The Royal Fillies

by blazikenking

Interlude 1: Crying Foals

---Interlude one: About two weeks old and at three in the morning---

“Cadey, the fillies are crying. Do you want to take care of Inova or Skyla?” Shining Armor groggily asked.

“Both of them? I only hear Skyla crying” Cadance said with a yawn.

“Give Inova a moment.” Sure enough, Inova could be heard crying alongside Skyla less than a minute later. “And there she goes.”

“Hm. I’ll take care of Skyla. You get Inova.”

“Right, right.”

Cadance and Shining Armor went to the foals’ room and picked up the filly they had chosen. Skyla wound up having a fully loaded diaper while Inova’s was still quite clean. While Skyla was getting her diaper changed, Shining Armor took Inova to the living room and set her on the couch before sitting on the floor himself and started thinking out loud.

“When you cry, you always cry yourself to sleep despite all efforts to calm you down. When your sister cries, you always start up a moment later and go on until you cry yourself to sleep, despite all efforts again.”

Shining Armor’s brain was still partially asleep and Inova was still crying, both making thinking a bit difficult. However, an idea did not escape him. To test his idea, he made two small soundproof barriers and gently placed them in Inova’s ears. Miraculously, her crying quieted down until she was simply awake, a tired look of relief on her face and an amazed look on his.

“Honey, I got Inova to stop crying!” Excitement and triumph were evident in his voice, along with an energy level he shouldn’t have at that point in the morning without copious amounts of caffeine, sugar, magic, or magical sugared caffeine.

“I’m almost done with Skyla. I’ll be there in a moment” Cadance said.

While he was waiting for his wife, Shining Armor gently dispelled the barriers, picked Inova up and gave her a hug, which she returned as best she could. Despite his efforts to set her back down on the couch, Inova did not want to let go.

Shining Armor relented and went back to the hug, and it was like that that Cadance found them. “How did you do it, Shiney? I’ve tried everything in the books and practically wrote a whole new one trying to get her to be quiet.”

“I figured out what makes her cry until she wears herself out. It’s one of the last things you’d probably expect though."

“Just tell me, please.”

“Only because you asked so nicely. What makes Inova cry herself to sleep, I believe, is that she’s hearing herself cry and that keeps her crying.”

“Wait, let me see if I have that straight. Inova cries herself to sleep because she hears herself crying?”

“More or less.”

“Does she like to hear herself crying or something?”

“No, I think it’s that she hates the sound of crying, but the only way she can show her discomfort is by crying. That spurs her to cry more.”

While Shining Armor and Cadance discussed Inova’s behavior further, and eventually onto other topics, the filly in question fell back asleep in her father’s embrace. She also had a tight grip on his neck, putting him in a predicament, to which a solution was soon voiced.

“Cadance, how about I sleep on the couch tonight?”


“I’m right here, and walking all the way back to her room might wake her up, and who knows what might happen after that?”

Cadance thought it over for a bit. “Alright. I’ll get a blanket for you two. Go ahead and get comfortable.”

Shining Armor slowly made his way onto the couch, careful not to disturb Inova too much. Fortunately, all that happened was that Inova shifted her grip a bit. Cadance returned with a blanket a moment later and spread it over her husband and filly, even tucking them in. “Just this once, Shiny.”

“That’s fine” Shining Armor said moments before he and Cadance shared a kiss and she went back to the bedroom. From that point, everyone slept well through the rest of what was left of the night.