A Scratched Melody

by Pankrazius

Third Chapter - Highway to Hell

* * *

"Welcome the mistress of beats! DJ PON3!", the speakers thundered through the hall. Crowds of ponies stomping their hooves, as I made my way through them, waving, a head-splitting smile on my face. I climbed the steps to my mixing desk - my shrine of beats, my very own Olympus of WUBS and felt like the Princesses sitting enthroned over their loyal subjects.
I let the light flicker and run out. Then - like the Princess of Party I raised one spot on the dance floor. My hooves flipped switches, regulated dimmers, and with one soft button-push I started the evening again! It took a few moments, before they really slid in the mood and started moving.
Somehow I had the impression, they had cheered more at the beginning.

Yeah in hindsight, my live had changed dramatically. And not to the worse! I played nearly every evening in different locations. And on the rare days off I was to shot down to recognize anything.
Loosing my house wasn't that bad either. No rent - meant more money to keep. Eating outside wasn't much more costly. The local Hay-Burger was worth its bits and I didn't have to do dish-washing afterwards.

The basses thundered through the hall - and for a few moments I had set my throne on auto-pilot. As I direly needed something to drink.
Strolling along the bar I caught Summer Wind amidst his barkeeper performance. No other pony could flip the shakers like him. I watched a few moments as he juggled none less than three silver shimmering mugs, while still smiling and pouring some dark brown liquid in another drink, waiting to be finished in front of him.
Even if I knew his show, it was intriguing every time. Smiling I glanced over the guests, staring at the whirling barkeeper-tools like it was magic.

"And now someone should claim only Unicorns could use spells....", I grinned towards the keep. "Or did you just saw your horn off?"
"Hey Pon3, sup?" he grinned, catching two of the mixers with his hooves while balancing the third on his muzzle.

"Everything fine. Make me two of these" I pointed at the glass counter-top with the cocktail menu.
Thinking a moment I added "And two beer."

"One for you and one for your ego, eh?", he nodded smirking, sending the last mug on a spot exact between the other two.

"Heeey! I am really calm tonight. My ego would demand a keg at least."

I balanced the small tablet with the ordered drinks, he hoofed me and made my way back to my booth.
Now the evening could really start.

"Of course, you can come with me." the green colored mare beamed. A light hint of pink around her muzzle suggested, that she wasn't sober any longer.

"Yeah. Perfect. I just grab my stuff." I could remember her name. Olive or Caper or ... anyway. Something small green and salty. She was one of the friends I could drop by since I lost my home. At least the most ponies partying at the clubs around were very helpful.

Who needs an apartment when there are so much nice ponies around? Since I worked the most time, I had plenty of opportunities to make new friends. So I surfed the couches between Ponyville, Hoofington and Canterlot. I came around and had more fun and booze in this few weeks, as in the years living with Tavi before.
Literally - sometimes if we got kicked out of the club we just bombed at some pals house and carried on.

* * *

It was midmoring and everything was quiet. Besides the sounds outside the house. I wasn't fully awake - no wonder after this night...
The headache wasn't really bad - just mildly annoying.
So I laid - half dreaming - upon a cheap brown couch. The tea table besides me was a mess of empty glasses, a scent of cold smoke, warm beer and an insufficient ventilation lingered over me like a heavy blanked. One that should be urgently washed, or better be burnt, buried and forgotten.

Oh yeah - It was a hell of a party. See Tavi - I don't need you!
What was she about now? Normally she would make breakfast on such occasions. Or scold me mildly for sleeping this late. At least - she would be there and talk to me.

Oh... Noo. Not again.
I turned around. The picture of her lingered before my closed eyes. Tartarus! It has been weeks since I've seen her last before. But time after time she managed to sneak in my mind, tormenting me with memories. Was it all that bad with her around? Yeah - we didn't get along really. She with her classical music, me with my cool stuff. But... didn't I encourage her to do something with her talent. To actually play for an audience and not just practicing the whole time?

And even when she said how she despises my music - she had pointed out some real mistakes I made.
Even if my life was better without her - I ... shit. missed her. Her smile, even her cute little frowned muzzle, when I played a trick on her. I never would see this again. Or her truly surprised happy face, as I made dinner for her birthday...
But why had she have to be such a bitch? Gosh - maybe I made my mistakes. But she... Again the last words we exchanged floated my mind. The whole scene. If I just had been a bit faster... or stronger... or - shit - looked at my organizer. The one Tavi had given me.
And now another feeling crept in my mind. Guilt. Deep inside I felt that it was me to blame. I had let her down. I had shown how much our friendship was worth to me.
Rotating on the couch I cuddled myself on the pillows.
Shit - I didn't want to go down this road. I had to keep my cool! Focus Vinyl! .... another word I had learned from Tavi. Gaaah! NO! Not this. Think on something else! Anything else!

I forcefully jumped up from the couch, stumbling through the unknown living-room towards the window, to rip it open. I even meant to hear the offended sound of the rooms smell, as he left through the window. Looking out over the hustling and bustling down on the market I tried to clear my mind. But my thoughts didn't stop to revolve around what could had happened and what should have been done.

"Hey Vinyl? Everything's OK?" a voice behind me snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh Hi!", I avoided the name of my host. "It's been late tonight"
"Nevermind. Woke up myself just yet. Breakfast? Heyyy - you seem down. Overhang?" she grinned, heavy bags under her eyes. But who was I to argue. Wouldn't look any better myself...

"Nah." I turned around, smiled and glanced over the chaos we - that meant Caper-Olive and the bunch of other ponies, just remaining a colorful blur of coats and manes and me had produced.

Caper-Olive cleaned the small table from the remains, producing two cups and a big ceramic jug smelling of fresh coffee.
Together with nachos and dips from the night before we settled down for a perfect after-party-breakfast.

I yawned hearty after the second cup of black steaming goodness.

"Hard night?" Caper said observing me smiling. Tavi said exact this words after - you know - hard nights.

"Yeah.", My mood dropped as I hung my head low. To not get sucked in my own thoughts I said "Nevermind. Tonight will be the same." followed by another hearty yawn.

Olive frowned a bit. "You should sleep it off then."

"Don't worry. Have a perfect plan."

"Well - then...", she smiled over her cup.

There were this sudden attacks of depressed feelings, every few days- since Tavi had left me. Sometime I just let it happen. Mostly it wore off, after I came to an agreement with myself - like promising me extra fun for the night or something. Or even the promise to talk to her sometime in the future. When her friend wasn't around or something.
But sometimes even this didn't help me in the slightest. And this night I had to work - and there was just no way to get ponies in the mood if you didn't feel the vibe yourself.

So my perfect plan lead me in Berryshines shop across the Sugarcube Corners plaza. Shelves full of beverages, bottles, kegs and glass balloons filled with liquors welcomed me, as I walked through the dim lit room. Berry waited behind her dark brown counter, decorated with carvings of grapes and wine-leafs, a genuine smile on her face.
"Hey Vinyl.", she greeted.

"Hi Berry. Need something for tonight." I pointed at the stack of boxed cider bottles. The extra strong one brewed on the Apple farm outside the town.

She hoofed me one bottle, smiling. "Something to celebrate?"

"Maybe." I said, staying vague. Was this a hint of another guilt? Hoof-waving I shove this thought aside. After all I just needed something to get me in the right mood for another hard night of honest work.

* * *

It was about midnight - or early in the evening if you want - in Spring Breezes Disco. The party was running, shouting and dancing ponies occupied the floor and one could tell every jump they made following the beat. I hit the buttons and controllers like a mad organ player. More echoes! More bass! More.... Everything.
I felt the flow - I was in the perfect rush for making music.
Unfortunately I was also really really drunk. Everything I can remember are blurry fragments.

I just didn't get, the annoyed shouts from the floor beneath me, until a shadow was cast upon myself.
And suddenly the noise went quiet. My head perked up, looking at a light green leg, laying on the main controller, connected to an not so fond looking Spring Breeze.

"Gah...", I startled, shivers run through my body.

"You crazy?", he simply said, his face more surprised than angry.

"I...", I felt blood rushing in my head as I realized what had happened. Not professional. Not at all, the somewhat sober part of my mind scolded me. Utilizing Tavi's voice for that matter. I shuddered.

"Hey - No prop.", he frowned for a moment then smiled. "Think you just need a break, don't you?"

I wandered aimlessly along the counter. Didn't know what to think. To be honest, I don't remember if I thought anything at all at this moment. Sometime later a glass with a brown sparkling liquid and a strong alcoholic scent rested in my hoof and I found myself in the chill out bay.
Some ponies sat around and I tried the best to ignore the strange looks they cast on me. I dropped upon a black wet-look leather couch - dedicated to Amy Whinniehouse as the brass emblem above told - somewhere in a corner; hiding myself from the others, staring at my glass. A part of me knew, this wasn't good and I should do something. But the bigger part didn't know what and therefore did what I ever did - blame it on somepony else. Springs overreaction, the bucking technique, the lame ponies on the dancefloor.

"Hey Vinyl.", before I even looked up I recognized Berryshines asking voice. "May I take place?"

'No... Just leave me alone!'

"Sure." I said without much enthusiasm, letting her sit down and placing her lemonade on the table. Funny. Again I saw her just with a foals drink.

"Say. Is everything O.K. with you?", she started after a while.

"Why everypony ask me this? I am fine. I am ready to do anything I want. I... just needed a small break. That's all.", I felt anger building up as I took a deep sip out of my glass. Calmed me a bit.

"No.. nothing. Sorry. Didn't want to bother you.", she lowered hear head looking in her glass.

"Gosh. Why are you here then?" ... my mouth went faster than my brain.

She perked up, obviously surprised.

"Maybe I should go...," she said -
"Yeah. Maybe." I responded annoyed, rolling my eyes.
- "... and talk to you again when you're sober."

Now it was to me to jolt up. Berry seemed to be surprised from her own words, as she put her hoof before her muzzle, staring with big eyes in my direction.

"Whaddaja say?"I blurte, grabbing off my shades stabbing her with my eyes. I didn't mind the other ponies staring, while I slowly pulled the tablecloth down the table, trying to keep balance.

"You are one different pony, when you are drunk. One I don't like to talk to.", she stepped out of the booth we sat.

Then - the fuse burned.