//------------------------------// // Chapter III: Royal Slaughter // Story: Light and Darkness // by Evil Twilight //------------------------------//          Spike woke up to loud noises coming from what he guessed the kitchen. He looked at the clock that was mounted on the door and it read ’12:15 am’. He even looked over at Twilight’s bed and saw there is no Twilight sleeping in it.         ”She must have gotten hungry during the night or something,” Spike thought to himself as he go out of his bed. “I’ll go see what she’s stirring up in the kitchen.”         Spike knew that Twilight wasn’t a good cook in the slightest so she was probably getting some crackers or something. As he was walking down the stairs late at night, it sounded like pots and pans were being tossed around in the kitchen.         Confused and tired, Spike’s curiosity got the better of him and he peeked into the kitchen. To his surprise, he saw the outline of what he thought was Twilight.         But then he focuses more on the figure that was half covered by the fridge door and saw that it was Twilight, thankfully the light of the fridge illuminated what he could see of Twilight but Spike quickly noticed that Twilight wasn’t her normal colours.         First of all her coat with a grayish-brownish, and her cutie mark was still there but it was a darker tint of black. Her tail was the same colour as her coat but her normal pink stripes that went along her tail were darker shades of black. When he looked down at her hooves, he saw that they were completely white up to where the fur of her coat met.         “Um, Twilight? Is that you?” Spike approached her slightly freaked out. ‘Twilight’ stopped what she was doing and close the fridge door and looked at Spike with her purple cat-like eyes. Twilight’s horn was still there, however her mane was the same colour pattern as her tail and it was ruffled and messy. “Twilight?” Spike turned around to start running. The beast smirked as it pounced on Spike and they rolled several feet before crashing into the wall right next to the staircase that lead up to Twilight’s room. The beast smirked at him as Spike finally opened his eyes to get a good look at the beast. “We are not Twilight Sparkle,” the beast told Spike. “We are the dark power that consumed Princess Luna when she became Nightmare Moon. After Twilight Sparkle and the other Elements of Harmony defeated us, we had nowhere to go, so we hid in Twilight’s body, and waited for the right time to reveal ourselves. Sadly we can only stay in this form during the night. That was the same way with Nightmare Moon as well.” Tears began to form in Spike eyes as the beast began to reveal its razor sharp teeth. “Please! Give us back our Twilight and leave her alone!” “We’ll give her back as soon as Princess Luna is dead. When we saw her for the first time a couple days ago, we got excited and caused Twilight to go into that coma,” the beast began to laugh. Spike wanted to fight back but he knew he couldn’t. “You realize she and I spent the night with Twilight that first night?” The beast looked at him very surprised. “What? When we awoke in Twilight’s body that first night, she wasn’t there, only you! We saw a second sleeping bag next to you but we assumed it was one of Twilight’s stupid friends.” “Well, that was Luna’s sleeping bag, you must have missed her when she went to the bathroom or something,” Spike began to chuckle to himself. The beast stomped its hoof on the ground. “Dang it! Where is Luna staying right now?” Spike shrugged. “I don’t know.” The beast got up right his face. “Tell us! Or we’ll kill you!” “Fine, kill me, but know that Twilight will get her body back, you fiend!” Spike was prepared for the worst. The beast smiled as it drove its fangs into Spike’s face. It grabbed hold of a scale and started to tear it right off. Some dragon’s scales are inter-connected and Spike was unlucky to be one of those types of dragons so not only was he getting one scale ripped off, he was getting all the scales on his face ripped off. The beast pressed its hoof against Spike’s mouth to refrain him from screaming and alerting any guards as she continued to rip all the scales on his face off. It was very painful for Spike, like having your skin set on fire. And the pain was only doubled due to his young age. The beast spat out the long chain of scales next to it and looked back at Spike’s red pulsating face. The beast then looked down at his neck, Spike knew what it was going to do so he covered it up quickly. This attempted to stop the beast at eating this throat was futile as she ripped both Spike’s arms off with its magic at the blink of an eye. Spike’s youth and lack of body development made this job a snap. The two stubs where Spike’s arms use to be bled like a fountain. Before Spike could unleash a horrific yell, the beast drove it’s fangs into Spike’s throat, ripping out his windpipe and vocal cords along with it. Spike already losing so much blood and the amount of shock he was going through fainted right there on the spot. The beast got up and licked her lips clean of any blood. “Not going to make the same mistake as last time, should have cleaned her mouth before the night ended.” With Spike out of the way the beast walked over to a window. The beast saw at least eight guards walking around outside of the library. The beast’s first target was Flash Sentry, so it needed to track him down fast. The beast teleported to the top of a building that wasn’t too far from the city hall. To its surprising luck, she found Flash Sentry and one of the officers walking into a dark alley. The beast squeal in excitement as she tracked him as he went around to behind the building, almost completely out of sight of the rest of the officers. “I’m not going to lie Flash, I’m pretty scared,” the officer said while he was looking around from left to right. Flash rolled his eyes. “That’s why I’m going with you, come on man, you’ll be fine,” Flash smiled at him. “Thanks man, you’ve always been a good friend,” the officer said as he continued looking from left to right. Now was a perfect time to pounce on them for they were out of sight of any officers who may pass by the entrances into the alleyway. The beast jumped down at the regular officer first, driving its horn into the back of his neck. Her horn penetrated the jugular vein, his spinal cord, and his windpipe. The beast having monstrous reflexes, quickly took out her horn and pinned Flash against the building wall with its hooves. “Wh-what, wait, you’re the-” Flash was cut off by the beast. “The wolf that killed that stupid pegasus and her foal? Yes that’s us,” the beast smirked at him. Flash looked at the beast confused. “Why are you saying ‘we’ when there’s only one of you?” “That doesn’t matter right now, what matters now is that you and the rest of the officers here are going to pass, and you’re only the fourth! And note this Flash Sentry, we will kill you all, even if we have to do it one pony at a time!” the beast laughed as she opened her mouth exposing her razor sharp teeth. “Please don’t kill-” Flash was cut off by the fangs of the beast being driven into his neck. On the bright side, he no longer had to drench in the sorrow of not making Captain of the Royal Guard anymore. In fact, he didn’t have to worry about anything, ever again. ~         Princess Luna woke up and took a peek outside at the morning sky. She had slept in a private room in the city hall so it was like she was sleeping outside or something.         Luna was glad she didn’t have to worry about raising the moon at night during her time at Ponyville, especially with everything going on right now. However she did wake up rather early this morning.         Right before Luna stepped outside she had a feeling like something terrible happened, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. Ignoring the feeling, she just stepped outside anyway.         When she stepped outside she almost vomited at the sight she was seeing. Right in front of the Ponyville city hall were roughly about ten dead officers were their spinal cord hanging out of their necks.         Luna didn’t know what to do, so she ran to Twilight’s house being that she didn’t know where Doctor Whooves lived. When Luna tried to open the door, she was stopped by weeping coming from inside.         “Twilight! Are you in there?” Luna called out. Luna was getting worried extremely fast. Not only where there about twenty dead bodies all around Ponyville, but something might have happened to Twilight.         Twilight opened the door with her magic and Luna ran in to see if she was crying or not, and sure enough, she was. However, she had Spike, armless, faceless, and lifeless in her hooves.         Luna almost went into shock from the sight. Tears began to form in her eyes as she walked over and knelt down to Twilight’s eye level as she gazed at Spike in her hooves. His face was still bleeding slightly, but not very much.         “I-I don’t know what happen,” Twilight said through rough tears. “I woke up, and I came downstairs to see this, what happened?”         Luna stood up putting all the puzzle pieces together. “I think it might be the wolf.”         Twilight looked up at Luna. “But how? The wolf didn’t touch me!”         “This is a real head scratcher Twilight,” Luna said with a concern look. “First we have all those officers out there slaughtered, now we have this. Could it be there’s more than one wolf?”         “That doesn’t explain how the wolves didn’t touch me last night,” Twilight looked back down at Spike’s body and continued to cry over him.         “Well maybe Spike for some reason wandered outside and got caught in the wolf slaughter, and they dragged him back in here for some reason,” Luna knew that wasn’t a good reason being that the wolves failed to hide all the bodies outside.         Twilight carefully set Spike’s body down and got up. “Well, let’s go see what damage the wolves have done to this place.”         Luna got in front of Twilight. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”         Twilight gave Luna an evil look. “Luna.”         Luna was intimidated by that stare. This is nothing she had seen of Twilight, sure Spike was dead but still. It was almost, unnatural. Luna graciously stepped out of the way as Twilight walked over and pushed the door all the way open. After seeing Spike and the bloody mess all around him, Twilight fainted at the sight of seeing it ten to fifteen more times.         Luna walked over to Twilight who was passed out on the floor and then looked at all the bodies as ponies started to come out of their house and look at all of them in horror as they ran back into their house.         Grabbing a piece of paper and a quill, Luna wrote a message to her sister to send down the entire royal guard. Explaining what’s happening as well, she said that she’ll be watching over the night tonight, this wolf or these wolves must die.         Celestia replied to her that that was a completely horrendous idea but Luna did give a crap. Luna wanted the entire elite royal guard down here, this is obviously no ordinary wolf they’re dealing with.         Still thinking this was completely stupid idea, Celestia complied with Luna and sent down the elite royal guard as well as a cleanup team to take care of the bodies.         Twilight woke up not too long after Luna got the confirmation letter to bring down the royal guard and she was confused and still upset. “Luna, what’s going on?”         “I’m watching over the night tonight Twilight,” Luna looked determine.         Hearing that, Twilight quickly rushed to her hooves. However she started to feel dizzy from doing too fast and having the image of all those dead officers and Spike still in her head. “What are you thinking? You’re going to get yourself killed!”         Luna shook her head. “I’m pretty sure I can handle whatever being awaits me in the dark. I’ll be fine Twilight trust me!”         Twilight sighed. “Well, at least let me guard the night with you.”         “No Twilight, it is far too dangerous.” Luna said. “I also think you’re the wolf,” Luna thought to herself.         Twilight thought to herself for a brief moment and conceded. “Fine, but if you need any help, don’t hesitate to wake me up okay?” Twilight smiled.         Luna smiled back. “Okay Twilight thank you. Now if you excuse me I have to go reassure the town, I’m guessing you’re not coming with me?”         Twilight turned around. “Sorry, I don’t want to look at all those bodies out there, plus I have my own funeral to attend,” Twilight looked down at Spike’s lifeless body.         Luna nodded. “I understand, well, I’ll come get you if I find anything else. Bye, bye Twilight!” Luna waved as she walked out the door.         Twilight turned around and waved back. “Bye Luna!”         Luna walked out the door and towards the city hall. The cleanup crew had already arrived and was cleaning up the dead bodies and blood all over the town. Twilight upstairs to find something that she could put Spike’s body in to bury him outback.         “Luna seemed really aggravated at me specifically while she was visiting me. Does she not trust me or something? I hope that’s not the case,” Twilight had an unsure look on her face.         The entire town gathered at the city hall as the last of the bodies and blood were cleaned up. There was no sight of Mayor Mare, probably too scared to show her face. The current captain of the royal guard Shining Armor was at the city hall reassuring everypony that everything was going to be just fine.         As expected, nopony was listening to him. They were too scared that an entire armada of trained officers were slaughtered last night by one, maybe even many wolves last night. Luna then walked up next to Shining Armor then pulled him aside for a brief moment.         “Where’s my sister?” Shining Armor asked. “I need to protect her from the supposed wolves tonight.”         Luna was still convinced that Twilight was the wolf. But she understood his plead to see his sister but she still needed him around. “You can go see you sister later Shining Armor. Right now we need to focus on making sure the crowd is settled. I know this was your week off but being that Flash Sentry is dead we need you down here.”         Shining Armor looked around Luna so he could see Twilight’s house. “I know, but I need to go see my sister right now. And you should have called me down here first rather than Flash Sentry.”         Luna looked at him like he was some kind of idiot. “If we had sent you down here instead of Flash Sentry, then you would have died and Twilight would be in a greater range than she is right now.”         Shining Armor looked at her confused. “Wait, she’s upset right now? What happened?” Shining Armor was more inclined to go see his sister, but he knew that would result in an immediate strip of his title.         With slight hesitation, Luna answered him. “Spike is dead. Somehow the wolf managed to get ahold of Spike and it ripped him up.”         Shining Armor almost fainted on the spot. He had loved Spike and only to hear that he is now dead was truly deceiving. He was speechless, other than the fact that he now knows that this wolf or wolves must be stopped. He looked Luna in the eye with great determination. “This wolf needs to be stopped.”         Luna didn’t have the heart to tell him that his sister might have been the wolf, but that didn’t stop her from thinking that she was. Nodding at him, Luna walked over to the podium that rested at the end of the stage and spoke to the crowd and the guards standing behind the crowd.         “Everypony calm down please!” Luna announced. Everypony in the crowd instantly stopped talking.         “We understand you’re afraid, scared, but now we have much better protection. We have behind you the Canterlot royal guard and our Captain of the Royal Guard. The officers that were guarding us last night unfortunately didn’t stand a chance against the wolf or wolves last night. But we assure you, tonight you will be safe,” Luna said. She wasn’t sure if she should believe herself or not.         One of the ponies in the crowd spoke up. “And why should we believe you?”         Luna smirked. “Because I’m staying up tonight to look over Ponyville.”         Just about everypony in the crowd gasped at that statement. Even some of the royal guard members behind the crowd had horrifying looks on their faces.         “You may think I’m stupid, idiotic, and many things. And for all I know I might be! But I’m doing for the soul purpose that to make sure that everypony sleeps tonight knowing that Ponyville is in good hooves. If it gets really bad of course I can call my sister down here to help. All I want everypony to do tonight is to go to sleep soundly tonight. I promise everything will be okay,” Luna smiled as the crowd began to start cheering one by one.         “I hope I don’t regret what I just said,” Luna thought as she backed away from the stage and Shining Armor took her place.         “Ponies of Ponyville, I promise you that I and my royal guard will make sure Ponyville is safe for all that live within these walls. Please go about your days like you normally would. We will try to stay out of your way throughout the day. However expect some questions from one of us basically asking ‘do you know anything about the attack?’ Other than that, we will try our best to stay out of all of you all’s ways.         “We will be stationed at random points all around Ponyville and if we do get in your way, don’t hesitate to tell us to back off. Now please, have a great rest of you day,” Shining Armor exclaimed as he walked away from the crowd.         Some of the crowd cheered and some were dead silent. Too scared to say anything, they just walked off. Shining Armor walked off the stage and over to where Luna was hanging out, eager to go see his sister.         “Princess Luna,” Shining Armor said in a calm but eager voice. “May I go see my sister now?”         Luna looked up at the sun. Judging by its position it was probably around noon. Luna looked at him and nodded but she did have one thing to say. “Be back here at seven Shining Armor, no exceptions.”         Shining Armor nodded as he looked around for where Twilight lived. “Um, where exactly does Twilight live?” he said as he giggled with slight embarrassment.         Luna chuckled as she pointed towards her treehouse. Shining Armor nodded as he rushed towards her house. Luna did a half smiled at him as he flew off to appoint the royal guards to their designated positions.         After running for roughly five minutes and feeling exhausted in his royal armour, Shining Armor finally reached Twilight’s house. He knocked a couple times on the door and waited for Twilight.         Twilight opened the door within mere seconds and hugged him. “Shining Armor,” Twilight said through tears. “Spike is dead, and I don’t want to lose you tonight. Please don’t guard the night tonight. I’m already afraid for Princess Luna.”         Shining Armor hugged her back as his own tears started to form. “I’m sorry Twilight. But I have to perform my royal duty. I promise I’ll be fine tonight, don’t you worry about me.”         Twilight still having her hooves wrapped around his neck looked at him. “Can I guard the night with you?”         Shining Armor shook his head. “I’m afraid not. You’re too valuable to lose Twilight. If I go, I want someone to take over for me as Captain of the Royal Guard. I know it seems like an overwhelming request, but if I pass tonight, will you take the roll for me?”         Lost in her thoughts, Twilight unwrapped her hooves from him and looked him in the eye. “I will gladly do so Shining Armor,” Twilight told her brother as more tears ran down her eyes.         Shining Armor smiled as he kissed his sister’s cheek. “I love you Twily, nothing will change that.”         “I know Shining Armor,” Twilight smiled through tears. “Spike’s gravesite is outback, want to go pay our dedication?”         “Certainly,” Shining Armor said as he followed his sister out to the back of the treehouse.         Nightfall arose as Shining Armor waved goodbye to his sister and returned to the city hall. He saw all the guards stationed on top of roofs and on the ground. They saluted him as he passed by him.         Princess Luna was waiting at the city hall for him. Thankfully he arrived just in time to prepare for whatever happened tonight.         “Ah Shining Armor, are you ready for whatever hell awaits us tonight?” Luna said looking at the moon as it rose in the south.         Shining Armor got up on the stage and stood right next to Luna. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” they both watched the moon rise higher and higher in the sky.         “For all we know this could possibly our last night together Shining Armor,” Luna said with a slight shiver down her back.        “May very well be Luna,” Shining Armor had a face of determination. “But I assure you, we will get through whatever hell awaits us tonight. And we will live to tell everypony that we are the first, to slay an actual wolf.”