The War For Equestria

by JPTrixie-Fan

The Gathering Of Heroes (Ponyville)

It was a typically sunny day in Ponyville as the sun rose over the town’s horizon; warm beams of light flooded through the windows of every shop and home, gently rousing foals to get ready for school as well as their parents who were preparing to head to work.
In Sugarcube corner the Cake family were preparing their baked goods for the day’s service; while across town in Sweet Apple Acres Pinkie Pie did her morning aerobics in the bedroom she shared with her new husband Big Mac, meanwhile in the shady orchards Big Mac and Broadsword: his hired help were loading up the next crates of apples from the latest harvest.
In fact were it not for rumors that there was something happening in the far out cities of Equestria the day would have been be considered pretty mundane.

Trixie woke to find her breakfast waiting on a tray next to her bed just like she had every day since she’d invited her colt-friend to live with her, but sadly like every morning he was already at work with the Apples long before she’d begun to stir. She wiped the errant silver hairs from her face and looked at the gold band around her foreleg; he’d given it her for her most recent birthday after saving up all his Bits for a year to get it. She smiled and let her mind drift to the memory of that night as she picked up the applesauce topped oatmeal that Broadsword had left for her; picking up the spoon, she licked her lips and began eating.

It had been several years since she moved to Ponyville with Broadsword and since then they’d sold her trailer and moved into a small cottage near Fluttershy: the kind yellow Pegasus who helped Broadsword after Trixie saved him from falling down a waterfall; in more recent years she and Trixie had become good friends and in fact she was the one who pointed out the cottage where they now live.
As she continued her breakfast she heard a knock at her front door; expecting it to be Fluttershy for their weekly shopping trip she set down the oatmeal and went to answer the door. To her surprise it wasn’t Fluttershy at the door, but instead it was Twilight’s assistant Spike who was holding a scroll and fidgeting nervously.

“Hey Trixie… is Broadsword here?” he asked with a look that said he was in a hurry.

In the time since she’d moved to Ponyville she’d become more at ease with Twilight and her group of friends and as such had slowly dropped her usual third pony style of talking although it still sometimes slipped back into conversation when she felt something was wrong.
“Trixie has not seen him all morning; what do you need him for?” she stated while internally scolding herself for sounding so rude to the purple dragon.

“I received this letter from Twilight a few moments ago; it’s very important that he sees it as soon as possible. Do you know where he is?” He asked as he unrolled the letter.

She took a deep sigh to recompose herself before looking back at the dragon. “He’s at the Apple’s farm; please tell Trixie what’s going on…” she asked softly.

“Twilight said there was a battle near Pegasopolis; the Canterlot royal guard were wiped out and…” he cut off as he looked at the scroll.


Before the young dragon could answer the clatter of armoured hooves thundered through the streets of the small rural town followed swiftly by the loud, ominous chiming of the town hall’s large bronze bell that drew everypony from their homes and work places as they tried to see what was happening.
Shortly after the last chime the townsfolk finished gathering in the town centre as several stallions clad in bronze armour began setting up a tent and nailing several notes around the meeting place; the stallions were each marked with the blue stripe of the E.U.P. guard reserves on their left pauldron and the sigil of Princess Celestia engraved on each croupiere, the lower ranks were armed with simple spears as opposed to their sergeant who was armed with an ostentatious sabre that bore an ornate silver pommel, hoof crafted in the shape of an eagle’s head.

The sergeant was a slender, white coated unicorn made to look bigger by the heavy plates of the iconic gold barding that was issued to the regular army; he was also adorned with a blood red cape that trailed over his back and a crest made with hair from his dark grey mane. After his squad had set up the tent, he turned to face the townsfolk that were looking on as their dull rabble died into silence.
He took a deep breath. “Citizens of Ponyville, this is a call to arms by mandate of her Royal Highness Princess Celestia.” He began with a booming voice that immediately drew several shocked gasps from the crowd.


As the crowd once again descended into a rabble, Trixie and Spike tried to navigate the mass of worried town’s ponies in an attempt to find their friends. Every step they took resulted in them being knocked around or barged out of the way as other ponies tried to get closer to the front; after several minutes of searching and harsh language they found the others in the front and centre of the crowd.

Rarity stood comforting Fluttershy who was scared by all the noise while Rainbow Dash was yelling over everypony in a vain attempt to get more information; Applejack was stood silently with the rest of her family which had recently added Pinkie Pie after she’d started dating Big Mac earlier that year. Finally, standing out like a sore hoof beside the Apple family was Broadsword in his favourite thick, dark blue cloak.
Trixie continued to force her way past the other ponies, all the while using Spike as a living battering ram to make her passage easier; within moments she’d cleared her path to the large Pegasus and quickly ran to his side to see if he knew what was happening.

“Broadsword!” She called over the crowd, prompting him to turn to her. “What’s going on?”

“They’re conscripting soldiers by royal mandate…” he said as concern began to show on his face. “Something big must’ve happened; like….” He stopped as he recalled the letter from Twilight a few days ago. “The Canterlot army must’ve failed to force them back…”

“Spike said that too, Broadsword what’s going on?” Trixie asked with worry underlying her tone.

The crowd around them died down to hushed whispers as the sergeant cleared his throat for his next announcement; once again his booming voice rang through the town. “The rumours you have all heard are true, the Canterlot garrison has failed to stop the Changeling aggressors and now they march towards Trottingham. The E.U.P. guard need to rebuild our ranks to combat the changeling invasion, to do that the princess has ordered that all stallions are to report for active military service; when I call your name step forward!”

The sergeant yelled as he read from his clipboard; Caramel tried to avoid being seen, but ultimately he stepped forward and was guided to the tent by another soldier.

“Bright Ideas!” The curiosity shop owner was the next to go; he acted a lot braver than Caramel and strode towards the tent without needing a guide. Soon after he left the crowd the sergeant called the next stallion forward.

“Pound Cake!” the son of the local bakers followed Bright Ideas into the tent leaving his mother and sister weeping and his father begging the sergeant to allow him to take his place, but it was no use he was far too old and frail to join in his son’s stead.
As they reeled off names more stallions were guided to the recruitment tent and everypony’s breath caught in their chest in fear that they or their loved ones would be next.

After several more names they called Big Mac forward which caused the rest of his family to erupt in loud protests as he began walking towards the tent.
“Mac! Ya can’t go!” Applejack yelled. “Think of the rest of ya family! Think of the farm! Think of Pinkie!” the orange cowpony tried to remain strong as she looked at her older brother, but no matter how much she attempted to hold back her emotions she still ended up breaking down in tears.
“With Apple Bloom at college in Canterlot and since Granny Smith died ya’ll ah got…”

Pinkie was quick to hug Applejack as her own mane straightened from sadness; she too looked heart broken by the knowledge that Big Mac was going to leave his family to go to war. Of course she tried to force a smile in her usual attempt to make everypony happy, but Big Mac knew her well enough to see through the façade.

He took a deep breath and looked over at the recruitment tent; despite his lack of formal education and comically bad luck he was still an incredibly smart stallion and he knew he had a way out of conscription, all he would need to do is declare his status as a farmer in the essential services and he would be deemed too valuable to be sent to battle, but he dismissed the thought.

“Pinkie…” he began in a tone he used only to address her. “Ah love ya with all mah heart and soul, but ah hafta go… because ah want to know ah did all ah could to protect ya and mah sisters…” with a single swift movement he wrapped his large muscular foreleg around Pinkie and pulled her close.
“Ah promise ah’ll come home for ya…”

“You… you pinkie promise?” she asked as a more genuine smile stretched across her lips.

“Ah cross mah heart and hope to fly…” He smiled softly as he slowly broke the embrace, feeling Pinkie tighten her hug slightly at first before finally letting him go.

Trixie watched the Apples emotional display as Big Mac turned and headed towards the tent and felt her heart sink with sadness as she watched the same scene play out over and over again in the crowd. Finally, the sergeant yelled the words she feared and her eyes snapped immediately back to the large Pegasus stood at her side; suddenly she felt his foreleg pull her close and his hoof begin stroking her silver mane. Her clear azure eyes began to sparkle as tears fell silently down her cheeks leaving wet patches on his dark blue cloak.
“Please don’t go… Trixie needs you…” she began as she buried her wet muzzle into his warm fur; she knew he had to go, but she couldn’t stop herself from telling him what she felt.

He remained silent as she sobbed gently in his embrace, her body trembling with the fear that she was going to lose the stallion she cared for so much; finally he gently lifted her head and kissed her in an attempt to calm her down.

“Please… I love you.” Her eyes shone with tears as she gazed up into his soft brown eyes.

Before he could say a word the sergeant called his name again and he turned back towards the tent leaving Trixie silently begging him not to go as tears continued to roll down her cheeks; within seconds she felt a hoof pat her on the shoulder as Applejack and the others gathered around her.

“C’mon sugarcube; it’ll be alright…” Applejack lied as she tried to console the azure mare; the lie wasn’t just for Trixie, it was for herself and Pinkie as well although in true Apple family tradition she was too stubborn to admit it.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity the last Stallion was called to the tent as the soldiers began clearing away the scene; the remaining stallions were all either too old, too injured or deemed to valuable to be conscripted into service.
Spike scanned the crowd; so many of the stallions he’d grown up with were now leaving to fight and many would never return, he wanted to go with them to fight at his friend’s sides like he did with Twilight and her friends, but his name wasn’t called out by the soldiers.
Did that mean he wasn’t considered a citizen? Or did Twilight tell them not to call him?
If he were to volunteer would he be allowed to fight?

These questions plagued him; he felt guilty and powerless, he wanted to fight… no, he had to join up or at least he had to try as part of his own dragon’s code. As he mulled over what he was going to do, Applejack began trotting towards him as if to lead him back to the library, but he tried to push past her towards the recruitment tent.

“Spike!? What in the hay are ya’ll doin?” she asked as he tried to pass her.

“I’m going to volunteer! Don’t try to stop me A.J!” he yelled and continued towards the tent as Applejack tried to stand in his path.

“Ya what!? Spike don’t be insane, ya’ll get yaself killed!!” she scolded him and pushed against him with her forehoof.

“A.J. I’ve got to; if I didn’t i wouldn’t be a true dragon…”

“A true..? Spike don’t start with this again, ya’ll are a great dragon. Ya don’t hafta do this to prove it.” Applejack pleaded as his pace increased, so much so that he was forcing her back despite the fact that she’d dug her heels in.

“A.J. I’ve made up my mind and there’s nothing you or anypony can say to change that.” Finally, he pushed the cowpony aside and strode through the crowd.

As he passed the other ponies Rarity raised her hoof meekly in a vain attempt to stop him, but he paid her no heed, only briefly stopping as he heard her call his name before heading back on his path.

“Spikey wikey?” she said as a single tear fell from her eyes.

Finally, he reached the sergeant who had just finished clearing away the scroll of stallion’s names and saluted him. “Sergeant, I’d like to volunteer for the E.U.P. guard.”

The sergeant smiled at the sight of such a powerful ally and passed him a scroll and quill. “Welcome aboard; sign here son.”

With a signature it was done; little Spike was now a soldier about to fight one of the biggest wars in Equestria’s history. After he was lead into the tent he stood with the other stallion’s that had just joined; he was stood between Big Mac and Broadsword as the one of the soldiers began measuring them for their armour.

“Broadsword, Big Mac? Do you think I did the right thing?” he asked as he fidgeted with his claws.

“Eeyup…” The large red furred farmer replied.

“Do you think Twilight will be mad at me?” he continued nervously.

Broadsword smiled lightly and patted him on the shoulder. “Twilight would be proud of you.”

After everypony had been issued with equipment the sergeant called the room to attention and removed his helmet.
“Gentle colts you are now officially soldiers in the E.U.P. guard’s protective pony platoons; in the morning there will be a military coach detail waiting in this very spot to transport you to boot camp where you will be taught how to fight and survive. The coaches will arrive at zero six hundred hours and I expect all of you to be here on time. That said, I’d like to thank you all for not trying to evade your duty as citizens of Equestria; when I dismiss you, you will be free for the rest of the night. You all have until tomorrow morning to say your goodbyes so make sure they’re memorable….” He sighed on that thought as he remembered saying goodbye to his own wife and son earlier that day; after a few seconds of reflective silence he took a deep breath and barked the command.
“Room, Dismissed!”


A sombre shadow hung over the rest of the day like an ominous cloud, black and pendulous as the stallions said their goodbyes and spent their last hours of freedom with their loved ones.


The Apple family’s home was lively as Pinkie threw a special going away party for her brave husband; Big Mac sat at the table while both Pinkie and Applejack prepared a feast of all his favourite foods: home made apple pie, apple fritters, toast with granny’s last jar of zap apple jam and cream filled apple turn overs.
The meal was accompanied with vintage Apple family cider from their storage cellar; Big Mac smiled as Pinkie happily fed him each bite of his special meal, he could tell by the look in her and his sister’s eyes that this was a plan to keep him at home by giving him everything he’d miss in the military. Unfortunately he’d already made up his mind and like all Apples once he’d decided he was going to do something he did it.
As the night moved on Applejack had fallen asleep on the sofa as Pinkie cuddled up close to Big Mac who was gently stroking her mane; Pinkie’s eyes fluttered as she fought to stay awake, she didn’t want to sleep because she knew that these last few hours with Big Mac may be the last she’d ever get.

“Big Mac…” she began as she gently placed her hoof against his; it was obvious that she was very tired, but she refused to let her eyes close.

He looked down at her tiny hoof as it pressed against his; he’d never realised how small and delicate she was until now and it surprised him that he’d never noticed how soft her coat was or how her heart had an unusual skip in its beat, everything about her reminded him why he loved her so much and it was all these little details that he’d miss when he was away.
He smiled as she yawned and cuddled closer to him; he could tell she was struggling to stay awake.
“Pinkie why don’t you go to bed?” he suggested as he continued stroking her soft mane.

“Nuh uh… I don’t wanna sleep… I want to remember every moment with you…” she protested as yet another yawn escaped her lips and her eyes gently closed.

Finally, she lost the battle with tiredness and she gently drifted off to sleep; Big Mac sat silently for a few moments to make sure she was fully asleep before slowly and delicately getting out of his seat. As he stood up he felt Pinkie’s grip tighten up, despite her size she was strong when she didn’t want to let go; after a few more seconds her grip eased and the large farmer slipped out of her embrace.

As Big Mac carefully pulled a blanket over Pinkie and Applejack he sighed, he knew he’d miss them horribly and he’d worry about them every day and night; but they were the very reason he had to go, he had to protect them and if that meant fighting in the military then so be it. With a quick kiss on each mare’s forehead he stole away out into the night to walk the streets of his home town one last time.


Trixie sat alone in her cottage as she waited for Broadsword to return; she didn’t feel like moving from her spot on the bed they shared, she just wanted to wake up from this nightmare and see his smiling face again. Minutes became hours as Celestia’s day gave way to Luna’s beautiful night; finally, she heard the front door creak and the soft thud of Broadsword’s hoof steps as he trotted through the house.

Within moments he found her sitting, huddled over on their bed; her eyes were bloodshot and sore from where she had been crying and her body trembled from the mix of sadness, fear and anger that coursed through her small body.
He stepped closer and wrapped his cloak around her, he knew she was angry with him and he didn’t blame her; she meant the world to him and now he had to leave her. As his heavy cloak enveloped her, tears began to well in her eyes once more and she tried to push him away.

“Trixie… I’m sorry…” he began as he sat next to her and looked at the gold band on her foreleg.

She remained silent save for a few soft sobs as tears began to flow from her eyes; in truth she wasn’t angry at him, she just didn’t know how to properly express her fear of losing him.

The two sat for a few moments neither knowing how to break the silence; finally, Trixie glanced over and noticed him looking at her foreleg.
She smiled slightly and turned to hug him. “Trixie is sorry too… she… I know you don’t have a choice, but i… just don’t want to lose you.” She confessed as she felt his forelegs wrap around her and pull her closer; she ran her hoof through his course brown fur felling every scar and rent on his weary body. She took a long moment to caress each mark, committing every one to memory.
“You’ve already given the military so much…” she thought out loud and rested her head on his chest.

He took a moment to think about his past in the night guard and sighed, he knew she was right; he could feel the small mare brushing each of his old wounds and ran one of his hooves through her silver mane and another along her body. “You won’t lose me, I promise I’ll come home…” he stroked her foreleg and brushed against the gold band; it brought back so many cherished memories and he couldn’t help but smile.

Trixie blushed and tried to look away in embarrassment “What… What is it?”

“This band; you blushed back then as well, but you are so much more beautiful now… erm… Trixie I have something I want to ask you…” he asked and gazed deeply into her crystal clear azure eyes that shone like sapphires in the moonlight.

“What is it?” Trixie’s heart raced as she stared into his soft brown eyes, they were so deep and honest like windows into the stallion’s heart; in that moment she felt as if time had stopped and they were the only ponies in the world.

“When I come home, will you…” he closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath to ready him for his next words.
“Will you marry me?”

Trixie’s heart skipped a beat and her eyes welled with more tears as she felt his hoof run through her silver mane. She didn’t know what to say; she wanted to yes, she wanted to say it a thousand times, but she was so choked up that instead of using words she began crying uncontrollably and buried her muzzle deep in his fur to hide her tears of joy.

“Trixie? What’s wrong?” he panicked as he gently raised her head, but was surprised to see her red cheeks and smiling lips.

“Nothing’s wrong… Trixie’s just… just so happy…” she continued to cry as she leapt up and kissed him deeply; surprised, his wings snapped up with an audible ‘pomf’ sound and he winced slightly from the pain of his old injuries. She could feel his hoof gently wipe away her tears before it returned to caressing her mane; her eyes opened slightly and she giggled as she noticed Broadsword’s extended wings, which gave her an idea.

Trixie broke the kiss and smiled mischievously as she gently stroked his feathers with her hoof. “Well, it seems that you’re as happy about this as I am.” She giggled and continued to plant several soft kisses on the large pegasus’ lips.

Broadsword stared into the azure unicorn’s sparkling blue eyes; in that one moment both he and her were able to forget everything and lose themselves in each other’s embrace. It was in the perfect, frozen moment he made a vow to himself that he would do whatever it took to stay alive and return to her no matter what.


The cold night breeze whistled through the trees of the town as Spike stood sombrely outside the library reflecting on his life in Ponyville, it seemed like only yesterday he was sent here with Twilight to help oversee the Summer Sun Celebration and now here he was, so many years later about to say goodbye to the only place he could truly call home; with a sigh he took a long lingering look at every branch and window.
Suddenly his train of thought was derailed by a soft, upper class voice that came from behind him; he knew the voice well and although he loved that voice and its owner, it was a voice he didn’t want to hear right now.

“Rarity, what are you doing here?” he asked sharply as if trying to scare her away.

“Spikey, I want you to reconsider; you can still use your position as Twilight’s assistant to get a safe…”

“No!” he cut her off angrily, raising a shocked gasp from the white unicorn mare. “My mind is made up and there’s nothing you can say to stop me…”

“S..Spikey?” her eyes began to well with tears as she stared at the large teenage dragon.

He sighed again and turned to embrace her tightly. “I’m sorry… but it’s something I have to do; not just for my dragon code, but for….well… for you.”

“” she was taken aback by this confession.

“Rarity… for the longest time I thought I had a crush on you, but as the years passed these feelings have only gotten stronger…and now I realise it wasn’t a crush, but love… I love you Rarity.”

Rarity remained in a state of stunned silence as she felt his large scaly arms tighten gently around her, she had never noticed just how much he’d grown up; he was no longer the baby dragon she once knew, he was now a mature and… handsome teenage dragon that dwarfed her with his sheer size. She could feel his giant claws gently caressing her fur, taking the utmost care not to hurt her with his razor like talons. It was then she realised that somehow time had passed her by and before she knew it he had become so much more than just her friend, he was someone all together more valuable.

“Now… I have a chance to protect you and be the knight you’ve always dreamed of… so I can’t just hide away….” without another word he broke the embrace and turned away from her as tears fell from his eyes.

Spike didn’t spare her a glance as he strode into the darkness, but he knew that she was trailing behind his every step, her light, delicate hoof steps echoing in the empty streets as a constant reminder of what he would be leaving behind. He hadn’t realised how long he’d been walking until he found himself at the bridge on the edge of town; he remembered this bridge well, it was where he’d gone to reflect after he’d gotten greedy and went on a rampage all those years ago.


“Yes?” she answered tilting her head in confusion.

“For one night… can you act like you’re my special somepony?…it would only be for tonight; just so I know what it’s like…” he asked still avoiding eye contact for fear of her reaction.

Silently the moments slipped away and before he knew it the glamorous unicorn was leant against him, gently nuzzling his neck with her soft fur. His heart began to race as her tail wrapped around his and her warm cheeks rubbed against his causing him to blush; her breath was warm as it caressed the scales on his face.

“Shhh…” she silenced him with a light kiss and gazed lovingly into his eyes. “Spikey… for tonight I’ll be yours…”

With that Spike pulled her close and violently, passionately kissed her until both were breathless and blushing; Rarity giggled and ran her hoof along Spike’s burning red cheeks. For what seemed like an eternity the two sat on the bridge locked in each other’s gentle embrace. Finally as Luna’s moon began to descend Rarity sat up and searched her saddle bag, pulling out a heart shaped fire ruby and placing it gently in the purple dragon’s claws.

“Spikey… do you remember this?”

“Yeah, it’s the fire ruby I gave you before I went on that rampage…” he said sadly as the memory replayed through his mind.

“I want you to have it, to remind you of me and to bring you luck in the battlefield.” Rarity smiled as her cheeks reddened. “Please stay safe out there… for me…” with that she kissed his cheek one last time and watched sombrely as the teenage dragon strode towards the town centre.


The hour had come for the stallions of Ponyville to meet their destiny and understandably many weren’t eager to leave their comfy peaceful life for the war torn battlefields of outer Equestria, but each were fully prepared to defend their home with their lives.
In the town centre stood several coaches; each were surrounded by a small group of bronze clad warriors that stood as sentinels to protect the ponies that pulled the coaches to the E.U.P. training camp.
Finally, the sergeant disembarked the coach and looked out over the town’s stallions; he sighed as he lamented the sad fact that no matter how much he prepared them, many of these brave stallions would not return from the battles to come. With a barked command he stood the rabble of new recruits to attention and began ushering them onto the large coaches.

“Alright Everypony; get on the coaches and get ready! The next few weeks will be some of the toughest, most painful weeks of your lives, but all that pain and hardship will give you a better chance of survival in even the bloodiest of battles. I’m not going to sugar coat it; this training will not be easy. It was designed by Luna’s personal guards to make raw recruits into veterans in a very short amount of time, so pay attention and you might just make it home in one piece.” With that he ordered the stallions to embark on the military coaches.

Within moments the stallions had all boarded their transports and bid their old lives behind.