//------------------------------// // A Bed to Rest His Weary Head // Story: At the Twilight of Harmony // by Rammy //------------------------------// 36 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing Day 20 of the Nameless One’s escape Mid Morning, City of Hourglass “Okay…” Golden DragonHeart raised an eyebrow at seeing the entire clan walk into the council chambers just moments after Soul Fire left for Equestria. “Everyone in the clan minus Soul Fire... What is going on?” “Our Secondclaw’s hoard that’s what.” Legacy Chaser answered crossing her arms. Golden DragonHeart pinched his brow he had started to really worry about him as he not found a spot for his hoard yet. On a lesser manner, he still hadn’t found a spot to mediate yet. Between the two it was very difficult to find him when needed outside of sending off a letter. “Yes, I am aware he’s moving around nightly. He’s not disturbing you is he?” “No, quite the opposite…” Eternal Beats responded. “With the help of Eternal Beats night time ‘strolls,’ he has discovered that Soul Fire has been sleeping within sight of each of our hoard’s entrance for one night in rotation.” Metal Claws continued. “When he sleeps near our hoards we sleep as if we on in the Slumber… which is saying alot considering He has returned.” MetalEtched Claws finished for her mate. “So he is guard sleeping?” Golden DragonHeart speculated. I think I understand why he keeps moving about. He is guarding his hoard afterall. “Yes, but the problem is he’s not sleeping on treasures of gems or coins. It’s not good long term for his belly scales.” MetalEtched Claws countered. “Hmmm…” She was right. But how to fix that… “We can’t have gems or coins out in the open. Any suggestions?” “Make a special bed that can be closed or open only by him for each location. The bed will remain visible but the cover over the top will let others know not to touch.” MetalEtched Claws suggested. “Okay, then make three.” Everyone looked at each other eying to each other to find who had to correct their Firstclaw. Metal Claws was the one to voice their objection. “Firstclaw… we’ll need four.” “Make. Three.” Golden DragonHeart reiterated leaving the council chambers via the passageway to the defense grid control room. He had to do some calibration work on the obelisk towers. “As you wish Firstclaw…” Metal Claws acknowledged. “Anyone have any ideas?” “Yes, I do…” MetalEtched Claws responded before whispering into her mate’s ear. “I think that can be done,” Metal Claws rubbed his chin in thought as he listened, “but I’ll need a model of one from Eternal Beats.” Legacy Chaser and Eternal Beats gave each other a sidelong glance. To them it seemed that those two still had nesting on the brain. Their nest for their eggs should already be done by now. Eternal Beats shook his head in amusement. “Come on. I have few spares. Though I don’t think I ever thought one of my bird nests would be used for this…” 37 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing Day 21 of the Nameless One’s escape Noon, City of Hourglass “I took a look at the various nests and I found one that I think will work the best. The nest is mainly comprised of large twigs and I think that will be easier work with and be more sturdy than smaller ones as we will be using metal rods instead of twigs.” Metal Claws held out a long metal rod in one claw and the mentioned nest in the other. “My mate and I will forge the rods you will have to use your own strength and fire to soften the metal enough to weave it into a nest. By our Firstclaw’s own estimation we only have less than four days to do this before Soul Fire’s return. Make your nests large enough for a third growth dragon.” Metal Claws pointed out a pile of already made rods and Legacy Chaser and Eternal Beats took a few rods and started to weave their nests. “GAH!” Legacy Chaser screamed when another one of her rods snapped. “Sister, calm down just relax. Don’t force it.” Eternal Beats put a claw on Legacy Chaser shoulder. “Here, use this barrel of water and some buckets it will cool down your nests if they get too hot.” MetalEtched Claws put a barrow full of water down along with two buckets before reentering the forge. 40 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing Day 24 of the Nameless One’s escape Late evening, City of Hourglass Eternal Beats eyed his nest. This still needs something… I know its needs paint! I think Legacy Chaser would have what I need. Legacy Chaser was sitting on top of her nest with a paint brush. Her claws were covered with splotches of paint. I see I’m not the only one thinking of paint. Eternal Beats noted. “Hey Eternal Beats, what brings you around here?” “Green paint.” “I do have some in my workshop. Hold on, I’ll be right back.” After a moment she had returned with a few jars and a paint brush. “Here are a few different colors of green… and a spare brush.” “Thanks! I’ll bring them back when I’m done” “With the lids secured and the brush cleaned, or I will paint your claws a lovely shade of pink!” Legacy Chaser called out to her rapidly retreating brother. 41 days from Secondclaw’s Choosing Day 25 of the Nameless One’s escape Sunset, City of Hourglass Soul Fire was exhausted. It was nearing sunset as Hourglass came into view he and couldn’t wait to settle in and sleep. First though he needed to give a report to his Firstclaw. “Who’s turn is it?” Golden DragonHeart asked as soon as Soul Fire entered the library’s main doors. Soul Fire blinked. He was lost as to why his Firstclaw would ask such a strange question the moment he got back never mind just inside the library. “I don’t follow Firstclaw.” “You don’t have a single spot for your hoard you have four.” Soul Fire’s eyes went wide in shock before they narrowed dangerously, “I see I have been found out… but I am not…” “Go to each spot then come back and then report on your trip.” Golden DragonHeart ordered, retreating back further into the library. “Okay…” What is going on?! Soul Fire wondered as he left the library. He headed towards Legacy Chaser’s museum first as it was closest. That’s new. Soul Fire wondered as he approached the museum. It looks like a large metal bird nest. The ‘nest’ was large enough for a dragon after the third growth. He figured that he could stretch out and almost keep his tail within the nest. As he got closer he could see a note was attached to the side. Dear brother, We made these ‘nests’ so you could have a proper hoard bed. Just place your paw on the top of the lid and it will open. Golden DragonHeart cast a spell on it so that it will open only for you. P.S. You only needed to ask if you wanted some cuddle time. Soul Fire touched a paw to the top of the spiral lid which had the Hourglass crest painted on it and it noiselessly opened. Inside was a pile of coins and gems. The perfect material for a hoard bed. He choked a bit with emotion as he climbed in. His family was the best. He spun a few times around to help settle the gems a bit before he laid down to face the museum entrance. He mind suddenly hyper focused as he watched the entrance to his hoard. This was the right spot to guard it. Yes, this was his hoard bed. He purred in contentment. He blinked as he mind came fully back to him. That was interesting to say the least. Yawning he slowly got up. The bed was almost too comfortable and he had two places to go before he could return to the library. He jumped out of his nest to run towards the park. A pink Dragoness stifled a giggle before disappearing back into the shadows. “Hey Soul Fire, it’s over by those hedges. I painted it to make it blend in.” Eternal Beats pointed to the mentioned hedges. Soul Fire could barely see the nest as it was painted in green camouflage. He once again the nest opened socially and he climbed in. Again, he could feel his rational mind fuzz up again as he laid down in the nest that Eternal Beats made. And again, he now saw the nest as his. He started to choke up again as his mind cleared. “You best be off, Soul Fire, you still have one more nest to claim as your own.” Eternal Beats mused as he pull his bass guitar off his back and began tuning it in preparation to practice. “Now what rhymes with orange...” He wondered as Soul Fire took off. Soul Fire heard nothing more of Eternal Beats musings as he headed towards the forge. He picked up speed as he rounded a corner now having a straight path to the forge. As he neared the forge he could see a nest just like the others. Every one of the metal ‘twigs’ was intricately carved to actually look like real twigs. Soul Fire ran a paw across and could feel every groove and bump. It even felt like wood. The level of detail was exquisite as to be expected from the clan’s metal workers. “Do you like?” Soul Fire turned to face the forge and saw MetalEtched Claws watching him. Metal Claws most likely was manning the forge by himself at the moment. “How could I ever not like something that my family made it for me?” And each one made unique by dragon that the nest is for... Soul Fire climbed into the third nest hoard bed of the night. The detail inside was just was strong as outside. He could see the metal shell had etching in it as well. They must have been working non stop to get this done in time… he laid down and for the third time felt the change. He nearly fell to sleep right there but he managed to pull himself out of it just in time. I’m glad that’s the last one. I don’t think I can handle much more… I am sooo tired. Soul Fire yawned heavily as he dragged himself into library. He didn’t know if he could give much of a report. The quick look at Golden DragonHeart told him that he too was tired. “I take it you saw what the your fellow clanmates have been up to since you left for Equestria?” Golden DragonHeart smiled as he lead Soul Fire to his Hoard chamber. “They made those when they found out that you had been sleeping without a hoard bed. Next time Secondclaw. let us know.” “Firstclaw don’t tell me how to hoard…” Soul Fire yawned out, too tired to snap in anger. “Your family was concerned for you! We are fully aware of your maturity in hoarding. Just next time let your hoard help you out. We know not to tell you how to hoard, but we also could have helped you hoard better.” “I promise Firstclaw... it just was I wasn’t sure yet if what I was doing was the way I wanted to do it or not… I couldn’t seem to find a spot that spoke to me… My Hoard is so unique that I was unsure where to ‘store’ it as it were. While I was rotating between my family's hoards I was guard sleeping from different spots. I even tried finding a spot that I could see all four but the only spot is the Spiral Spire…” Golden DragonHeart chuckled at that. Soul Fire rolled his eyes and laughed along with him before he demeanor saddened a bit. “Now if I can find a spot that speak to me while meditating…” “That I’m sure it will come.” Golden DragonHeart took a small rainbow gem that was lying on his desk. “I like the others have something for you, but I didn’t want a nest near the library.” He then carefully grabbed one of his sparks. Soul Fire watched with curiosity not yet sure what his brother and Firstclaw was up to just yet. Golden DragonHeart slashed his arm. Soul Fire nearly gasped in shock. With that he knew now what Golden DragonHeart was doing. He was making a Hoard gem. Golden DragonHeart carefully coated the gem with his blood then baked it on with a bit of his fire. “Firstclaw what are you thinking? We are the first clan in many millennia and not every dragon is going to understand clan dynamics and  if we add a hoard gem to the mix… As your Secondclaw I would be remiss of my duties if I didn’t warn you that this could be misconstrued if it this is ever found out.” “I dont care a lava shit what other dragons may think! It’s my job as Firstclaw to look out for those in the clan. This clan and I’m not having my Secondclaw out in the open when he is doing what he feels is necessary for his hoard.” “And it’s also your job to bring dragons into harmony!” “How else but by example?” Golden DragonHeart countered holding out the now dark but glowing red gem. “Very well then.” Soul Fire took the Hoard Gem and chomped down. He knew of the effects but it still surprised him when it actually happened. For a moment, he forgot himself as he saw himself as Golden DragonHeart not Soul Fire. He knew where every object was in the library and the location of his… He blinked. No, the library is my Firstclaw’s hoard and I am Soul Fire not Golden DragonHeart... “Okay, that was… interesting... and a bit disturbing.” Soul Fire shivered a bit at the memory of thinking that he was Golden DragonHeart. Golden Dragon Heart yawned heavily. “Well I was going to listen to your report, but I think it will need to wait until morning…” He laid down on his hoard bed, yawning again. Soul Fire laid down next to the hoard bed, still not comfortable about being inside his brother’s hoard like this. Golden DragonHeart shifted a bit as he couldn’t get comfortable. He turned to see that his brother was lying next to the hoard bed staring straight at the doors. “Secondclaw…” Soul Fire whispered. “Liezs Slozszelts CktüisSirts i sūs aizsarzs liezu.” Golden DragonHeart yawned and fell into a deep slumber, the troubles of the day fading away. Soul Fire smiled as he heard the sounds of his brother sleeping peacefully.