Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

by Wolfgang

Chapter 39: At the Heart of the City

Dueling is Magic!
Many Futures

Chapter 39
At the Heart of the City


“‘Gem-Knight Citrine’, attack directly!” Rarity shouted.

Life Point Count
Dark Trooper: 0

“Well done, Rarity!” said Yeager. “Absolutely flawless!”

“Thank you, Yeager,” Rarity said. She turned to her fallen opponent. “Now, if you’re a duelist of your word, talk! Where are the missing humans of Neo Domino City?”

The Dark Trooper groaned and sat up, rubbing his head. “I’ll end up in the same place if I tell you,” he said. “But then, you will too, eventually.”

“Talk!” Yeager snapped. “Where are the citizens of my city? Where is my family?”

The Dark Trooper laughed. “If you really want to see them that badly, I’ll tell you: They’re in the World of Darkness.”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “No... not that!”

“How do you know this?” asked Yeager.

“We’re all linked through the World of Darkness,” the man replied.

“There may be a gateway into that world,” said Rarity. “As much as I would hate to return there, it may be the only way to find and rescue your family.”

Yeager nodded. “Is there some way to get from this world to the one you spoke of?” he asked of the Dark Trooper. The man laughed in response. “If you won’t tell me then we’ll find and defeat someone who will!”

“It doesn’t matter what you do now. The last opponent you’ll ever face is the Black King. You’ll either fall to us, or you’ll fall to him! And if you don’t feel like delaying the inevitable, go to the heart of the city and see him yourself. He’ll send you to your family. So either way you’re a casualty.” The Dark Trooper grinned as shadows appeared on the ground around him. The sound of rushing water filled Rarity’s and Yeager’s ears and the man disappeared into the darkness beneath him.

“I’m so sorry, Yeager,” said Rarity. “I suppose we should have realized that Nightshroud was involved in all of this a lot sooner. Much of what has happened is the same as when it invaded Equestria.”

“Yes, Twilight told me about Nightshroud, or as much as she knows about it. I did some independent research of my own and discovered Jaden Yuki’s account of the creature’s appearance during the World Blackout incident about two decades ago. If everything that I’ve learned is true, then my family may be lost...”

“That’s not true!” said Rarity firmly. “Don’t even begin to think like that! Everypony gave up on themselves until Yusei saved us, and we came out of it quite alright. Scarred, yes, but alright, and scars fade over time. Your family isn’t lost as long as there’s hope.”

Yeager, however, remained silent.

“Yeager, perhaps that Dark Trooper was right. We should go to the Black King’s tower.”

Yeager looked at her with dark eyes. “That is a foolish idea, Rarity,” he said. “I know you want to rescue Twilight, and I do as well, but my family must take priority for me.”

“This isn’t just about Twilight, Yeager. This is about your family as well, and the families of everyone left in this city. My friends and yours will be heading there to rescue her as well.”


“Yeager, enough! Even if we are the only ones left, we cannot be afraid to fight! This city is waiting for a better day, and it’s our duty to bring the dawn! We must battle this tyrant that’s emptied Neo Domino City, even if it means failure!”

Yeager sighed. “You can be quite forceful when you’re being persuasive. Very well. If we’re going to find any answers about my family, we have to go to Kaiba Corp. Tower and confront the Black King ourselves.”

“And I don’t think we’ll be alone either,” said Rarity. “I’m sure our friends are on their way to rescue Twilight. We should meet them there!”

“Agreed,” Yeager said. “If Kazama and the others succeeded in finding Jack, then we’ll have even more power on our side. In this city, Jack’s skill is second only to Yusei himself.”

“I just wish we knew where Yusei was,” said Rarity. “No, we can’t focus on that now. We have to get to the tower.”

* * * * *

“So, Fluttershy, what are these?” Aki asked. Fluttershy set the bag down and released her bite on the edge.

“They’re the Elements of Harmony,” she said. “They’re magical items that we used to maintain peace in my world. We don’t know where they came from, or even fully how they work, but if Nightshroud is involved in all of this, then we’re going to need them.”

“How did they get here, though?” Aki picked up the bag and started walking. Fluttershy trotted along behind her.

“I.... don’t know. I found them when I ran outside... I thought that they might help get you out of the darkness... I don’t know if they did or not, though.”

“Well, thank you for coming back, Fluttershy,” Aki said. “So... Nightshroud. Yeager told us about him at our last meeting. Well, everything that Twilight had told Yeager.”

“Whatever Nightshroud actually is, I’m sure it’s pure evil, and it’s done all of this to your city,” Fluttershy replied. “We have to stop it! I can’t duel like you can, but if we can find my friends and rescue Twilight, then we can use the Elements to send Nightshroud away for good! I hope...”

“I’ll get us there, Fluttershy, don’t you worry,” said Aki. “And I bet all of our friends are on their way to rescue Twilight as well.”

Aki stopped. “We’re here,” she said. “You’ve seen a few different D-Wheels, right?” Fluttershy nodded. “Let me show you mine.” Aki walked over to a wall and flipped a light switch. Fluttershy blinked away the brightness and let her eyes adjust. Before the pair was a crimson D-Wheel with sharp features. Two bladewings rested on the sides while a large spoiler sat on the back of the body.

“Wow,” said Fluttershy. “It must go very fast.”

“It does. And it’ll get us to Kaiba Corp. Tower a lot faster than just walking.”

“Kaiba Corp Tower?” Fluttershy tilted her head, puzzled.

“That huge skyscraper at the heart of Neo Domino City,” said Aki. “The one with the red signs on top? That’s where we’re going.”

“That’s where Twilight is.”

Aki nodded. She opened the seat of the D-Wheel and pulled out a helmet. As she placed the helmet on her head, she turned to Fluttershy. “Get on.”

Fluttershy gulped.

“I know you’re scared, Fluttershy,” said Aki, “but we have to do this.”

“I know,” said the yellow pegasus. “I’m just... trying to be brave. For Twilight.”

“I don’t think you have to try very hard to be brave, Fluttershy. You and your friends came to a whole other world to help us. You got involved in a war that wasn’t yours to begin with, simply because you wanted to help. I watched you treat so many people while you were helping me in the infirmary, and you never flinched. You’re braver than you know, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You’re right. Thank you, Aki.” She spread her wings and flew over to the red D-Wheel, then settled down on the seat. Aki climbed on behind her and turned on the engine.

* * * * *

“We can’t run and hide forever!” Rainbow Dash hissed.

“I know that, but we can’t just go runnin’ through the streets with all them Dark Troopers roamin’ around!” Applejack hissed back.

“We’ve got to get to that tower somehow,” said Luna. “But how?”

“Shh! Listen!” Leo said. “I hear some D-Wheels.”

“Probably just Dark Troopers,” said Applejack.

“I’ll check. Stay back.” Leo slid his back to the far wall and peeked around the corner. Racing down a ramp onto the street below was a huge white wheel encased in a blue and yellow frame. Another D-Wheel, huge and white with purple highlights, raced alongside it. A jeep followed close behind it.

“I don’t believe it!” Leo said. “It’s Jack! And Paradox is with him!” Leo jumped out of the alley and started waving his arms. “Jack! Over here!”

“Leo, no!” Luna cried, too late. Dark Troopers along the streets looked up and saw the young man before them. Leo looked over his shoulder and gulped. He activated his Duel Disk and spun around. Luna and Rainbow Dash appeared next to him.

Suddenly, Paradox’s D-Wheel raced past them. An enormous white dragon appeared above them. A silver-tinted stream erupted from its mouth struck the ground in front of each Dark Trooper, kicking up clouds of smoke and dust.

Jack’s D-Wheel and the jeep behind him stopped by the alley.

“Leo! Are you alright?” Jack asked.

Leo nodded. “We’re good, Jack.”

Paradox’s D-Wheel spun around and pulled up to the others. “I can only do so much without destroying the city. My blasts won’t buy us much cover, so we must go now.”

“Rainbow Dash! Applejack! Come on!” shouted Pinkie Pie from the jeep.

“Pinkie! You’re okay!” Dash yelled happily. She flew into the air and swooped down on her friend to hug her.

“I’m here too!” said Spike. “Applejack, get in!”

Applejack ran and jumped over the door, crashing into the floorboard of the back seat. She stood up, grabbed Spike and rubbed her hoof against his skull. “Yer a tenacious little dragon, my friend!” she said.

“Kazama, step on it!” Jack yelled.

“You got it!” replied the human driving the jeep. Tires squealed and the three vehicles raced off through the smoke. Another burst from the white dragon above drew up another wall of smoke behind them.

“Jack, are you back with us?” Leo shouted through the wind. Jack looked back and nodded before returning his eyes to the road. Leo slumped into his seat with a sigh. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. What happened?”

“We’re not sure, Leo,” said Spike. “Jack kind of lost his mind and thought he was living in his past. Kazama and I dueled him and managed to snap him out of it, but we still don’t know what made him like that in the first place.”

“Worry about that later,” said Rainbow Dash. She flapped her wings and quickly matched the speed of the vehicles, then caught up to Jack. She tapped him on the shoulder. “What’s the plan?” she asked him.

“We storm the Black King’s stronghold, rescue Twilight Sparkle, and save Neo Domino City,” said Jack, “or we die trying!”

“That’s what I wanted to hear!” Dash shouted.

“There’s a city that this darkness cannot hide, Rainbow Dash,” Jack said. “It’s time we bring back the light!”

* * * * *

The Black King stood up from his chair. He walked over to the window. He thought he saw something on the roads, a flash of reflected light. It reminded him of something... something he felt a long time ago.

He began to feel a fire burning inside of him, a tiny spark that managed to catch. He felt it grow as if his veins were filled with gasoline.

“You feel them coming,” said the shadow at his ear.

“I do,” he replied. “I don’t know why. I know they’re coming.... they’re all coming.”

“We must buy ourselves time,” the shadow continued. “Have all of our soldiers converge at the base of the tower. Send out Antinomy and Crow Hogan to delay Paradox and Jack Atlas. They must not reach the control room before the countdown has begun.”

“What about Twilight?”

“I will deal with her myself.” The shadow disappeared from the Black King’s back. All at once he felt lighter.

Yusei removed the mask and pushed a button on the intercom. “Crow, I need you,” he said.

* * * * *

Antinomy had left Twilight alone in her room. She was no longer attached to any of the strange machines and her head felt clearer... but she had no desire to do anything.

“Yusei is behind all of this,” she muttered. “All of this war, this pain... this darkness...”

She closed her eyes, but all it once it seemed as though she had opened them. There was darkness around her. Darkness and water.

“Hello?” she said.

“Twilight Sparkle,” came a voice, hideously familiar, from behind her. Very muscle in her body tensed up.

She dared not move.

“There is darkness in your heart,” said Nightshroud. “The seeds of darkness are not merely planted, but created. I can feel when one emerges in a soul. Not all darkness is born from me, but it all joins with me in the end.”

Twilight still didn’t move.

“Shall I tell you of your darkness, my little pony?” Nightshroud asked. “It is confusion. It is desperation. It is hopelessness. I can feel it.”

Twilight’s head dipped and her ears flattened behind her.

“You are right to feel these things, Twilight Sparkle,” Nightshroud continued. “Your friend Yusei has betrayed your world and his own. He too became desperate, desperate to save his race from extinction. But there is no way to escape the silence. Darkness will become the eternal realm. Silence will fall, and through me, the human race will live forever.”

“....why them?” Twilight asked.


“Why humans? Why them?” she asked again. “Why don’t you talk about bringing all worlds into the darkness? Why just the human world?”

“The world will fall into darkness,” Nightshroud said. “There is nothing you can do to change this. Yusei-”

“Yusei is my friend!” Twilight yelled. “I don’t know what happened to make him join you, but I will save him, and we’ll save his world!” Two lights appeared on Twilight’s back. Bright gold wings flared up from her shoulders and spread out behind her.

“W-what?!” Nightshroud cried. “You are... a being of light?!”

“You said once that the world of man is the key to bringing all worlds into yours,” said Twilight. “Why is that?”

“You could not comprehend my purposes,” Nightshroud said. “Darkness-”

“Is not what you were before!” Twilight interrupted. Nightshroud gasped. “You tried to take the Numeron Code, but its power overwhelmed you, and you became what you are now.”

“How do you know about that?!” Nightshroud growled.

“Spike found a book, and someone inside showed him,” Twilight answered curtly.

“A... book?” Nightshroud muttered. “It... survived? All these ages...”

“I think I figured it out, Nightshroud,” Twilight continued. “You said once that all worlds would fall, but that the world of man was the key. The Numeron Code is in the human world, isn’t it?”

Nightshroud’s eyes flashed from blue to red, then back again. “You unruly equine!” Nightshroud roared. “You will all be enshrouded in eternal night!” Water burst through the windows and the ceiling, rushing toward Twilight in waves and columns.

None of it reached her. The light from her wings repelled it all. Nightshroud roared and reached a bony hand out to grab the unicorn. Its claws struck the edge of the barrier surrounding Twilight. Black bolts shot away from Nightshroud’s outstretched fingers.

Twilight didn’t flinch. Instead, she smiled. Nightshroud’s hand passed through the barrier, but was withdrawn quickly. Nightshroud gazed at its hand, curling and uncurling it.

“It... burns...!” The creature let loose a mighty roar.

Twilight reached out a hoof.

* * * * *

Twilight awoke with her hoof stretched out before her. She lowered her hoof and looked around.

“I’m... still here?” she said. She looked around. The room was dark now, but a bright light was shining around the edges of the curtains. Twilight tried to call up her magic to draw the curtains. They lit up just as her horn did, and she smiled. Suddenly the curtains flew back and were ripped off the frame. Twilight jumped and released the magic, and the curtains crumpled to the floor in the corners.

“I guess my magic’s at full strength again,” she said. “I better be careful about how I use it until I get used to it again.” She hopped off the bed and onto the floor. She felt a bit woozy, but quickly found her footing. She walked over to the window. “The sun’s up. Is it morning?”

Twilight took a moment to admire the view of the city, then she looked down at the areas closer to the tower. A huge black shadow was racing down one of the roads. “Wait a second,” said Twilight, squinting her eyes. “That’s not a shadow. Those are Dark Troopers! And... they’re chasing Jack! And another human!”

Twilight turned around and threw the door open with magic, pushing the doorstop through the wall and leaving a handle-shaped hole in the sheet rock. Twilight flinched, but then charged through the open door and into the hallway.

“I’m coming, guys!” she said as she ran.

She rounded a corner and three Dark Troopers appeared before her. Her horn lit up and her Duel Disk appeared before her. She smiled.

* * * * *

“Crow, Jack is on his way here,” Yusei said. “I need you to get to him before that. Duel him and stop him.”

Crow stared at his friend. “Yusei, what’s all this really about?” he asked. “What are the Dark Troopers really? Why do you need me to defeat Jack with that card you gave me? Just what’s going on here?”

Yusei sighed. “I’m trying to save us, Crow,” Yusei said. “Paradox told me that it was the Fortune mainframe that destroyed humanity in the timeline he’s from, but that I created it after I’d retired from pro-Dueling. Creating it when I did in this timeline just means that it’ll happen that much sooner.”

“Or we’ll have more time to figure out how to stop it,” Crow replied. “Look, Yusei, I’m as scared of the future as you are, but we can still change it.”

“Crow you don’t get it. The future is silent. Nothing we do will change that, so all we can do is change the nature of the silence. I found a way, Crow, and I need you to keep Jack from getting here to stop me. If you can defeat him using the card I gave you, so much the better.”


“GO!” Yusei yelled.

Crow sighed and turned to leave. He stopped in the doorway and said over his shoulder, “The future doesn’t have to be silent, Yusei. If one person has a voice, it’s never silent.”

Crow shut the door behind him.


Next time on Dueling is Magic! Many Futures

As Jack and the others close in on Kaiba Corp. Tower, a mysterious and familiar D-Wheel emerges from the shadows. Paradox, recognizing his old friend Antinomy, leaves the group to duel the intruder. Can the power of each era’s strongest monsters withstand the might of the future’s Synchro Monsters?

Chapter 40

The Past and the Future


Featured Card

Gem-Knight Citrine
Level 7
1 "Gem-Knight" monster + 1 Pyro-Type monster
Must first be Fusion Summoned. If this card attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step.
ATK / 2200
DEF / 1950