Changeling Mine

by Futile Task

Chapter Nineteen: Visitors (Part Two)

Twilight and Chrysalis made their way out of the hive and into the main room, heading toward the greeting room where Twilight was immediately tackled by a frantic Trixie.

“We came as soon as we got the news,” Trixie said as she hugged Twilight, “we just can’t believe our dear cousin Shining would do something like this.”

“Neither can we,” said Twilight’s mother, both of them looking concerned as Twilight managed to extract herself from her crying cousin.

“Well, I have an explanation for that, but I can assure you Shining didn’t do any of those things of his own free will, but before I explain, let’s head into the lounge.”

Everypony nodded, and then made their way into the nearby lounge; Chrysalis following slowly behind as a few glares were shot her way.

When they entered the lounge, everypony took a seat, but before Twilight could speak up she was interrupted by her grandfather. “Now dear, I ken ye probably have many things to tell us, but first I need to ask, who’s the father?”

The room seemed to freeze for a moment, and then Twilight’s mother turned to her. “Twilight, what the hell is grandpa…”

“I’m pregnant,” said Twilight instantly.

It took a few seconds, but then the room exploded into questions, till finally Night Light stood up to calm everypony down. “Everypony calm down a moment, now Twilight, what do you mean you are pregnant?”

Twilight sighed, “I found out recently that I was pregnant, two months pregnant in fact, and the reason I haven’t told any of you was cause…well, I’ve been busy, and because well…Chrysalis is the father of my foal.”

The silence in the room was defining, and then the entirety of Twilight’s family rounded on Chrysalis, who raised her hooves up to block any incoming assault. “I didn’t touch her I swear!”

“Then how is she pregnant!” growled Twilight’s father, his horn glowing menacingly as he stared at her.

“It’s…complicated,” said Chrysalis.

“Then start explaining before I decide to blast you.”

She immediately leapt into explaining, “Well…during the invasion of Canterlot, I…I was carrying an egg with me, inside a special carrying pouch all queens have. During my fight with Celestia, I…I accidentally teleported said egg within Twilight, and by the time my mind cleared up enough to realize what I had done, two months had passed, so it was too late to remove the egg from Twilight.”

“I see,” said Night Light, “and I can assume you are also behind our son’s behavior as well?”

“Y…yes, but that was an accident on my part, due to my starved mind.”


She sighed, “Well, during my time impersonating Cadance, I had to use a…spell on your son, because even though I looked like Cadance, there were certain behaviors I couldn’t hide about myself which made him start to think I wasn’t Cadance.”

“Well my boy is smart, I should know, I taught him a thing or two,” said Night Light, before receiving a whack on the head by his wife. “I’m sorry, please continue.”

“Anyways, the magic I used is…forbidden by our kind, due to the fact that it leaves behind a magical poison which…makes ponies act upon certain thoughts or desires that they normally would not act on, and thus it caused Shining Armor to start…well start hunting my kind rather viciously, to the point where he attacked Twilight, thinking that she was under my control.”

Night Light nodded a bit, “I see, I hope you are doing something to fix all this, cause if this gets enough out of hoof ponies will start demanding that Cadance divorce him.”

“Their already demanding that, but I’m sure it won’t come to that,” said Twilight. “Chrysalis’s mother is already working on fixing Shining, and Chrysalis was getting ready to meet with ponies who hold influence over the news.”

“Ah, that’s good,” said Night Light.

After that everypony remained silent for a moment, and then Twilight Velvet turned toward her sister and spoke, “This is all your fault Andromeda.”

“And how is this my fault,” said Andromeda scathingly.

“Because of that damn fortune of yours,” said Velvet.

“Hey, all I said was that your children would know lives filled with responsibility, fantasy, and the bizarre. I never once said that your son would end up mind fucked by a starvation-crazed changeling, nor that my favorite niece would end up carrying a changeling queen in her belly…which leads me to ask, her birth won’t be messy will it?”

Chrysalis cringed, “Oh please, tell me you don’t believe in those stupid rumors that say changeling young burst forth from the chest of those we impregnate.”

“Well…maybe a little…hehe…”

Chrysalis facehooved, “heavens above, no, that is not how our young are born, they are born from eggs, or are born through natural birth in some cases.”

Andromeda sighed in relief, as did the rest of Twilight’s family, and then Velvet got a determined look as she got up. “Well dear, while the rest of the family catches up with Twilight, you and I need to have a talk.”

Chrysalis found herself in the palace kitchen with Twilight’s mother, the older mare taking instructions from the changeling cook as she mixed several different plants together into separate dishes, her magic a blur of color as she finally spoke.

“So, what are your intentions for my daughter?”

Chrysalis gulped at that question, beads of sweat sliding down her brow as she tried to form a response, “Well…you see I…”

“Cause if you don’t have any, I just don’t know what I might do to you,” said Velvet icily, the knife she was holding coming down with a menacing chop as it sliced one of the vegetables in half.

Chrysalis gulped again, “Well, I am interested in your daughter, but she has so far spurred my advances, do to my actions in the past.”

“I see,” said Velvet, “well that is understandable; after all you did cause my dear son a lot of hardship. But the fact of the matter is you got my daughter pregnant, and I expect you to take responsibility, especially seeing as how this child will be half changeling.”

Chrysalis nodded, “I know that, but it won’t be easy, after all I…I really know nothing about her that could help me woo her.”

Velvet smiled, “Well, that’s why I am going to help you. Cause that is your foal as well, and I can tell you will be a good match for my daughter despite what you have done, so I am going to tell you what I know about her, for what pony knows a filly better than her mother.”

“Oh these are the most adorable things I have ever seen!”

Twilight and the rest of her family were in the nursery section of the hive, Andromeda fawning over one of the nymphs which was being fed by Canis, who was acting as nurse mother for them.

“Where are their back legs though,” asked Night Light in concern, looking over one he was holding as she slept peacefully in his forelegs.

“Our back legs don’t start developing until we become one year old,” said Canis, “and they do not fully develop till we are three years old.”

“Hm, curious adaptation,” said Night Light, “any particular reason for this evolutionary path?”

“I’m sure Starswirl or Clover have it documented in one of the books or crystals the changelings gave me, and before you ask-“ said Twilight, feeling her father’s presence materialize by her side, “-they're in a chest in my room; one of the changelings can take you.”

Night Light nodded then left, causing Andromeda to giggle and Twilight to turn and look at her. “You definitely get your thirst for knowledge from your father, it’s no wonder the princess made him the grand librarian.”

“You sound almost envious of his position.”

Andromeda sighed, “Twilight, I know you will never get it…well, maybe you will after you outlive me, but my position as arch mage comes with many duties and responsibilities, and it also means I am going to live for a very long time, which I do not look forward to.”

“I can understand that,” said Twilight, “oh, Aunty Andromeda, can you do me a favor.”

“What is it dear?”

“Well-” started Twilight, “-I need to head to the Crystal Empire, because Shining wants to see me, could you tell Mom and Dad that I had to go, but I promise I’ll be back to talk with them more…as I assume you guys are planning to stay a while.”

Andromeda nodded her head, “I will, but before you go, make sure to talk to your cousin Sunset, for she said she had some urgent maters to discuss with you.”

Twilight sighed at that, “I figured; it’s never anything that can wait when it comes to the princess’s advisor.”

Twilight arrived at her throne room’s grand balcony, finding Sunset standing at the edge, her overly long mane draped over her back, almost reaching the base of her tail. When she stepped onto the balcony, Sunset turned around, smiling at Twilight as her right eye glowed as if by its own light, while her left eye was covered up by her mane.

Twilight knew the reason for this, for long ago, a beast of the Everfree had managed to get a nasty swipe on the left side of her face while she was protecting her sister Trixie, resulting in her losing her left eye. Instead of allowing mages to repair the damage, Sunset had said she liked it, for it was a constant reminder that even their peaceful world was still dark and full of terrors from time to time.

“Hello Princess Sparkle,” said Sunset simply.

“Sunset,” said Twilight with a laugh, “I thought we made a pact that no matter what positions we ever got, we would never call each other by our titles.”

Sunset hesitated for a moment, and then chuckled a bit, walking over and giving Twilight a hug, which caused her to snort with laughter as she got a face full of her mane. “Princesses Sunset will you ever trim your darn mane, I swear it gets wilder every time I see it.”

“You know I can’t do that,” said Sunset simply, “I gave my word to my master that I would never cut my mane or tail again, for you know it’s important for my magic.”

“I know, it’s just crazy, but anyways, what did you need to talk to me about?”

Sunset sighed, “Well as you know, with Celestia out of commission, I am essentially on extended vacation, fully paid of course. However, my princess’s last orders were to begin your training in the fine art of being a princess, and I intend to carry out that order till my princess returns to her throne.”

“I see,” said Twilight, “well what took you so long getting here, I honestly expected you hear a while ago.”

Sunsets smile turned downcast, “well…mom has been having visions again…bad ones.”

That got Twilight concerned, “about what, does it have to do with us…or the princesses?”

“She doesn’t know, all she sees is a dark cloud spreading over the land of Equestria, and two great purple eyes glowing from amidst the darkness, a voice cackling menacingly as the cloud surrounds Ponyville…before enclosing it completely.”

Twilight stood there a long moment, then sighed deeply, “I hate your mother’s visions.”

“I do too,” said Sunset simply, “then again, none of our family was destined to be normal.”

“All save for Trixie.”

That got a snort from Sunset, “Hardly, apparently Luna got to see a demonstration of Trixie’s talents, and said it was the perfect skill set for something Luna has wanted to bring back for a while, and took Trixie under her wing to train her as a shadow mage, didn’t you notice she was wearing a black cloak again?”

Twilight thought about it for a moment, and then sighed in defeat. “Well that does it, none of us will ever escape the family motto, “We of House Star shall ever be bound to Magic.”

Sunset laughed at that, then walked over and nuzzled Twilight, “So, anything else you need to talk to me about?”

“No that…oh wait, do you think you can teleport me to the Crystal Empire, I still haven’t mastered long distance teleportation and I know you know it by heart.”

Sunset nodded, then lit up her horn, her mane and tail lighting up as well as they began to billow around her, before a blinding flash sent Twilight on her way. When she was gone, Sunset smiled once more, then turned to head down to make sure her sister and mother weren't causing the changelings too much trouble. “I also better get Mom away from those nymphs, a few more hours with those and she’ll have foal fever again, and that’s all we need, another foal on the way.”