But You Didn't

by LunarMoon

But You Didn't

Do you remember the day I borrowed your limited edition Daring Do book? I accidentally fell into a puddle of mud and dropped it in the puddle of mud.

The book was ruined. I thought that you would kill me for sure.

But you didn’t…

Instead, you asked if I was alright.

When I told you about the book, you just ruffled my mane and told me “It’s okay kid, it’s just a book.”

Do you remember the day I dragged you to the river at the edge of Ponyville?

You said it would rain and it did. I thought that you would tell me: “I told you so,”

But you didn’t…

Instead, you covered me with your wings to shelter me from the rain.

“Hey squirt, wanna watch come movies and eat popcorn at my place?” you asked with a smile. Even though you were all soaked wet, you never did take away your wing away from me.

Do you remember when I performed so badly at the school play and you were there to watch me?

I thought that you would leave because I have ashamed you.

But you didn’t…

Instead, you clapped you hooves and cheered for me and gave me support, despite the glares from other ponies that were also there.

“Nice job up there! You worked really hard for this didn’t you?” you told me with an encouraging smile and got me under your wing.

When I asked if you were ashamed of my acting up there, you said:

“No way I’m ashamed by you! You did an awesome job up there! Getting up the stage take a lot of courage, now why would I be ashamed of that? I’m proud of you squirt!”

Do you remember that day when I was trying to help you with the housework but broke a few things?

I thought that you would hit me and scold me for causing so much trouble for you.

But you didn’t…

Instead, you patted my back and gave me a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay squirt, we can fix this together. After this, let’s get some ice-cream. Sound good to you?”

Then, you helped me to clean up the mess I made. You didn’t even ask for payment for the loss I have caused.

Do you remember the day when I was sick?

I had a high fever and had to stay at the hospital for THREE days. I really hate to stay at the hospital because of the boredom and the sickly feeling. Trust me, even with the anti-bacterial spray and all, I still don’t feel safe.

I thought that you were so busy controlling the weather that you forgot to visit me.

But you didn’t…

Instead as busy as you were, you still came to visit me anyway.

You said that you knew that how much I hate being bored, so you brought me books and read them to me. Most of them are Daring Do books though, but I don’t mind. Sometimes when you’re not so busy, you would bring Applebloom and Sweetie Belle with you too. I still remember one day, you wore a Daring Do costume and acted out the story for me. I loved every second of it.

Do you remember the day I finally knew how to fly? It was the most amazing moment I’ve ever had in my life!

Feeling the wind brush through my mane, making it all messy…

Feeling the speed flowing through my vines…

But then, I suddenly lost control of myself. I crashed into a tree and was badly hurt. The impact caused my head to bleed.

You quickly took me to the hospital, flying as fast as you could. Just before I passed out, I remember that I actually saw tears lingering in your eyes. I was shocked, I never saw you cry before. In my memory, you’re the toughest, coolest pony I’ve ever met before. But here you are, crying before my eyes…

“Hang on squirt, we’re almost there…” you said.

When I woke up, I was at the hospital. I heard your conversation with the doctor. The doctor said that my wing was badly injured. And I may not be able to fly ever again…

Tears flow down my cheeks as I saw you come inside the ward room, head hung down.

“I…I won’t be able to fly again?” I choked out these words while crying.

You kept silent. I’ve finally lost it. I started bawling and shouting.

At that moment, I thought that you would tell me to shut up and leave me alone.

But you didn’t…

Instead, you hugged me tightly and started crying with me too.

“It’s alright, there’s always hope if you trust in yourself…” you said, then you hugged me.

I cried even harder. This was the first time I’ve felt love, Love from a family. Love from a sister.

We hugged each other tightly as our tears drenched our coats.

Yeah, there were a lot of things that you didn’t do.

But you put up with me, loved me, protected me,

There were lots and lots of things I wanted to make up to you,

When you open your eyes again…

I waited and waited.

I waited from night till morning, from morning till night. I repeated the same thing every day.

I stayed by your side, telling you things that happened outside, told you stories of Daring Do that you once told me.

Until one day, the beeping sound of the machine stopped.

Tears started to dwell in my eyes.

I called the nurses, they tried to rescue you. But after multiple unsuccessful tries, they gave up.

I waited, and waited for the machine to start beeping again.

I waited, and waited for you to open up your eyes again.

I waited, and waited for you to tell me: “Hey, squirt what’s up?”

But you didn’t…

Instead, you kept your eyes closed and your mouth formed into a faint smile.

I cried.

I stayed with you all night by your side.

The next day, when I woke up, I looked at the machine hopefully, for it to start beeping again.

But it didn’t.

I hugged you for the very last time and left. I couldn’t bear to look at your lifeless body anymore.

Outside, I saw a rainbow.

I cried again. But this time, not of sorrow.

When your heartbeat stopped, I thought that you’ve left me.

But it seems that you didn’t…