The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Crystal of the Dawn (Part 2 of 4)

Two weeks later...

“ everypony ready?” said Fluttershy as she slowly talked into her headset.

“We’re fine Fluttershy.” said Twilight as she looked at Rarity and Applejack. “Me, Applejack and Rarity are scoping out the mansion right now. Pinkie has got the carriage ready. We’re ready on your mark.”

“Okay...” said Fluttershy as she switched to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, um...uh...are you ready?”

“I was born ready! I got one thunderstorm ready in the sky!” said Rainbow with a huge grin. She then cricked her neck and said, “Give the signal and I’m ready to rock!”

“Okay...” said Fluttershy as she took several deep breaths, ‘You can do this can do this...’ she thought as she put her hoof on her chest. She then spoke up, “Alright...Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack will take care of the guards and security system. Rainbow will then start a storm and then rush in to grab the crystal. I hope this works Twilight.”

“It’ll be fine Fluttershy, don’t worry so much. All of us have our disguise rings on Fluttershy along with cloaks. Us three here will sneak around to the back of the mansion and get to the generator he’s got set up. After that, it’ll be a piece of cake!”

“Okay...Get ready everypony!”



The trio then got out of the escape carriage, put on cloaks, and went to the mansion. The mansion had a huge yard with a tall iron fence. There were guards surrounding the mansion, all looking around. Thankfully, they don’t have the best vision even with flashlights at night. Twilight easily used her magic to bend part of the fence and the three slipped into the yard. They quickly looked around, making sure no guard had already saw them. They quickly sneaked into bush after bush, getting closer and closer to the mansion. Finally, they were in guard territory. Twilight peeked out of a bush and slowly counted all the guards.

“Looks like...twenty or so guards...”

“Twenty?” said Applejack in surprise. “Ain’t that a bit much?”

“Indeed darling.” said Rarity with a concerned look on her face. “Perhaps we should try something different?”

“No...looks like we can still do the plan...look.” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof. The others looked at where she pointed. Applejack then replied, “What the...are those guards...asleep? They definitely look tuckered out...”

“Yeah...I think they are...they're definitely tired...alright, let's stick to the original plan girls...” said Twilight as she began signaling the two, they then slowly went around the mansion. They ducked behind trees and bushes as they proceeded to the back. There, they saw the generator, surrounded by several guards. Twilight motioned Rarity and Applejack, telling them she was about to attack the guards. Twilight's horn slowly glowed and then she put her hoof on Rarity's shoulder. “Okay Rarity...remember what I taught you, okay?”

“I'm ready darling.”

“Okay, with the two of us, the spell will keep these ponies asleep even if I destroy the generator. Let's begin.” said Twilight as both ponies horns shined. Twilight's magic then summoned what looked like a small cloud while Rarity's magic began to cover the cloud. Rarity then began to levitate the cloud to the guards. As the cloud touched the guards, they fell into a deep sleep instantly. All the guards fell to the ground like flies. The trio then nodded to each other and slowly sneaked to the generator. Twilight then began examining the machine. “Okay Fluttershy...I'm at the generator. Get Rainbow ready.”

“Okay Twilight.” said Fluttershy as switched to Rainbow, “Twilight's ready Rainbow. Remember to start the storm as soon as the lights go out.”

“I got it Fluttershy.”

“And remember the path inside the mansion Rainbow.”

“Stop worrying Fluttershy,” said Rainbow with a cocky smirk. “This is Rainbow Dash you're talking about. I'm the best of the best!”

At that moment Twilight disabled the generator. The lights immediately went out of the mansion. Seconds later, all the guards and the owner began screaming.

“What's going on?!” “What the-?!” “Aaaaahhh!”

Rainbow then pulled her hooves back and then slammed them into the cloud, causing lightning and thunder to blast out.


Rainbow then dashed into the mansion, smashing through one of the windows. The noise from the thunderstorm was louder than her window smashing. She quickly raced through the mansion and went down hall after hall. She quickly knocked out any guard in her way. Soon she found the owner's office and entered it. The owner was looking around in the dark, trying to figure out what was going on. However, he just didn't see Rainbow coming.


Rainbow quickly knocked him out and searched the office. Before she knew it, she found the Crystal of the Dawn.

“Got it!”she said into her earpiece. “I'm getting out of here!”

“Good job Rainbow.” said Fluttershy as she then switched to Twilight. “Did you get to Pinkie?”

“We did. We're leaving now.”


Rainbow, after grabbing the crystal, then opened one of the office windows. She then flew out of the mansion and looked around to see what direction she needed to fly to. After finding it, she zoomed through the clouds. She went through cloud after cloud, feeling great along the way. Then as she went to the west part of Manehattan...


“Wha...” said Rainbow Dash as her face filled itself with fear. She couldn't feel her wings, her hooves, anything. At that moment, it was as if time itself stopped. Rainbow Dash, who had been flying through the air without a care in the world, suddenly dropped the Crystal of the Dawn. Then Rainbow Dash fell, falling like a sack of rocks. She fell on top of a building like a anvil, her wings battered and bruised.


“Ugh...oh...wha...what happened?” Rainbow said as she tried to get up. Her whole self felt as if every nerve was taken away and at the same time was sending every message of pain possible through her body. Rainbow's body twitched as she struggled to even move. She looked around as she tried to understand what had just happened to her. Then, she saw two ponies approach her.

“What did I tell you Trixie?” said one pony. “I told you that using magic on the cloud would work. She never saw the lightning coming.”

“Indeed Sunset,” said Trixie Lulamoon as a huge grin appeared on her face. “Looks like my prediction of the Rainbooms stealing the Crystal of the Dawn was spot on. Trixie is glad she still has some good hunches every now and then.”

“No kidding. Looks like we just caught a Rainboom.”