Super Sonic Romance

by MegaTJ

Evening in the Canyon

Evening in the Canyon

Cloud drifted down to park where Rainbow Dash saw about twenty young fillies and colts running and playing. Cloud's landing vector wasn't aimed at them or the many jungle gyms or slides. Instead, he was heading to the far end of the park, where twelve fillies were busy competing in a game of volleyball.

Both sides were wearing matching uniforms, which was a bit confusing to Rainbow Dash. Their shouts of coordination and cheering got louder as the ground got closer, and now Rainbow could see that they were setting the ball up. It was a practice session not a match.

Cloud landed not far from the court and turned to give Rainbow Dash a grin. She sat down beside him and watched the team continue with their practice. The ball never stayed in one place for long; the team was quick to get it back over the net. Rainbow's tour guide let it go on for a few more minutes before he broke the silence.

"Guess which one's sprinkle", he said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash looked again at the volleyball players. None of them looked like Cloud, not even a little. She kept looking until the ball flew almost straight up.

"Sprinkle, that's you!" A filly shouted.

A player on the side opposite where Rainbow and Cloud were sitting jumped into the air, and, with a flap of her tiny wings, flipped, and drove the ball into the opposing side's court. She landed softly and was almost instantly barraged with praises and cheers from the other eleven members of the volleyball team.

"Alright Sprinkle!"

"Good job, Sprinkle!"

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash shouted. She jumped into the air and fluttered in place. She looked at Cloud, "I thought you said she was calm."

He shrugged. "Except on the court."

Sprinkle welcomed the appreciation from her team with a proud smile. She returned the many hugs and grabbed the ball from the ground.

"Okay, Feathers!" she called, "Next practice Thursday!"

"Oh, we don't need practice with you on the team!" A red Pegasus called in response.

"Yeah, you're our best player!"

"I need practice, too, Drift." Sprinkle replied.

Light argument followed over Sprinkle's talents and need for practice as the team left one by one for their homes. Sprinkle still hadn't seen her two spectators, for she was too busy dribbling the ball back and forth around the court, lost in thought. She bounced it high and when it came back down, used her flank to bounce it into the net and then bounced it into the air with her head.

Rainbow Dash was getting impatient, and started to drift over to close the distance between her and the filly. Cloud followed her to his sister.

When Sprinkle caught the ball for the final time, she noticed Cloud just beyond the white boundaries of the court. The ball hit the ground as her eyes ignited with excitement. "Cloud!"

She tackled the stallion with a tight hug as she screamed, "I missed you so much!"

"Missed you too, Breezy." Cloud hugged his sister back.

"Where were you!?"

"Uh…" Cloud scratched the back of his neck. "I got stuck in a storm when I took off yesterday. Sorry about that."

It was then Sprinkle noticed Rainbow Dash. She gave Cloud a confused look. "Who's she?"

"Sprinkle, this is Rainbow Dash. She helped me out in the storm yesterday", he said, giving the little filly a push toward the mare.

Sprinkle withdrew slightly at the newcomer. "Um…hi."

"Hey there!" Dash tussled Sprinkle's mane friendlily.

"Don't worry, Breezy, she's pretty awesome", Cloud encouraged.

Sprinkle's eyes couldn't have possibly have gone any wider when "awesome" left Cloud's mouth. Her gaping jaw hung loosely as she stared at the rainbow maned mare.

"What?" Rainbow Dash started to get weirded out.

"He called you awesome", Sprinkle stated blankly.

"Yeah, I'm awesome", Rainbow agreed, "A lot of ponies say that."

"Cloud doesn't say that about a lot of ponies…"

"It's true."

Gazes fell on Cloud. "As a matter of fact", he continued, "Last time I called a pony awesome it was like…one or two years ago."

"Well", said Rainbow Dash proudly, "I must be super awesome then!"

"Yup", Cloud chimed.

Rainbow felt the warmth of joy travel from her heart and through her entire body before forming a blush across her nose. Before anypony could start staring, she grabbed the volleyball and dribbled it in place.

"Ya know", she said, "I used to be pretty into volleyball."

"Really?" Cloud stood up. "Well, then, how about we have a little match."

Rainbow Dash laughed. "Ha! Okay, how about after I beat you in the race tomorrow."

Sprinkle's ears perked up. "You're going to have a race?"

"Better believe it", Cloud answered.

Sprinkle jumped up. "I have to go tell the mayor!"

Cloud had just barely begun to realize his mistake when Sprinkle had already taken off to let all of Canyon Run know what she just found out. "Oh, great…"

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "What's with her?"

"She's planning our race as I speak", Cloud said as he watched Sprinkle dash away. "And when the mayor finds out…I'm never going to hear the end of this…"

"I thought you said she was quiet and stuff."

Cloud chuckled with a shrug. "I said usually. We shoulda caught her at home or something. Then you'd see."

A slight breeze picked up, carrying a distant cold front with it. It brought a special kind of autumn peace with it, leaving the Pegasi content with each other's company. It was just too bad that company wasn't exactly exciting.

"What now?" Rainbow Dash stretched.

Putting a hoof to his chin, he thought about what else he could show the mare. He thought about Rainbow Dash showing him around Ponyville. An idea flew into his mind. "I got it!" He grabbed Rainbow and flew into the air with her. Any other time, Rainbow Dash would have swatted his hooves away and gave him a pounding, but this was Cloud, one of the coolest Pegasi she had ever met. But being drug threw the air was annoying, so she flapped her wings to match his speed and pulled away.

"Where are we going now?"

"You'll see!" Cloud picked up his speed.

"If you show off one more time", Rainbow shouted as she flew faster after him, "I'm going to outfly you so hard your friends'll be laughing for weeks!"

"Oh, you want showing off", he asked challengingly. He tucked his wings in. "I'll give you showing off!"

He dove to the ground, leaving Rainbow Dash in the air to wonder just what he was about do next. She watched as he got closer to the grass covered plateau. Just as he was about to hit, Cloud tweaked his trajectory and skimmed just above the ground. He zipped around everything in his path, never losing any of his speed. Every object he passed, no matter how big or of what shape was dodged and left behind him. He napped the surface at a near more than half supersonic speed. It steadily increased until he was a gray-black blur zipping in and out of trees and even other ponies. His dexterity left Rainbow Dash slack jawed. She didn't even think her own agility could match his!

With a final burst of speed he forced his hooves into the ground and skidded about thirty feet before completely stopping. He looked back where he left Rainbow Dash. She was pretty far away, making him question just how far he had flown. He stuck his tongue out at her.

Rainbow Dash felt her face heat up. He was definitely going to pay for that later. She wasn't going to let it go, but pushed it to the back of her mind until she could show him up later.

Cloud waited for Rainbow to catch up and was sitting on a bench outside an ice-cream shop. He never dropped his grin. When she got close enough, he hopped into the air. "So, whatcha think?"

"Where were we going again?" Rainbow huffed, ignoring the subject entirely. She crossed her hooves and refused to look at him.

Cloud felt a small pang of hurt nip his heart. He dropped his smile and said, "Oh, yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. "Remember earlier how you let me meet a lot of your friends?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I gotta couple you might think are pretty cool." He nodded to the building he came to a stop in front of. "This is the first stop."

Rainbow Dash saw that it was a packed ice cream shop and bakery. The sign over it read "Sugary Sweets". "We're going in there?" There had to have been at least fifty ponies in the little shop!

"You betcha."

"But it's packed!" she whined. "Are we even going to fit in there?"

"Good point", Cloud admitted, "I'll just call her out here."

Rainbow's eye twitched. Her!? What the hay?!

Cloud put a hoof to his mouth and, as loud as he could, whistled. Instantly, the doors to the bakery flew open. The mare that burst through them ran as fast as she could until she stumbled and came to a crashing stop in front of them. She hopped up to her hooves. "Hey, Cloud!"

"Hey, S.P."

"Whatcha need?" She was slightly bouncing in place, anxious to get back inside. "We're seriously busy today."

"I know." Cloud turned to Rainbow. "Dash, I want you to meet my oldest friend, Sugar Pie."

The mint Earth Pony took her first glance at the Pegasus. "Hey, I know you!"

Rainbow smiled smugly, "I bet it's because you've heard of my awesome flying skills."

"Eh, not really", Sugar Pie replied, "Sprinkle has the whole town buzzing about your race."

"Already!?" Cloud put a hoof to his forehead. "Sprinkle…" he groaned.

"Hey, the more the merrier!" Rainbow Dash backflipped in place. "That's just more ponies to watch you lose."

Sugar Pie straightened up. "I hope you can fly, because Cloud's never been beaten."

"Neither have I."

For the sake of time, Sugar Pie didn't want to drag out an argument, so she merely said, "We'll see" before taking off. They watched her reenter the bakery.

"Sheesh, what's her problem?"

"S.P. thinks I'm invincible. I keep trying to tell her that Mind Fracture has a better chance than me."

"Mind Fracture?"

"My other friend", Cloud stated, "Come on, I'll show you."

Rainbow followed Cloud back into the sky. Since she met Sugar Pie, she didn't exactly feel right. She wanted to be mad at the mare, but she only felt like she was going to puke. It had something to do with how she protected Cloud. Argh! she screamed in her head, feelings are so confusing! She flipped over on her back as she flew beside Cloud. She couldn't think of anything to say, so she just flew quietly and fought the confusing emotions inside of her.

Cloud on the other hoof, was mentally slapping himself over and over again. Stupid! Oh, go on, let her meet your closest friend, another MARE! Great idea, Cloud, he thought. That didn't at all go how he wanted. Since he never hung out at anyplace, all Cloud had left to do was introduce Rainbow Dash to his friends. But he only had two that he thought were cool enough for him to introduce to the rainbow maned mare. And the first one really didn't get along with Rainbow at all. All I want to do is impress her…

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize how far he had flown to until he heard the "THWAK" of a sword striking wood. He snapped back to reality and looked down to see a blue Pegasus attacking a practice dummy. Whoa, lucky, he thought, knowing that they could have easily flown in the wrong direction.

"Hey, Fracture!" His shout startled the practicing stallion, who nearly dropped his sword. He looked up to see them and shot them a smile and a wave. Cloud landed and trotted up to the Pegasus Pony.

Rainbow watched them brohoof. She was kind of afraid to go near the blue Pegasus. She didn't know whether it was the battle scar over his left eye or the fact that he looked real scary with the sword slung over his shoulder.

"So, who might you be?" he asked, turning to her and giving her a small bow.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, the—"

"Best flyer in Equestria", Cloud interrupted teasingly.

Rainbow used it to her advantage, "See? I'm so good, even Cloud knows it."

"That's quite the title to give yourself", Fracture stated, "I have no doubt you can live up to it."

Huh? Why isn't he protecting Cloud? Rainbow asked herself, thinking about Sugar Pie earlier.

"Can I offer you anything, Rainbow Dash?"

Fracture received a stare from her. "What?"

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" he asked more specifically.

"Oh, uh, no thanks I'm good."

"Have you heard yet?" Cloud asked Fracture, changing the subject before things got even more awkward.

"Heard what?"

"Sprinkle's telling everypony, so I'm just gonna tell it straight." Cloud took a deep breath. "Tomorrow I'm racing Rainbow Dash."

Fracture dropped his sword in shock. "And you're serious?"

Cloud nodded. "Yep."


Rainbow Dash finally had enough. "Okay, just what's going on? All over the place ponies have started acting weird when they hear Cloud's racing me. What gives?"

Fracture took a step back. He wasn't going to explain that one. It was Cloud's responsibility. "That one is for you, Cloud."

Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof impatiently. "I'm waiting."

Cloud sighed. "I've only raced twice in my whole life. And both times I won. Kinda got famous and ever since everypony has wanted me to race again. I kept telling everypony I wasn't until finally they took the hint and stopped bothering me. That's why."

"Why didn't you want to race anymore?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Just never felt like it."

"Why do you want to race me?"

"Because you're cool Rainbow Dash!" Cloud chirped. "It's gonna be so awesome to race you!"

"Really?" Rainbow Dash felt a blush tug at her face.

"You betcha!" Cloud gave her a wide grin.

For a second, just a second, they took a real, true look into each other's eyes. Both of them felt a skipped beat in their chest. It was almost as time stopped, and at that point they both felt the happiest feeling they had ever felt. That was until an unfortunate interruption.

"Cloud! Yoo-hoo! Cloud!"

The shouting caused the three to look up to see a purple Pegasus gliding down to them.

"Hi, Mayor!"

"Hello, Mayor." Fracture took a step back to watch the conversation. He felt he had talked enough already.

The Mayor of Canyon Run landed shakily in front of them. "Sprinkle just told me!"

"Oh, boy…" Cloud gave his forehead a good smack.

"I've come to let you know that I will be coordinating with the Mayor of Ponyville and together we will set up the largest course ever created for your race!"

The mention of Mayor Mare's caused a bit of confusion for Rainbow. "Wait, how did you know I live in Ponyville?"

"The Mayor happens to be my cousin, Rainbow Dash. She, like me, takes much pride in our citizens."

"Mayor, does it have to be such a big deal?" Cloud inquired.

"Why of course!" she answered, as if he should know why. "The very thought of two of Equestria's finest fliers in a race will bring our towns so much publicity."

"I should've known…" Cloud mumbled.

"I would advise you both to go home and rest. You'll need every advantage for tomorrow's race."

"No thanks", Rainbow Dash said. "We'll be fine without it. I want to see more of this place first!"

"Yeah, Mayor, we're chock full of energy!"

"Oh, well, in that case I'll leave you to do whatever it is you were doing", the Mayor said, turning to leave. She looked over her shoulder. "Oh, Cloud, I almost forgot to remind you, the Cloud Star Festival is tonight."

"IT IS!?" Instantly, Cloud forgot about everything in existence. Before anypony could blink, he was in the sky, flying into the sunset. His shouting could be heard even when he became a mere spec against the setting sun. The last thing they all heard was something about how somepony should have told him weeks ago.

"Where'd he go?" Rainbow Dash asked, wide-eyed. She didn't think about darting after him; she would rather know where she was going and not get lost.

The purple mare stretched her wings. "Flare, I must really get to Ponyville to coordinate for tomorrow. Be a dear and give Rainbow Dash the story please."

"Of course, Mayor." He waited for her to fly off in the opposite direction of Cloud. Casting a glance at Rainbow Dash, he opened his wings and sheathed his sword. "Shall we?"

It's about time we got off the ground, she thought. "I thought you'd never ask!" She jumped into the air.

He followed suit, taking the lead. "I guess I should start with what the Cloud Star Festival is." He started off in the direction of Cloud.

"Yeah. Cloud really likes it, huh?" Rainbow Dash wondered just what about it got him so fired up.

"That would be an understatement", he explained with a chuckle, "The Cloud Star Festival is Cloud's favorite event of the year. He loves it more than anypony."

"Why? What's so great about a festival?"

A warm updraft whooshed from under them. Fracture stopped flapping his wings and ascended in a glide. "This particular festival happens to celebrate the day Cloud got his Cutie Mark."

The cyan Pegasus nearly fell out of the air. "Whoa! Really!? A whole festival!?"

"Yeah, but it didn't start that way."

By now a low rumble could be heard in the distance. Fracture changed direction and zeroed in on the far away music. "I won't tell you how he got it, but I'll tell you that it started as a party thrown by his family, and, well, it grew."

Rainbow Dash had seen the festival, and even at that distance could tell how massive it was. "No kidding."

"It lasts until midnight, when he finally passed out from fatigue."

"Just midnight?" she snickered, "Please, I can easily go 'til three."

Fracture only shook his head sarcastically. He knew that saying anything else over the next three seconds wouldn't matter to her. They were only seconds from flying over the biggest party Rainbow Dash would probably ever see. Her mind was about to be blown.