Button's Love:The Start

by PhoenixBlaz3

Chapter 3 - A Crusade Inside A Home

A Crusade Inside A Home

"What do you mean, you've made a friend?" asked Button's parents at the same time.

"It means that I've made a friend!" replied Button.

"And what is his name, Button?" continued Button's mom.

"It's a she mom, and her name is Sweetie Belle." answered Button confidently.

The faces of Button's parents were first faces of confusion, but then they became faces of delight. Gibson groaned and walked up the stairs, rolling his eyes.

"My young colt has finally gotten a fillyfriend!" squeled Button's mom. "It feels as if yesterday was when you were still getting your diaper changed!"

"MOOoom!" groaned Button, feeling annoyed. Sweetie Belle's friends were making fun of him, and now it was his parents.

"Well, if you need advice with your new fillyfriend, I'd be happy to help." said his dad.

Button sighed.

"Well, why don't you sit down, have some food and you can tell us all about it. " laughed Button's mom.

Button sat down and grabbed some food. Mmm, macaroni cheese and hay fries. Delicious, thought Button. His 'day' with Sweetie Belle had been tiring, and he hadn't eaten since he was on the train, plus that was only a slice of pizza. He devoured the food quickly, telling his mom and dad all about what had happened, starting with him bumping into Sweetie Belle to when he walked her home.

"Looks like you've had quite a busy day." Button's mom started. "Maybe you should get to bed."

"But MOOoo-" moaned Button.

"No buts, young colt, you need to sleep. You need to keep your room tidy as well, if you want Sweetie Belle to have a good impression of you." commanded Button's mom.

"Yes Mom." replied Button, as he went up the stairs, and looked at his room. His video games were all in the bag, but the shelves were already set up. I'll sort out my video games tomorrow, thought Button. He went to the bathroom, had a quick shower and climbed into bed...


"So how was your date with your new coltfriend, Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity.

"He's not my coltfriend." replied Sweetie Belle (for the 20th time). "But the day wasn't too bad."

"Are you hungry? I could warm up some food if you want."questioned Rarity.

"No thanks, Rarity. I had a milkshake at Sugarcube Corner." continued Sweetie Belle. Her stomach rumbled. "Actually, some food would be nice."

Rarity laughed. She turned on the microwave and warmed some leftovers up. She waited and took them out, walked over to Sweetie Belle and placed them on the table.

"So, tell me about what happened." started Rarity, as Sweetie Belle started to eat. Sweetie Belle told Rarity what happened. After she was finished, Sweetie Belle took her plate to the sink and washed herself before crawling into bed.

"Night night Sweetie Belle." said Rarity.

"Night night." replied Sweetie Belle.

By the time Rarity had closed the door, Sweetie Belle had already drifted to sleep.

Button's Dream:


Button woke up in bed, with a pretty, white filly in bed with him. She had a purple and pink mane. Slowly, she turned around, facing Button.

"You're looking very pretty today, Sweetie Belle." started Button, running his hoof through Sweetie Belle's beautiful hair.

"You don't look too bad yourself." laughed Sweetie Belle, nuzzling him. Sweetie Belle leaned in closer, and for a second their lips touched...


:eeyup: (troll u mad?)

Button woke up, sweating and panting. He tried getting back to sleep, but found that he couldn't do so, so he decided to organise his video games.


Sweetie Belle's dream:


Sweetie Belle woke up, jumping out of bed and heading down the stairs, when there was an image that made her heart beat faster... the box that had the headdress for Sapphire Shores in it. Sweetie Belle ran down the stairs, nearly reaching the bottom... until a Rarity Dragon came down, ripping the bottom of the staircase, knocking Sweetie Belle away. The Rarity Dragon took the box, and wrapped it in her tail. Roaring, the Rarity Dragon flew away. Suddenly, a Button Mash in crystal armour took out a purple blade, with a blue aura around it. Jumping up valiantly, he slashed the terrible beast withe the great blade, using it to banish the dragon back to its terrible home. Button gave Sweetie Belle the box, lifted the helmet and drew closer to Sweetie Belle.


Once Sweete Belle woke up, she noticed it was all a dream and shouted "Oh come on!" which woke Rarity up.

"Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity. Sweetie Belle yawned.

"Yes Rarity." replied Sweetie Belle sleepily.

Sweetie Belle went back to bed, and let the calmness take her away...

The next day...

Button had finished sorting out his video games, so he had a really quick wash and played the next level of Kurby and Rainboom Curse until his mom woke up. Once breakfast was made, he went downstairs, had three servings and went back upstairs. He brushed his teeth and played some more Kurby and the Rainboom Curse, before going with his mother to pick up Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle woke up and got out of bed. When she got downstairs, she could smell french toast, her favourite food. She sat down, and waited until the french toast was fully cooked, before having 3 pieces, covered in white chocolate spread. She got ready for Button's house when she heard a knock at the door. Rarity opened the door, and at the doorstep was Button and his mom.

"Hello Button, it's nice to see you again." said Rarity cheerfully. She looked at the tan mare in front of her. "And you must be Button's mom."

"Yes. You must be Rarity, Sweetie Belle's sister. Button's told me a lot about you." started Button's mom. Rarity blushed a little. Button's mom seems really nice, thought Rarity. Why don't I let her inside?

"Why don't you come inside?" asked Rarity. "We can have a little chat before you take Sweetie Belle off to your home."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Miss Belle." replied Button's mom, as she entered the boutique, with Button following not far behind her.

"Please, call me Rarity." continued Rarity. She followed behind Button, and sat down with Button's mom, at the table. Button walked over to Sweetie Belle.

"Hey Sweetie Belle." smiled Button.

"Hey Button Mash." replied Sweetie Belle, as she fastened her saddlebag to herself. She smiled happily. "So, um, where do you go to school?"

"Well, my mom enrolled me up to Ponyville Elementary School. I'll be in Miss Cheerilee's class." answered Button. Sweetie Belle's face lit up. He's going to be in the same class as me, she thought.

"That's good because I'm gonna be in the same class as you!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle. Button grinned. He really wanted to get closer to Sweetie Belle, and he decided that if they were in the same class that they wouldn't just be able to work together but they would also be spending a lot more time together.

The two older mares, who were sitting down, were chatting about their social life. However, they were also listening to the conversation that the two foals were having.

"Button, why don't you and Sweetie Belle go ahead?" suggested Button's mom. Rarity nodded in agreement. "I'll catch up to you."

"Uh, okay mom." responded Button."Come on, Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle trotted off with him. The duo walked out of the door. They enjoyed the lovely scenery together, while talking about things, nothing particular in mind.

"What do you do when you have spare time?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh, I just play video games. What about you?" replied Button.

"Well, me, Scootaloo and Applebloom go on adventures to get our cutie marks. We're in a group called the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Our friend in Manehatten, who was a cutie mark crusader, has already gotten her cutie mark. Her name was Babs Seed and her cutie mark is (spoiler alert!) a pair of scissors (spoiler alert over). You haven't gotten your cutie mark yet either. Maybe you want to join?" questioned Sweetie Belle.

"I don't really care about my cutie mark." answered Button bravely.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle, surpried. "How can you NOT care about your cutie mark?"

Button began to sweat. "W-well i-it's just that I don't want to have my life changed by a picture on my flank. I already know what I'm gonna do in the future, if my cutie mark is gaming or not. I mean, what if my cutie mark is sewer cleaning, or garbage collecting? I wouldn't want to do it as my job, because I've already chosen what I'm going to do, and that is making video games." stated Button nervously.

"I-I never thought of it that way. W-we wanted to find out what our cutie marks were, but I never thought that I wouldn't like." said Sweetie Belle honestly. She started crying, making Button feel guilty. He started to comfort her.

"B-but don't worry, Sweetie Belle. Y-you're really kind, a-and maybe you'll get a cutie mark in that. Besides, if you need someone by you, I'll always be here." smiled Button Mash.

"R-really?" responed Sweetie Belle.

"Really." repeated Button.

Suddenly, two fillies walked appeared. Both of them were earth ponies; one was pink with a tiara as a cutie mark, while the other was grey with a silver spoon as a cutie mark.

"Aw, look at Squeaky Belle, cwying like a wittle baby." laughed the pink pony.

"Heh, maybe she needs some milk from a little baby bottle." chortled the grey pony,

"HEY, LEAVE HER ALONE!" shouted Button Mash.

"Or what?" asked the pink pony.

"Maybe he'll call the hospital to take her back again!" sniggered the grey pony.

"Just leave!" bellowed Button.

The two bullies started to laugh. Suddenly, Button's eyes became blood-red; his fur turned as black as the night and storm clouds gathering around him. A purple aura started to surround his outline.

"I TOLD YOU ONCE: I WANT YOU TO LEAVE!" shrieked Button. Every word that Button said was booming and ringing inside the fillies' ears.

"W-we w-were a-about t-to leave a-anyway." cried the pink filly. The two fillies turned tail and ran away. Sweetie Belle sat there on the ground; her mouth was wide open in disbelief.

"Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" asked Button.

"That was... awesome!" replied Sweetie Belle. That was just like my dream, she thought. She wrapped her hooves around Button. They both blushed.

"Thank you." she whispered.

"Don't thank me. It's what friends are for." replied Button. They trotted to Button's house. When they got there, they had a surprise: Button's mom was already there.

"Um, h-hi, I'm Sweetie Belle." started Sweetie Belle.

"Hello Sweetie Belle. Button's told me a lot about you. My name is Love Tap. Button's dad is called Pound Quit, and Button has a brother called Gibson. Button, why don't you show Sweetie Belle your video game collection? You told me she enjoyed playing on your Joyboy, so maybe she'll enjoy playing something else." suggested Love Tap.

"Sure thing, mom!" exclaimed Button.

Button and Sweetie Belle trotted up the stairs and headed into Button's room. The room was of average size; it was about 9 metres by 7 metres and about 2 metres high. The walls were blue and the floor was made of carpet. There were lots of shelves, filled with video games. Sweetie Belle looked at the video games. There was a TV, that had all sorts of wiring and gadgets around it, like the Playstallion, XBuck and Wean U. In front of the TV was a small sofa and behind it was his bed, big enough so that both ponies could fit inside.

"So, um, what do you want to play?" asked Button. Sweetie Belle was confused; she didn't know which one to choose!

"Uh, you can choose which one." smiled Sweetie Belle. Button looked through the shelves, and found the game he wanted: Manecraft. He showed her the game.

"Manecraft? What's that?" said Sweetie Belle curiously. Button smiled.

"It's a game where you can do anything!" exclaimed Button.

"Anything?" responded Sweetie Belle.

"Anything!" repeated Button happily.

Button opened the Pbox and inserted the disc. As the game loaded, Button went downstairs. When he came back up again, he was holding a bag of hayfries. Button and Sweetie Belle sat down on the sofa as the game loaded up. Once it was, there was a screen with buttons on it, and in the background was cubes. Lots of cubes. There was a cubed sheep standing next to a pig. The pink pig was cowering in fear as there was a tall, thin man standing above the pig. Sweetie's mind was racing.

"Uh Button... why aren't there any circles?" asked Sweetie Belle, her eyes glued to the screen.

"That's because Manecraft is a game about cubes, or blocks, so there are no circles." responded Button. He loaded up an old file, however it failed to open. Button groaned.

"Sorry Sweetie Belle, looks like we have to make a new file." said Button disappointingly.

"That's fine." smiled Sweetie Belle.

"Sweetie Belle, it looks like you need to make your own character." started Button.

In no time at all, Sweetie Belle clicked the button 'Make your own character' and started making one. She made it a unicorn, gave it green eyes, a purple and pink mane, white fur and called it 'Sweetie Belle.'

"You ready?" asked Button,

"I'm ready." she replied confidently.

Button loaded up a new file. The two avatars loaded up in a sunny world. Green grass was spread far and wide, and trees were scattered around like flowers in a field. Sweetie Belle moved the joystick around and saw a pony that looked like Button Mash, except he had sunglasses over his eyes.

"Is that you, Button?" asked Sweetie Belle curiously.

"Yep." replied Button Mash.

Sweetie Belle asked Button how to move so Button spent a good 10 minutes teaching Sweetie Belle how to move the character. After that, Button ran, picked up a nearby rock and started hitting a nearby tree. Sweetie Belle looked at him with confusion.

"We need to get some wood to make a crafting table, some basic tools and maybe a few torches." stated Button. Sweetie Belle nodded, and followed what Button was doing. By noon (in actual time), Button and Sweetie Belle had built an average shack, a crafting table, made a few torches, a chest and had already found 5 pieces of iron.

"Button, Sweetie, it's time for lunch!" shouted Love Tap.

"OK Mom!" replied Button. The two trotted down the stairs, and they sat down. The table was covered with sandwiches, hay fries and salad. Pound Quit was already at the table with Gibson, and they were both tucking in. Sweetie Belle had some salad while Button was having a daisy sandwich with hay fries. Once lunch was over, the two gamers went back upstairs, getting ready for the night that was about to come (in-game, sorry for the confusion:twilightsmile:).Button walked through and closed the door behind them, and he continued with the game.

The moon rose, and the sky was filled with darkness. Sweetie Belle snuggled up to Button; the first night in Manecraft was always the scariest. Button got his stone sword at the ready, while Sweetie Belle cowered behind him, holding her iron pickaxe. Her legs were trembling. Unfortunately, the two hadn't found enough sheep to make a single bed, let alone two. Rrrrrrr. There came a growl from outside. Button slowly opened the door...

And there was a huge bear standing above him. Button hit it with the sword, however that only aggravated the great creature. The bear howled, calling for his comrades. With a swipe from his paw, the house came crashing down. With all his might, Button jumped up and sliced the bear open. He knew there wasn't enough time, so he hauled Sweetie Belle out of the ruin of the house.

"Thanks!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle.

"Don't thank me yet." replied Button pointing to the other three bears who were surrounding them. Button turned to Sweetie Belle.

"Look, I want you to live. You need to get away." said Button bravely.

"B-but what about you?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Don't worry about me." replied Button."I'm going to get you over one of the bears, and then I want you to run as fast as I can, you hear me?"

"Y-yes Button." sobbed Sweetie Belle. Button grabbed Sweetie Belle by the legs, and threw her over one of the bears. Then with his blade, he cut two of the bears, and grabbed a torch which drove the remaining bear back into the darkness. Button took what was in the chest, took the chest and crafting table and galloped after Sweetie Belle. He finally found her. He put his hoof on her shoulder. Sweetie Belle wrapped her hooves around Button.

"Thank you for everything." whispered Sweetie Belle. "That was the best crusade I'd ever had."

"You're welcome." smiled Button, as Sweetie Belle laid her head on his shoulder.

Love Tap peered through the doorway. "Young love is so pretty." she murmured."I still remember the old days."