//------------------------------// // Kindness of an Alicorn // Story: Dragons of Hourglass // by Rammy //------------------------------// “Why am I getting so many scrolls from Quartermaster about a certain ‘hatchling?’” Golden DragonHeart grumbled. “Yeah, we picked up a hatchling named Black Ice just south of Traxti City… right after we talked actually.” Harmony admitted. “You mean you picked up the hatchling.” Harmony blushed just a bit which confirmed the dragons contention. “Need I remind you that I do have final say about dragons becoming clanmates or living here in Hourglass? If what Quartermaster is reporting is correct you have a Quartz with you. I will not have a Quartz in Hourglass.” “No, he is not Quartz…” Harmony sighed. How was he going to explain to Golden DragonHeart what he saw in Black Ice. “Minus his propensity to curse he reminds me of Garble. And if I must I shall live near the Oasis. There is just something about him that draws me to him. I have learned to trust my instincts when this happens.” “Yeah, but you had to dishonor Garble to get him to see the error of his ways… There is no way I will have a dishonored here in Hourglass... At least not at this point. I doubt Quartermaster would be able to handle it and with the two amnesiac dragons here...” “I don’t think I’ll need to go that far…” Harmony was sure that the same way Discord was saved so to would Black Ice. ”I think kindness will do wonders…” The Dragon Keeper eyed Harmony hard for a while before he sighed heavily. “If you say so… He of Harmony I’ll trust you on this. You have yet to do anything that would make me think otherwise. Just don’t come to me complaining about Quartermaster if he goes berserk… You know, I can’t say for sure but Quartermaster’s ranting is almost as bad when He of Laughter...” “Someone call my name?” A voice interrupted. “Discord/He of Laughter!” Harmony looked around trying to find him while He of Hourglass facepalmed, sliding a bit down on his throne. Harmony caught Discord eyes floating towards his throne before the rest of him slowly became visible. “You had both of us worried as we had no way of getting ahold of you when you ‘disappeared.’” “Sorry. I thought that you like to do things on you own.” Discord casually flipped a weird shiny thin box with an image of Harmony being torn down the middle and the words Me, Myself, and Harmony above his image. Harmony chose not to even roll his eyes at Discord for whatever fourth wall breaking he was doing. “I may, but what about He of Hourglass?! And now isn't the time for being a lone wolf.” “Hm… you have a point… and lone wolf?” Discord snapped his tail. A loan scroll appeared in front which he promptly signed and handed to an anthropomorphic wolf in a business suit with a briefcase overflowing with paper money. “Ugh…” Harmony facehoofed. And what is sad that I missed this... “Can you check out Traxti City for me…” “Already there. I would have been there sooner but I was delayed near the Southern isles.” “Anything from the Hydro Hourglass then?” “Of the two times I checked, nothing. He has not left it, but as before, I don’t know why.” “Do us a favor Discord and leave frequent reports here in the Council Chambers and I suggest you go write a letter for the Bearer of Kindness. I’m sure He of Hourglass will be more than happy to send it to the Bearer of Magic to pass it on.” “Your friendly neighborhood firemail deliverydragon at your service.” Golden DragonHeart snarked rolling his eyes. “Why do I have to ride you?” Black Ice complained fidgeting on Harmony’s back. “Because you have irritated Quartermaster to his limit.” “Whatever.” Black Ice shrugged before he nearly lost his balance digging his claws into Harmony. Harmony held back a yelp from the sharp claws digging into his flesh. “Will you stop squirming it’s interfering with my flight.” “Your fur... is itchy.” The hatchling explained. “Well next time don’t annoy Quartermaster so much. You could have been lying on smooth scales… So buck up and shut up.” Harmony grumbled. “Buck up?” “I forgot that I probably was the first pony you'd ever seen. The phrase ‘buck up and shut up’ is basically a pony saying that means stop acting like a child and grow up.” “I’m not a child!” Black Ice pouted. “Your a hatchling. How are you not a child?” Harmony asked, hoping that he could use it get him to open. “I was taking care of myself long before you came along…” “How long?” “Why do you care?” “Because I can see an amazing drake inside of you.” “You’re just saying that…” Black Ice crossed his arms for a second before he quickly put his arms back on Harmony. “I repeat. I see an amazing drake inside the dragon known as Black Ice.” Black Ice had nothing to say in response to Harmony praise. No one ever before had ever thought of him like that. He was always reviled and shunned not only because he was a dragon but because he was also a street urchin. He could only vaguely remember having parents but that was so long ago. Black Ice suddenly could feel an itch all over him again. What is going on? “Will you stop?” Harmony grumbled as he could feel Black Ice shifting on his back. All of a sudden he felt the weight slide off of his back. “Not again…” Harmony grumbled as he dived after Black Ice. He tried grabbing him in his magic but oddly his aura seemed to slip right off of the dragon like water. What the!?! I should be able to grab him…unless... Black Ice grunted and his horns lengthened and as the the right horn lengthen it twisted around the left one. As Harmony had earlier predicted his mace tail became spiked as long sharp spikes sprouted from it. His muzzle lengthen to a beak-like point and his claws sharpened. The typical baby fat stomach flatten as his body grew to whelp size. His tail lengthen to a quite a long tail. A pair of larger then normal wings sprouted from his back as the last change and Black Ice spun around as those grew in. The new whelp mock saluted Harmony before he corkscrewed away. Well no wonder he was so eager for his wings his a natural... well technically dragons are naturals but not like this. “Well at least he can fly on his own now.” Harmony commented as Quartermaster lowered his flight next to him. “I fail to see how that is a good thing, Outsider.” Quartermaster countered watching the new whelp whoop and holler in celebration. “You’re right! It's worse! Now he will be impossible to control.” Harmony panicked. “Like he was before?” Quartermaster rolled his eyes. “Leave the snarky to Black Ice…” “Twixt’d.” Came a high tenor voice to Harmony right. “GAH!” Harmony’s flight path stumbled from being startled. He turned his head to face the grinning whelp. “Must you do that!” “Yes. I do.” Well at least he’s unable to do magic… we don’t need a Discord wannabe on this trip. “Twixt’d eh?” Harmony smirked. He was quite impressed as from his experience very rarely do whelps choose such a good name. “Great name. One of the best I have ever heard.” “Think you can break him again?” Quartermaster chuckled as Twixt’d fell from the sky in shock. “Not now Quartermaster!” Harmony snapped as he dived after unconscious whelp. Harmony chuckled as he heard the sound of a pain filled roar above him. Thank you She of Hourglass. Harmony grabbed the whelp in his magic before he conjured up a glob of ice water which he threw at the whelp. Twixt’d immediately recovered and started flying again on his own power. “You… you really think my name is that good?” He couldn’t believe his ears. This strange creature called a pony was really trying to be friendly with him. And it didn’t appear that he was trying to befriend him to later use him for anything either. Life on the streets had taught him to be cautious, but for some reason he felt less and less the need to be that way with him. “Yes Twixt’d. It’s one of the most unique, amazing whelp names I have ever heard, and it’s so you. And trust me, I have heard tons over my nearly ten thousand years.” As he said this he could see a subtle change in Twixt’d’s demeanor. Somewhere deep inside of the whelp Harmony knew a dam had broken. After a short pause Twixt’d smirked. ”You’re not half bad. Though I can’t say the same for your name or your age… Gramps.” Harmony shook his head and rolled his eyes. Twixt’d only laughed and spun off again doing tricks around She of Hourglass. I am not telling him my full name… ever. “Twixt’d I don’t care if He of Harmony likes you (which makes zero sense) but if you throw off my mate’s flying I’ll make sure you learn what it is like to fly into solid rock.” Quartermaster roared at the laughing whelp. As soon as the whelp left his mate’s air space he turned to talk to Harmony. But as soon as he looked towards him he paled. “He of Harmony! Land. NOW!” “What?” Harmony questioned before Quartermaster pointed at Harmony flank which Harmony immediately knew meant that another cutiemark had appeared. “Oh buck…” Harmony cursed as he fell from the sky, losing consciousness. “HE OF HARMONY!” “Welcome back Harmony.” A voice behind Harmony stated. A voice he knew all too well and shouldn’t be hearing. Harmony spun around and was about to yelled out Spike when the aforementioned dragon snapped his muzzle shut. “No, don’t.” Spike shook his head is a mixture of amusement and disappointment. “You still haven't figured out how to regain your volition here yet.” An angry roar echoed across the fire encircled meadow. Both Harmony and Spike looked about. Harmony eyes snapped up and narrowed at the star constellation ‘Draco.’ Spike however seemed to be looking towards the fire. “What is that? I seems like it’s coming from Draco.” Harmony commented still gazing towards the sky. “That was not ‘Draco.’ That was...” Another roar interrupted Spike. Harmony once again pinpoint the sound coming from the direction of Draco. Sure sounded like it was coming from the constellation. He thought. “Then who is…” Harmony’s vision went to black as his voice faded away. Harmony sat up suddenly. He could see that he was on Quartermaster back. She of Hourglass flew expertly between her mates beating wings to get close up to the alicorn. “He’s awake, my love.” She called out. “He of Harmony you gave us a really bad scare. What happened?” Came Quartermaster’s rumble. “Kindness is what happened.” Harmony shouted hoping that he was heard over the wind and beating wings. Wait, why is he asking that? He was there when I got loyalty… maybe its for She of Hourglass as she wouldn’t know. “I wondered why you had a new flame on your flank.” She of Hourglass commented. “Yeah,” Harmony sighed as he took a look at the pink flame cutiemark. Well I was right it was for She of Hourglass, “only two more to go…” “Where’s Twixt’d?” “He’s in my claw. The whelp went nuts when you fell from the sky. I had to knock him out.” Harmony facehoofed. I think you enjoyed doing it too. He got up and took off. It took a bit for him to get underneath Quartermaster to check on Twixt’d “HEY! Twixt’d! Wake UP!” Harmony yelled in the whelp’s ear. “Huh? Wha?” Twixt’d mumbled incoherently. Quartermaster shook him roughly waking him further. “HEY! What’s the big idea you overgrown Liz… ooo I don’t feel so good.” “Quartermaster!” Harmony shook his head in disappointment as Quartermaster roared in laughter. “You okay Twixt’d?” “I will be… I think.” He grunted as he squirm his way out of Quartermaster claws and began flying on his own. “But it’s not that… it’s just that... you see when you fell I for the first time I realize that uhh well that is…” “Let me guess that you realized that I was your friend. You also want to see if it was okay to have me as your honorary brother?” “How in Tartarus did you know that?” Twixt’d blinked in surprise. “Yes, how do you do that!” Quartermaster agreed, sounding flabbergasted. He couldn't grasp how Harmony was able to make such strange friends and so quickly. “I’m a Keeper.” Harmony shrugged trying not to join with a laughing Twixt’d.