke the colt leaves running out of the library. “N-no that no-not possible!” Twilight gallops for the door to only come face to face with Rainbow Dash and Electuroo colliding into them both. CRASH! At first the two pegasi are dazed under Twilight. Rainbow Dash shook it off. “Twilight what the big idea!?” Rainbow Dash push the alicorn off her. “Where the fire?” Electuroo asked getting up dusting himself off. Twilight looking around for the colt and couldn't see him in any direction. “Did you two see a young yellow colt?” Both of them look at each other and back at Twilight. “Nope, we just about to come in to tell you we was heading off for the rest of the day and be back by morning at Canterlot for your crowning.” Electuroo replied. “But he just left!” “Seriously Twi, I didn't see a darn thing. Only you running into us.” Rainbow Dash picked up the sleeping bag placing it back on top of her saddle bag pulling on the strap. Electuroo put the last of his stuff back in his own saddle bag. “Well that was eventful but we got to go. Having to walk then fly isn't much fu-” Electuroo paused glaring at Rainbow Dash. “Gah! I can't believe how much I want to fly! Your rubbing on me too much Rainbow!” “And?” “And if I was human this wouldn't be a problem.” “So you just want to go back to that life?” “Nope.” “Then what the problem?” “Nothing Crash.” He grinned. “What did you say!?” Rainbow Dash press her snout against his. Electuroo then just stood there looking right into her eyes so close to his. “Something we both have in common.” He step back. “We over-react to name calling.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah what ever Sparks.” Rainbow Dash slap her wing against the back of his head. “Now can we go already?” “Sure!” Twilight watched this with her eyes moving to each of them as they spoke. “Have fun...” Then she had to ask seeing the camping gear. “Are you two going camping?” Rainbow Dash smirked. “We sure are egghead, it a date.” “A date!?” Twilight gasped. “When did you two get this close!?” Electuroo rubbed his chin a little. “I think it was when I asked her and we got into that race, win or lose we go on a date.” “That it?” “Yep!” Rainbow Dash replied. “See you tomorrow ok?” “Yeah su-” Spike comes running out side to Twilight. “Twilight, I got a letter from the princess!” Rainbow Dash quickly whispers to Electuroo. “Lets get out of here, like now!” “I can't disagree with you there.” Electuroo answered and they turn to leave as Twilight starts to read it, they run away from the library quick as their hooves can carry them with the stuff on their backs. But they only got a short distance away to find themselves back at the tree before Twilight Sparkle and Spike. “Sorry but your camping trip called off.” “What!?” Both of them said together and the looks they gave made Spike hide behind the purple alicorn. “Don't give me that look!” Twilight snapped. “Princess Celestia want all the element bearers to be at the opening north of Ponyville outskirts by noon!” Twilight showed Rainbow Dash the letter. Rainbow Dash just throw it into the air. “Gah! This isn't fair! We plan to go on an awesome camping trip to Winsome Falls! We agreed on this for a date! Can't Princess Celestia just you know reschedule this for another time?” “I have to agree on this with Rainbow Dash, we all do have personal lives and with the secret out about the magic mirrors and what they really are. We have not much of personal time left before everything gets flip on it head.” Electuroo stood by the rainbow mane mare, backing up Rainbow Dash. Twilight sighed. “Fine I will try...” Twilight walk inside with Spike and the two pegasi. Inside she writes a letter and sends it off. Soon afterwards Spike burbs out another scroll. He opens it and read it out to them. “Rainbow Dash and Electuroo I do apologise but this is far too important and may help us all in events to come. I know I just asked for the bearers to come with their elements on to the clearing at noon, if Electuroo wishes he can tag a long with Spike to find out why I ask them there and they should understand why. Yours truly Princess Celestia.” Rainbow Dash took the letter right out of his claws and both pegasi read it together. “What do you say Electuroo?” “If it this important I guess we got little choose.” Electuroo sighed. “I was so looking forward to this.” “Same here.” Rainbow Dash gave the scroll back. “Fine Twilight we will be there.” “Thank you to both of you.” They nod with a smile and left the library together. Spike look at the scroll and back at Twilight. “I feel really bad that they missing out on their camping trip.” “Me too Spike.” Twilight stared at the door after seeing two disappointed pegasi leave with their camping trip date in ruins. “Come on Spike let go inform the rest of the girls of this.” “Sure Twilight. Let me just put the books away first.” Spike answered getting hold of the two books and walking off into the next room. Twilight glanced at where the Black Phoenix book was a moment ago. “I hope becoming a princess is really the time and place for this. Because time is really against us now...” Close to noon the girls, Spike and Electuroo gathered at the clearing just outside Ponyville close to Sweet Apple Acres which could just be seen in the distance. Rainbow Dash bouncing a ball in the air keeping count as she tried to keep herself entertained, Electuroo on his front reading one of the Daring Do novels even he read that copy a few times already. Rarity sorting out her mane, Pinkie Pie polishing her hooves. Applejack talking with Fluttershy about the beavers and how they helped the apple farm in a big way after a few months ago they solved the dam problem. Twilight pasting back and forwards with Spike watching her as she thought about what Celestia had called them to come with their elements all on. Twilight looked around for any sign of the princess. “I wonder why she asked for us to bring and wear our elements?” Pinkie Pie finished polshing her hooves. “I love it when Princess Celestia comes to Ponyville! I got my hooves shined just like Rarity for the occasion. Ya like?” Rarity brushed one more time against her mane and took a good look at herself at the reflection on Pinkie's hoof. “I certainly do!” Electuroo sat up taking a good look around. “I wonder who this visitor could be? Must be somepony important if she running late.” Spike shrugs. “Beats me Electuroo.” Rainbow Dash balancing the ball on the end of her snout as she spoke. “A visitor who's important and slow.” Applejack turn to Rainbow Dash. “Sugarcube yer never one for waitin'.” “Nope, rather they be here now so we can get going already.” Rainbow Dash replied. Electuroo moving his hoof across his neck to tell her to keep quiet. “What? It suppose to our date isn't it?” “DATE!?” Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity all spoke in unison with surprise and wide eyes at the two pegasi, Electuroo just hoofpalming himself in the head with a shake of the head. Rarity quickly spoke afterwards right close to them. “When did this happen!? When did you two become well...” Electuroo sighed. “Kinda happen over time, it when I finally asked her on one we agreed on a race first, win or lose we go on a date.” Electuroo turn to Rainbow Dash. “She suggested the camping trip and the perfect chance was kinda ruined.” Rainbow Dash toss the ball up and land on her hind hoof stretched out, balancing it on it. “That about sums it up Rarity, nothing to be bothered about. It just something that took time. For both of us to admit to.” Applejack frowns walking up to the rainbow mane pegasus. “This doesn't happen to be the same trip we put on hold about six months ago is it?” Rainbow Dash kick the ball against the tree doing a twist and boots it right at Electuroo, he chests it and balance it on the right wing. “Sure is AJ, just thought since he grounded till Monday we get to track through the woods alone and enjoy the views and such. No biggy.” “And about Scootaloo? She was lookin' forward to the trip to hang out with ya.” Applejack jab her chest with a hoof. “What ya think if she found out about this?” Electuroo toss the ball in the air doing a back flip without using his wings kicking it to Rainbow Dash, she knocks it into the air and lands on the back between her wings. “Isn't Scootaloo with the girls at Zecora's at the moment?” Electuroo asked. “Eeyup, Big Mac went with them.” Applejack answered. “So by the time we left when we should of this wouldn't of mattered since we be long gone right?” Pinkie Pie nods in agreement. “He does have a point and I am sure Scootaloo and the girls forgot about the camping trip too with all that happened.” Pinkie Pie turn to the sky. “Oh I see the princess!” “About time!” Rainbow Dash toss the wall to the ground flying up a little to get a good look. “Hey is that a statue I see?” “Indeed darling and it look like...” “No way it can't be him!” Spike realised who the statue was. Princess Celestia lands in a charity being pulled by four pegasus guards and another six land pulling the statue of Discord on it. “Hello my little ponies it good to see you all have made it.” Twilight step up to her as the others look very unsure at the sight of the Discord statue before them. “With all due respect, Princess Celestia, how could you bring-” Twilight was in the middle of shouting at Celestia but pause seeing Electuroo quickly trotting around the statue with a look of glee and happiness. “Electuroo! Why are you so happy!? It DISCORD!!!” “I know! It really awesome isn't it?” Electuroo turn to Twilight. Twilight groans picking him up with her magic and pulling the yellow pegasus away from the statue. “How can you say this is awesome! Do you have any idea what chaos he caused last time?” Electuroo held in her magic rolled his eyes. “Of course! He used what you all are against you. But you defeated him and put Discord on stone.” Rainbow Dash chuckled and Pinkie Pie giggled. “I recall seeing a title and summary about a episode I didn't get to see, it was called 'Keep calm and Flutter on' and it said about Fluttershy been asked by Celestia to help in reforming him.” Twilight blinked and quickly turn to Fluttershy who gasped at what he said. “Is that true?” The purple alicorn now staring at her former mentor for the answer. Celestia used her magic to cancel out Twilight's and put Electuroo back down on his four hooves. “Yes and I did abandon it due to the importances of the mirrors. But Stardust had came to me about this when we learned the truth of the mirrors and what darkness is going to rise. Sadly I don't think the elements be enough. So we need help from those we most likely never turn to.” Celestia turn to the statue looking at the shocked frown eyes. Rainbow Dash hovering over it with both hooves out to it. “But him!? Seriously? Couldn't we ask somepony that isn't well... Him?” “If we had time yes, I would seek help from else where. The griffins are mobilizing their forces and so are the dragons, they are preparing for the worst as well. I believe Fluttershy can help reform Discord in time for when his help is needed for good.” Celestia answered calmly to Rainbow Dash. “Are you up for the task Fluttershy?” She asked the shy pegasus. Fluttershy gulped. “Me?” “I realize that this is a tall order, but I wouldn't ask if I weren't confident you could get him to use magic obediently of his own free will.” Celestia put her hoof gentle on Fluttershy. Fluttershy turn to the statue. “And... you really think I'll know best how to do that?” “I do. Now, I must return to Canterlot for Equestria's royal summit. You may release Discord when ready. Also the elements are protected against his magic too.” Celestia got onto the charity and leaves for Canterlot. Electuroo stood back with Spike, his wings flagging a few times as the excitement of meeting Discord face to face. The girls formed a circle around him preparing themselves for releasing Discord from his stone prison, unaware that a golden alicorn watch with interest and an dark evil smile formed on her snout. “The moment I been looking for.” “Okay, ponies, guess it's time to get started. Let's just hope this releasing spell works.” Twilight look to each of them and at the statue. Spike gulps holding his tail. “Or... let's not.” Electuroo rolled his eyes. “We'd best keep our elements on at all times 'til further notice.” “Check!” They replied. The magic from Twilight element moves to each of the others and soon the magic from all six elements begin to work their magic, the statue starts to crack and creek with pieces falling as Discord finally emerges from it with a scream and yawn. With a wobbly he flexes his body. “Oh! Ooh! Ooooh! Well, it's about time somepony got me out of that prison block. What a relief!” Discord about this click his lion paw when Electuroo right before him with an quill and paper on the ground before him. “Before you start causing chaos how about an autograph first!” Discord took the paper and quill staring at Electuroo and at the paper seeing a sketch of himself holding a upside down umbrella with chocolate rain landing into a pool of it inside. The girls look at each other with unsure glances, Spike hiding behind Twilight. “Well somepony got good taste in who they fans to.” He wrote his name across it. “If I am to guess your Stardust's son.” “Yeah I am, but how?” “She spoke about you to Celestia and how friendship changed her life for the better here. Also I got to thank her since it was that delightful alicorn's idea to free me.” He looked around for Stardust. “I thought she would have been here to greet me.” “No mum gone to the Crystal Empire with my sister, the mirrors are no where near there so it one of the safest places to be for most ponies.” Electuroo answered. “That's true and what I also heard.” Discord disappeared and appear by Fluttershy. “I heard you are the one that suppose to reform me.” He chuckled. “So it seem I be crashing at your place.” “Oh...” A bright flash and Goldenmare appeared before them all. “Hello all.” “Goldenmare!” They all yelled out and stood ready for a fight with the golden alicorn. “Who?” Discord took a good look at the alicorn before him. “Well isn't this nice. Another alicorn, they just popping up like daises now.” He held up a group of them sniffing the flowers and tossing them at her. Goldenmare smirked and zaps them into solid gold, they land with a heavy thud. “Today is the day when I will rule this land.” She chuckled. “Yeah right! We beat you once! We beat you again!” Rainbow Dash points at her. “Twilight let use the elements on her!” Twilight stood ready. “You got it. Let do it girls!” “Oh this is going to be good!” Discord jump back on a chair that he made appear. “Care for some popcorn?” Electuroo smiled. “Sure!” Electuroo took some with his hoof and ate them. “Wow they good!” “Indeed and the show just getting started! How exciting!” Discord ate a handful. Goldenmare's horn glows as she aims not at them but at the sky. “From this day fourth the only magic that be around will be mine! And Mine alone!” The magic spins around her hoof as it glows golden. Discord wearing 3D glasses lower them. “That doesn't sound good. I better step in.” “What do you mean?” Electuroo notice the magic spinning around faster and faster, he noticed the elements charge start to fade, not only that he noticed Rarity's horn start to fade away alongside Fluttershy's wings and Twilight's horn and wings. “Discord what going on!?” “Let find out after I take care of her.” Discord click his lion paw and nothing happen. “Oh this isn't good...” Five out of the six elements start to darken and fade with colour, the five effected fall on their foreleg knees feeling weaken all the sudden. Rainbow Dash look at her friends all losing their magic. “What did you do to them!?” “Only what is the beginning of the end for all pony magic.” She chuckled darkly. “Everything effected in about 1000 miles from this point is losing their magic.” Electuroo saw a strange magical field around the bounders of the Everfree Forest. “Not everything.” Goldenmare noticed the shield blocking the spell. “Only a minor problem.” Goldenmare fired the magical blast into the sky, high above everypony losing their magic watch it explode with an massive blinding flash seen on all corners on the world. In seconds the magic spell was completed. Discord was about to say something when Goldenmare cast a spell directly on him, he couldn't move his body or his mouth. Blinking a few times he was helpless to her magic and trapped again but this time in his own physic form. Goldenmare chuckled walking around the drained ponies. Rainbow Dash trying to get them to respond and they slowly was coming too. “Now this is a victory I long waited for.” Twilight slowly open her eyes looking directly into Rainbow Dash's, she felt so weak and the magic that was always with her, there was none to feel. It was all gone. “Rai-Rainbow Dash wh-what happened to u-us?” “Ease there Twilight. Goldenmare did something to ya and the others.” Rainbow Dash glares at Goldenmare. “And I am going to make her sorry!” Rainbow Dash flies right at Goldenmare. The alicorn put up a magical shield but Rainbow Dash smashes through it with her element glowing brightly and hits Goldenmare right across the snout with her right front hoof followed up by a round house kick with her hind hoof knocking the alicorn back a few meters. Goldenmare spat out some blood startled by the impact and how easily Rainbow Dash harmed her. “That impossible! You shouldn't have anywhere this level of magic! Where are you getting it all from!?” Goldenmare shouted at her. Rainbow Dash grinned. “Heck I know! All I am going to do is kick your sorry rump!” Goldenmare had to act fast and look at Twilight and her friends. With a dark smirk her magic lit up. “Indeed you can harm me and my magic seem to not work on you, but what about your friends? Will you risk their own safety and other ponies in Equestria?” The beam fires hitting all of them. Rainbow Dash, Electuroo, Discord and Spike watch as they all scream out and turn into gold before their own eyes, all frozen in that moment. “You creep!” Rainbow Dash went in for the attack. “I will free them if you submit.” Rainbow Dash grit her teeth looking at her friends and at Goldenmare only inches from her face. Rainbow Dash saw Electuroo shake his head, no victory worth losing the friends they had and Rainbow knew it. “Fine...” Rainbow Dash lands with a helpless look as Goldenmare frees them as promised. “Good, now the age of Queen Goldenmare has begun.” She chuckled. “And I even stripped the princesses of their puny magic.” Goldenmare use her magic to control the sun moving it a little across the sky. Into the sky she flew and calls out with an much louder voice then a Canterlot Voice. Using her magic to transmit the magic almost instantly to every corner of Equestria and maybe beyond it bounders. “From this day fourth! I will be your queen! Those that was unaffected by my magic will submit and do nothing to remove me from my throne! Those that will! Their friends and family shall be turn to gold and become statues in my gardens within Canterlot! Your princesses have lost their magic and no longer control the sun or moon! I Queen Goldenmare have control and will rule this land with just and fairness, all those that still able to use their magic will come fourth for assignments! If you don't want your fellow pony to suffer without control of the magic around them! You are all that left to keep order! Weather and Land!” Within the dark halls of the Black Mirror Castle, Nilrem pulls out a hour glass placing it in front of the black mirror. “The magic been cast, in one day, 100 years will pass. None shall be able to have children after those that are already with child. You better not fail me Goldenmare because if you do... You will be no longer any use to my plans.” He stares at the black reflection before leaving the chambers but notices a door open. “It seem our new maid still got a lot to learn.” Closing the door he leaves through the main doors not realising how close he was to discovering General Ricks and Daring Do, lying on the ground by the door a single feather. A reddish magic pick it up and staring at it was Sombra but he was wearing a butler outfit, looking around he hid it inside the coat. “Sombra get back to work!” Twilight Sparkle yelled out at the grey stallion zapping him on the backside. “Before I do become kind and put you back in crystal!” “Ye-yes ma'am! Ri-right away ma'am!” He quickly rushes off down the stone hall way. Twilight grumbled under her breath. “Useless stallion...” Twilight head off the opposite way heading back to the library to come up with new ways of bring entertainment for herself in causing Sombra pain. Peering out of another door Daring Do and General Ricks now knew they was in hostile lands. The question was... What where they going to do about it?