//------------------------------// // Epilogue/Sequel link // Story: Dragons of Hourglass // by Rammy //------------------------------// An endless storm raged around. Flashes of lightning lit the sky and a vortex of water became visible shooting upward through the sky and mist. An unearthly rumble and explosion overpowered the sounds of the storm. The side of the vortex bulged before another explosion blew out of the side. A large mass of darkness, smoke, and ash flowed out of the water vortex. A pair of glowing red eyes glare out from within. FrEe at laST… roared a demonic voice. AnD aLL ShaLL buRn! Discord, Soul Fire, and Golden DragonHeart noticed the sky became grey and dark. They all knew what that meant and they stood in defiance of it. All three as one declared their challenge of the ‘Nameless One.’ “Do not count us out.” “We will stand firm.” “We will fight.” “And we will not fail.” For we are... “THE KEEPERS OF HARMONY!” End of Book 2