//------------------------------// // Ch. 4 Awkward and Warm conversations. // Story: School! Flying! Falling! Goofing! // by Lazydrill //------------------------------// "Ppplleeaasseee... let the giggling stooooppp..." Along the rest of the way towards Ponyville, your sisters were flying circles around you, cooing, giggling and singing, "Static has a cruuushhh! Static has a cruuushhh!" Through the giggling, you could hear your mother talking with your dad already about you bringing a fillyfriend home this year. You were pretty sure you heard a small cooing come from your mom as she was talking about grandfoals. ”A little bit early for that, ain't it Mom..." you thought as your cheeks flushed a bit. Your dad came flying next to you, breaking your sisters' 'Orbit of Cooing' as they flew to your mother. "Don't be embarrassed, Static, I was around your age when I started dating your mother. Even back then she was already fond of foals, it was hard to get her mind of them when she thought about it." Resisting the urge to just slap your forehead with your hoof, you just glared at him instead. "Dad, that is not really helping with the cooing airlines behind me." Looking back at the mares behind you, you saw the twins flying excitedly, while your mother moved her hooves as if she was cradling a foal. "Dad, how long will Mom go on like this?" Your dad chuckled and looked at you with sympathy, "Depending on how cute she thinks it looks.” He glanced at his wife before looking back to you again, "Seeing how she is now... probably a week." Your eyes shot open as your father finished. "WHAT? An entire week before she stops?!” Your dad smirked. "Static, I forgot to say, a week at the very 'least'." You slapped your forehead with your hoof, unable to keep it back at the thought of having your mother for at least a week continuously cooing and talking with you about foals. "You can tell Mom that she won't see grandfoals for quite some time. I don't even have a fillyfriend yet!" Your dad just laughed. "Indeed, you don't have a fillyfriend 'yet'. And 'when' you get foals, that really depends on your mare. Look at your mom and me for example, I thought I would have my first foal about now. But instead, I have three already. And that is purely because your Mom really wanted one, and now there’s three." Your dad kept laughing at the memory while you just stared at him with your mouth half open. Your mom came flying next to your dad, grinning. "You told him that it was because of me, didn't you?" Your dad stopped laughing and took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Yes, yes I did. But that is because it is true!" Your mom rolled her eyes at him. "Oh stop it already! You wanted foals as badly as me at Static's age!" You were pretty sure your jaw fell from the sky as your mom laughed heart fully at your dad who was now blushing badly and looking away from the mare. You looked bewildered at your dad as he began flying faster, trying to get away from the topic. Your mom took your dad's place beside you and grinned. "Owh, sweetie, don't look like that. Your father loved foals back then, and still does. Besides, I think you share that similar trait with him. You always love being around your sisters. You also take good care of them, protect them and play with them. And even so, you do that with almost every foal you come across with. That tells me you’re in excellent form to be father, which by the way, a 'lot' of mares are looking for in a stallion!" Your eye twitched and your cheeks were beet red. In the lower corner of your eye, you spied a small lake directly below you. Wanting to escape the inevitable 'birds and the bees' talk, you said, ” You know what Mom? I'm done with this topic." Your mom raised an eyebrow at you in question, "What do you mea...." So you did the only thing reasonable, and while still in your flying momentum, you just stopped flapping your wings. Folding your wings back to your sides, you let yourself drop from the sky. You curled up into a ball while yelling, "CANNONBALL!" The furred ball of doom that was you came falling down into the lake with a loud splash that launched the water up to four meters into the air. Being underwater, you blinked slowly. "Now that I think about it... that was pretty awesome." Realizing that you were self praising underwater, you shook your head and flailed your hooves, managing to swim back up. Reaching the surface, you gasped for air, but were relieved to be out of the awkward conversation with your mother, so you hoped. "Having fun, I see. At least you’ve had your bath now." You looked up and saw your mom and sisters hovering above the lake. Your mom glared at you and the twins were smiling innocently, not getting what just went down between your mom, dad and you. Summer looked at you and scratched her chin in thought. "Mom, what did Static scream when he jumped into the lake?" Your mom looked curiously at the filly. "Uhhmm, cannonball. Why?" Summer beamed, tucking her wings to her sides before curling into a ball and began to fall towards the lake as well. "Oh no you don’t, missy!" Your mom dived down and scooped Summer up in her hooves. "You have school in a few minutes, you're not going in there." Summer pouted and crossed her front hooves. "But Mooommm, why can Static do that then?" Summer whined at her. "Because your brother did that suddenly, I did not say that he could.” You just chuckled as Summer let her legs hang loosely while still pouting her lips as her mother carried her in her hooves, "CANNONBALL!" A small splash of water hit you from your right. Wiping the water out of your face, you saw your mom sighing and with one hoof smacked her forehead, while in her other hoof Summer was laughing out loud while swinging her hooves in glee. Hearing coughing coming from next to you, you saw Gloom resurfacing, laughing as she saw the angry face of your mother as she was glaring daggers at her. Smirking at your little sister, you raised your hoof up above the water and Gloom hoofbumped it happily, laughing all the way. "Nice one, Gloomy,” you praised her. Your mom put Summer on her back and hovered down to the water and pulled Gloom out of it. “Are you happy now, Static?” You put your hoof to your chin, scratching it as if you were deep in thought. "Actually, yes. Yes I am." You smirked at your mom as she held the still wet filly in her hooves. She glared at you. "Then you won't mind getting to the school of the fillies’ yourself in time. You’ve got ten minutes." Smiling at her, you casually waved your hoof. "Don't worry, Mom, I will be there in time to see them off." Your mom nodded at you, still glaring a bit before flying away, with the two giggling fillies waving at you as your mother brought them with her. Watching as your mom flew off with your sisters, you began to paddle your happy flank to the shore. "At least I have had my bath now." Chuckling at your own little victory, you crawled up onto the grass and began to shake your coat and flap your wings, getting rid of most of the water while your mane was still dripping. Glancing to the direction you saw Ponyville last, you began to walk your way over there while humming a small tune to yourself, swaying your body to the music. The walk was uneventful as you reached the end of the forest. Still humming and with your eyes closed, you reached a small dirt road. Hearing something buzzing, you opened your eyes in curiosity, and glanced around the road and the small edge of town buildings, but you could not point out where the buzzing was coming from. "Look out!!" You looked up to your left as a small pegasus filly on a scooter came flying at you. "Aw hay..." You closed your eyes in anticipation of the inevitable, but it never came. Opening your eyes again, you saw that the scooter lay a couple of meters in front of you but the filly was nowhere to be seen. Hearing wing flaps coming from above you, you glanced up to see the very mare that you woke up not so long ago, holding an orange coated filly with a purple mane and tail in her hooves. "Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow Dash looked down at you from her flying and smiled at you. “Hey, Static, what are you doing here? And sorry about that, hehe. Scootaloo here needs to learn how to stunt properly with her scooter." Rainbow Dash looked at the small filly in her hooves who was probably around the same age as the twins. Smiling back at Rainbow Dash you waved your hoof dismissively at the mare. "It is alright Rainbow Dash, besides, I think I've had worse today." you said to her with a knowing smirk on your face. Rainbow Dash smirked back at you and snickered. "Hehe yeah, that is probably the worst you will have today." Nodding at her, you looked down to the orange filly in her hooves who was looking confused at you. Rainbow Dash flew down to you and put the filly down next to her. "Scootaloo, meet Static Spark. Static, meet Scootaloo, my little sister." You smiled at Rainbow Dash and then looked over to Scootaloo who was beaming with giant eyes at the blue mare. "I didn't know you had a little sister, Rainbow Dash. She is a cute filly,” you said as you patted Scootaloo softly on her mane. Scootaloo shot you an angry look and huffed out, "HEY! I'm not cute! I'm tough!" She puffed up her chest in pride which made you chuckle. "She is not my biological sister though, I kind of adopted her, and she is awesome!" Rainbow Dash boasted as she did a backflip in the air and hoof pumped as she touched down again. "Okay, okay, I got to admit, seeing her flying on the scooter, she looked awesome indeed,” you said, rolling your eyes. Scootaloo puffed up her chest again and put her hoof up to her chest, mimicking the pose Rainbow Dash did when she introduced herself. “Hey, Rainbow Dash, if she goes on like this, I think she will become your twin in a few years,” you said, smiling at the two. Scootaloo's mouth hang open a bit as her eyes expanded before jumping in the air, buzzing her wings, "You really think so?!” Rainbow Dash and you laughed at the excitement of the little filly. "If you continue to practice with me and on your own, you will be just as awesome as me in no time, squirt!" Rainbow Dash said as she ruffled the mane of Scootaloo. "Anyhoof, say, Static, what are you doing here in Ponyville? I thought you were living in Cloudsdale?" You nodded at Rainbow Dash. " Yes, I do live in Cloudsdale, but I'm here to see my twin sisters off as they go to their new school. I believe the school was around here somewhere... and I'm.. probably late... hehe." Rainbow Dash smiled warmly at you, “That's nice of you to bring your sisters and see them off. I'm bringing Scootaloo to school as well, you could tag along if you want." You smiled at her with a nod of your head. "I would like that, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash's smile got a tiny bit wider as she nodded back at you. Rainbow Dash glanced at Scootaloo, "Well let's get going, squirt, or we will be late as well. Hop on your scooter so we can go." Scootaloo glanced unsure down, while rubbing her right hoof. Your eyes narrowed and you spotted a small bruise on her hoof. "It is better if we take her there, Rainbow Dash,” you said as you sat down in front of Scootaloo and took her hoof slowly in yours. "Huh? Why?! She can ride her scooter just fine!" Rainbow Dash argued defensively. You just shook your head and massaged the little spot on Scootaloo's hoof. She wanted to retract her hoof but when you looked at her and smiled reassuringly, you said, "Don't worry Scootaloo, I'm not going to hurt you." She nodded and let her hoof being softly massaged by yours. Rainbow Dash came close to Scootaloo and looked at what you were doing. “What’s going on?" She asked with a confused expression. "I'm massaging Scootaloo's hoof, she has probably hit it somewhere between flying at me and now." Rainbow Dash looked at the filly’s hoof and huffed, "It is just a bruise, she can ride her scooter with that, no problem." You shot Rainbow Dash a nasty glare which made her take a step back. "No she is not. She even winced when I only 'touched' her hoof, let alone if she used it to ride her scooter, she could get hurt. What if she falls again on her hoof, or she hits something else? At the speed she is going, that could be a very bad situation!" Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes slightly in irritation. "Fine, we will bring her there, sheesh. No need to get all worked up." You gave a firm nod to her before looking back at Scootaloo, who mouthed a small 'thank you'. Kneeling down onto your belly in front of Scootaloo, you said, ”Hop on Scootaloo, I will take you to school, okay?" Scootaloo looked at you and to your back, looking uneasy. You gave her a gentle smile and a small nod. Scootaloo fidgeted a little before getting on three hooves and inched over to you. She tried to climb on your back which didn't go well, so you gave a little nudge with your muzzle, helping the little filly onto you. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw that Scootaloo sat down between your wing bases. Scootaloo simply sat there, looking a little puzzled on what she was supposed to do. You smiled at the filly, nuzzling her softly to reassure her. "Don't worry, just get comfortable." She nodded at you with a small smile and began laying down on your back. Standing back up again you looked to Rainbow Dash who had a staring look on her muzzle. “Well, Rainbow Dash, lead the way." Rainbow just kept standing there, gazing at you. "Uhm, Rainbow Dash?" The blue mare shook herself out of her staring, "Huh, what? Oh yeah, school! Follow me!" Rainbow Dash shot off into the air while you raised your eyebrow at her, and instead, started walking casually. Rainbow Dash came flying back with a puzzled look. "Why are you walking? If we go flying we will be there in seconds flat!" You just shook your head. "I am not flying if I have an injured filly with me, unless I have to." Rainbow Dash groaned, dragging her hooves over her muzzle. She landed in front of you, leading the way to the school. Glancing back, you saw that Scootaloo had closed her eyes and breathed slowly. You folded your wings up and over Scootaloo, and she snuggled further into the feather blanket, her mane becoming almost the only part that poked out from under your wings. Happy that Scootaloo was safe and comfortable, you turned your head forward again, and saw that Rainbow Dash gave you another warm smile before slowing down to walk next to you, "Why do you do that? You're the first pegasus I know that does that." Raising an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash, you asked, "What do you mean? The first pegasus to do what?" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes before pointing with her left hoof at your wings. "That, you folded your wings over her. Why do you do that?” Chuckling softly, you looked up and smiled at the memory. "Call it instinct, I began doing that when my sisters were born. When they were little, they liked to climb onto my back, as I brought them almost everywhere because they were still to small to fly, and to walk properly on their own. Once, I when I went with them to a playground, at the end of the day, they were so tired they fell asleep on my back almost instantly when I carried them back home. When we got back, my parents were out for dinner. And because I was tired as well, I just slept on the couch with my sisters on my back. I don't know what gave me the idea to do so, but when I glanced back at them, I just did it. I just did it without thinking, I just folded my wings over them for the first time. After that, I fell asleep as well. When my parents got home and saw me and my sisters, they took a picture of me with my sisters' on my back as we lay on the couch. They said that we looked so peaceful that they didn't want to separate us, and just put a small blanket over us. Since then it became a thing for me, that if one of my sisters would lay on my back, I would put my wings over them. They say that when I do that, it gives them a very safe and comfortable feeling." Looking back at Rainbow Dash, you saw her smirking at the little purple mane as it poked out from the wing blanket. Glancing over to Scootaloo as well, you saw her snoring softly. Rainbow Dash looked back to you, "I see that it is not only working for your sisters, but even for a tough filly like Scoots." You chuckled, "Heh, apparently it does. I don't know why they like it so much, except for what they tell me, I don't know how they feel it. My parents told me they have never done that with me.” Rainbow Dash grinned. "Heh, neither do I. If I look at Scootaloo, I would say that your back is a better place to lay on than a cloud. It almost makes me jealous.” Your cheeks flushed a little at the compliment. "Heh, thanks. You should ask her how it feels when she wakes up." Rainbow Dash nodded at you while continuing down the road towards the school.