Ace Combat: The Equestrian War

by PolishValsion

Chapter 11: Encounter

Revelling in their outstanding victory,

The ponies are earned a short breather.

But the enemy hadn’t raised the white flag yet.

When the snow melts, new mission begins.

Chapter 11


April 11th, 2019

0700 hrs

Gryphus, Griffin Palace Halls

The casualties sustained by the Griffin Army during the battle at The Burning Talon and the destruction of said superweapon were nearly crippling for them. Many saw that their glorious land wasn’t invincible, and they could, in fact, be defeated by the ponies. Needless to say, neither Black Star nor Red Cyclone, especially the latter, were pleased by this. They attempted to recruit additional soldiers to their army, but many griffins outwardly refused to join the ranks.

        “Those cowards! Their sabotaging our campaign!” Red Cyclone yelled.

He and Black Star were traversing the halls of the palace. The dark griffon tried to restrain his emotions.

        “It would seem that we pay the price for underestimating our foes. The Talon squadron has been nearly decimated. That last battle didn’t prove positive for the troops’ morale. If we are to succeed in this war, we must devise a new strategy...”

        “Keep strategy to yourself, Black Star! I know what must be done. What bothers me is that the general still refuses to take any kinds of action so we could regain the lost ground!” Red Cyclone couldn’t comprehend his superior’s way of thinking.

        “Our general is planning ahead. Something you should learn from him.”

These words slightly angered the crimson griffon, but he knew that his companion was telling the truth. Perhaps he should’ve been a bit more perspective. Regardless of failures they have suffered, the spirits of the griffins were still high. What they needed was a quick victory. An occasion had spurred just recently.

In spite of his anger, Red Cyclone mentioned he managed to get in contact “an old friend of his”. He didn’t reveal any details but stated to Black Star that he will meet her when they get to main chamber. Once they were there, both of them saw a female griffon waiting for them with a grin. Red Cyclone shook her claw in respect.

        “Good to see you again.... G.”

        “Spare me the introduction,” she said with an arrogant voice.

        “What’s the reason you brought me here, Red Cyclone? You know I have no interest in this war of yours.”

        “Of that, I’m aware,” the crimson griffon responded.

        “But I thought you should know that an old friend of yours is hindering our progress.”

The griffon referred to as “G” didn’t know what Red Cyclone meant. She didn’t have many friends, so remembering one shouldn’t have been a problem, but still... He proceed to tell her about a group of seven pegasi which continuously foiled the griffins’ plans of invasion. As the conversation went on, Black Star kept on observing his partner with a bit of skepticism. “G” still seemed to be unconvinced, albeit interested to learn more about these winged ponies.

Red Cyclone showed her a picture of the group, and after a brief observation, she noticed a familiar looking blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. She couldn’t believe her eyes... The crimson griffon noticed her reaction upon seeing the pegasi.

        “Now do you understand? These ponies have utterly taken your friend. She’s ain’t coming back. The pegasus is no longer going to fly alongside you. She abandoned what you two had in common just so she can protect other wimpy ponies. If you want her back, you’ll most likely have to kill her teammates. Otherwise...”

The female griffon’s eyes flared with anger.

        “And I thought that Dash would become a bit smarter after I’ve left... Guess I’m gonna have to show her what stupid mistake she made!”

        “Does this mean you’re going to take a part in the incoming attack on Ponyville?”

        “Count me in. But I’m flying solo,” the female responded.

        “Suit yourself. I’ll see you at 1100 hours.”

Without saying any parting words, “G” left the chamber. She appeared visibly shaken to Black Star. He approached Red Cyclone and asked:

        “Do you know what you’re doing?”

        “Any kind of deception is good to lure someone to your side. Besides, she’s pretty good. At least she’ll give those equines a hard time.”

        “I just hope your strategy won’t backfire at you again,” Black Star muttered.

        "Just you wait and see. We’re going to enjoy this!” the crimson griffon laughed evilly.


1110 hrs

Ponyville airspace

Rainbow Dash was taking a well-deserved rest among the fluffy clouds. Any military affairs from the griffins have ceased for about two months, with only small battles going on as they tried to recapture some cities. Fortunately, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle kept their eyes open and led the ponies under their command through a successive chain of victories. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the griffins would finally ask for a peace settlement. The pegasi from Mirage squadron were now off-duty most of the time, so they took this precious breather to spend some time on having fun rather than fighting.

But on this day, while Rainbow was “swimming” on the clouds, her communicator suddenly beeped. It was Lightning Bolt and she seemed very nervous. The blue pegasus asked her to calm down and then she explained the whole situation.

        “The griffins are on the move again! Gale’s report indicates they’re heading toward Ponyville! Come back to Canterlot, we gotta scramble ASAP!”

        “I’m on it!”, Rainbow replied and after she departed to the base, she said to herself: “Finally, some action. I don’t mind peace at all, but these guys are just asking for a throughout beating.”

The second she got within Canterlot’s vicinity, Rainbow noticed her friends flying toward her. It seemed they couldn’t afford to waste much time. The rainbow-maned flier instantly joined in the formation, next to Firefly. She mentioned to everypony that a large group of bandits was sighted coming from Cloudsdale. Rainbow briefly drowned herself in thoughts when she remembered her home town but heard every word Firefly was saying. It would seem the griffins were targeting three major areas in Ponyville: Sweet Apple Acres, known to be a sort of food bunker for the town, the main square and there were even some rumors they would try to attack from the outskirts. This would allow them to flank in and defeat anypony within the town’s perimeter.

As the winged mares were approaching Ponyville, Firefly went on to distribute the ponies to guard specific areas.

        “I’ll stay at the town center. Supposedly, that’s where the main attack force will appear. Rainbow, you’re gonna defend Sweet Apple Acres, while Butterfly will stay on the outskirts. Just to make sure nothing bad will happen behind our backs. You two get to choose an additional wingmare for assistance.”

Rainbow picked Medley and Fluttershy chose Derpy. The green pegasus showed signs of excitement, as she was able to fly alongside her idol of a sort. Lightning Bolt and Cloud Kicker joined up with Firefly.

        “Remember to work together. We have a better chance as a team. If you encounter any griffins, you’re clear to engage and take down. Mirage squadron, fly!”

The seven pegasi split, with Fluttershy and Derpy flying south toward the yellow mare’s cottage. Rainbow took a course to the north. She was notified that Applejack and her family were willing to provide any possible support. Medley wondered what would she mean by that, and Rainbow reminded her of the pies that ponies used to transfer from Applelossa some time ago. They were kept in Applejack’s barn almost like in a giant fridge, thanks to the magic Colgate provided every few days. The pies were not only fresh and digestible, they could also be used as effective weapons.

Gale contacted them and reminded that the bandits may approach the Acres within 10 minutes. Both of the fliers prepared themselves. Their opponents appeared as predicted. It was a group of merely six griffins, with the majority of them coming from Northwind squadron. Rainbow recognized Zeakros, while Medley caught a glimpse on Edge, who hailed from his own team. None of them knew they were being watched by someone from the shadows...-----------------

1123 hrs

Ponyville Town Square

Firefly, Lightning Bolt and Cloud Kicker were already engaged in dogfights with several griffins. Their arrival came sooner than expected. But the three pegasi were not alone in this fight. While Apple Bloom was helping her sister at the Acres, her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, could finally test their latest contraption: a homemade catapult. Using several objects they happened to gather in the past few weeks, the fillies continuously launched them at the feathered warriors. It not only broke their concentration on battling the pegasi, but also rendered them vulnerable to their attacks. The citizens of Ponyville even helped them re-collect the objects so they could be used as abnormal ammunition.

Slip, having come with Edge’s squadron, tried to destroy the catapult several times, but each of his attempts were foiled by either the Mirage pegasi or the Cutie Mark Crusaders launching food at him. Frustrated beyond belief and having suffered heavy damage (plus, having an orange stuck in his beak), the griffon was forced to flee, with several of his companions following suit. Some, however, stayed and were ready to fight to the end. Firefly and her friends fought bravely and eventually, after an hour of long battle, managing to defeat majority of the assailants and suffering only minor bruises, they messaged Gale that the main Ponyville airspace was successfully defended.

Fluttershy also reported that no griffins were sighted on the outskirts, with an exception of Jet. Along with Derpy, she clashed with him and managed to hold the attacker away. This earned both pegasi a praise from their leader, who told them to move toward Sweet Apple Acres to assist Rainbow Dash and Medley. It was then that Fluttershy suddenly stopped in mid-air. Derpy noticed it.

        “Hey, Fluttershy. Is something wrong?” she asked.

        “I... I think the air is changing. It’s becoming heavy... something bad is going to happen...”

The grey mare had no idea what her friend meant, but then, she suddenly screamed: “Rainbow!” and started flying at high speed. Derpy tried to keep up and learn something more, but Fluttershy simply said they have to get to Applejack’s farm quickly, or a terrible thing will occur.


1232 hrs

Sweet Apple Acres

Rainbow Dash and Medley had managed to drive the griffins away. Thanks to Applejack’s stockpile of frozen apple pies, the two fliers put them to good use by throwing them straight at their foes’ beaks. Despite mild warmth that was usually present at this time of year, the edible weapons were, at least, a good distraction. When a griffon had to avoid being smacked by an incoming pie, he was left wide open for Rainbow or Medley to attack him. Eventually, all of them left the area.

Both pegasi were now helping the Apple family with gathering the pies that hit the ground, when suddenly Rainbow heard a female voice from above:

        “Lookin’ good as always, eh, Dash?”

TThe blue pegasus looked up and... At first she thought it was a hallucination or something, but after she approached the figure who spoke to her, she instantly recognized it. It was her ex-friend... a female griffon with attitude matching her own...

        “Gilda!? What... what are you doing here?”

        “Can’t you tell?” she replied nonchalantly.

        “I just wanted to visit an old friend of mine. Look... I’m kinda sorry for what happened back then... y’know. If it’s OK with you, Dash, I want to talk to you about it... alone,” Gilda added, when looking at Medley.

The green pegasus was looking at her as well, trying to figure out what she had in mind. The female griffon didn’t made a friendly impression on her.

Rainbow remembered how Gilda acted when Pinkie Pie threw a party in her honor that turned out to be a giant set of pranks, which the blue pegasus herself had made. Gilda’s outburst and her declaration that ponies are nothing, but “a lamer bunch of dweebs” led to them ending their friendship. It was slightly surprising that Gilda wanted to apologize all of a sudden, but Rainbow believed her words. She asked Medley to wait for her while she’ll go talk to her old friend, but the green pegasus was reluctant to do so.

        “Rainbow, I have a bad feeling about this. She doesn’t seem friendly...”

        “Y’know, Kid, appearances can be deceiving. Look, it won’t take long, it will be just a short talk between old friends. Nothing bad will happen, really.”

Neither of the ponies noticed Gilda's chuckling. Medley still tried to persuade Rainbow not to go.

        “I don’t know... What if it’s a trap set up by the enemy?”

        “As far as I know, Gilda is not interested in taking a part in this war. Right, G?” she exclaimed to the female griffon.

        “That's right. If I wanted to kill any of you, ponies, I would have joined the Griffin Army as soon as the war begun, don’t you think?” Gilda told Medley with a smug.

The green flier still seemed unconvinced. Rainbow then said:

        “Listen. If I don’t come back within ten minutes, you’re free to call the rest of the team and start searching for me. OK?”

        “O-OK,” Medley replied.

Rainbow then joined Gilda and the two flew off to the clouds above. The young pegasus was still having many doubts in her mind when her communicator beeped and Firefly asked for a report on the situation. When Medley told her that Rainbow went off to talk with her old griffon friend, the pink pegasus yelled at her with frustration.

        “GO AFTER THEM, RIGHT NOW! I can bet my cutie mark this is going to be a set-up! We’ll be there soon! Keep an eye on them from a safe distance and monitor the events for us. Do NOT engage the griffins, under any circumstances. You understand, Kid?”

        “Y—Yes, Flash. I—I’m sorry...” Medley spluttered.

        “It’s alright, I don’t blame you. I just can’t help to think about this sudden excusing act as anything else than a trap. Watch yourself. Flash out!”

Medley started flying slowly to the location where Rainbow Dash and Gilda flew. She felt bad for not standing up to her friend and being unable to convince her to stay. But she knew that it wasn’t a good time to blame herself.


1304 hrs

Ponyville airspace

Gilda led Rainbow Dash through the sea of clouds until they reached a certain point where the female griffon stopped. The blue flier asked her:

        “So, G... What you wanna talk about? It’s not like there’s a war going on or anything like that...” she added sarcastically.

Gilda turned around and her yellow eyes rested on the pegasus. She was still trying to resist the anger within. Her mind was focused on learning of Rainbow’s alignment.

        “I’m just curious... are you getting along with other ponies? Especially your wingmares?”

While Rainbow wasn’t expecting that kind of question, she answered positively. The griffon asked further questions about her allies, but it seemed that with every passing minute, Gilda was slowly losing patience. Rainbow had no idea what these questions were supposed to mean. Finally, the female griffon reached out her own communicator and said a single word: “Go”.

WWithin a few seconds, four other griffins suddenly burst out from the clouds, scattering them and surprising Rainbow Dash. Before she could react, each of them grabbed one of her legs and held her tight with their claws. The blue pegasus was completely immobilized!

        “Gilda! What the hay is this?!” she exclaimed angrily.

The griffon roared with laughter.

        “I can’t believe it... You fell for the oldest trick in the book! Seriously, what’s wrong with you, Dash? I see those ponies had changed you completely. You made a huge mistake by staying with them, and I’m afraid I’m gonna have to punish you for it.”

Her words were filled with malice. Rainbow tried to free herself from the griffins’ grasp, but all attempts failed. She looked at Gilda in disbelief.

        “You deceived me!” she screamed.

Gilda laughed again.

        “You’ve finally caught on. A little too late, though.”

The griffon slowly flew up to Rainbow and stared into her eyes for a while before she stabbed the pegasus’ flank with a claw without warning. Rainbow groaned in pain when the sharp talons pierced her vest and coat. Gilda looked at her menacingly before punching her in the stomach. Moments later, Gilda started head-butting and pecking Rainbow in the forehead between the punches. While the four griffins that were holding Dash kept laughing, the female attacker continuously attacked Rainbow Dash. At one point, Gilda hit her so hard that Rainbow’s forehead started bleeding.

Medley was close in the vicinity and hid in the clouds, remembering Firefly’s order to stay put and not fight the feathered soldiers. But seeing Rainbow Dash being in immense pain was unbearable to watch for the green pegasus. She quickly reported to Firefly that Gilda is torturing Rainbow and asked them to reach them as fast as possible. The response wasn’t positive; she and the other pegasi had ran into another flight of griffins and were currently busy driving them off. Medley said:

        “Then I’ll try to free Rainbow. You girls hurry, please!”

        “I specifically ordered you to NOT engage the griffins, Medley!” Firefly reminded her.

        “I know that! But I can’t ignore a friend in need! Forgive me, Flash, but I’m afraid I cannot comply to your order!” she sounded a little desperate.

        “Kid! Don’t do anything stupid! You don’t stand a chance against them! They will kill you!” Firefly yelled.

        “Just wait for us. We’re on our way!”

But Medley was determined to help Rainbow, even if it meant putting her life in danger. She had made up her mind. Firefly kept calling her to stop, but the green pegasus cut the link and flew straight toward the griffins.

Rainbow was panting heavily. Gilda pummeled her relentlessly, leaving bleeding claw marks and a few bruises on the pegasus’ body. When the griffon came closer again and delivered another painful punch in Rainbow’s stomach, the blue flier asked with a broken voice:

        “Why...? Why are you doing this?”

Gilda responded by slapping Rainbow’s cheek with her right wing and shouting:

        “Why? Need I remind you of the humiliation I’ve experienced from you and your pony dweebs? I thought you would become smarter under my absence, but staying with them apparently brainwashed you. It’s just as Red Cyclone told me...”

Rainbow suddenly lifted her head upon hearing that name. It became clear for her. Red Cyclone somehow convinced Gilda to join them by stating that the ponies made the blue pegasus their slave of a sort. She tried to explain to the griffon that she’d been tricked, but the half lion-eagle didn’t listen and slowly ran her talon across Rainbow’s cheek, causing great pain to her.

        “RAINBOW DASH!!!”

Medley suddenly flew from behind, surprising everyone. Striking one of the griffins holding Rainbow with full strength, one of the assailants was sent plummeting down. Before anyone could react, the green pegasus flew to another opponent and swiftly kicked him in the beak, following with a powerful buck in neck. He, too, fell down. Rainbow was free, albeit wounded.

        “Run, Rainbow! Before they get you! I’ll try to hold them off!”

        “Kid...?” the blue pegasus asked. “I thought I told you to stay and wait... Or did ten minutes passed already?” she chuckled.

        “I’m sorry for not listening to you, Rainbow. But I couldn’t ignore the situation any longer. I knew something bad would happen and—”

Before Medley could finish the sentence, she suddenly heard Gilda appearing right behind her and saying: “Gotcha.” The green pegasus squealed in pain. The griffon used the opportunity when Medley was not focused on her surroundings and her wings were now in Gilda’s grasp. She attempted to wiggle herself free and even hit her captor, but Gilda only tightened the grip further, causing excruciating torment to Medley.

        "AAHHH! Stop! Stop, it hurts!" she cried.

        "It's supposed to hurt. I hate when someone ruins my fun! You'll regret it!" Gilda roared.

        "Rainbow! Help!"

Rainbow watched it in horror. Reacting immediately, she tried to attack Gilda in hopes of freeing her friend, but the griffon exclaimed:

        “If you come any closer, Dash, I’ll pluck her wings and she’ll never fly again!”

That threat shocked the blue pegasus.        “You wouldn’t!”

        “Wanna bet?” Gilda asked sadistically.

        “Leave her out of this! If you want to exact your revenge, then I’m your opponent! Let Medley go, Gilda! NOW!!!” Rainbow screamed.

The female griffon couldn’t help but laugh, seeing both pegasi utterly at her mercy.

        “And to think we used to be friends... You’re an even bigger loser than before. Compared to you, I’m not restricted by any feelings. It’s very practical,” she added with satisfaction.

Rainbow was trying to control her emotions, but it was very difficult. She suddenly started gasping for air, feeling dizzy. Gilda noticed it.

        “Seems I’ve hurt you a little too much. But that’s what happens when you’re undecided.”

        “...Curse you,” Rainbow muttered.

Gilda started laughing again.

“Why do you blame me? If you were a little smarter, I might have refrained from doing some rough stuff. You have no one to blame but yourself in this situation!”

She said it with a wicked grin on her face, knowing she hit Rainbow straight in her weak spot with full force. The blue pegasus stared at the griffon with a blank expression. Medley tried to free herself once more.

“Lemme go, you... Rainbow, don’t listen to her! She’s just trying to... AAAHHH!”

Gilda increased the strength of the grip on her wings even further, yanking them brutally.

“Did I tell you that you could move or talk? Stay quiet if you know what’s good for you. Unless you want to become a wingless dweeb...”

One her talons pierced Medley’s left wing. The young mare yelped. She wasn’t bluffing. Gilda could really be aiming to rip her wings off! To a pegasus, losing its wings was a fate worse than death. Medley would also no longer be capable of helping Rainbow Dash and the rest of Mirage squadron.

She wasn’t struggling anymore. Poor Medley was terrified beyond belief. Her lips quivered and she sobbed. Gilda leaned closer to her.

“What’s the matter, crybaby? Want me to go on?” she whispered sinisterly.

“No... N-N-No... please... Please, d-don’t hurt me...” Medley begged. “Don’t hurt me...”

“Heh. That’s more like it.”

Knowing she was holding all the cards in this confrontation, Gilda turned to the powerless Rainbow again.

        “Look, Dash. I’m very disappointed in you... But perhaps there is a way to fix this.”

The blue flier didn’t knew what she meant, so Gilda explained:

        “Take a look around. As much I hate to admit it, ponies and griffins have much more in common than you may think. Both races are fighting for what they believe in. ...Or so they think. Black Star and Red Cyclone hold the Griffin Army in their tow and do whatever they feel with their soldiers.”

        “And they’ve dragged you into the war, too?” Rainbow guessed.

        “Yes, Dash. But only because I wanted to see you again. I really hoped that we could try to be friends again. I see those ponies have completely brainwashed you, however. It seems that the only way to get you back is to kill them all!”

Rainbow couldn’t believe what she was hearing. No... this wasn’t Gilda, the griffon she you used to know. She changed completely. The blue pegasus knew that she was running low on time and stamina, so asked Gilda how she plans to fix their problem.

        “There are two ways you can choose, Dash. One: you can try to stop me, but then, I will kill this pegasus. Or two: you can abandon your squadron and Equestria altogether and join me!”

        “Why should I wanna do that?” Rainbow asked.

        “Because together, we are better than anyone else. We could start our own campaign, become the greatest and coolest fliers this world has ever known! Think about it, Dash...”

Neither of these choices were beneficial for Rainbow. If she’d choose to abandon Equestria, she would be branded a traitor and most likely banished, never to return. And turning her back on her friends was against her nature as the Element of Loyalty. But she couldn’t bring herself to leaving Medley’s fate in Gilda’s talons. She looked somberly at the green pegasus.

        “So, Dash, what’s it gonna be?” the griffon was getting impatient.


Gilda’s face lightened with a smirk, but it vanished seconds later when Rainbow exclaimed:

        “I’m sorry... but I can’t abandon Equestria! Or my friends! I will never leave them behind! You’re not giving me a choice at all, G! Medley... I don’t know how, but I WILL save you!”

The green pony welcomed that statement with a big, yet worried smile.

        “I knew you would say that, Dash. After all, you are an Element of Loyalty. You always value your friends over everything else.”

        “That includes you, Medley!” Rainbow said, with a shaky voice.

        “In our team, everypony is equal! Nopony is more or less important! You are my friend and companion! Don’t you EVER forget it!”

Gilda was getting annoyed by her failure to convince Rainbow. She thrust her talons into Medley’s wings, making her scream and writhe in pain.

        “Oh... how touching. I would probably be moved to tears... If I wasn’t trying to kill you!”

Rainbow flew directly at Gilda, but before she could hit her, the griffon moved Medley in front of her and tried to use her as a living shield. The blue pegasus looked at Gilda with disgust; using such cowardly tactics was unworthy of a griffon. Suddenly, the feathered tormentor increased altitude while squeezing both of Medley’s wings, yanking and bending them sharply.

        "HELP ME!"

To the horror of both her and Rainbow, a sound of snapping bones could be heard in the dead silence. Medley fell silent. Rainbow stopped dead where she was. Gilda laughed loudly. Then, one of the griffins still present in the area notified her about the upcoming enemy reinforcements. She noticed the Mirage squadron was approaching.

        “Aw, crud... and I was just starting to have fun. Oh well, we’ll finish this another day, Dash. Here, catch!”

Saying this, she released Medley. The battered pegasus was unable to move her wings, so Rainbow flew forward and caught her. She saw Gilda leaving.

        “See you next time! And for your sake, I hope you’ll be smarter than today! Find a reason to fight... or else.”

She left the airspace, laughing maniacally. Rainbow looked at the horizon, grinding her teeth in anger.

        “Gilda... You will pay dearly for this treachery”.


1418 hrs

Airspace above Ponyville

Rainbow turned her attention to Medley, cradled in her arms. The green pegasus was sobbing, but this eased Dash’s worries; at least she was alive.

        “My wings... I-I I can’t... move them... I-I-I can’t even... f-feel them!” Medley cried.

        “Rainbow... sniff... did... did she...?!”

        “Calm down. Your wings are still intact,” Rainbow assured her.

They seemed fractured, however. Medley tried to flap them, but it only sent a stream of pain through her body.

        “I-I-I... I heard... my bones... were breaking... R-R-Rainbow... I was.... s-so.... scared....!”

Unable to restrain her feelings anymore, Medley bursted into tears. The blue pegasus hugged her gently, but was on the verge of crying herself. Her voice was still shaking.

        “Stop blubbering... Everything will be OK...”

The rest of the Mirage squadron approached them. Fluttershy gasped upon seeing Rainbow all scratched and beaten up. She came closer and tried to lick her bleeding wounds.

        "Rainbow, who did this to you?" Cloud Kicker asked, visibly shaken.

       "My old friend, Gilda," she replied with a monotonous voice. "Never mind me, Medley needs you more, girls."

Lightning Bolt inspected Medley briefly. The pony’s condition was pretty bad.

        “Her wings are badly damaged, maybe even broken. We must get her to the infirmary!”

Firefly came closer. Medley looked at her with misty eyes and groaned:

“Flash... I’m sorry... for disobeying you. Sniff... I-I... I just...”

        “It’s alright, you don’t have to explain yourself,” the pink mare interrupted.

        “I can only praise you in this situation. Thanks to your efforts, Rainbow is still alive. And so are you.”

        “But... I've disobeyed your order...”

Medley couldn’t comprehend why the leader was praising her instead of being angry.        “You did what was best. If a soldier follows orders blindly, it will slowly lose its free will,” Firefly explained.

        “A free will is what defines a sentient being. Without that will, you might just as well be a slave. It’s one of those things you should know. Those without strong wills can be easily turned to evil.”

Cloud Kicker wondered what Firefly meant by that last statement, but Firefly continued.

        "Sometimes an order alone isn't enough. You need to follow your mind and heart as well. Just like you did, Medley. You can be proud of yourself."

Medley smiled dimly. Firefly then ordered Cloud Kicker and Lightning Bolt to carry Medley to Canterlot Hospital as quickly as possible. Once they left, the pink pegasus called out to others to return back to the capital.

But Rainbow was just hovering in midair, looking at her hooves. The vision was getting blurry to her...

        “This is all my fault...” she muttered to herself.

Firefly and Fluttershy approached her. Rainbow was bleeding from several wounds, had difficulties with maintaining a straight flight and seemed unstable.

        “You should visit the hospital too, Rainbow,” Fluttershy suggested.

        “It’s just a few scratches. I don’t even feel them. I'm fine,” Dash replied in that strangely monotone voice again.

When the yellow pegasus reiterated her plea, Rainbow yelled:

        “I SAID I’M FINE!”

Fluttershy shivered. Firefly questioned Rainbow’s outburst, but the pegasus started blabbering, saying each word louder than the previous one:

        “It’s my fault. It all happened because of me. I trusted Gilda. I thought we would be friends again! But she played on my trust! It’s thanks to my naivety that Medley almost died!”

Firefly grabbed Rainbow’s shoulders and looked into her eyes, trying to calm her down.

        “Relax, Rainbow! You are both alive! It could’ve been much worse...”

        “WORSE?” Rainbow screamed. “NONE of this would have happened if I wasn’t a complete IDIOT! This... I... was... I......!”

Before either of the pegasi could say anything, Rainbow unleashed a very loud, chilling scream.

She couldn’t hold it anymore. She released her entire frustration, anger and contempt for Gilda. Firefly only stared at her, dumbfounded, but Fluttershy was visibly shaken and scared. The yellow pegasus never saw Dash acting like this before.

When Rainbow’s scream died out, a stream of tears flew from her eyes. She couldn’t see anything now and just gazed at the clouds, unable to move anything except for her wings.

        “This is all my fault... all my fault...” she stammered, sobbing uncontrollably.

Fluttershy came closer to Rainbow and gave her a hug, trying to settle her emotions. She said:

        “Rainbow... let’s go back.”

But then, the blue pegasus started to act dizzy again. She tried to reach her hoof out for help, but suddenly her eyes closed and she fell on Fluttershy’s shoulder. The yellow flier panicked.

“Rainbow?! Rainbow! What’s wrong? Wake up!”

But the blue pegasus didn’t quaver. Fluttershy was fearing the worst.

“No...! No, this can’t be! Rainbow, please wake up! Please, don’t die! Rainbow!!!”

“Calm down, Butterfly,” Firefly got closer.

        “Rainbow’s alive, she just collapsed due to blood loss. Let’s get her to the infirmary, stat!”

Fluttershy stopped trembling. Rainbow’s numerous wounds were left mostly untreated. The two fliers took their hurt friend on their backs and flew back to Canterlot to join the others. But even when she was unconscious, tears still dripped from Rainbow’s eyes, along with blood. Her soul was shattered. She experienced betrayal by someone who used to be her friend and tried to kill her new friend. Firefly could tell Rainbow was suffering, even in her sleep and felt sorry for her.

When the other Mirage pegasi saw the blue flier’s state, they felt worried, too. And could only hope that the situation would not be as severe as it seemed.

It wasn’t.

It was much worse.