//------------------------------// // Sombra Dislikes Bad Haze, A Gemstone In Making // Story: Sombra Dislikes Crystals // by The Apologetic Pony //------------------------------// He woke with the taste of candy in his mouth, somehow more pressing than the sun in his eyes. It was quite a while before he got out of bed, or do just about anything else other than mumble into his pillow. What had happened in the night seemed like something spiritual, unnatural in its intensity, and profoundly meaningful (he didn’t know what it all meant though, it just felt that way). She’s probably not a shaman, but she could sure as anything convince me she was one if she wanted. It’d be terrifying if anypony else had that kinda power huh? Surprisingly, Robyn wasn’t around, though it was quite a bit later when he typically got up. As apparent as it was how these days were boring, and the others lots of fun, Sombra did try to appreciate what was likely going to be one of the last of them. Kind of like school, dull as fuck, you do what you can to make it interesting, though nothing all that wrong with it particular. Bad haze. Robyn came back, with a much shorter mane. ‘Morning, sleepyhead.’ ‘Morning, nice mane cut you got there, you get that this morning?’ ‘Yeah, nice isn’t it? But how did your lesson go, Sombra? That’s more important.’ It took him a few seconds to think past the dream. ‘Well it was just another lesson, mostly. Got to see Celestia, don’t see her often, and you can’t move into the palace unless I marry her, apparently.’ ‘Luna?’ ‘Yeah of course.’ ‘I suppose even she has some restrictions, I’ll be lonely without you.’ ‘Oh no she’ll probably find some place near, or at least in Canterlot.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah, I think so.’ ‘That would be great enough! And did you make any progress?’ ‘What progress?’ ‘Well, you know, getting closer to her.’ ‘We’re plenty close already, Robyn, just you wait till you see us. I could probably even bring you with me next time, if you can buy another ticket. She wouldn’t mind.’ ‘If you don’t mind, I don’t want to be a third wheel.’ ‘No number of wheels could stop us now.’ ‘Well not stop you, I just don’t want to be an unwanted presence.’ ‘Nonsense, you’ll be proud. Luna’s gonna be intrigued too. She might not be what you expect though. You know how I mentioned she likes to make lewd jokes before?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘It’s, a bit difficult to emphasise just how much she does. She might well tone it down while you're around, but might not, too. She’ll probably think of it as an opportunity to embarrass me.’ ‘That’s fine, It’s not like I’d dare argue with her anyway.’ ‘Oh yeah?’ he chuckled. ‘This might be a bit random, but have you had any dreams about her, or even Celestia?’ Sombra asked. ‘Hm? No not that I can remember.’ ‘Ah okay.’ ‘Why’d you ask?’ ‘Nothing substantial.’ That was largely what the day had to offer. Sombra thought he’d heard somepony knocking at one point, but they weren’t, and that was about all. Dull as usual. I'm probably not going to get to kiss her much with my mother around, oh well. The only thing he dreamt of was an empty landscape. Surprising I remember it at all. ‘Would Alex be proud of me?’ Sombra asked on the train. ‘I thought you hated him?’ ‘I do, but train rides are boring.’ ‘Haha okay then. I think he would.’ Robyn looked at a stray ladybug on her seat, ‘It’s been awhile since I properly went to Canterlot, apart from when I went there with you, of course.’ ‘Never went to the palace though.’ ‘No... is it as big as it looks?’ ‘Probably, we only really spend time in once place though, and I’ve only been to like, four.’ ‘Looks like you get to show them me now,’ she said as the train finally stopped. To Sombra’s surprise they got off the train and were in the palace in no time, he’d expected to be stopped by a guard, somewhere, but security’s lax I guess? Luna was drinking some tea in the garden. ‘Hello?’ ‘Heya, Luna, this is my mother, Robyn.’ Luna’s eyes went wide. ‘Oh, pleased to meet you! I’m, well you probably know who I am, not to sound pompous.’ ‘Not at all, Your Majesty. Sombra’s told me a lot about you.’ ‘Gosh Luna is fine, not even he was that humble when we first met. And you should have told me you were bringing her, Som-bra, I could have met you in the antechamber.’ Robyn cocked her head at the name. ‘Don’t you like surprises?’ ‘Well, kinda, but y’know... Do you want to see this crystal heart he’s made? Has he told you about it.’ ‘I haven’t.’ Luna brought them over to the far end of the garden, where the heart lay as it had been before. ‘Wow that’s really something, Sombra. How’d you make that?’ ‘Pumpkins and concentration, not very interesting, Robyn. It was black at first though, Luna made it blue, somehow. She doesn’t want to tell me why.’ ‘Don’t embarrass me like that Som-bra.’ Luna moaned, and rather deliberately got very close to him, wing twitching. ‘No, we’re not doing that.’ ‘Aw really?’ Luna had a massive smile on her face. If Sombra took pleasure from his marefriend struggling, she took joy from making him squirm. ‘She’s always like this, Robyn.’ ‘With respect, I find the two of you a bit overwhelming, Im sure you can understand, Luna. I’ve not seen my son like this.’ ‘Of course, that’s perfectly reasonable.’ Luna said. ‘I don’t know how much Som-bra’s told you, but the crystals he conjured are quite special. Nopony apart from me, and him can break them since you need to use his aura.’ Sombra’s blush became even redder as he realised where Luna might take this, please don’t tell her that, pretty please.