School! Flying! Falling! Goofing!

by Lazydrill

Ch. 9 Class as usual?




"Hhhhmmm... But Mom, I don't like hay mixed with grapes..."


"Static, somepony is knocking."

"Five more minutes, Mom."

"You lazy colt."

Your eyes shot open as you felt a sudden jolt of pain going trough your right back leg. While groaning, you brought your right hoof down to your thigh, massaging it on the hurt spot. With narrowed eyes you glared at Dust as he was laying on his table with his front legs crossed and his left cheek rested on them.

"Dust, what in the name of Celestia was that for?" you asked silently.

"There is somepony knocking on the window, and I'm not going to open it," Dust said lazily, without showing any sign of life.

Confused, you glanced to your left out the window, noticing nothing, except that it was a nice looking day to be not inside the classroom. Not spotting anypony, you huffed and shrugged before twisting your muzzle around to Dust.

"There is nop..."


Raising an eyebrow, you turned back towards the window. You almost fell from your seat as a cyan mare with a rainbow mane was hovering in front of the glass.

"R-Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash was hovering in front of the window wearing a saddle bag, she waved at you before pointing to the window lock in front of you. Assuming that she probably wanted you to open up the window for her, being the nice gentle colt that you are, you smirked at the hovering mare and shook your head. Rainbow Dash looked confused before narrowing her eyes and showing her teeth. She pointed angrily at the tiny lock on the window that could be released with one hoof swing, you simply stuck your tongue out at her.

"Static, if you're not going to open the window, I will..."

You brought your left hoof slowly to the lock, Rainbow Dash perked up as she saw your hoof going for the lock. But she narrowed her eyes unamused as you lazily swept your hoof passed the lock and moved it up to your muzzle, yawning into it before crossing your hooves in front of your chest. Rainbow Dash began tapping the glass again, this time rather hard. You heard Dust groaning next to you. "Static, I swear to Celestia, if you are not going to let that pony in, I will throw you through that window myself."

Glancing to Dust, you chuckled lightly, "You? Throw me out of the window? You're too lazy to even lift your muzzle off of the table, let alone get into moving to throw me out of the window."

"Thats true. But in all seriousness, open up that window. We will need the fresh air as well, this classroom is just filled with dust."

"What a surprise that the room is filled with 'you', isn't it?"

"At least I can fill something big, the only thing you will ever fill are the tissues under your bed."

"Buck you, Dust."

"Buck your tissues. Now open the window already, before I will tell your parents about your 'Playcolt' stash in the second drawer of your nightstand, behind the Daring Do series."

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Try me, Static. Try me."

"Last time I tried you, you ended up pregnant. So, no."

"That's a good colt, now open the window for Celestia's sake."

"Fine. Everypony needs the fresh air with you in the class."

With slightly narrowed eyes you turned your muzzle towards the lock of the window. You were surprised to see that Rainbow Dash was not in front of the glass anymore. Confused, you extended your right hoof and silently moved the pin of the lock out of its place. With both hooves you pushed the window up until it was all the way open. Leaning from your chair, you poked your head out of the window. Glancing around for Rainbow Dash, you noticed that she was not in the air anymore. You scratched your mane in slight confusion to where Rainbow Dash had shot off to. That is until a set of voices came from a few floors down, the school courtyard to be precise, the very place where you were glancing over for the cyan mare. You ears twitched into the direction of the voices, you followed the sound to an arched entrance at the bottom floor of the school.

You gulped as you noticed that Rainbow Dash was in an argument with a rather impressive looking pony, The Rector.

"Miss Rainbow Dash, this is unacceptable. You've been late for your first day of the year, again. I've let you go before, but today, you're going to stay past school time."

"But Mr. Slate! I can explain! I Was bringing my sister to school and after that I was helping a friend of mine at her farm. When I realized how late it was getting, I flew this way as fast as I could! But, halfway, I forgot that I didn't have my saddlebags with me, so I needed to fly all the way back to get them, and then fly back here!"

"Yeah, yeah. All bits of a story that conclude in you getting late. I'm getting tired of these actions Miss Rainbow Dash. We're going to the Headmistress, at lunch time. And I can assure you, that she will agree with me this time. You've gone free out, far to many times. It is time that you learn some responsibility and discipline."

"We don't have to go the the Headmistress! I will be more responsible, I promise!"

"I'm afraid that the days of pleading and puppy eyes are over Miss Rainbow Dash. I am informed that you already had a talk with her this summer about this issue, you should have thought of that before coming late again. Now, no more arguing. I will escort you to your class, and then at lunch time I will pick you up from your class and will bring you to the Headmistress."

The Rector turned around and walked into the open archway into the school. Rainbow Dash hung her head low with her ears drooped to the side. She swung her head your way, staring daggers at you. You gulped loudly, pretty sure that you just singned your own death contract. Rainbow Dash kept glaring at you until her ears perked up and growled as she spun her head around to the archway where Mr. Slate was probably calling her from. As Rainbow Dash entered the school, you hung your head slightly out of the window with your ears a bit down. "If I knew she would get that much in trouble with it, I would not hesitate to open up the window... I hope she doesn't really hate me for this."

"Where is the pony that was tapping on the window, bro?" Dust asked you from his seat.

You sighed lightly as you brought your head back inside and took your seat again. Crossing your front legs, you placed them down onto the desk and buried your muzzle in them. "I think I've just given the pony a free detention ticket. And to top it off, an one way ticket to the Headmistress, during lunch time no less."

Dust hissed lightly, like something was burning. "Damn, mate. If that colt needs to go the the Headmistress, he must have done something horrible. The last pony that went to the Headmistress was me, and that was because I managed to put the cafeteria on fire and burnt down half of it in the process. And that wants to say something, seeing that almost everything is made of clouds..."

You snickered lightly at the memory of the school alarm bell going off because of Dust. "That was two years ago, Dust. And you still haven't told me how you managed to do that."

"Truth be told, I don't know either. I was trying to make noodles that I took with me from home. How the place went up in flames? I don't have a feathery clue. I blame magic for that"

"You blame everything on magic, Dust."

"And why shouldn't I? It is the only reason the cafeteria could be set on fire, while it is made of clouds, which, we both know, are pretty much consisting completely out of water."

You slowly raised your head up from your front legs and glanced to your right. You snickered lightly as you noticed that Dust was bored out of his mind, which was obvious do to the poor pencil that was being chewed slowly between his teeth. Dust had his chin on his left front leg, while his right hoof was moving the pencil from left to right and back every time he bit down on the poor thing. Leaving the pencil to his torture, you took a second to look around the classroom. Noting that half the class was asleep while the film was still playing, in a very... slow... paced... exposition.
Lightning Dust was still in front of you, talking with the mare that was to her left, and right in front of you. The mare to Lightning's right was leaning into the conversation over Lightning's shoulder, giggling to what ever they where gossiping about.

Moving your attention away from the three maresketeers, you risked to take a peek at the clock, noting that you still had about one-hour and thirty-minutes left until the end of the film, and of math class."WHAT. I have only napped for thirty-minutes!? When I nap on clouds in the morning, I wake up again in the evening. Thank you, Luna. For slowing down the time when you nap at school..."

"Thou art most welcome, dear subject."

Your eyes went wide as you heard the soft voice of Princess Luna in your head. You looked around the class rapidly, trying to get a glimpse of the princess. Not spotting her after darting your eyes around for a while, you calmed down and slipped the edgy feeling from your mind. "Pleasssse let that be my imagination..." you said quietly to yourself.

There came two soft knocks from the classroom door. Miss Pi, who sat on a chair at the window side in front of the class, looked up from her book that she was reading. She stood up from her chair and closed the book. Walking over the to the door and past her desk, where she lay her book down onto as she went past it and made her way over to the door.

Right now, most students, including you and Dust, were watching Miss Pi as she made her way towards the door. You gulped lightly, slight fear creeping over your back as you got the bad feeling about who would be coming through that door. As if on cue, Miss Pi opened the door and stepped to the side as nopony else, than Mr. Slate himself came walking into the classroom, with a cyan, rainbow maned mare behind him.

"My apologies for interrupting, Miss Pi. But I found a filly who could not find her way to class."

You noticed that Rainbow Dash growled as her teeth were showing behind Mr. Slate, and her wings twitched as the Rector made his remark.
Miss Pi glanced unfazed to Rainbow Dash behind him, looking her over before turning her gaze back towards Mr. Slate. "I see. Next year we should include a map of the school with the year-planning, so that these things don't happen again."

"I agree, Miss Pi. I will put the idea on the NESC for the upcoming year." Mr. Slate said with a small grin. "I will leave this one to you for now, Miss Pi. I'll collect her five minutes before lunch break starts."

Miss Pi nodded in understanding. The Rector nodded once and took his leave, closing the door with as soft *thud* behind him as he left the classroom. "Well, you would be Miss Rainbow Dash I presume?" Miss Pi questioned the cyan mare.

Rainbow Dash growled at the teacher. Some ponies in the class snickered slightly a the formal name pun, to which Rainbow Dash growled in their general direction. Her eyes darted across your classmates while narrowed, that was, until her eyes found yours, to which she narrowed her eyes even more.

Miss Pi waved a hoof in front of Rainbow Dash, and guided her view away from the class and towards her instead. The teacher and Rainbow Dash began conversing privately in front of the class, probably not able to be heard by the front row, as it seemed that they were whispering.

Dust gave a small jab to your shoulder to get your attention. Sighing, you turned your attention the the brown stallion next to you. "What, Dust?"

"Dude, you're lucky that the Rector did not bring the stallion in that you got into trouble."

"Hehe, yeah, well, about that..." you said as you scratched the back of your neck lightly.

"What abou... No way. Is SHE the one you got into trouble?"

You nodded at Dust, who took a look of disbelief on his muzzle. Dust glanced over to Rainbow Dash, and then back to you. "Mate, she is hot! Why wouldn't you open the window for her!?"

You fiddled with your hooves while darting your eyes from Dust to Rainbow Dash and back. "Uhm, well, I..." you began, but was interrupted as Dust's face got very close to yours and narrowed his eyes suspiciously at you. You craned your head back from him as he searched your face with his eyes. "Uhm, Dust? Uncomfortable over here..." you said, now almost falling off of your chair as you kept craning your head away from Dust and he just moved closer.

Dust moved his head back and began to smirk at you. "Tsk, tsk. Static, I should have noticed right away what's going on. You are never one for teasing mares on purpose. Unless, I start and drag you with me into teasing them. The only other filly you've ever teased before on your own, that was, if I recall correctly, Blossom Feather. And that was back in Cloudsdale middle school! Every time you were around her you were always being extremely nice to her, offered to help her with almost everything, or you joked with her a lot. You even flew with her home more times than I care to count."

Dust crossed his forelegs in front of his chest while facing you with a smug smile on his face as he retold the last time you had a crush. You stared back at him with half-closed eyes and your eyebrows raised with an unamused look pasted on your muzzle. "Dust, that was over six years ago."

"So? It is the only other time that you acted on your own to tease, or for that matter, showing actual interest in mares, like what you're doing right now."

"Huh? How am I showing interest in her right now?"

"Static, the whole time I've been talking to you, your eyes dart over to that mare and back to me... You're not even paying attention to me are you..."

You looked back at Dust, not really registering what he said. "Huh, what?"

Dust sighed and dragged his hooves over his face slowly. "Forget it." Dust rested his hooves back onto his desk and glanced over towards Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow, "She does seem familiar to me in a way..."

You turned your muzzle to Dust with curiosity, "Familiar? How so?" you asked as your eyes also went over to the cyan mare who was finishing with talking to Miss Pi.

"It is something about how she keeps her mane, but I can't put my hoof on it."

"I don't see how that is..."

You were interrupted by a cough from in front of the class. As you darted your eyes over to the front of the classroom, you saw Miss Pi standing patiently, with a bored Rainbow Dash next to her, who's eyes were staring right back at you, slightly narrowed. Dust leant next to your ear and whispered, "Dude, I don't know how much trouble you got her in. But the way she is staring daggers at you, I am realllllly happy that I'm not you."

You leant slightly back to him, and whispered back, "Want to switch bodies, Dust?"

"Not even if you would promise me to buy me everyday muffins for the next ten years."

"If the two mares in the back are done planning their wedding, could you please pay attention."

You and Dust peered from your whispering over to the voice from the front of the classroom. You sat upright again, still noticing that Rainbow Dash was staring at you, with promise of vengeance. You lowered yourself a bit into your chair while Dust looked at you with a raised eyebrow, and then over to Rainbow Dash and back to you. "Mate, not to be heartless or something, but I think I will take the empty seat next to me."

Glancing over to Dust with curiosity, you asked, "Huh? Why are you going to..."

"Mr. Static! Pay attention!" came firmly spoken from the front.

You snapped your head to the front again, to Miss Pi who looked with annoyance back at you. Dust came leaning over from his seat right next to you, and whispered, "To answer that question of yours, If you did not notice, the rest of the seats have been taken. And I'm not going to sit between you and that 'cyan fury' that is bound to come this way, so, good luck mate!" he patted your right shoulder lightly, and zipped away from his seat to the one at the end of the desk.

"Dust, sometimes I really hate your flank."

"Love you too mate."

You growled lightly at your friend as he left you to your fate. Glancing to the two mares in front of the class, Miss Pi spoke up, "Mr. Static, since you're so fond of continuously interrupting, maybe you would like to join Miss Rainbow Dash in staying after school time, hmm?" You quickly shook your head, not wanting to be any longer here than you needed to, aside from that you also wanted to pick up your sisters from Ponyville this afternoon, you did not want to be alone in the same room with the cyan mare, who would probably do very un-marely things to you, you feared.

"Good. Now, without further ado, I want you all to meet, Miss Rainbow Dash, a mare that has joined us for the last year at a later time, because she forgot her saddlebags."

Rainbow Dash Looked irritated next to her to Miss Pi. "Okay, first off, stop calling me 'Miss', it sounds realllly sappy and boring. Second, I can introduce MYSELF. And last, I did NOT forget my saddlebags, it slipped my mind is all!"

"I'm sure it did, 'Rainbow Dash'. Now, please choose where you want to take a seat." Miss Pi said as she pointed her hoof into the classroom, ignoring the fuming cyan mare.

Rainbow Dash sighed and whipped her head around towards the the benches in front of her, searching with her eyes for an empty seat. You could see her growl as she found no other seat, than the empty spot next to you, where Dust was supposed to be. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and drooped her ears halfway to the side. She began to make her way over to your aisle, stopping next to the benches in front of you, where Lightning was looking over to Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare stopped for a second and gave a wave to Lightning, "Hey, Lightning. What's up?" who to the surprise of Rainbow Dash, silently growled. "What is it with you, Lightning? Still angry over what happened this summer?" Rainbow Dash asked with an annoyed look, to which Lightning simply huffed and further ignored her.

"That, that is not a good sign... especially for me..."

You silently followed Rainbow Dash as she made her way past Lightning's desk and stopped next to Dust, "Hey, can you take the seat next to you?" Rainbow Dash asked Dust, who was back to laying on his crossed front legs with his chin.

Dust yawned,"... Sorry Rainbow, I'm not moving. You will need to drag me if you want to sit here."

Rainbow Dash growled at Dust, who, just as you predicted, didn't move a single muscle. You glanced with pleading eyes to Dust, in the hopes that he would come back and sit next to you again. That is until Miss Pi interrupted the scene, "Miss Rainbow Dash, just take the seat next to Mr. Static."

Rainbow Dash glared to Miss Pi, "I told you, don't call me MISS!" Rainbow Dash fumed to the unfazed teacher.

"Just take the seat."

"GGrrrr... Fine..."

Rainbow Dash circled around Dust, but not before giving his right, dangling, back leg a kick with her own. You hissed lightly as you saw Dust's eyes bulge out and his teeth clanged together. You could relate to the feeling, only you've not yet felt the pain from her back kick, and by judging the look on Dust's face, you really didn't want to know.

Your pity for your friend was cut short when a bag was dropped on the floor next to you. Glancing upward from the bag on the floor, you found Rainbow Dash's, deep, magenta eyes starring back into yours.

"Uhm... hehe. Hey, uhm, Rainbow Dash..."