
by starcross7

93 - Assault on the Dreadnought

Chapter 93 - Assault on the Dreadnought
With the Spitfire escaping into the thunderstorm, the attacks lessened.  The airship did not tremble as inconveniently as before, and that granted the lady an opportunity for a quick bath for her fur and a quick iron for her curled mane.  A moment's respite did wonders for a unicorn.  Her body became clean, and her mane and tail regained its sparkle.  Yet it was hard to admire oneself in the mirror with a cloud of doubt hanging over her heart.  She reminded herself that as clean and pampered this section of the airship was, this dressing room was not hers.  The dresser mirror was not hers.  The embroidered cloth stool she sat on was not hers.  All of it belonged to an accused traitor and spy.
Rarity heard the hateful words regarding Coco as she trotted down to the workshop.  Ponies muttered loudly that they "knew it"; that they knew all along that Coco had been working for the Democratic Republic of Gaea as a spy.  They whispered words that Rainbow Dash knew all along, and that she kept the timid earth mare onboard regardless.  They said that Rainbow Dash was well aware of Coco's excursions to trade plunder for exotic clothing materials off from Gaean operatives.
Rarity barely reacted to the realization of Coco's betrayal because she had to put her full concentration in bringing Sweetie Belle to the safety of the Spitfire.  A part of her wanted to scorn Coco for kidnapping her little sister's best friend, and yet a part of her wanted to rescue her from an unfabulous nation of power mongers and xenophobes.  She knew this because Coco mentioned that she had to flee from an unbearably harsh headmistress of a clothing sweatshop factory that lied outside of Manehattan.  Coco practically gushed about how happy she was when Rainbow Dash took her under her wing and how much it excited her to create clothing of her own designs instead of drab military uniforms.  Many facts were lies, but Rarity knew that Coco's feelings were true.  She knew this because on the night before the Big Race, she heard her weeping alone in the sewing workshop.
"Princess Rarity," spoke a voice from behind the dressing room door.  "It's ready."
This was quite a surprise.  The schematics she jotted down on a napkin came to fruition faster than she expected.  Rarity reapplied a replacement eyelash over her right eye and discreetly hid her spares in a hidden compartment in her purse.  She emerged out of the dressing room and into the sewing workshop to greet her companions with a sensual hair flip.  She did not mean to intimidate Fluttershy with her beauty by causing her to flinch.  The reaction from Spike was expected.  She could not help herself if a baby dragon swooned over her like the stallions back home at the Crystal Empire, but nonetheless it was cute for him to do so.  She did not need Spike’s help, but he immediately volunteered when she mentioned to him about Twilight's plans.  She did not want to say no, but she wanted him to look after her sister.  Upon seeing Sweetie Belle gorging herself over a large platter of spaghetti, she concluded that her little sister was going to be okay, bless her heart.  An extra claw or two had certainly assisted Fluttershy in crafting the special dresses that were now sealed in silver garment bags the baby dragon carried on his shoulders.
“Here are the dresses, milady,” Spike bowed.
"You don't know how thankful I am of you two to craft these in such short notice," said Rarity.
"Anything for you, my Diamond Princess.”
"Living in the forest gave me a lot of time to perfect the sewing skills Gran-Gran taught me," said Fluttershy.  "But what is the point of these outfits?"
"I'll explain when we get there.  Spike, lead us to the engine room."
The adorable baby dragon made a sharp salute, and without a stumble he led the Diamond Princess and Fluttershy down the hall and into a working elevator.  Nopony gave notice to the six-winged butterfly halo hovering behind Fluttershy, and the soft pink glow made her appear more angelic than usual.  For a moment, Rarity mused over whether she should create an appropriate dress for her beautiful friend, but she shook her head back into focus.  Time was of the essence.  The two mares had already utilized the lull in battle and their talents for this important preparation.
"I heard the other crew members talk about Coco," said Fluttershy.  "They said a lot of bad things about her."
"What do you think, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.
"I know what she did was wrong, but I believe she really did not want to betray us.  I feel she only did it because she was forced to.  Do you think that is case?"
"I do not know what to think at the moment.  Right now, we need to rescue Apple Bloom and sink that ugly airship from the sky."
The elevator made its abrupt stop with a dull clunk.  The sliding doors whirred open, and already five beer bottles rolled inside the compartment.  How slovenly.  Rarity heard that the engineer possessed a certain vice as a result of her past sins.  How she ended up on the Spitfire, nopony really knew, and still she retained the vice that made the mess of the engine control room.  Bottles and cans littered the floor and the main control terminal where the engineer herself lay wasted and drooling.  Rarity did not know if she should feel disgusted or amazed that this berry purple mare had slept throughout the attack.  Only when Spike poked her did she jolt up with a frenzied stare and a frenzied mane.
"Oh, crap!" cried Berry Punch.  "Am I dead?"
"No, that's Fluttershy," Spike corrected.  "That's just her Element of Empathy half-activated.  Berry Punch, we need to access the main engine lines."
"For what?  Why have you brought these two mares here?"
"We are going to assist Twilight and the others on the assault on the enemy airship," said Rarity.  "I am here to use my Element of Empowerment to increase the Spitfire's power."
"Oh no.  You're not going to add more magic to the engines.  I practically built the thing!  Well, Vinyl Scratch helped me, but still, if we stress the engines any more, the Spitfire is going to fall apart!"
"I am well aware of that, and that is why we have brought Fluttershy here.  Her Element of Empathy has the ability to transfer the damage from your engines to any target of her choosing.  She has already marked the debris we collected on the deck.  She just needs to make her mark on the engines."
"From what I heard, the Elements of Creation are cursed.  I'd rather take my chances weathering this storm than tainting the Spitfire with dark magic."
"Please Miss Berry Punch," said Fluttershy.  "We don't have much time.  We need to rescue Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom and Coco Pommel."
"Coco has been captured?"
"Actually, she, um..."
"I see.  So it finally happened, and yet I was the one who warned Rainbow Dash right when I first saw her.  She is a formidable spymaster, and I dealt with her back a few times when I was working for Gaea's R&D laboratories.  Rainbow Dash insisted that she remain on the Spitfire despite everypony becoming more and more suspicious of her.
"Ironically, a similar thing happened to me when Rainbow Dash brought me into her flock.  Before then, I was once a renowned chemist in Gaea.  I thought I was helping ponies improve their lives by synthesizing chemical compounds for medicine, but I eventually found out that my research was being used to create chemical weapons sold to the zebras, which they used to gas tens of thousands of abadians to death in their ongoing civil war.  That's when I started drinking.  Then before I knew it, I was out of a job.
"I became a vagrant hopping from train to train across Gaea.  I didn't care where I ended up or if I died in a gutter.  I don't know how I was recruited, but I found myself in a mountain base in the middle of No Mare's Land.  Nopony took a liking to me at first, and I heard them whisper behind my back that I was a murderer because of all the chemical weapons I helped make.  I almost wanted them to shoot me and get it over with, but Rainbow Dash convinced me to live.  She had told me that she was constructing an 'awesome' airship capable of outrunning the fastest Gaea or Pegasopolis has to offer and that only I am capable of refining the engines.  She said the Spitfire would be the flagship of freedom and justice whose sole purpose to rescue any pony who is lost.  It didn't matter who: earth pony, pegasi, or unicorn; Rainbow Dash wanted to save everypony.  I knew then that I had to help her.  I may not be able to undo my past sins, but at least I can help maintain a ship that will save those who are in need.  I trust Rainbow Dash completely. I don't know the reason why she brought in Coco, but if you are going to save her along with Apple Bloom, I will gladly assist you."
"I assume that you still drink to ease the pain that remains in your heart," said Rarity.
"Heck no!  I'm over the pain, and I drink because I love booze!  Let me let you in, girls.  And don't forget to put your headsets on.  It gets very loud in there."
The drunk mare instantaneously sobered up and cleared her computer terminal of all of its bottles and cans in one fell swoop.  She made several smooth and precise gestures across the glass touchscreen before hopping off her seat.  The metal door behind her beeped and its overhead light turned green, and Berry Punch joyously marched towards the entrance to the main engine room where she equipped herself with an in-ear headset.  Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike also equipped their headsets before following Berry Punch inside.
In contrast to the control room, the actual engine room, though dim and glowing red due to power cutbacks, was quite clean.  Rarity could not feel or smell a speck of dust, and the surface of each wall, ceiling, floor, and pipe appeared to be polished, waxed, and sterilized.  The only flaws, however expected, were the pounding vibrations of the spinning axles and turbines, and their low rumbles reverberated past everyone's headsets.  It also felt hot.
"This way," spoke Berry Punch through the headset.  "The Spitfire's engines are a union of earth pony engineering, pegasi atmos science, and unicorn magic.  Magic crystals from the Crystal Empire is its main power source, but we use dragon fire to super-ignite the atmos particles in regular doses."
"So that's why Spike was down here often," said Fluttershy.
"Actually, we already have our own dragon before you gals came on onboard.  Speaking of which, there he is.  Say hello, Crackle!"
It was an odd sight.  It wasn't ugly, but it was just plain odd.  Rarity had read about dragons in both her encyclopedias and the fairy tales she often read to Sweetie Belle.  Before she met Spike, she imagined them to be fearsome and prideful creatures whose power increased the more they plundered gold and jewels for their nests.  The dragon she had in mind was a massive quadruped reptilian with wings that would dwarf the horizon and serpent-like tails and necks.  Some were ugly, and some were beautiful, but she knew that if she met one--an adult one--she would be awed and intimidated by their presence.
The dragon who greeted a "wargh!" for a hello was not what she expected.  This dragon before her was smaller, though still bigger than spike. He had eight legs too short for his elongated body.  His twin wings appeared pathetically and disproportionately tiny, but Rarity would not discount him flying in short bursts.  All this time she thought Crackle was just three ponies in a mildly stylish costume when she first saw him during the welcoming party.
But a dragon was still a dragon.  Despite its wall eyes and a dumb tongue hanging over his lips, Crackle struck fear within Fluttershy who crouched close to the floor right behind Rarity.  It took time for the yellow pegasus to regain a sense of composure after Crackle waddled off towards the other side of the engine room for his other duties.
"Just like Spike, Crackle was found as an egg and kept as a pet by one of the Elite Earth Party members in Gaea," continued Berry Punch.  "Believe or not, the Captain said that she found him flying in the air one day.  Anyway, we have a sigil platform over here where magic can be directly applied to the engines.  I hope you know some powerful spells, because I heard that the enemy airship is a lot stronger than ours."
"Alas, magic is not exactly my strong suit," said Rarity.  "I know enough basics for a unicorn like me to get around, but apparently our Elements allows us to bypass the restrictions of advanced spells.  Our Elements are plenty powerful, but I figured out a way to enhance them tenfold.  Behold!  The Element Enhancement Suits!"
She levitated the silver garment bags off of Spike's shoulders and opened them up with one cut of her magic.  One suit was decorated with an array of sapphire gems on its indigo surface completed with a pair of pink crystal bracelets.  The other one designed for Fluttershy was a simple green suit with a purple collar and purple bracelets topped off with butterfly accents.  The suits’ function was not sacrificed in the name of form.  Function was equally as important, for these suits designed with the finest silk threads had been lined underneath the surface with a layer of magic-conducting optic fibers meticulously loomed from a several crystals she brought over from the Crystal Empire.  These optic fibers, if Twilight's theory was correct, would enhance the power of the Element of Creation given that it was bonded to the bearer's body that acted as a magical conduit.  The optic fibers were connected to small gold contacts sewn onto the boots of these suits so that any Element bearer could focus their power through their hooves if needs be.
Rarity had crafted these before.  The first prototype she gave to Rainbow Dash when she realized that the lightning motif was better suited for her.  The second one she gave to Applejack, but she did not have the time to sew in the optic fibers in either of the prototypes.  Now her latest suits had been brought forth to aid ponies in a time of need.  Years of constant dress changes in the many balls held in the Crystal Empire allowed Rarity to slip easily and quickly into her Element Enhancement Suit in one acrobatic flip.  She landed on all fours fully suited and zipped.  She finished her fashion entrance with her usual hair flip, a voluptuous rapid-fire blink at her invisible audience, and completed her look by applying a purple domino mask over her eyes.
Poor Fluttershy took a little longer to fit herself into her own Element Enhancement Suit.  Rarity admired her carefulness in putting it on one hoof at a time, but the suit was designed to be put on easily, even for a pegasus.  Rarity had no choice but to generously assist her friend.  After all, she had experience dressing up her young stepmother, and she made doubly sure that no feather was accidentally plucked out when slotting them through the suit’s wing holes.  A quick brush of Fluttershy’s mane and tail restored her natural beauty, and she finished the ensemble by applying a purple domino mask on the yellow pegasus’s face.
"Wow, that's pretty and awesome," said Punch.  "But why the masks?"
"Why not the masks?" Rarity asked.  "Fluttershy, let's get on the sigil!"
The two Element bearers climbed onto the platform barely large enough to fit the two of them.  Rarity expected the sigil to be an ornamental and sacred design.  Instead, it bore the lighted insignia of Captain Rainbow Dash's mark.  Given that this was her ship, it should not be surprising.  Rarity waited as her friend composed herself through a brief breathing exercise, and soon enough Fluttershy sent the other component of her Butterfly Star through the sigil.  The yellow pegasus regained her hidden bravery by flashing her adorable smile back at the Diamond Princess.  In turn, Rarity pressed the small switch in her headset and spoke.
"Twilight," Rarity said.  "Fluttershy and I are ready."

"Acknowledged," Twilight responded via radio headset.  "Stand by and wait for my call."
Twilight motioned her hoof towards Mad-Eye Gunner Derpy, who then waved a pair of flashers towards the bridge where helmsmare Cherry Berry stood waiting with fervent anticipation by her wheel in plain sight.  Immediately she spun the wheel in one swing.  The damaged Spitfire creaked on its axis towards port to make its full turnaround.  On the deck, Applejack and Twilight held fast onto their assigned aeroscooters as the catapult launcher slowly rose up from underneath the floor.
The storm around them set the ominous mood of the upcoming assault battle, yet ironically this was much calmer than being relentlessly chased by a heavily-armed enemy airship.  The few able-bodied pegasi zipped back and forth to form and clump any additional cloud cover they could muster.
Twilight wondered how she managed to convince the Spa Twins to give command of the crew to her.  Her entire body shivered not because she was cold, but because of nerves.  Detailing the plan at moment's notice, or "talking the talk" as Applejack would describe it, was one thing.  Actual participation in the plan was another, and about a hundred or so pony lives were depending on her.
"Nervous, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.  "You shouldn't be.  I don't think anypony could come up with a plan as organized as yours."
"I'm not sure if it is organized," said Twilight.  "I mean, what if we need more debris for Fluttershy to work with?  What if the Element Enhancement Suits don't work?  Maybe we should check the catapult's mechanism, or do some quick maintenance on the--"
"Twi, relax.  Your plan's gonna work."
"How can I relax?  How can you relax?  Your sister was kidnapped for pony's sake!"
"I don't think they're gonna hurt Apple Bloom.  She can protect herself if needs be."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that.  I was never given this much responsibility before."
"You kinda took it after all of us were runnin' around with our tails behind our legs.  Twi, I believe in you, but the more important thing now is that you have to believe in yourself.  We've been into hairy situations before.  Heck, I'm willin' to bet you've been into hairier ones when you were trainin' under your ma.  This is gonna be a walk in the park.  By the way, have you seen Pinkie Pie?"
Even though Pinkie Pie volunteered for this operation, her lack of a presence worried Twilight more than necessary.  A minute ago she was standing right behind the unicorn and the orange earth pony bouncing up and down as if she could not wait to eat a rare daisy sandwich in Unicornia.  Twilight wished, despite being envious of her unshakable optimism, that Pinkie would act more serious in situation.  This was no time to eat more snacks and throw impromptu parties for every random pony she met.
A minute ago, the airship appeared empty.  Right as the catapult launcher had finished extending above the floor, Twilight looked around a second time to see small, boxy action cameras peppering the deck every few meters or so.  Speak of the pink devil, Pinkie Pie manifested right between Twilight and Applejack dressed in a full body white suit with purple lightning accents.  She had those small boxy video cameras suction-cupped on her head and rump.  Pinkie had more inside a box she brought with her, but judging by her wide smile she had something planned for them.
"Pinkie, where have you been?" Twilight asked.  "And what's with the suit?"
"It's my own Element Enhancement Suit!" Pinkie replied.  "Cool, huh?  Rarity had it stashed in the closet in the workshop and I thought I'd try it on.  She made one for you too, Twilight."
"I'm not an Element Bearer, and I don't have time to change.  What have you been doing all this time?"
"I've been peppering the airship's good spots with these action cams.  I know Rainbow Dash will get a kick out of the footage we’re going to capture when we make our assault on the dreadnought.  I got you and Applejack a matching set."
"Pinkie, we--"
The pink madness had already attached the cameras onto their necks via collar.  Twilight did not understand what Pinkie meant by these particular cameras being a matching set.  Instead of being silver in color, they were black.  A half heart sticker was pasted on the front.  Apparently Twilight had one half while Applejack had one half.  She would have expected her orange pony friend to join in her protest of Pinkie's antics, but instead she faced away from her in order to hide her reddened cheeks.  Applejack sure had been acting weird lately.
"Miss Twilight Sparkle," spoke one of the Spa Twins over the radio.  "We are in position."
"Acknowledged," spoke Twilight.  "Pinkie, where's your aeroscooter?"
"Trust me, Twilight," replied Pinkie.  "This Pink Wonder doesn't need an aeroscooter where we're going."
No wonder she and Rainbow Dash hit it off.  Sure they were earth pony and pegasus, but those two shared a penchant of dangerous fun.  The pegasus was more narcissistic in that regard, and she only flew off on her own just to show off.  Pinkie Pie could easily amuse herself, provided nopony give her anything explosive to play with.  Twilight Sparkle began to have reservations of letting Pinkie accompany her and Applejack, but a familiar tap on her shoulder soon calmed the unicorn.  She saw Applejack's warm and faithful smile on her face.  This was certainly a deviation, but Twilight realized that she should not doubt Pinkie's mad methods.  After all, they all had the same goal.
The Spitfire completed its turnaround and faced a dull halo of clouds that served as the exit from the storm.  The black shadow of the enemy airship loomed within that halo, and with each passing second it grew larger.  Twilight knew she and her friends did not have to volunteer, and yet they were the only ponies qualified for this daring rescue mission.  It would be heartless to throw the crew back into battle while they were still healing in the infirmary, even if they wanted to keep fighting.  Twilight's plan was the only one that could guarantee everypony's survival despite the insurmountable odds.
The remaining pegasi gathered above the deck to provide aerial support for Twilight and her two earth pony friends.  The Spitfire's earth pony crew gathered around them with bazookas for additional support.  At last, Pinkie's mad plan became apparent when she slipped on a harness she linked with a pair of metallic cables between herself and Twilight and Applejack's aeroscooters.  That was a good call.  The three of them would be able to storm the enemy airship together thanks to Pinkie's Element of Pleasure's speed enhancement ability.
"All right everypony," said Twilight.  "Captain Rainbow Dash's most important rule still stands.  No matter what happens, everypony must live.  Now, full speed ahead!"
Everypony slipped on their goggles as the Spitfire jerked forward.  Twilight gripped her aeroscooter's handles tighter as the airship's acceleration increased exponentially.  Her body felt surprisingly calm despite a rapid heartbeat.  Even with the airship speeding up, every blink and every breath she took felt slow.
Finally they broke through the clouds.  The enemy had been relentless in their attacks, but the head on view in a hazy sky made their appearance utterly frightening.  Just as Twilight had suspected, the enemy airship was a larger copy of the Spitfire, and its cold mechanical accents on its wings and on its hull gave it a demonic shark-like design.  This floating metal beast began opening its massive maw, and behind its black lips a surge of energy gathered in the pit of its cavernous stomach.
"Fire the Bass Cannon!" cried Twilight.
The Spitfire "wubbed" and shuddered as it opened main firing port mounted within the fore.  Twilight convinced herself that the enemy airship, due to its size, needed more time to charge up its similar energy cannon.  When its glow enveloped its innards of the floating metal beast before her, she feared the worst until the air started to fill with flickering diamond-shaped "sprites".
The Bass Cannon fired right as the enemy airship fired hers.  The technological titans clashed their energy beams and put them in an initial stalemate.  For a moment, it appeared that the enemy airship due its size and massive power reserves gradually overpowered the Spitfire, but the Spitfire's beam pushed the opposing one back.  The Spitfire was overpowering the enemy!  Rarity and Fluttershy’s Element Enhancement Suits were a success!  The mixed pony crew cheered, and their infectious excitement caused Twilight to giggle with glee.  The enemy airship then launched a hail of missiles from its shell, but that was exactly what she wanted.
"Launch!" cried Twilight.  The catapult flung Pinkie, Twilight, and Applejack into the sky with their pegasi allies beside them.  All around the sky filled with a symphony of explosions and the blurs of multicolored pegasi destroying missile and jets barreling towards the floating home of the Chroma Pirates.  Pinkie's Pinkie Gear glowed bright as she began skating off one missile to the next in speeds so fast that Twilight and Applejack struggled to keep themselves balanced on their aeroscooters.
The g-forces induced by all the rapid twisting and turning gave the two mares motion sickness, and their mind and bodies fought hard to not black out.  Pinkie's Pinkie Gear was fast, but it was neither fast enough nor perfect.  Stray gunfire snapped Twilight's cable and the sudden slowdown and midair inertia sent hurtling towards the massive barrel of the enemy airship's main gun battery.  She would fly away if her aeroscooter's engines were working, and they only choked and sputtered after she twisted the accelerator handle repeatedly.  She would not be safe if she slid into the tunnel-like barrel.  The turret whirred menacingly, and the growing scent of gunpowder stung her nostrils.
Right on time, a golden lasso whisked her way as the gun turret shot out its massive shell in the sky with a deafening boom.  The lasso jerked Twilight in the air until her hooves landed on a moving aeroscooter.  Applejack's forward right leg curled around Twilight's trunk in an effort to secure her in the high-speed ride.  Their cheeks touched, and their chests were so close that they could practically feel each other's hearts beating excitedly.  Twilight could imagine Applejack's heroic posture as she steered through the bullets and explosions with her free hoof.  The black and red costume made the look ever more convincing.
The cable still joined Applejack's aeroscooter and Pinkie Pie, and the latter sped down the massive turret barrel.  The Pinkie Gear glowed brighter into overdrive, and Pinkie Pie launched herself into the air off of a slope formed by the top of the turret like a rocket.
They ascended high up to the main bridge and then saw her.  Past the windows, the enemy had trapped Rainbow Dash inside a glass tube contraption that had somehow weakened her.  Just as they saw the blue captain, the enemy airship immediately reinforced the windows with hard steel, leaving only tiny slits to view through.  Twilight, however, already memorized the interior layout, and almost immediately she teleported her friends straight through the tiny slit and into brain of the metal beast.  They manifested inside and midair, and the momentum they carried over sent them hurtling towards the glass tube.   Applejack's Element of Truth flashed and morphed into her signature Sword of Truth.  She instantly zigzagged her sword through the containment contraption that she cut into small fragments of sharp glass.  Pinkie Pie "hopped" in midair and deflected all the glass fragments towards the approaching Clone Soldiers with quick kicks all around.  The cannon fodder had been defeated, and the three made their landing right in front of a semi-conscious Rainbow Dash.  They defiantly looked up towards the command platform where the coffee-sipping Admiral, the stoic Rear Admiral, and Spymaster Coco stood next to Apple Bloom tied up in her chair.
"What took you guys so long?" Rainbow Dash asked.  "I was this close to busting myself out."
"Give your ego a rest," said Applejack.  "We're here to rescue you and my sister."
"Silence!" cried Admiral Polomare.  "You mutant equines and earthborn traitors dare step into the wonderful bridge of my Nemesis?"
"Uh, yeah.  We kinda are."
"You're outnumbered Admiral," said Twilight.  "Release Apple Bloom and no further harm will come to you and your crew."
"A unicorn giving us orders?" snorted Polomare.  "Our ancestors have fought to the death to win our freedom from your kind, m'kay, and no threat from a unicorn will budge us from our righteous mission of destroying Pegasopolis and restoring the natural order to this world."
"Admiral," said Prime Hemline.  "Allow me to take care of these interlopers."
"Didn't you hear her?" Applejack cried.  "Y'all are outnumbered!"
In Twilight's peripheral vision, she could see Pinkie's bangs twitching.  Something bad was going to happen, but it was too late for the anypony to react.  The rings lining up Prim Hemline's sleeves jingled briefly before she swung her entire upper torso and front legs high up into the air.  Nigh-invisible pink strings flickered into the air, and almost immediately Twilight and her three friends found themselves suspended painfully above the floor like puppets.  Every small movement of their muscles felt as if dozens of knives were slowly cutting through their fur and into their skin.
"I've dispatched hundreds of pegasi with my Strings of Dornez," said Prim Hemline.  "Don't even try to use your magic or Atmos Arts.  One more pull and I will slice more than just your legs off."
"Do you have beeswax in your ears?" Rainbow Dash retorted.  "You're outnumbered, m'kay.  What can two ponies do against six?"
Six?  Rainbow Dash's words cause a moment of confusion between Prim Hemline and Suri Polomare that allowed Apple Bloom to break herself free from her restraints with one tug from her jaw.  The ropes wrapping her body had split down the middle.  She rose from her chair with outstretched hooves and leapt off to tackle Prim Hemline to the ground.
"Coco, now!" Apple Bloom cried.
In the split second that followed, Coco Pommel bucked the Admiral off the command platform and then performed a sliding kick into Hemline's gut right as Apple Bloom leapt off of her. Prim Hemline had been knocked off unconscious. With her defeat, the Strings of Dornez loosened, and Applejack used her Sword of Truth to cut them into segmented pieces. Free from the restraints, Applejack rushed in and received Apple Bloom right after the filly joyously jumped off the platform for the embrace of her older sister. The two shared their hug while the rest of the ponies quickly surrounded Admiral Suri Polomare before she could struggle back onto her hooves. She made a futile attempt of escape by drawing a pistol from her jacket, but Twilight easily shot it away from her magic. Now the Admiral's eyes began welling up with panicked tears, and she turned her head towards Apple Bloom for one desperate plea.
"Little Miss!" cried Suri.  "Why do you want to travel with these nudist pirates?  Don't you want to go back to the Palace of the Earth and live a life of fine clothes and luxury?"
"I want to be with my sister," replied Apple Bloom.
"And you, Coco, how could you betray your own kind?  After I rescued you from that awful sweatshop, this is how you repay me?  Mark my words, your friends and family will pay dearly for your treason!  The Manehattan Auxiliary Fleet will hunt you and you pirates down and you will be subjected to worst punishment imaginable!"
Coco finally silenced the Admiral up by splashing what remained of the lukewarm coffee into her face.  Admiral Suri Polomare resigned to her defeat by fainting, but not before a big explosion caused the airship to gradually tilt sideways.  Sparks from ruined electronics and flames bursting from air vents sent the crew of the Nemesis, both clone and non-clone, fleeing in terror.  The entirety of the airship began moaning painfully as it slowly tilted towards port and stern.
"I almost forgot!" Pinkie cried.  "I might have purposely initiated the ship's self-destruct sequence."
"But this ship never had a self-destruct mechanism," Coco corrected.
"It does now.  While all of you weren't looking, I went ahead and jerry-rigged a bunch of C4s all over the airship.  It's gonna go down in a big boom!  Isn't that great?"