Commander Thorn in Equestria.

by SolidArc5542

A short talk

"Did you hide the data?"

"Yes, they searched me, but I hid te data pretty well."

"Where exactly?"

"Aaah, you don't wanna know.

Delta Boss, to Delta Scorch.


As Twilight and Sev sat in the library, Twilight telling him about Equestria and its history. Sev stiffed a yawn. And he thought Fixer was boring. She kept talking about " The Magic of Friendship" and how it saved the day many times. Well, so did his blaster. Sev took a glance at King Sombra's horn, the horn he had personally ripped of his head when he beheaded the king himself. Sev did wonder, why did he fell the sudden for vengeance when he killed Sombra? Deciding to shrug it of, he looked at Twilight and sighed.

"And that's how we found out that we misjudged Zecora and--."

"Twilight." Sev said, putting his hand over her muzzle. "Please stop the history lesson."

Twilight looked at Sev and blushed. "Sorry, I get carried away sometimes." Twilight then looked at Sev, as if thinking about something. Finally, she smacked her hoof to her face and groaned. "Sev, I so sorry for not telling you earlier. But Princess Celestia requested your presence in Canterlot."

"For what purpose?" Sev asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Well, she didn't really explained a lot in the letter she sent me. Just that she requested your presence." Twilight replied.

"What about Thorn?" Sev asked.

Twilight shook her head. "She strictly asked for your presence; only."

Sev sighed. What was Princess Celestia up to? Last time he checked, she was pissed at him. Probably because there is now an image of him, holding Sombra's head, in Canterlot castle. "Well, if the "Princess", requested my presence, then I'd better oblige." Sev said as he walked towards the library's exit.

"Sev, do you even know how to get to Canterlot?" Twilight asked.

"Just aim for the big mountain, and it'll be all good." Sev replied.

Twilight sighed and followed Sev. "Spike, I'll be out for a few minutes!" She shouted, receiving a simple "alright" from Spike, who was still in his basket.

After walking towards the train station, with Twilight casually waving at ponies she knew, Sev stepped inside the train. Sev's mind was pondering about something else. Celestia, he felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. He just had this gut feeling, something was going to go wrong. Sitting down on the train's wooden floor, because the chairs were pony-sized, he sighed and rested his head against a nearby bench.

'Well, I do wonder what will happen next.' Sev thought as he closed his eyes. 'No more thinking, it's sleepy time.'


Sev's eyes shot open. Kriff! Did he over sleep?! Quickly getting on his feet, he quickly made his way over to nearby window. Looking out of the window, he saw that they had almost reached Canterlot. Sev sighed and walked back to his spot. After fifteen minutes, the train reached its destination and everypony on board got of the train. Sev looked around, ponies were still giving him stares, or asking for autographs. Sev just walked past the, or pushed them out of his way, and quickly made his way out of the station. Sev looked up and saw Canterlot Castle. Well, he was defiantly pissed now, he was not in the mood for walking.

Sev walked through Canterlot, eying the scenery and the different kinds of shops. He had to say, this land was kind of.. Peaceful. But peaceful is something Sev totally disliked. He liked war, killing his enemies felt good, and he had fun doing it. Call him whatever you want, but he gets the job done, one way or another. Sev ignored most of the ponies, but stopped in his tracks when he saw a little filly, her mane yellow and her fur black, sitting on the ground, sobbing.

Sev sighed. Curse him and his soft spot for children. He bend over and looked at the filly.

"What's wrong?" Sev asked as he lifted the filly's face, looking her straight in her eyes.

"I-I lost my mommy." The filly replied as she began crying even more.

"Where did you last see her?" Sev asked.

The filly pointed her hoof at nearby shop. Sev turned his head and looked at the shop.

"You lost your mother in the gift shop?" He asked. The filly nodded.

"Alright, let's go find her." Sev said as he scooped the filly into his arms. The filly gave a small gasp, but relaxed when she and Sev entered the gift shop. "Alright, now tell me when you see your mom and--."

"There she is!" The filly exclaimed while pointing her hoof at a brown colored mare, her mane white and she had four bubbles as her cutie mark. The mare looked as if she was desperately searching for someone, or somepony in this case. When she laid eyes on Sev, she quickly trotted towards him and smiled. "Oh thank Faust that you're safe and sound!" The mare said as Sev put the filly down on the ground.

"Mommy!" The filly exclaimed as she hugged her mother tightly. "I'm so sorry, but I got bored so I went outside, and that's when I lost you."

"It's okay, just don't go running of like that again." The mother said as she turned her gaze towards Sev. "Thank you, very much."

Sev nodded and walked out of the gift shop, ready to head to Canterlot Castle, and Princess Celestia.


As Sev walked up the stairs of Canterlot Castle, even greeting some of the guards along the way. He couldn't help but notice he was being followed. Having almost reached the throne room. Sev stopped in his tracks and spoke up. Come out, come out. So I can kill you.

The only thing Sev got as a response, was a gulp of fear. Turning around to confront his stalker, he was not surprised to see Princess Luna. Sev shook his head. Ever since she entered his dreams without permission, he held quite the grudge againt her. "Alright, what do you want?" Sev asked with slight annoyance.

"We are to escort you to the throne room, 'tis what our sister hath asked Us." Luna replied with embarrassment. Shifting her hooves in nervousness, she looked at Sev. "Well, art thou not going to enter?"

Sev nodded and opened the enormous doors that led to the famous throne room. Entering the throne room, Sev's gaze fell upon the throne itself, were Princess Celestia was looking down upon him, her eyes already telling enough.

"Sev, as much as it pains me to see you, there are some things we need to discuss." Celestia said, keeping a neural tone.

Sev could only snort. He hated talking, his blasters did the talking for him. Princess Celestia already had a grudge against him, a grudge, he couldn't help but not understand. He only did what he was bred for. So what did he do wrong? He saved The Crystal Empire. He was the hero, he still is.

"What's there to discuss?" Sev asked in a bored tone.

"Your actions in The Crystal Empire. Death is not a common thing in Equestria. Ponies were scared, they still are. All because of you and you actions against King Sombra." Princess Celestia replied.

"Sister, please." Princess Luna said, desperately trying to stop her sister from scolding Sev.

"No, his actions were brutal. Beheading a pony while colts and fillies were watching. Do you have any idea what kind of impact that had on their fragile minds?!" Princess Celestia asked, rising from her throne.

"Yes, I do." Sev replied as he walked towards the solar hierarch. "As much as it pains me, I do. I've seen children, scarred for life. Because off war, because of The Separatists. So to answer your question. Yes, I do know what kind of impact it has on children's minds." Sev was now standing in front of the solar hierarch, towering over her and looking down at her. His blue, T-shaped visor staring down on her.

Celestia kept her cool. Not wanting to show any signs of fear.

"I understand your statement, but this cannot go unpunished. Sev, I hereby order you to serve the Canterlot Royal Guard for one week. That is final." Celestia said as she walked past him.

"Like I said before: I don't take orders from you. You're not my superior. You're weak, weak because you send out your mosy faithful student and her friends, into their deaths. They would have died back there. You're weak, pathetic, and most of all: A coward. And that, is final."

And with that, Sev walked out of the throne room, leaving a shocked Princess Luna, and a angry Princess Celestia behind.

If Celestia could explode, she would have done so.. Twice. How dared he! She was the Princess of Equestria, raiser of the sun and beloved ruler over her little ponies! So why did it pain her when he talked to her in such a way? Sighing, she returned to her throne and sat down.

"Sister, art thou alright?" Asked Luna, as she slowly walked towards her sister.

"He shows no respect, he kills for pleasure, he threatens my subjects." Celestia said as she looked at her sister. "And still ponies see him as a hero."

"He calls himself a hero." Luna corrected as she nuzzled her sister. "Should We talk to him? Perhaps revisit his dreams."

"No." Celestia sighed. "Just leave it, it's no use. So long as he hasn't killed any of my subjects, I have no right to arrest him." Celestia said as she gently pushed her sister aside. "I just don't understand why he doesn't want to reason with me."

"Well, thou hast that royal temper." Luna said.

"And?" Celestia retorted.

"Perhaps thou should try a different approach, invite him for a royal dinner, get him to like you." Luna replied.

"To like me? Luna, he hates me!" Celestia exclaimed.

Luna sighed. "Sister, We will talk to him. But thou needst to loosen up, and lose that temper of yours."

Luna walked out of he throne room, while her sister fiddled with her hooves. "I don't have a temper... Right?" She whispered.

As Luna trotted through the castle, scolding herself for what she was about to do. She saw Sev, walking ten feet in front of her. Luna readied herself-- and in one swift move-- hovered above Sev, and landed in front of him.

"Step out of the way." Sev demanded.

Luna shook her head. "Please listen to Us. Our sister didn't mean what she said, she just has that.. Royal temper. Please come with Us and we can discuss this in a more formal way."




"Pretty please?"

"I'm going to gut you."


"... Fine."


Sev sighed and followed Luna. God did he wanted to kill something.

Finally, they reached the throne room. Stepping inside once more, Sev was greeted with something he never would have expect. There stood Celestia, without her crown and royal regilia. And she had a look on her face that didn't seem to fit Sev's liking.

"Hello Sev." Celestia purred as she draped her wing over his shoulder plate.

"... Call in reinforcements"