F.R.I.E.N.D.S of Equestria: Party Squad

by ChaseTheChangeling


The sounds of people screaming and windows breaking was more than enough to get the attention of police and other law enforcement, they knew well enough what this was, it was the same thing all the time, it was a dreaded criminal mastermind at her evil deeds again. Captain Shining came to his window and looked out, not the least bit surprised at what he saw. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders and long grey trench coat unleashed longer ink black tentacles reaching from her back; carrying her like some sick spider and smacking away helicopters and police cars, her wide angry eyes searching for anything to destroy, and her teeth bearing as she smiled at the pure carnage she was leaving. She was no taller or bigger than an average woman in body size, but the long black appendages raised her over three stories, and her evil surpassed that of some of the worst criminals in Shining's cell to date.

"Get on the phone, I want head of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S protection on this at once!" Shining yelled to his officers who stood nearby to take in any orders. The first man lifted his strong arm in a salute and dashed off, running to a nearby phone and pressing a single button, leading him straight to the people he needed.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, leader of Freedom Ready Inspectors Enforcers and National Diplomacy Security, how may I help you?" the woman over the phone said readily, as she had repeated the phrase hundreds of times before.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, head of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S department, we need your best people to help us out again." the officer said in practiced calm.

"Rampage in Manehatten from the evil Mistress Strings, I'm going to assume?"

"Yes," the officer sighed, "she is back again, this time we have no clue what she's up to, she seems to just be destroying things."

"Who do you want me to send?"

"Send the White Unicorn and her group if you can, she seems to get here the fastest."

"I have her on my dial right now, expect this problem to be sorted out within an hour."

The officer gave an approving grunt before putting the phone back on the receiver and rushing back to the office, only to hear a loud crash and a holler from the Captain. The officer kicked open the door to see his leader being dragged out by an inky black tentacle, the offending appendage wrapped tightly about his midsection and one more going for his leg. The officer brandished his sword, a determined look on his face as he prepared to charge. Shining reached for anything to hold on to to delay what seemed to be an inevitable death. Mistress Strings climbed to the window of the Captain's office, her tentacles holding tight to walls and signs to reach him with little effort.

"You thought you could stop me?" the woman hissed, her accent bleeding through only slightly.

"You won't get away with terrorizing us!" Shining yelled still trying to grab hold of the carpet that seemed to do little to hold him.

"I don't want to terrorize you pathetic little people, I want to own you, and all of your treasures...." her voice dripped with venom. The officer gulped down an invisible lump that had formed in his throat at the sight of the villain, and he closed his eyes to charge her, his sword aimed at her heart.

"FOR THE PRINCESSES AND THE COUNTRY!" he hollered, only to jump from the window and miss her heart. As he fell he swung his sword one last time, slicing the tentacle holding his beloved Captain, glass falling to his side as he plummeted to the pavement below him.
Mistress Strings hissed, a black, oozing liquid pouring from her injured tentacle, as she turned to curse the soldier that dared harm her, she instead chuckled at the sight of him nearing his death, only a few hundred feet before he would be nothing but a mere blood stain on the ground. Shining had fallen as well, his body dropping fast as he prayed for his wife's safety.

Mistress Strings gasped at the sight of a pink and white streak flashing through the street, catching the officer and landing him safely on the ground, she turned to see that the Captain had been rescued as well, caught in a cardboard shipping box and placed neatly on the street next to the rescued officer.

"UP HERE CALAMARI!" a voice called from a roof, Mistress Strings scowled as she knew the voice well.

"White Unicorn! We meet again I see...." Strings hissed as she turned to see the woman in an all white leotard with highlights of blue matching the laid back but wild hair, a large backwards double eighth bar on her back, her face and eyes shielded with a large band with large round plastic lenses covering her eyes that seemed to always glow with a red-ish aura.

"We would stop meeting like this if you stopped being such a hard core bitch!" White Unicorn shouted back with a crooked grin. Oh how Mistress Strings wished she could cut that smile off of her stupid pale face.

"Perhaps, or we could stop meeting like this if you could just..." as she trailed off, she managed a large double bass from her back, and several playing bows, loading them up in the strings like an arrow and shooting them at the opposing woman, "...DIE!!"
The White Unicorn jumped from her spot narrowly dodging the bows being shot at her, before grabbing a small laser pistol from her side.

"FILLY SECOND! BASS TRIP! MUFFIN HEAD! I NEED YOUR HELP!" with that final shout, the familiar pink and white strip of light appeared, stopping and revealing a young girl with bouncy pink hair and a white leotard, pink lightning bolts falling across her form. Another flash and a young woman in a grey button up, a yellow cape and grey Dickie pants flew overhead, her face covered by a paper bag, although her long blonde hair fell from under the disguise, and lastly a young man in a granite grey one piece leotard and blue underwear on the outside, a smaller cape and thick sunglasses came to the White Unicorn's side.

"You want us to take 'er out?" the one called Bass Trip asked, his glasses catching the sunlight just so.

"We should use our canons, that'll send her back..." Filly Second laughed, her pink hair bouncing with every light motion.

"Yeah let's use our canons..." Muffin Head agreed as she came to a landing beside Filly Second. White unicorn shrugged and smiled.

"Sounds like it's unanimous, calamari breath, you're going down...."
Mistress Stings reeled back a bit biting her lip, was it really worth it? She knew she couldn't face their canons.

"Not on this day..." she hissed only barely loud enough to be heard, with a sudden movement, she dropped a large ball covering the area in a thick black smoke, leaving the heroes with no sight.
After a few minutes, the smoke had cleared and the villain had gone. The city fell silent, the few people who were hiding came back out to look into the sky at the people who had just saved them, soon filling the air with their cheers of gratitude.

"NO NEED TO THANK US FELLOW CITIZENS, WE DO IT FOR YOU!" White Unicorn shouted to the people.

"AND MUFFINS!" Muffin Head shouted quickly, causing her team to roll their eyes. The team jumped from the tall building, landing safely beside the Captain and the officer they had saved only moments ago. Shining put his hand out to shake the hand of the White Unicorn.

"Thank you again Party Squad, for saving us from that horrid villain, Mistress Strings."
White Unicorn shook his hand with a huge grin. "Don't mention it Shiny, trust me, it was a pleasure knocking that bitch down a few notches." Shining didn't even flinch at the shortening of his name as he put his arm back to his side after the brief shake.

"We should try and capture her, she keeps coming back..." Bass Trip said with concern. White Unicorn didn't pay any attention to her concerned side kick, too busy talking with a few reporters as they swarmed her.

"What will you do if the evil Mistress Strings returns?" one reporter asked, reaching over several other reporters with her microphone to get a good answer.

"Kick her sorry ass of course, what else would you expect from the heroes of Manehatten?" White Unicorn stopped to pose for a few flashes coming from a camera nearby.

"Do you think the police are doing a good job at keeping the city safe?" came another reporter's question as he pushed past with his microphone.

"Oh yes, they try hard I'm sure!" Filly Second said jumping up and down with a big smile.

"What about the muffin tax? How do you feel about the sudden change?" asked another reporter. Muffin Head gasped and covered her mouth.

"They're taxing muffins? How could they?" she cried out in terror.

"I think that's it for now, we have things to take care of!" White Unicorn shouted over the swarming crowd of reporters. "WE LOVE YOU MANEHATTEN!" she shouted punching the air above her before disappearing in a flash of blue, followed by Bass Trip who shot a grappling hook onto a building and swung off. Muffin head looked around before flying off into the air, and Filly Second dashed off into the direction of the train station.

"What wonderful kids..." Shining sighed as he watched them take off. He smiled, turning to his officer and put his hand on the man's shoulder.

"And thank you, you risked your life for me, there is nothing I could ask more from you... you deserve an award." The officer gave a kind smile before nodding and turned to the direction of the departed heroes, a single tear falling from his eye.

"Thank you Party Squad... my family thanks you too...."