The Last Human

by Crooked Djinn

Spirits of the Sand

Which way is the tower? Where are Celestia and Spike? Why is it so dark? And it's really loud for some reason. You'd open your mouth to call out to someone, anyone, but it'd just fill with endless amounts of sand like the last few times you tried. Now you were stumbling through the dark. Darkness now walked with you, covering your eyes with his black hands. Many times the sand beneath your feet is blown away before you can plant your weight on it, sending you stumbling forward blindly. At certain times a shred of light would be allowed to pass through the heavy sand ceiling. That was the only time you could try to get some sense of where it was you were stepping. Individual grains of sand scratched the front of your lenses and scraped the side of your cheeks. You'd pull your cloak over your face but you couldn't quite seem to get a hold of it on account that it was blown wildly like a sail.

With more stumbling and desperately searching for another soul, you stumble and fall. The sand on your face was hot and void of any comfort. You lay there for a few moments. Not yet having the energy to pick yourself up and continue on. And so you are motionless. Waiting out the sandstorm while also thinking how far away from the others you must be. None, not a soul appeared in the ever warping sand that jetted past you. You must have been yards away, possibly miles, who knew. The roaring sand is deafening and you cover your ears. You were going to go deaf at the end of all this, weren't you? But among the roars of the terrible sand lay other sounds. Sounds that sounded unnatural and disembodied. Around you were soft murmurs in the storm. An angelic choir of hushed tones and heavenly psalms. The thought disturbed you and you felt your stomach knot a little while you lay in the sand.

But these sounds weren't your imagination. They couldn't be. They were so vivid, so lucid that you're sure they were there. They seemed to charge through the sand, moving against it instead of with it. You risk a glance over your shoulder, but you see nothing besides the beige wall that's been present for a long while. Then, just as you were about to dismiss the thought as the sand playing tricks, you saw something. You don't know what it was, or it's shape, but you're sure you saw something.

You rise to your feet, slowly, careful not to stand up too fast and be blown back down by the harsh winds. It was getting closer. Whatever it was. Through the storm you could see a shifting blackness. Something that was distorted and moved about frantically. Then, the whispers stopped and all seemed quiet save for the raging storm that buffeted you. Then, it was as if your heart stopped. Your breath slowed to a halt and you blood froze despite the blistering heat. There was no thought running through your mind. Only an instinct, an instinct to run and hide. You knew what you saw. It's eyes were the pale milky white-blue of pearls. Terrible teeth sharper than the jagged peaks that surrounded the Badlands. An Angel had come for you.

Third Sphere:

Your legs are lightning. They strike the shifting sand beneath you and do their best to propel you forward, further into the storm and away from the threat that was the Angel. And just like before, you could name it. The very moment you stared into those horrid, sickly pale eyes, you knew.

Principality It rang out in your mind and also drove you further. You dare not look back. It's song crashed through the sand, multiplying into different other voices. Distinct, impossible to mistake for anything else. They pursue you through the storm, ready to murder you. The fact only pushes you to run even more. You trudge through the sand, climbing rising and falling dunes as you try and make your escape.

As you make your way along you notice the storm letting up slightly. The further you went, the less dense it was and you could see a bit ahead of you. But you could also see behind you, catching your first full glance at the Principality. They ran on all four limbs though they were bipedal. They carried large scepters in their mouths and wore jagged crowns of white crystal. These beasts hounded after you, and they were much faster. They'd catch up to you in a matter of seconds if you continued in a straight line. You had no means of self-protection and Spike was nowhere to be found. You were completely alone and useless. Soon you break through the storm, once again being baked in the sun's full power. Behind you they emerged and there were more than you thought you saw.

Now running across open desert, you head in no particular direction as you flee. But one wrong step twists your ankle and you go head first into the hot sand. Desperately you try and pick yourself up before it's too late. But you feel something looming over you. You knew what it was, but you weren't going to acknowledge it, you were only concerned with surviving and you couldn't afford to stop here. As soon as you find your feet, you can't move forward. Only now do you look back to see that the Angel's scepter is plunged deep into the sand, keeping your cloak in place. Seeing them close up was anything but pleasant. It made you want to vomit at the sight of them.

The Principality opens its impossibly wide jaw and you get a full view of the many rows of teeth that sat inside. Your head would have been bitten off had you not ducked and wrestled yourself free from your cloak. Now without the restriction of your cloak, you found that you could move faster. But not being active for eons proved to tire you easily and soon your lungs are burning and coming to a gradual stop like a ill oiled machine. Collapsing, you can go no further. There was no sign of anyone for miles and you were alone. Around you swarmed the Angels. You could do nothing but stare, and then wait for death. You got lucky once on the ship, but now there was absolutely nothing you could work with that gave you the slightest chance of surviving. And so you resign yourself. You stand, exhausted and weary. You watch them closer and they do the same. They circle you, sizing you up before going in for the kill.

Suddenly, there is a slight tremor beneath you. It throws you off and almost sends you falling. Around you, the Principalities' heads dart around, searching for any sign of it's source. You can't help but do the same, but there is nothing but sand in one direction and the passing storm in the other. It took awhile before you noticed, but the tremors were still going, though very slight and subtle. The sand beneath you was beginning to shift and churn. Among you the Angels stirred in their place, clenching their scepters tightly. Without warning they spring into the air, shrieking terribly and pointing their rods at you. They fell towards you, and you had no hope of escape.

Luck must have been synonymous with your name. For you did not die that very moment. Instead a force from beneath the sand came to your aid. All around you the sand leaped into the air. It being a catalyst for the beings who dwelled within it. You catch various shades of brown, red, and black. Great horned beasts sprang from the ground and met the Angels in mid-flight. Tackling them from the sky and tearing them apart with fire.

They stood on hind legs resembling that of dogs. Long, obsidian black horns with fiery manes. Around you there were about seven of them. And even more burst from the sand. They were Djinn. Spirits of the sands and lords of fire. You read about them in Starswirl's book. They could either be a terrific help or a terrible blight. You hope they were the former. They had humanoid bodies, but shared traits with jackals. Their fiery red hair was said to be fire itself, and from what you could see, it certainly looked to be that way. Smoke poured from their snarling mouths as they stared the Angels down. Daring them to move. Anticipating the first sign of violence.

Then it happens. As if commanded by a single mind, the Angels attack. Around you all hell breaks loose. The violence around you would be enough to throw you into shock. Without thinking, you push yourself to move. First a walk that breaks into a jog, and then into a full-on sprint. Your body didn't know when to quit. Around you sand was tossed up and Angels were thrown about. From the sky a Djinn pile-drived an Angel headfirst into the sand right next to you, the impact blowing you away. Rolling down the side of a dune you can't believe how afraid you are. But you persevere and get on your feet.

The sound of fighting and roaring fire is well behind you now. In your sprint you look around desperately and find a small crevice in the ground. You immediately make a B-line for it. The inner workings of your body are about to cave from exhaustion. But your almost there. Just a few more feet. But all seems lost when a single black hand shoots up from the sand and wraps it's terrible black claws around your ankle. You catch yourself with your hands as you fall. Looking back you see a single Principality crawl out from the sand, the heavy scepter clutched tightly in it's other hand. Again you're faced with danger that seems inescapable. But your innate skill of luck protected you thus far, and will continue to do so.

As if on cue, a Djinn lands over you. Standing between you and the Principality. It gives a mighty heave and then unleashes the awesome inferno in it's lungs. The fire seemed to coil around the Principality's body like a snake. Slithering about it until it wrapped around like heavy chains that soon compressed and spread all over its body. The Angel's shrieks of pain could be heard for miles, as well as the Djinn's victorious roars. And just like that, it was seemingly over. You lay motionless, too tired to even move. Above you the Djinn stares at you over his shoulder. It's eyes a golden yellow and fiery red, they burned with the heat of the desert. Others joined you, they crawl out from the sand and inspected you. One grabs you by your leather chest-plate and pulls you up on your feet. It dusts you off, careful not to cut you with it's sharp jet black claws. You would speak, but doubt they'd be able to understand. Instead you opt for silence and observe them. They looked to one another, gesturing and looking about themselves as if communicating with each other.

Eventually the tallest one nods and clasps it's firm grip on your shoulder. What happened next was a feeling that was impossible to replicate. You turned to sand. You could feel as every cell in your body seemingly fell apart and joined the grains of sand below. It wasn't painful, but nowhere near pleasant either. From your feet to your arms you could feel yourself falling apart. Your insides also crumbled away into dust. It reminded you of when you awakened from stone. You no longer had eyes but you could see the vast desert. You no longer had ears, but could hear the slight sounds the wind made against the dunes. And you moved.

You moved on the wind along with the other Djinn. It was like moving at light speed. You had no idea where they were taking you, but you dare not fight back, lest they rip you apart. Then you see ahead of you, a caravan of ponies setting up camp and tending to the wounded. You instantly recognized them and felt relief to see them again. And just like that you were becoming whole again. Piece-by-piece you felt your body build itself back up into that of human shape. Once again, you don't know if it's painful or not. But it was a very terrifying and weird feeling.

"Anon?!" A familiar voice falls on your ears. While you're busy hacking up pieces of sand from your lungs, Spike pats you on the back. Trying to ease the pain. You spy Celestia speaking with the creatures that helped you in your time of need. She seems to know them well. She thanks them, telling them they've been a great help. And that couldn't be further from the truth. They saved your life.

"Where were you? After the storm hit, you just sort of...disappeared!" Spike offers you water and you snatch it from him. Downing the entire thing without stopping.

"gasp....Our first day and I nearly died!" You fall back on your backside and rest, finally able to take a reprieve.

"Come now Anon. Complaining won't get you anywhere. You knew what this was when you signed on." Celestia says. When you look up, the Djinn are already gone. Celestia now sits beside you, her wings brushing off any loose sand on you. "So what exactly happened?" She asks. To which you give no immediate reply. You don't really know what happened, except for the storm and suddenly being far away from everyone else. Stupid magic desert.

"I can't say. But what is your relation with the Djinn? And what happened here? I see wounded, was there trouble?" Celestia now looks to the camp and Spike retrieves supplies for a fire from his bag.

"After you disappeared we were attack by Angels. They weren't like the ones we faced on the airship or in Everfree. With each new appearrance they seem to evolve... The Djinn say you encountered them too. What were they?"

"They were Principalities."


She grows silent. Pondering the beasts that plague your journey. You are also silent, thinking again about what your connection to them might be.

"Everytime they attack, I am able to name them. For why, I cannot say. But I think the answer lies in Agartha."

You look to the south, the tower now visible once more. And to your amazement, it wedged the sky in half. The sun had began to set on the western mountains, painting the sky in heavy oranges, pinks, and reds. While on the eastern side the sky was surrendering to the dark blues and purples of the night sky. It was quiet now. Soon the day will be over and you'll be able to rest. Attacked twice in one day. You were beginning to throw yourself into the habit of running for your life. Spike's breath ignited the fire in the stone circle and sat once more, scribbling in his journal.

"Y'know, despite all that's happened today, I'd say it's kinda peaceful now." Spike says, thumbing through the pages.

And he was right. The daylight had not yet faded, but it was less than half the sky now. Stars marched on across the sky and shinned overhead. You had seen the night before, but never have you seen it so clearly. In Canterlot, there were far too many lights in the city to properly stargaze. And aboard the Radiant Dawn there were many clouds in the sky that night. But this was the desert. There were no such clouds to block your view, no lights to outshine the stars. And so you saw the whole of the heavens. A mix of dark blues and deep purples complimented by fading oranges and pinks.

"Yes, quite peaceful." Celestia said, now shifting her position to lay on the blanket she had laid for herself. "But this is just the beginning. We walked far today, but tomorrow we must walk even further."

You sat with your hands in your lap, your feet spread apart. Calmly watching the fire, observing the flames flicker back and forth. You felt at ease. Sure you had a long way to go, but you made it through the first day and that was an accomplishment in and of itself.

"You guys want to say anything to Twilight before I send it off?" Spike asked. You look to him. You hadn't noticed him scribbling on the scroll until now.

"Tell her goodnight for me. And to not worry too much about us here." Celestia said. She now rested her head on her hooves and watched the individual grains of sand tumble along the surface with the wind. Spike looks to you, silently asking the same question.

"Tell her I also said goodnight."

He nods, writing down your requests before burning it. You watch as the green flame carries the letter into the sky and up to the north. The sky was dark now. The only light coming from the fire and the many stars in the sky. In the distance, the tower was hardly visible. Only an ominous silhouette that patiently waited for you. For that was all stone could do; be patient and wait.

Time passed well into the night and you sat up, resting your arm on your propped up knee. Spike was now asleep. He dug himself into the sand to stay warm. You found it funny how he looked like a fossil of some kind. You weren't sure if Celestia was awake, for she had turned on her side and faced away from you. You wonder to yourself, what would she be thinking if she were awake? For a long while you watch her. For no particular reason you stared, engraving her into your memory. Then her wing twitched and her ears stood on end instead of drooping down the back of her head like before. Slowly she rose up, sighing. Celestia looked about her for a moment, then noticed your staring.

"Watching over me why I slept? I'm flattered." She teased. Her words broke you from the stare and it just now registered that she had spoken.

"Forgive me, I was in thought."

Her eyes are curious now and she raised herself even higher to get more comfortable. "About what? What troubles you?"

You stare at her for a long time. So many thoughts ran through your mind tonight, it would be impossible just to settle on one. But you chose one. A question that's been sitting on your mind ever since you set out.

"We are friends aren't we?"

The question gingerly leaves your lips, somewhat afraid to find the answer. Celestia cranes her head to the side. You could see that she found the question odd and out of place.

"Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be friends?" She smiles. It makes you feel a bit better inside, but..

"If we do discover that I have some sort of connection with the Angels, what will you do?" You choke out the next words, finding yourself afraid and now dreading to know the answer. "Will you kill me?"

You didn't look at her now, instead you stared off into the blackness around you. Celestia became guarded and now sat upright. She was silent, but you were okay with that. You didn't find yourself needing an answer so quickly.

"Originally, I had been prepared to take your life, yes." Now you look at her. Her giant magenta eyes staring back at you apologetically.

"But you are my friend, Anon. You're just as important to me as Twilight, Spike, and everyone else I have come to know. If your death lies at the end of this journey, it will not be my hooves. For I could never kill a friend, it is not in my nature."

You can sense the honesty in her voice. She meant that completely and wholeheartedly. Celestia loved you just as much as she loved anyone else, and you were important to her. It was comforting, very much so.

"And come now, you can't die until we find all the answers, right?" You nod. It almost slipped your mind, the question you wanted answered so desperately. Inside your pocket, you feel the round stone burning a hole in your pocket. It was a main piece to the puzzle, you were sure of it.

"Are you afraid of dying, Anon?" She asks.

Just until now you have never truly thought about 'dying'. Sure you thought that you could die and that it would be highly likely. But you never thought of actually being dead.

"I imagine that it is a sort of sleep, that lasts for a very long time. I've have already experienced something similar, in the stone. But I can hardly remember it now. The memory and feeling fades with each passing day. So, I can't say if I'm afraid or not, it will happen eventually. I'm more concerned with the how rather than the if or when."

A cool desert night's wind blows through the camp and jostles the flames. Spike buries himself even deeper inside his depression. Looking over to Celestia, you see she isn't there. In a panic you start to search frantically. Darting your eyes around the camp to see where she had gone. Before you can call to her you feel something wrap around your chest and pull you back. It was her wing. A massive white blanket of feathers laying gently cross you. You feel her on your back, her body supporting you comfortably. Looking up, you can see her beautiful smile.

"Rest easy tonight, Anon." She once again rested her chin on her forelegs. When you looked down, her eyes were already closed, the features of her face relaxed and peaceful. You felt awkward, wrapped in her wings. Sort of shy and hesitant to doze off. It was rare that you had the chance to speak with Celestia in the manner of which you did tonight. For you, it had worked a sort of magic and you were at ease. Tonight you could sleep unguarded and peacefully by her side. A happy feeling welled within you as you finally relented and bayed your eyes close. The gentle up and down of her breathing lulled you into a comfortable sleep. And the warmth you felt, even through the leather that she wore, warmed you thoroughly. It would be something to suggest to Spike, you thought to yourself. You ask yourself no more questions as you doze off into a deep sleep.

You were asleep now. Or had you been? A sudden feeling in your stomach, similar to the feeling of falling, shattered your sleep and woke you to a dark void. It was darker than the desert's night. Darker than the deepest recesses of space. And cold like the northern winds. Where were you? How did you come to be here? In this place between nothing and something. Did you have a body? It was too dark to see, the darkness was void of any light. Was this a dream? But you felt wide awake, completely sober and lucid. So why had you come here? You call into the darkness, half-expecting an answer. But to your surprise, you -do- hear an answer. An answer accompanied by a familiar voice.

//Hello again.\\

Your eyes shot open wide and your fists immediately clenched. It was the Voice. It somehow called you here within your sleep. But how was such a thing possible?

"Why am I here?"

You ask the darkness. For a time there is nothing. Then the Voice replied, its voice indifferent as always.

//You were attacked today. By Principalities. We saw.\\

The name stayed in the air for a few moments before it finally settled in your ears.

"Yes. What of it?"

The fact that the Voice knew of the attack disturbed you to say the least. What else had it known? It even knew their specific names. It knew more than it let on. It would be wise to try and gather all the information you could from it.

//Do you truly not remember? The reason these 'Angels' are so keen to destroy you?\\

It's tone was a lot sharper now. Almost spiteful in a way.

"I do not. Why? Is it something I should know?"

//It is something you will discover, given time.\\

It annoyed you that your question was avoided. It obviously knew why, but withheld the reason from you.

"Why am I here?"

You ask again. The Voice sounds far off. Like someone shouting from twenty yards off.

//You are here so that we may help you. Serve you as council so that you may reach Agartha without harm.\\

Council? That was absurd.

"And why should I trust you? I know absolutely nothing about you or what lies in Agartha, let alone this desert. I've almost died a number of times today!"

The void echoed your voice for miles. And you could hear it boom back at you. After it was gone, the dark fell silent.

//Trust is not an issue. But we know you will take our advice if we gave it to you. Would you not?\\

You grit your teeth. Of course you would, but for what reason was that? Ah, but you knew full well why.

//Your hunger for knowledge. Your lust for the answers to all your queries. That is why you would listen to us. For we know you and we know the way!\\

"What does that mean? You know me?"

//In time.\\

The voice continued on, completely disregarding your question.

//In your world, you are completely defenseless against the onslaught of the Angels. Eventually you will succumb to their attacks and perish in the sand before ever stepping foot in the tower.\\

The voice grew silent now, like it was checking to see if you were still listening. You were, and it continued.

//You will come across a native race of the desert. They alone have the weapons to completely destroy an Angel.\\

You think on it. It intrigued you to say the least, and once again you found your curiosity piqued.

"Where are they to be found?" You ask. It replies, now sounding tired and weary. You could tell from it's next reply that it was fading into the shadows.

//They will find you. Now we must leave you. The sun has risen in your world. Stay high in both mind and spirit, and you will find your way. 'Anon'\\

It emphasizes your name at the end and it sends a chill up your spine. Had it known your true name? It was certainly something you had forgotten about. The thought of your proper name pulled at you. Did it truly know you more then you knew yourself? Only time could tell you that and you felt yourself fall into that dark expanse and into reality. When you woke, you would have much to talk about with Celestia.