red, black and purple

by wolfman93

chapter 1

They were my best friends. He was my bbbff. This day was supposed to be perfect. But now it’s all over. Now they don’t want me to come.

Well fine if that’s what they want………………………… then so be it.

A purple unicorn anthro galloped out of the castle as tears formed in her eyes. Her once former friends, her brother and even her mentor all dishonored her and turned their backs on her as she tried to warn them. She tried to explain to them on the princess’s actions and behavior but alas none of them stood by her side. They all then left her all alone inside the main hall.

Knowing that she wasn't allowed to come to the wedding she only knew one thing to do.

“I need to get away. Far away…… from them” she said as she race down the main hall and through the castle gates. Not even thinking of where she was going she focused her magic on one last spell and finally teleported somewhere. With the large amount of sadness she was enduring she didn't know how much she used or to where she was going. She could only pray that there will be somepony that will love her.

*3 hours later in canterlot. After chrysalis been defeated*

Canterlot was safe once again. After almost nearly losing the battle with the changelings they had reached victorious. One of the maids who had heard the impostor sing from within her room and quickly as possible reported it to Princess Luna. During the wedding Princess Luna and the maid both confronted the impostor and just as they were right the impostor showed her true colors. Twilight’s friends all showed shocked as twilight was right about her and they didn't do anything about it. The brother still under the spell was didn't know of what was happening later on as the elements all failed to retrieve the elements of harmony. With one last shot shining armor and princess cadence both then used their combined energy and with the strength of their hearts they casted the queen and all of her minions out of equestria and back to the badlands. They all cheered in victory for a few seconds before grief took them and they all frowned and stare at the ground. Shining armor out of the rest dropped his head further since he just caste his only sister out of his wedding.

“I….. I can’t believe it. twily was right” shining armor said as he held his head down in grief. The memories of what happen earlier still filled his mind as he felt regret. “I….. I should have listened to her” he began to sob as his eyes filled with tears and fell to the ground in front of him.

His real wife looked at his soon to be husband and lifts his head up and smiles. “Don’t worry love…. I’m sure twilight will understand when you talk with her.” she then turns towards all of twilight’s other friends and smiled.

“Let’s go find her and tell her we’re sorry.” She said in hopes.

Just then Princess Luna stops in front of them with a frown on her face. Soon with some available strength her oldest and wisest sister gets up and walks in front of them. A frown spread across her face as a tear fell down her cheek.

“I don’t…… think that will be simple” the youngest said before several tears fell down her cheeks and she lowered her head.

Shining armor and the rest of the gang all looked at her with surprise looks on their faces. They stare at her for a few seconds before shining armor finally broke the silence.

“Princess what do you mean by that? Where’s twily” he said anxious on his sister’s whereabouts.

*far off into the Milky Way galaxy, Planet earth. New York City 1920’s*

It was a rainy day in the large town in New York City. Still even when the rain beats down on us the city still keeps going.

“The city that never sleeps. The home to riches” a man said as he took a sip of brandy. He took the sweet nectar of it like the hands of god since the probation of alcohol went into effect a few months after the 18th amendment was establish at the white house. Since then any type of alcohol was prohibit from anywhere in the good old united states.

The man sighed since just after the amendment was established he lost almost everything. His friends and family back in California all dishonored him and left him to be by himself. None of his relatives from his country in Italy would ever talk to him. Not after what he’s done in the past. Without any hope and without any family to be with he came to New York for a fresh start. Who knew that just going to a private bar would be a life changing experience?

Now employed just hours after coming to the city he began to wonder what will be in store for him as the years will soon to come. He wondered the money he will earned, the famous cars he can drive, the many types of clothing to try on and the all the famous drinks he can taste. But most of all the women he will be able to have. That very thought came to him but slowly died off since he remembered. He couldn't have any one to love him. Not after what he did.

He sighed again as the memories of that day occurred over and over since he came to New York. The dreams he had will every single one reminded him on that day. He slowly goes through his shirt and pulls out a locket. He opens it and rubs the picture in it.

“Oh mia sorella. perché non hai mi ascolti?”

He felt a few tears stream down his face as he stare up at the ceiling. His apartment was all that great. There weren't any cracks or any mice in the walls or floor and the ground was covered in some good ply wood. The apartment had a few essentials such as a small sink, refrigerator, a small couch, a lamp and a few chairs. It also has two bed rooms both filled with a bed a small desk for to valuables in along with a small closet for clothes of such. A small bathroom with a shower and a toilet and sink layed in between on the other side of where the rooms are as a small hallway lead through the bed room and into the living room.

It’s still wasn't much since he just moved in but its home for now. He smiled a bit before looking out the window. The rain pours down like hail as he continued to look out. Thunder growled up the day as lightning show down towards earth.

“My i temporali. They are getting worse each minute.” He said worried as another shot of lightning strike down next to his window. He jumped out a bit as it was too close. Thank the god he had the window closed and was inside as more lightning strikes down. He continued to look down up at the sky as more lightning strike and thunder shook the earth from above. On particular caught his eyes one of the bolt was a different color then the others. He couldn't tell but somehow before the bolt hit the earth a few blocks from where his building is was more a purplish color.

“lampo viola?” he said confused and focus his sight on the ground. He watched the ground for a few minutes as not even cars were riding along this treacherous weather. The fear of getting hit by lightning or the large amount of rain was too much for the people in this part of town to venture out. he knows that Brooklyn was always busy even against harsh weather but somehow this one seemed more dangerous than ever if it made everyone else stay inside before the weather clears up. The man continued to look down at the streets for whatever reason before a sight caught him.

He stared in shock as to what he saw through his window. A woman about maybe in her 20’s same age as him was standing underneath a tree. Her arms covered her chest as she shivered in the cold. Her clothing looked that of a college school girl which were drench soaked from the rain. Out of all her looks her hair was another story that he was surprise to see women having her hair like that. Her hair was a straight almost bowl like style from the forehead and was of a dark bluish almost purplish color a purple and pike stream down from where her face is and in the back.

“What is she doing out there?” he said in his head as he continued to watch her from his window. He could see she was crying since her eyes were turning blood shot but that wasn't what worries him. He could see up in the sky as thunder began to build up. “Oh no” he said quickly as the thought of her standing there where a lightning was about to happen on that tree.

Without thinking or calling the cops he rushes out grabbing his rain coat and races down the steps. He didn't have time to lock his door as he trips a few steps down but gets up quickly. He then rushes outside and look around for the women underneath the tree. He scans around for a few seconds before seeing her still there. He then looks up towards the sky as a bolt seemed to form from where she was standing.

“MISS GET OUT OF THERE!” he shouted out in hopes she will listen as he race towards her.

The woman drops out of trance and looks at from where the voice came from. Before looking for the voice she was quickly and surprisingly pushed out from where she was standing. The ear shattering sound of thunder as well as wood splitting and a large crash echoed in her ears a bit before stopping. They ring for a bit but they stopped as she got up and looked at from where she was standing.

She gulped as the tree she took shelter underneath was split in two from the top and down to where the roots were. All the branches were scattered around and the all around them small chips of wood splattered all around from the tree. She gulped again as that could have been her if she wasn't saved in time.

She then looks down at who save her. The man slowly got up as his ears still ring a bit from the blast. He slowly got up as more rain pour down a few pieces of wood layed on his back. He shook your head a bit before looking at the woman.

Both of them stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds as if time had stopped all around them. The continued to stare before another thunder strike broke them out of trance.

“Oh boy” he quickly got up and offered a hand. “I’m sorry miss but it’s not safe here. Come on let’s get inside where it’s safe.” He said offering his hand to her.

She didn't move as she stares at your hand before reaching out. She was a little timid at first because she just barely knew him but it beats standing in the rain and waiting for another strike to occur.

“Thank you” she said as she grabbed his hand and he lifts her off the ground. She dusts the bits of timber off her arms before feeling something wrapping around her body. She looks to see a large rain coat covering her back before seeing the man.

“Don’t want to catch a cold now do we.” He said as he led her to his building. She smiled a bit as he led her inside.

“Thank you” she said softly as they entered.

The man leads her up to his apartment upstairs. He was glad that it wasn't broken in after a few seconds of being outside. A lot can happen in a few seconds. She shivered from the cold but sighed as the warmth felt throughout the building. The man then goes into a store room closet and pulls out some towels. He walks towards her and grabs one of the towels and works on her hair.

“Here let me help you dry off faster” he said as he rubs her head but tried not to hurt her. She didn't move as she let him dry her hair off. She felt a little worried that this man was drying her off and she had no clue who he was or where she was in.

She wondered if she was still in canterlot or even in equestria since the sights and sounds say new horsey but somehow the being in front of her says she’s not in equestria anymore. But what would that matter anymore. Her friends deceive her. Her brother banned her from his wedding and even his own mentor was disappointed in her. She wanted to get away but because of her crying so much she didn't know where she had landed.

The man looked down at the woman as he removed the towel from her head and stare at her beautiful violet eyes. Never in his life has he ever seen a woman with beautiful eyes such as hers. They glisten from the light as she stares into his. She too looks amazed since his eyes were of different colors then just one set. In one eye was the color of the beautiful sea that glowed like the sun beaming down towards the ocean. The other was a deep reddish color almost like a ruby being shined by a flashlight.

Another few minutes of staring both finally looked away. Both had a light blush on their faces. The kept their gaze away from each other before the man finally speaks. He clears his throat before speaking.

“So miss. Do you have a name?” he said

She was surprise it spoke equestrian but she was glad it spoke her language. She finally speaks but didn't look at the man.

“My name’s twilight. Twilight sparkle” she gulped a bit.

The name caught him off guard since he never heard of some named twilight sparkle but he didn't want to insult her name and just leave it at that. “Well Ms. Sparkle. I must say that was risky move being out there all by yourself even at such a harsh storm was blowing. “He chuckled a bit before leaving for the kitchen. He takes out a medium size coffee pot and begins to heat up some coffee. After dropping some beans inside and turning the burner on he then goes to twilight who was still standing.

“Please make yourself at home.” He offers her as he watched the coffee pot.

Twilight looked around and takes the first seat she sees. She then scans around the room as to see it to be a simple apartment fit for one or two people depending on what’s in the other rooms. She sighed a bit as she continued to look around before looking outside. The storm continued to pour outside as she watched. Minutes went by as they waited for the coffee to be done.

After a few more went by the man finally finish. “So…… by judging from your name you’re not from around here aren't you?” he said questionably.

Twilight broke trance and answered. “Yes……. I’m not”

Silence swept again but the man resume. “So where you from? And what brings you to New York City?”

Twilight heard the name New York City but she had never heard of a city name New York. She sighed again and looked at the man. “I’m from equestria. And as to why I am here it’s because I want to get away.” she said with sadness.

The man looked at her worried and confused. He then felt a lump as the idea of helping someone with a hit on her head made him feel worried as they might come to not only do her in but anyone who tried to help her. He then shook of the idea since it was ridiculous. Why hurt her if she didn't do anything wrong. Did she? He wanted to be sure.

“Well miss I've never heard of a city called equestria but I want to know who or what are you getting away from?” he asked.

Twilight could hear the worried in his voice but waved her hands out. She could tell he must be thinking of a hit or something. “Uh no no it’s not like that. It’s just……. I wanted to get away from someponies”

“someponies?” he asked weird out to hear the word ponies after someone. “Um miss my English is not as great but even I remember that ‘someponies’ is not a word” he crossed his arms.

Twilight raised an eyebrow but then explain. “Well I should explain but I’m not what your species are. I’m actually a pony. A unicorn to be specific.” she smiles

He raised an eyebrow as to now it was getting even more strange than usual. He then begins to wonder if the girl is on something because now she was talking crazy talk. “Um miss I don’t know what you-“he was cut off as one of the windows finally gave in and shattered. The glass flew up and twilight jumped away as the shards flew everywhere. The man quickly yanks off one of the cupboards off of its hinge’s and races to block the storm form outside.

Before he could race towards the shattered window twilight stops him. “Miss please I need to fix this” he said in a hurried tone.

“I know just watch” she said calmly and raised her hand. The man watched as a purplish glow form around her hands and before long the shards of the window all came together and began to repair the broken window. Once all the pieces were together the window looked brand new. He then looks at the cupboard he yank out floating up in a purple aura before going back and connecting back to the cupboard. He watched in jaw dropping amazement as everything return back to normal before turning his attention to her.

“You’re not lying about everything you said…. Right?” he said confused at what he just saw.

She shooked her head and smiled. “No I’m not. I am twilight sparkle personal protégé of the great princess celestia and one of the bearers of the elements of harmony or... I use to be.” She said as a tear fell down her cheek.

He finally snapped out of shock and look at her with a frown. “Why what happen?” he asked.

She sighed before looking up into his eyes. “For so long I have been the personal protégé since I was just a filly. I had great friends. A wonderful assistant and was about to see my own brother get married.” She sighed again.

“But my stubbornness or I’m not sure what but I had a huge suspicion that the bride was an impostor and was planning to harm my brother and all of equestria. So all day I accused her of being evil till……. Till my own brother banned me from the wedding and all my friends even my mentor all turn their backs on me.” she slowly began to cry and wipe a few tears away. “So….. To get away…. from them…. to give them their wish…… I used my magic….. And I came here by accident” she broke out in sobs. She continued to cry before she stopped as the man held her close into a hug.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He said. “You and I are in the same boat”

She looked up at him as a tear fell down his cheek. “You were banned from a wedding too” she said in sadness.

The man sighed before bringing her and letting her sit down on one side of the couch. Sucking up whatever courage he began to start his story. “I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Raimondo Salvatorio. I was born in Italy before I came to the states at age 5. I had three brothers and 2 sisters. One of which was getting married… to a horrible man.” he sighed and continued. “I know that he does drugs and has beaten a lot of women including my sister Agnella. I watched her come home with a bruised on her cheek and a few cuts on her body. And after hearing she was getting married to him I couldn't let that happen.”

He wiped a few tears away as he continued. “I tried warning la mia famiglia but none of them listen. They were more focused on money than our safety even as the bastardo hit her before the wedding even started. I asked why she was doing this which she explains she was carrying his son. A son he didn't want.” He shut his eyes before looking at twilight.

She frowned at what she was hearing but beckons him to go on. “What happen?” she ask.

He took a deep breath and continued what happen next. “I snapped. I overheard him trying to get it in with my other sorella that during the wedding I broke his jaw. He deserved it.” he swallows his clot in his throat and finish off. “After breaking his jaw I was dis-bound from the family. They said I was a disgrace to the name Salvatorio and then I as cast away from ever seeing them again.” he sighs before pulling out his locket and giving it to twilight.

Twilight looked at the locket and opens it. Inside layed a picture of his sister on the right and a family on the left side from where she opens it. She then looks at Raimondo.

“She died a couple days after the wedding. She died by beating.” He said with some venom in his voice. “What hurts me the most is that stronzo got away free.” He clutched his fist tightly as the memories of his sister flowed through his head, his eyes brimmed with tears as he remembered all the laughs and smiles they had together. “Now I have nothing and what hurts most is I couldn't go to her funeral” he sniffed
Twilight looked down at the photo again and then at Raimondo. She then places it back in his hands and brings herself close to her. They both let out a few tears before looking up at each other. They stare for a few seconds before breaking it off and wiping their tears away. Raimondo cleared his throat before speaking. “So yeah that’s my story we both are in the same boat”

Twilight didn't look at him but just speak. “Yeah it looks that way” she said softly. They continued to watch the other way before hearing the pot going off.

“Seems the coffee’s done. I’ll go get us some.” He left and grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard. He then sets to on the counter and grabs the pot. “Look Ms. Sparkle I know it may seem weird but if you want you can stay here as long as you want.” He said as he poured the coffee into the mugs.

Twilight beamed up and looked at him. “Really?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yeah I mean where else will you go. And I’m pretty sure the next person that offers you a place to say would freak out when they see you doing magic. But if you do stay I have some rules.” He said as he walked over to her with a hot fresh cup of coffee. Twilight grabbed the fresh brew and lightly took a sip from it. The warm freshness was just right for her.

“Alright what are the rules Mr. Salvatorio” she asked he took a sip of his coffee.

He chuckled. “First off don’t call me by my last name or mister. Just call me Raimondo. And the rule is don’t do magic in public and make sure if you do magic have the blinds covered the windows.” He takes another sip of his coffee.

She nods in agreement. “Alright seems understandable. Is that all” she asked.

He shook his head. “Nope. Well other than help me keep the house clean and maybe once we get you an ID I can help you find a job here.” He smiled.

Twilight nods in approval. “That’s good. Anything else” she takes another sip of her coffee.

Raimondo then thinks before finally coming up with something. “Oh I almost forgot. I hate to do this but you need to have another name when going out.” he said which surprise twilight a bit. “It’s because twilight is not a common name here in New York City and you don’t want to bring out suspicion right?”

Twilight puzzled a bit before speaking. “Alright but what should I be called then.” She asked worried a bit of name changing. She knows it’s best to have another name since she didn't want to cause any commotion but she didn't know any human names.

Raimondo begins to think of some names for her before snapping his fingers. “I got one. How about Anna Donatella. You can be called twilight sparkle here but out there Anna will be your outside name.” he smiles.

Twilight smiled at the beautiful name and nods. “Alright that sounds fair.” Both of them then clank their cups and drank the rest of it down.

Raimondo then looks at the clock and sees its almost midnight and twilight look ready to pass out even after having some coffee. He proceeds to show her where she will be sleeping and leaves to grab some sleeping clothes and blankets for her. He politely exits out of the room as she changes and tells her good night before closing the door. He then goes back to the living room and puts the bottle of brandy away. As he places it in a safe location his mind begins to wonder.

“Oh I pray she doesn't know what work I’m about to do for the rest of my life.” He said softly before closing the secret compartment and leaves to his room. After changing into some clothes he sets his alarm clock and finally falls asleep. For tomorrow is the start of hopefully a bright future.