Star Bright, Star Light.

by AzureHoodie

Chapter 9: Are you sure you want to eject?

Four ponies walked home as the sun began to set on this winter evening. A large female Pegasus, a small female Pegasus, a average sized female unicorn, and a metal legged earth colt. Star looked around trying to keep his new child-like emotions in check, his sudden urge to duck between one of his adopted mother's legs at any unfamiliar sound was starting to bother him.
"I'm so excited!" Little Solar said as she fluttered into the air, her wings buzzing with her excitement. "How about you Star, are you excited to see your new home?"
Both Twinkle and Golden let their ears swivel to hear Star's response.
“I think so… I’m just afraid I’ll be in the way though.” Star replied lowering his head.
Twinkle was about to reply when Solar slammed into Star, “Are you kiddng me?! I have a big brother now, how are you going to be in the way? This is so totally awesome especially since we’re sharing a room!”
We’re sharing a room?” Star asked.
“Sorry Star, I know you probably want your own room but right now we’re using the spare room for… storage.” Twinkle said as she let the foal catch up to her.
“No, I’m good, I never shared a room with anyone… I mean, anypony before, it might be fun.” Star said as they reach a small two story house.
“Were here.” Golden said as she opened the door only to find Silver and some unknown Pegasus stallion making out on the sofa.
“Mom!” Silver exclaimed as she tossed the brown coated stallion to the floor, “What are you doing here so early?”
Golden gave her daughter a sharp upset look, then pointed to the clock on the wall.
“Oh… it’s that late already?” Silver said as she giggle nervously.
Twinkle had her hooves around Solar and Star’s eyes, preventing them from watching the scene unfold before them. “I think it’s time you left young colt, we have a pair of foal that need to get to bed and a young mare who might not get to see the outside world for a long time.”
“Okay.” The brown stallion said as he quickly trotted to the door, “I’ll see you in school Silver…”
Golden gave the young stallion a look that sent shivers up his spine and his flank into the clouds.
“Mom!” Silver said as she stomped her hoof, both Twinkle and Golden gave her a look. “How am I ever supposed to find the right one, if you keep scaring them off!?”
“Simple.” Twinkle stated as she, Solar and Star moved into the living room, “He’ll come back tomorrow and introduce himself.”
“You guys know nothing about stallions!” Silver said as she began to trot upstairs.
Both Golden and Twinkle looked at one another and sighed, “Did she really she that to us?” Golden just looked at Twinkle and shook her head in disappointment. "Seriously how do you think you were born!" Twinkle yelled up stairs.
The sound of somepony stumbling was heard as Silver yelled, "Argh... MOM!"
The rest of the evening went on as a normal evening should, they ate dinner at the table together, the foals took their bath… though Star was the most difficult. Everypony was afraid he would break in the shower. Finally Star was lead to Solar’s room…
“So this is where you sleep Star!” Solar said as she jumped on his bed.
“Solar, no jumping on the bed.” Twinkle said as she levitated Solar and Star into their beds.
“Bedtime story!” Solar exclaimed.
“Sorry honey, no story tonight, it’s already late. If you wanted a story you have to get to bed earlier.” Twinkle said as she tucked Solar into bed. Twinkle then kissed Solar on the forehead and nuzzled her, and then gave Star a gentle nuzzle. “Good night you two.” Twinkle whispered as she turned off the lights and closed the door.
As the room began to darken Star began to give into his sleep slowly, that was until Solar began to whimper. “Star… Star are you there?”
“I’m here.” Star replied.
“Oh good.”
“…Star, are you still there?”
“Solar… what’s wrong?” Star said as he opened his eyes in the darkness.
“I’m… I’m scared of the dark…” Solar replied. A muffled thump was heard from Star’s bed, “Star what happen… what was that?”
“Ow… remind me that face to hoof is bad… ow…” Star said as he rubbed his muzzle wondering what he could do to help. Suddenly a set of green letters began to appear in is field of vision.


“A.R.T.I.E…. Artie! Yes, deploy Artie!” Star said in an excited tone.
“Who’s Art-ty?” Solar asked.
“My assistant… you’ll see.” Star said.


Star watched as the bar began to fill, suddenly his head started making all sorts of whirling clicking sounds, and a few seconds later something detached from his forehead plate. A small blue glowing metal ball with three pyramid pieces began to float around Star’s head.
“Hello Sir, my name is ARTIE… how can I help you?” The floating robot said.
Solar stared in awe as the small orb landed on Star’s forehead, “What is it?” Solar asked.
With a smile Star looked up at Artie and then a Solar, “Artie can you watch and look after us while we sleep?”
“Yes Sir.” Artie replied his blue glowing dimming enough that only he was visible.
“You mean…”
“Yep, Night Light… that can do something.” Star replied.
“Awesome, Good night Artie, Good Night Star.” Solar said and with that she covered herself in the blanket.
“Good nig…” Star began only to be cut off by Solar’s snore. Shaking his head he laid his head back down. “Good night Artie.”
“Good night Sir.”


Later the next day in Canterlot the sun began to rise, and Celestia was having one of her mornings.
"Dear sister what worries you so?” Luna asked as she arrived for her dinner that morning.
Celestia looked up, her eyes showing her exhaustion as winter took its toll on her. “That young colt, is he the one you spoke of, is he truly the one?”
Luna bowed her head as her ears flatted back against her head, “Yes, 1000 years ago in my madness of Nightmare Moon we looked to the stars and found one calling out to us, wishing… for something… we do not remember to well.”
“But why does he appear now, and why so young?” Celestia asked as her eyes caught a window slightly open to the far corner of the room.
“We do not know, but we do know that the purpose of his summon was to help us defeat you and the elements of harmony.” Luna said as she stared at her pancakes with guilt. “Sister why do we not just…” The wall exploded with magic far behind Luna, Celestia’s horn slightly smoke from the blast of magic she released. Luna turned around to gaze behind her, as the smoke cleared the area was unphased from the blast. “Sis sis sister, have we ange…”
“Shh! Silence Luna… he’s here.” Celestia whispered.
Luna began looking at her sister as if she had lost her mind, “Who is here, sister?”
“Something that show up every winter… it hides in the shadow, stalks me through my daily chores and sits in the far back of our throne room as we conduct court.” Celestia hissed her horn slightly glowing gold with magic.
“Surely you jest sister, what could hide from.” Luna quickly turned as her ears began to hear the sound of ice forming by the window, her eyes telling Celestia everything she need to know.
Blue magic quickly sealed the windows in the dining room as, another blast of magic shot through the dinner room towards the window. As the smoke cleared from the blast, a barrier of ice stood where the blast would have hit. “Come out and fight us you cur!” Celestia bellowed.
Luna slowly moved to her sister as the two stood in the center of the room, back to back, waiting for any sign of movement. “Sister what sort of creature are we dealing with? What could be strong enough to protect itself from you?” Luna spoke as her ears swiveled and her eyes jumped across the room.
Suddenly a burst of wind exploded from nowhere, a snowstorm was quickly forming in the dining room. The winds howled loudly, the snow quickly began to blanket everything in the room, then the wind was gone.
“Where? What…?” Celestia began to look around the room only to find all the windows open, “No!” She quickly galloped to the nearest window only to find the rest of the world covered in last night’s snowstorm.
“Sister what was that?” Luna asked as she neared her sister.
“That has been following me every winter, since I banished you to the moon. I always thought it was some form of guilt or something, punishing me since I could not save you.” Celestia said as tear began to roll down her eyes.
“Sister…” Luna began but could find no words to lift her sister’s spirits. Then the sound of crunching snow was heard behind the sisters. Luna turned but found nopony, but the sound continued, that is when she caught it, as she turned she noticed the snow shifting as if somepony was writing in the snow. Her eyes opened wide as she realized it was a message, “Sister… look.” Luna said.
Celestia began to turn and notice the stunned looking in her sister’s face, and then noticed the out-stretched hoof pointing to the ground. Her eyes followed and also widened as she began to read the message aloud.
“Dear Daughters of her Majesty Faust, Please forgive me and my actions. I meant no harm. I was only following the orders given to me a couple of millenniums ago. Sigh the Season of Winter…” Celestia looked to her sister, a tear filled smile across their face. Celestia looked up to see a set of hoofprints in the snow heading to the window. “Please don’t go!” Celestia voice pleaded, the hoofprints stopped. “Is it true, did you know our mother?”
A moment went by, then four hoof prints settled infront of the sisters, followed by the words in the snow, “I still know your mother.”
“That’s not possible… our mother is gone, isn’t she?” Celestia asked looking to her sister.
Sudden the snow began to shift and change, as a new message appeared, “I was told never to interfere with the lives of mortal ponies outside the veil. Only to watch, but your mother gave me instructions and a spell for the day you two discovered me, but you will need the third Alicorn for the spell to work.”
“Third? Who does this season speak of sister?” Luna asked.
“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza she appeared in Canterlot about 15 years ago, a foal at the time.” Celestia began, and then looked over to her sister. “The very same one seeing our dear Captain of the Guard, actually she did appear on the first day of winter… did you have something to do with it…” Celestia asked as she notice several large symbols beginning to be drawn in the snow, a sort of triangular symbol with four circles.
A quill and parchment appeared in front of Celestia, she quickly wrote something, and burned the paper away. Suddenly in a flash of light blue magic Cadance appeared with the dining room. “Auntie what was so important that I had to be here?” Candance then realized she was in the presence of both sister, both of her ‘Aunts’.
As Luna was going to question, the snow began to shift as another message appeared in the snow. “Please be quick, my time is limited. Stand in the circles with your cutie mark and focus your magic into the circle into the center, focus trying to teleport me there.”
“What is that?!” Candance yelled.
“A creature known as… ‘the season of Winter’ is asking us to assist him with a spell.” Celestia said quickly moving to the circle with her cutie mark. “Well?”
“Wait you’re telling us to trust something that has been ‘stalking’ you this whole time, it gives an apology and you want to do what it says!” Luna replied.
“Luna we could finally learn about our parents… about mom.” Celestia said with a pleading voice.
“I’m with her on this; no way I’m trusting a stranger that appeared out of nowhere.” Cadance replied pointing to her aunt.
With a grunt Celestia looked towards the center of the symbol, a large snowflake decorated the center circle, “If you’re not willing to help me then…” Celestia’s horn began to glow a bright gold. The whole symbol began to glow gold and white. With wide eyes filled with fear and horror, Luna and Cadance galloped to Celestia in hopes to stop her, but it was too late. A bright flash filled the room and Celestia was gone.