Calming Sigh-- with a Breath of Fire

by Laze Around

The Truth

Spike shrunk as he fell. I flew down and caught him in the air, while wrapping my tail around Rarity after I realized that it was her that was in the dragon’s grasp earlier. Using my free arm, I strained to hold onto the water tower that Spike used to hoard his loot.

We landed in a thud, and I grunted as I put the water tower down none too gently. Its contents started spilling out when it tipped over.

“Are you alright, Miss Rarity?”


The mare squirmed in my tail’s grip. After getting over her shock, she finally realized who the dragon was now that he reverted back into his original form.

The little purple lizard wasn’t moving, and there was a hole in the middle of his chest. I may have used too much on the little guy.

I shrugged. Que sera, sera

I laid the dragon down on the ground, along with the mare. She started fussing over him when Spike didn’t move. Then she started bawling when she touched his cold scales.

How annoying. He’s not dead. He’s just grievously injured.


A new pony came. Finally the guarding of the drake comes. Twilight Sparkle teleported into the scene, her face streaked with tears. Then she saw the hole on his chest.


I rolled my eyes and sat down on a nearby rock. Maybe I should check what the little bastard pilfered from the locals. Then Twilight’s eyes were on me.

“How could you! HOW COULD YOU!”

Oh great. Here we go.

The unicorn’s horn started to glow an eerie purple light. Her eyes glared at me with hate from what I’d done to her little dragon slave. Not little brother. Not assistant. Not even a pet.

Spike was her slave.

Twilight Sparkle fired a beam of pure magic straight at me. I didn’t dodge it since there wasn’t enough force behind the spell to even break my [Myrmidon]’s skin. Nonetheless I made a [Barrier] around myself to cut the damage in half.

My [Barrier] spell doesn’t negate physical attacks, but it does halve any magical attack it comes into contact with, no matter how powerful. By circulating magic around my body, I can cushion magic attacks somewhat.

I took her attack with a small grimace, noting that the place she aimed at was the same area where I inflicted Spike’s wound.

She may not know it consciously, but they’ve already brainwashed Spike to do all of their bidding. They’ve also cemented Spike’s loyalty to them, her and Celestia specifically.

It’s always so easy to brainwash the young and impressionable. Make them call you their parent and there’s a high probability that they’ll never question what you say. From an early age, Spike’s been groomed to be Twilight Sparkle’s little slave, and he doesn’t even know it.

Twilight fired another beam, this time straight to my face. My head tilted back slightly from the impact.

But then again we’re all slaves to our parents. I personally didn’t disobey mine, from what little I could remember of them. I was a good little munchkin.

Spike was the only dragon around when he was born, and didn’t know anything. I’m grateful that Celestia even raised the little lizard. But that still doesn’t excuse the type of mentality that they’ve instilled into the little whelp.

Twilight Sparkle made for another beam, this time charging it for good measure. Behind her, Rarity was still crying out for her little ‘Spikey Wikey’. I cringed a bit at the nickname, and I think I saw Spike’s body also twitch a bit.

Ignoring Twilight for the moment, I looked up to the sky where I noticed a rainbow blur approaching us at extreme speeds. Based from the glaring face that’s on the tip of the blur, it’s safe to assume that Rainbow Dash saw what I did and is coming over to help Twilight vent her rage.

Yeah… Nope.

Twilight Sparkle I can forgive. I did just put what’s hers on the verge of death. But Rainbow Dash? Like hell. I owe her nothing.

Standing up from my rock, Twilight adjusted her aim higher in response to my movement. I had to close my mouth firmly when she fired a stronger beam at my face again. The mare was so deep in her rage that she doesn’t even care if her attacks are working, just as long as they hit.

It’s fine, though. I find it admirable. Her attacking me lets me know that she really does care for her little lizard. Her name just went up in my good books. Now for that rainbow pest.

Shit I can’t think of any non-lethal methods.

“I got you now, you stupid dragon!”

In moments like these, I usually just use [Resist] and watch the thing coming at me go splat against my spell. But Rainbow Dash was AJ’s friend, and I don’t think she’ll like it if I break her friend’s neck.

Raising my right hand towards the pegasus, and ignoring another blast from Twilight, I grabbed Rainbow Dash with my [Telekinesis]. It wasn’t strong enough to stop her because I couldn’t get a firm grip, but it was enough for me to redirect her flight path away to another direction.

I swung my hand away and Rainbow Dash’s flight followed its movement. She swerved to my right and flew straight into that direction.


She tumbled a bit in the air before righting herself. She turned her head my way to glare at me, then she faced my direction and restarted her charge. Twilight made another blast to my stomach, but this one was a tad too low for my comfort.

My eyes shifted over to Spike, noting the he didn’t have long to live. Maybe that was enough? I should probably heal him now.

Seeing Sparkle charge another beam, I grabbed her head with my [Telekinesis] and then pointed it to the side before she fired.


She yelped in surprise when I moved her head, being too distracted in charging her spell to notice me using my psionics. Using my other hand, I sent a blast of wind magic straight towards Rainbow Dash’s charge. The mare slowed down enough that I managed to get a solid hold of her with my [Telekinesis].

“Hey! Let me go!”

Rainbow Dash thrashed in my grip. I was having a hard time multitasking with her and an angry Twilight Sparkle. My focus was mostly on the unicorn as she was using her own magic to negate my hold on her head. The only reason she still hasn’t done it yet was because she didn’t know that we were using different types of [Telekinesis].

“Uncle Rahy!”

Beautiful music to my-- ah, there goes Rainbow Dash.


The pegasus took advantage of my distraction with Twilight and Applejack. She used her speed to fly straight to me and decked me on the cheek.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack cried out in surprise.

The rainbow pegasus turned back after gathering momentum and started pounding on my body. I used my free hand to cover my head while my other was still making sure that Sparkle’s head wasn’t pointing at me.

The unicorn’s eyes started to glow in the same intense light on her horn as her magic surged. Slowly, she began to overpower my psionics, and I struggled to keep her in place. She was slowly turning her head, and thanks to a lucky shot to my eye from Rainbow Dash, my focus broke.


With her head fully turned my way, Twilight Sparkle released the pent up magic in her horn. Dark purple light spewed out like a geyser from her forehead. The beam she created was big enough to swallow my whole body.

I gritted my teeth. The force of the magic was heavy, but that was nothing compared to the raw emotion that she used to fuel the attack. I could practically taste her sorrow and rage through my skin.

She really does love Spike. He was her assistant and her little brother. He was her responsibility, even though she unintentionally mistreats him, she still cared about him. To see him fall from my attack, it was almost like something inside her broke.

And just like that, my conscience brought me down to my knee.

When her attack ended, I was on the ground, one knee holding me up. My arms were up, covering my face in defense.

Slowly, I stood on my feet and made my way towards her. Twilight Sparkle was breathing hard, her eyes glaring at me with hate. Applejack managed to catch Rainbow Dash’s tail and used that to keep her from attacking me.

The lavender unicorn began her attacks once again, only these ones lacked the power of the ones in the beginning. She was tired, emotionally and physically.

I knelt down in front of her as she charged another shot. I didn't give her enough time before I wrapped my arms around the mare. She struggled in my embrace, but I merely held her tighter instead.

“You killed him! You killed him!” she cried to me as she found the futility of her struggles.

“I’m sorry.” I told her truthfully. “I was wrong. It wasn’t my right to do that to your brother. Forgive me.”

Her struggled lessened until they all but faded. When she finally stopped, she began wailing towards the sky, with tears of sorrow running down her face.

“Spike! Spiiike!”

I sighed as I held her close. The sun was shining brightly up above. What an inappropriate setting. It made me want to blame Celestia.

“Don’t worry.” I whispered to the grieving mare in my arms. “Everything will be fine. Again. I’m sorry.”

Twilight Sparkle cried in my arms, letting out all of her sorrow. My heart twinged every time her tears fell on my bare chest. I frowned and glared over the distance.

Twin orbs of slitted eyes caught my glare. Even with the distance between the mountain and the Everfree, I knew that it could see me. Inside the canopy of trees, I expressed my hate through my eyes and directed them to the owner of the slitted pair. They swayed for a moment, and then went back deeper into the forest.

The moment I saw the green scales disappear into the trees, my hand snapped straight, pointing behind Twilight and towards Spike.


Light of Life Magic appeared in my hand and went straight for the purple dragon. Rarity made a shriek of surprise and jumped back. Rainbow Dash renewed her struggles against Applejack’s hold, probably thinking that I was intending to hurt the dragon further.

The hole in Spike’s chest rapidly began to fill; punctured organs healed, broken bones fixed, torn muscles re-knitted, and obliterated scales regrew.

Rarity gasped in wonder, raising a hoof over her mouth. Rainbow Dash’s jaw hung open as she froze in her struggles. Applejack released the pegasi’s tail and smiled smugly behind her back.

“It’s okay, Twilight.” The light in my hand disappeared as the healing finished, the dragon already breathing normally again. Once done, my hand went to the unicorn’s head where I started caressing her mane soothingly. “Spike is going to be alright.”

Her head rose and her eyes met mine as she sniffled uncontrollably. I held back a cringe, even as my chest tightened. It almost seemed like she became a filly again. Her eyes were filled with pain, and her expression was like that of someone who had lost their way.

Still, I tried to smile to her. “He’s fine. See?” I pointed behind her.

Confusion came over her face and she hesitated. She was probably expecting to see her dragon still with a hole in his chest and bleeding to death.

My hand caressed her mane again, and I smiled at her reassuringly.

Finally she turned. For a moment she didn’t seem to comprehend what she was seeing. Then slowly she realized that it wasn’t her eyes playing tricks on her.


The unicorn mare cried out in happiness and immediately went to the dragon’s side. She picked him up with her hooves and held him close, hugging him with all her might. I tried to raise a hand to stop her, to tell her that the healed parts might still be tender, but seeing her crying tears of joy made me stop. Dragons were pretty sturdy, so letting her continue should be fine. Probably.
I sighed to myself as I heard hoofsteps coming up beside me.

“Whew! Thank the stars that’s over.” Then came the look that I was dreading: she glared at me. “Don’cha think that maybe what ya did was too much?”

Sighing again, I gestured for her to follow me to the side. I didn’t want to spoil Twilight’s moment.

After walking a bit behind a few bushes and making sure that the unicorn was way out of hearing range, I turned back to Applejack.

“Well?” she prompted, tapping her hoof impatiently on the ground. “Ah’m waiting.”

Shrugging my shoulders helplessly, my body shimmered for a moment before I came out back in my human form; no armor. Just my plain shirt, olive pants and boots. “What I did was a necessity, Applejack. It’s the dragons’ version of power play.”

Her expression change from disapproving to confused. “Dragon business?”

“Something like that.” I muttered. “Equestria is my territory. That means that it’s my job to protect it from other dragons. Celestia doesn’t know this, but I’ve been making sure that no drake ever sets their foot here intending to harm ponies.” I pointed over to the distance. “Tell me, Applejack, what’s that place over there, beyond those hills?”

“The gem quarry.” She answered.

“And what’s a dragon’s favorite treat?”

Her eyes widened in comprehension. “Gems.”

“And tell me this.” Squatting down, I stared at here in eye level. “How many gem quarries are there in Equestria? More than that, how many of those quarries have magic gems that dragons love so much?”

She swallowed. “Too many to count?”

“Do you remember you Heart’s Warming story, AJ?” My brow rose. “Remember why the snooty unicorns chose this place to live in?”

“The Gems.” She grimaced as she began to put things together. “But… what’s the point of what ya did tah Spike? He wasn’t after the gems.”

Pursing my lips, I sat down on a nearby rock, and then made a gesture for her to do the same on the grass in front of me.

“Let me tell you a story, AJ.”

Over one thousand years ago, during the era where ponies have only just established their homes here in Equestria, they were still living peacefully.

The pegasi commanded the sky, the Earth Ponies nurtured the earth, and the unicorns cycled the morning and night.

During this time, ponies have been digging up gems from the ground, and using them as decorations for their homes. There was no house you could see without these pretty rocks on their doorstep or window frame. The unicorns were especially pleased with the accommodations.

Unfortunately, it was because of this vanity that caused Equestria to gain the interest of the dragon race. The drakes saw the reflected shine of the gems as they flew over their homes. The Law that no drake was to ever harm or steal from ponies still wasn’t established during the time, and there was nothing holding them back from simply taking the things that they want.

Flames and destruction were the result of the dragons’ greed. They took everything that caught their eye, ripping the gems from the pony homes and burning down what was left simply because they could.

They plundered and pillaged the pony settlements for many days, taking their gems and destroying their homes. Because of the chaos and despair caused by the drakes they managed to gain the interest of the one who would drive them away.

The Spirit of Chaos, Discord

“Wait, what?!”

“Hush, Applejack, I’m not done.”

“But yer telling me that Discord saved us from the dragons!”

“Yes, yes he did. The only reason it wasn’t told in history was because it got buried under all his pranks.”

“Who told you that horse apple.”

“My mother did.”


“I’ll continue, then.”

The dragons stayed away from Equestria because of Discord. They were prideful and arrogant, but brute force just wasn’t enough to get rid of the Spirit of Chaos.

That, and getting humiliated reduced their standings in the eyes of their kin.

So, they waited. They waited for a few years, watching and observing Equestria from afar. They waited until the day that Discord was sealed, and where the Princesses started their rule.

Discord was powerful, and so were the princesses, but unlike the draconequus the princesses couldn’t make reality their plaything and they were easier to avoid than the seemingly all-seeing spirit of chaos.

So, while the princesses were busy in one side of Equestria, the dragons would raid the other. While the alicorns helped fixed that area, the dragons would choose another to attack. This went on and on for a few years. The princesses were running themselves ragged just to keep up with the attacks and calming their subjects.

It was during this time that they attacked my mother’s home, and took something important from her.

I’ve probably told you the rest, yes?

I searched for the dragon, found him in the Dragon Lands, demanded for them to stop stealing from ponies, got laughed at, killed an Elder, unknowingly became one, and then returned what was stolen back to my mother.

Now, I haven’t officially declared Equestria as my territory yet back then; I didn’t know I could do that. Every few months or years that I came back, I’d usually have to kill a dragon that’s been terrorizing ponies.

I killed and killed and killed the flying lizards, again and again and again.

Centuries later, after learning that I became a member of the Elder Council, I claimed Equestria as under my protection, and have been its guardian ever since.

“Uncle, that’s interestin’ an’ all, but what does that have tah do with what ya did tah Spike?”

“Because, AJ, even after all these years, the dragons are still looking for an excuse to accuse me of being unable to protect my territory.” I told her evenly. “If I didn’t prove to them that I could, then we’d probably have dragons coming from all over the lands, digging up gems and leaving deep pits in the entire nation. Equestria would look like Swiss cheese.”

“Can’t you just, ah don’ know, share some of Equestria to them?”

“AJ, dragons are jerks.” I told her flatly. “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. If I gave them permission to dig anywhere in the country then you’ll suddenly find tunnels everywhere underground in the next few years. And because dragons are stupid, they’ll keep digging until they’re satisfied or until they get buried alive.”

“Uh, aren’tcha a little harsh on the critters, uncle?”

“Applejack, please.” I said, rolling my eyes. “I know them far longer than you’ve heard of them. Trust me when I say this: dragons are single-minded idiots. Once they decide to do something, they won’t stop until they actually do it. Just look at Ponyville right now if you want me to prove my point.”


With the conversation done, there was only silence left between us. Applejack looked deep in thought, probably taking in everything that I’ve told her. As for me, I was just content being back in Equestria. Though I could use an apple right about now.

“Uncle Rahy?”


“Are there any dragons close to Ponyville?”

Instead of answering, I went and pointed over to the Everfree. I forgot the names of the ones living there, but there were at least two: the one who was peeking through the trees, and a sea serpent living in the river, Francis, I think. Or was it Steven?

“Oh.” Applejack muttered. “Is that why you spend a lot of time there, back then?”

I leaned back and hummed to myself, before standing up from the rock I was sitting on. Walking over to Applejack, I crouched down in front of her and gave her a hug. My hand stroked her mane and she nuzzled my chest in return.

Back when I was raising Applejack and Big Mac, I couldn’t really spend all of my time with them like I wanted to. With all of the predators in the Everfree, I still needed to maintain control of the population in the forest or else they start coming out. With Ponyville being the closest, and Sweet Apple Acres being just beside it… It was hard not to worry.

During the day I would be working on the farm, Granny Smith would be in the market selling apples while taking care of Apple Bloom, Big Mac and Applejack would be in school. In the afternoon AJ and Big Mac would start helping me, Granny Smith would still be taking care of Apple Bloom while also preparing dinner. At night the kids would be doing their homework with Granny Smith helping them, and I would be in the Everfree, managing the creatures in it and making sure that the drakes weren’t up to something.

The only time I could spend with them would be during the weekends. But I usually use that time to take a break and nap all day, leaving Applejack and Big Mac to play by themselves.

Looking down at mare in my arms, I couldn’t help but sigh. Well, at least she grew up fine, from what I can tell.


And with that single word, my hand froze and I cringed.

If Twilight’s expression earlier made my chest tighten, then what I feel right now when I heard her say that word was like someone stabbing me through with a chainsaw and turning it on.

Out of all the ponies—no, more like out of all the creatures that I’ve protected, Applejack was the one that I was closest to. There were moments, private moments, where she’d stop calling me uncle, and call me Pa, instead.

I’d smile and indulge her, allowing Applejack to continue calling me Pa when we were alone. Every time she did, however, I’d always have to hide a cringe. Every time I hear that word I’m always reminded of the thing that I kept myself from having.

Damn you, Myria. I’d rather not have to watch my kin get slaughtered or be used against me. In the original game, adult or whelp, no dragon was spared by her Guardians. There’s no doubt that she’d do the same here when she finds me.

Regardless of that thought, I forced my hand to move again before she notices.

“AJ.” I whispered. “Why don’t you go back to Twilight and Spike? The others might already be there with them. She needs you, too, you know.”

She gave me a few more nuzzles before she nodded. “Alright. You’ll be staying, right?”

Kissing her forehead, I ruffled her mane through her hat and smiled. “I was planning on going to the Minotaurs, but I suppose I could stay.”

Applejack grinned, an expression that I couldn’t help but mirror, and made a cheer of “Yeehaw!” before running back over to where Twilight was.

After watching the dust trails disappear through the bushes, my grin dropped and my eyes narrowed up at one of the trees.

“Don’t you have anything better to do than to eavesdrop on our family moment?” from the upper branches of the tree, a prismatic Pegasus dropped onto the ground in front of me. “Rainbow Dash.”

She was scowling, scuffing her hoof on the ground. Other than that, she just kept on looking at me like I did something wrong. Well, wrong to her.

“You should have left after I explained why I did what I did to Spike.” I told her.

“Like I’d ever leave you alone with one of my friends.” She said, though her voice was a little softer than usual.

“Applejack is my family.” I said with a glare. “She’s one of the most important, if not the most important, pony in my life. I’d rather cut off my own arm first before I do anything to harm her.”

Rainbow Dash gave me a disgusted look, probably because of the part about me cutting my arm off.

“How can you easily make promises like that?” I leaned back a bit when she flew up to my face.  She glared at me, with one hoof poking me in the chest. “Do you think it makes you cool, or something? Making extreme promises like that, do you think that others find it awesome?”

My lips tugged downwards. I leaned forward and got into her face, making her lean back for space. Raising one finger I poked her in the chest, and started pushing down on it. With her distracted with my eyes, I was able to push her enough so that I was looking down at her.

“Is that what you think? That I say words like that because they’re cool or make me awesome? You think I make extreme promises because they make me seem incredible?” I pressed down on my finger again, making her sink lower as my eyes glared. “You think that’s it, that I would be shallow enough to spout out lies and things that I don’t mean?”

I pushed on my finger harder, to the point that she let out a grunt, and I kept pushing until she found herself lying down on the ground and with me looking down at her with complete fury. She flinched when my teeth turned to fangs.

“Don’t compare me to you, Rainbow Dash. I am not an attention seeker. I don’t go around showing what I can do just so that others would cheer my name, I don’t proclaim to the world that I’m the best when I know I’m not, and I sure as hell don’t make half-baked promises.”

She opened her mouth to retort, but I beat her to it and shut her up with a single word.


Her mouth closed with a click.

“When are you going to actually tell her, Rainbow?”  

I asked, leaning close with a diabolic leer.

“When will you tell her that you can’t teach her how to fly when she can’t even get off the ground yet? When are you going to tell her that you don’t even know why she can’t fly yet, that she should have been able to race already at her age?”

I stood up straight and spread my arms.

“How long are you going to keep her hopes up until you get bored and crush it?”

I looked down on her pityingly.

“This is our difference, Rainbow Dash. When I make promises, I make sure to keep them. When there are things that I don’t know, I always tell the truth and say ‘I don’t know’. I don’t lead others on like that, Rainbow Dash, and I certainly don’t do it to fillies who practically worship the ground that I walk on.”

Bending downwards, I picked up the unusually silent Pegasus by her forehooves and made her sit up.

“You don’t have the right to call me out on the things that I say, Rainbow Dash.” I said, walking over behind her and picking out the stray grass the stuck on her back. “I don’t boast unless I’m messing around, and the only time that I mess around is when I’m with friends and family. You and me? We’re not family.” Noticing a piece of grass caught in her fathers, I flicked it off with my finger, making her flinch. “Nor are we friends.”

Standing up, I gave her a few condescending pats on the head.

“Bye bye, Rainbow Dash. Spend some time thinking about what I said, okay?”

With a quick nudge of my magic, my shadow quickly swallowed me in, leaving a depressed Pegasus in the clearing.

When I met back with Applejack and the others, I made sure to apologize to all of them from what did to Spike. I also promised to say sorry to the little guy as well. I pulled out a fire ruby from my pouch and gave it to the sleeping drake as a late birthday present. It wasn’t fancy, like Rarity’s heart-shaped present, but it was pretty big, almost the size of Spike’s head.

I didn’t really want to eat it because of that. I liked my gems to be able to fit in my mouth, not gems that were big enough that they could be used as bowling balls.

On our way back to town, Applejack asked me. “What were yah doing, by the way? Took yah a bit of time before yah joined us.”

Smirking, I answered. “Nature called, and said it wanted an offering.”

The mares around me chorused an “Ew~!” and left it at that.

Looking at the town, I sighed in resignation at its state. It was going to take a few days fixing all of it, and since everypony already knew that I exist, Applejack’s going to urge me to help as well.

“Well, you were gonna show yourself to everyone, anyway.” I muttered to myself. “Why not contribute in fixing the town to get on the ponies’ good side? Though if Celestia comes to nag you about what you did to Spike, grab a fish from your pouch and slap her with it. The incredulity should shut her up for a bit.”

Looking up in the direction of Canterlot, I saw that the princesses were already on their way to Ponyville with a garrison of guards.

“And here they come. Now comes the most important question upon their arrival…”

Which fish should I use to slap Celestia and Luna with? I’m rather partial with the Lionfish and the Puffer.