Through The Looking Glass

by Darkryt Orbinautz

Shattered Glass

Tirek clapped his hands, bringing everyone's attention.

"I'm afraid, if you are not a leader or commander in some capacity, I must ask you to leave now, so that I may discuss strategy with our new allies."

Tirek's men nodded their head. Everyone else was sent out of the throne room so the leaders – Galvatron, Starsream, Tirek, and Scorpan could talk among themselves.

"I eagerly await your input on how we may fight Celestia, Galvatron." Tirek said.

Galvatron nodded. "In due time, Your Highness. In the meantime, I have a question. We have already recovered and recruited Discord to our cause. I am curious how can we do the same for Nightmare Moon."

Tirek shook his head. "The curse Celestia placed on her sister when she banished her to the moon must carry out its sentence. Nightmare Moon will return when it is time for her to return, and no sooner. I am afraid that she will be of limited help to our cause."

"Hmm." Galvatron huffed.

"There is a glimmer of hope, however. It is rumored that on the thousandth year since her banishment, Nightmare Moon will return on the anniversary of the day she was banished. What precise, specific day it is has been lost to the ages. So ... heh-heh. It could be today. Then again, it could be tomorrow. It could be a week from now. And please, there is no need to be so formal. Just "Tirek" is fine."

Galvatron smiled and nodded. Unnoticed and sulking in the corner, Scorpan growled, which did not go unnoticed by Starscream.

"I am glad to have you here, Galvatron." Tirek said, approaching Galvatron and not noticing his brother's foul attitude. Tirek placed a hand on Galvatron's shoulder. "It is rare I can talk to somebody on an equal level as I am."

"An ... equal level?" Galvatron asked. "What do you mean by that?'

"I mean, it is good to talk someone who can relate to me. To my position. My burdens." Tirek said. "Oh, but please, do not take me for a snob. The guards, the men, the citizens are all wonderful conversationalists, excellent people to talk to when you're in need of a pick-me-up. But still ... they lack something, a certain ... understanding of the dilemmas and the challenges that plague someone of my position and standing. As does Scorpan. Being that he is also royal blood, he shares many of the same concerns as I do, but there are still certain insights and complexities that elude him." Tirek didn't notice Scorpan cross his arms and huff. "That is another reason why it is good for me to have you here. So I can talk to an equal. To another prince, another ... leader."

Tirek looked at the floor. "It's difficult, isn't it?"

Galvatron looked to Starscream for clarification. Starscream shrugged. "I'm afraid I don't understand. What's difficult, Your High – I mean, Tirek?"

"Being a leader." Tirek buried his head into his arms. "You lead the Decepticons, Galvatron. I had hoped I would be able to converse with you about our shared burdens."

Galvatron was taken aback. "Of course, Tirek. I must admit, being a leader can be … challenging at times."

"Especially when you don't know how to be a leader." Starscream said.

Galvatron gave Starscream a good-natured smack on the shoulder. "Starscream, really. You should know better. You were excellent in my absence. Still, it can be stressful. Knowing everyone's looking up to you ..."

"Knowing everyone's counting on you to make the right decision ..." Starscream said.

"Knowing that every decision you make will have consequences, sometimes even for someone you've never met." Tirek said.

Galvatron looked at the floor. "Yes. I know what you mean. I've made a few decisions which proved to be tactical errors, and good Decepticons I had never even known the names of paid the price for it." Galvatron sighed. "You know what they say. Heavy is the head that wears a crown."

"If you are so burdened, Tirek, I would be happy to take the reins of leadership from you ..." Scorpan said.

Tirek glared at him. "Now, brother. You know that is not how our laws work. I am older than you, and I will retain the throne until I am no longer able."

"Of course." Scorpan said. "I was merely ... trying to be of use, heh-heh." Galvatron and Starscream exchanged doubtful looks before tossing questioning glances at Scorpan.

Tirek stood up from his throne. "Thank you, Galvatron. Knowing there is someone else who shares my pain has done wonders for my spirit. Even this talk, brief though it may, has been uplifting. Now come." Tirek stepped down from this throne. "I wish to know of your plans to fight Celestia."

"I have a few ideas." Galvatron said with confidence.

Scorpan left the throne room. He made his way through the castle, finding some guards examining a map, determining their routes of patrol to keep Celestia's forces out of the kingdom.

Scorpan entered the room and went around. “I want you to send word to our patrols they are to go here, here … and here.” Scorpan pointed at locations on the map.

One of the pig monster guards looked at where Scorpan was pointing. “With all due respect, Scorpan, none of those are the are the areas Prince Tirek told us to patrol.”

“With respect, that's because Prince Tirek doesn't have the fortitude to do what needs to be done. Now do as I say!” Scorpan snapped at them before leaving. The guards, unsure what to make of it, shrugged and resolved to follow the orders they were given.

Scorpan left the room and went to a window. He climbed up on the sill, flexed his wings, and jumped out, taking flight and flying across the land.

His flight taking him far, Scorpan reached the edge of the Equestrian border, where Celestia was gathered with troops, allies, and armatures. A guard pointed at Scorpan, bringing him to Celestia's attention.

Celestia stepped forward as Scorpan made his descent, planting his feet on the ground.

“Your most imperial Majesty.” Scorpan bowed. “A pleasure to see you again so soon.”

“Likewise.” Celestia said. “Now, dispense with the formalities, Scorpan. I am about to begin a very long siege into your brother's kingdom with every weapon and solider at my disposal, so I would appreciate minimal … distractions.”

Scorpan nodded. “Of course. I have stopped by only to inform you that I have rearranged Tirek's patrols. You should find little resistance during your first push in.”

Celestia grinned. “That is good news, worthy of my attention. Thank you, Scorpan. For that, I won't have you executed for wasting my time. Which would have been a shame, as I do enjoy our talks.”

“You are most welcome, my lady, and it is good to know I have evaded your wrath for another day. Perhaps when I rule the kingdom, I will be less concerned about your opinion, but for now, I wish to remain in your good graces.” Scorpan said before taking flight and leaving.

Tirek rested on his throne, his fingers interlocked he thought about strategy and the coming war with Celestia's forces. There would be causalities. There could be no getting around that. But he dared to hope, with Galvatron's aid and the Decepticons backing him up, he could keep those causalities to a minimum.

Scorpan entered the room.

“Where have you been?” Starscream asked, regarding Scorpan with suspicion.

“I was on patrol.” Scorpan answered. “And I don't much care for your tone.”

“I don't much care for yours, either.”

“Gentlemen, please.” Tirek stood up and held out his hands for them to stop. “We are all friends here. Certain doom is approaching. Bickering and infighting now will serve only to ensure our end at Celestia's hooves. Once she had been vanquished once and for all, you may fight to your heart's content. But for now, please keep focused.”

Galvatron nodded. “Tirek is right.”

Scorpan scowled, but let the matter drop. “You said you wanted to all of us in here, brother?”

“Yes.” Tirek said. “I am considering strategy for our upcoming confrontation. I was hoping you three could give me some advice.”

Scorpan's hand shot up. “If I may, brother, I would suggest withdrawing out forward lookouts from areas near swampy water. Celestia will not risk her troops having to cross through that dense muck and mud.”

“I don't know about that.” Galvatron said. “After my experiences with Celestia, she doesn't strike me as the type to let a little muddy water get in her way. She could pass over it, for all we know.”

“Or cast a spell to let her troops walk on water.” Starscream said.

“Or send fliers over the river.”

“Or have the Autobots carry her pony soldiers over their heads and have them wade through the muck.”

“You raise a good point, Galvatron.” Tirek said. “Celestia is not going to let some water stop the march of her army.”

Scorpan appeared appalled. “Brother! You would listen to the advice of these outsiders?”

“We are familiar with the tactics of war. We've been fighting the Autobots for years.” Starscream brandished his fist at Scorpan. “Don't question mine or Galvatron's wisdom when it comes to strategy, Scorpan.”

“Brother, are you really going to listen to them over your own brother?” Scorpan crossed his hands over his chest, his face showing himself to be hurt.

“Enough.” Tirek waved his hand. He sat down in his throne. “I will deliberate upon your suggestions. You may take your leave of me, gentlemen.”

Scorpan, Galvatron, and Starscreamed nodded. They all headed for the door, Scorpan and Starscream glaring at each other, but the door swung open and one of Tirek's pig-men guards ran into the room, a crow perching on his arm.

“Prince Tirek!” The pig-man waved a piece of paper in his hand. “We've received reports from the front line! Celestia is attacking, and our patrols are out of their intended position!”

“What? Give me that!” Tirek swiped the letter from the pig-man's hand. He held it in one hand as his read the letter's contents. Tirek paled.

“Prince Tirek?” Galvatron asked with concern.

“My patrols ...” Tirek said. “They were not in position. They were out of formation. I specifically ordered them to certain areas where Celestia would likely strike first, and for some reason, they decided they knew better than I did and withdraw, making us vulnerable to Celestia's attack! Why?”

Starscream crossed his arms and glared at Scorpan. “I have a few ideas ...”

“What are you looking at me for?” Scorpan asked.

“Didn't I see you leaving after giving orders to some troops?” Starscream asked.

“And you think that I had something to do with this? You offend me, good sir.” Scorpan said.

Tirek placed his hands on his head, staring at the floor in horror. “What am I going to do?”

“Hey.” Galvatron put a hand on Tirek's shoulder. “Don't worry about it. You have us to help you. We'll send Decepticon reinforcements out, beat back this attack, and get everything back under control. We'll find out what went wrong, I promise you.”

Tirek gave him a forlorn look. It was a look Galvatron recognized, having seen it in his own troops before. The look of someone who wanted to believe what they were being told, but couldn't bring themselves to. “I hope you're right, Galvatron. But won't Celestia be expecting you?”

“We're prepared for that.” Galvatron nodded and turned to Starscream. “Starscream?”

Starscream snapped his fingers and smiled. “I know what you're thinking, sir. I'll have them deploy right away. Celestia won't see this coming.”

Out in the field of Tirek's land, Tirek's patrol were attempting to retreat from Celestia's starting offensive. They had been caught off-guard and out of position, so the terrain wasn't to their advantage. Caught at a disadvantage, they hoped only to escape with no illusions about trying to engage the enemy. They fired crossbow bolts from behind cover of emptied-out trees and rocks, sometimes getting a lucky shot into an Autobot's side, though it did little other than give the affected Autobot a limp.

They were outnumbered and outgunned. Before, they stood on rough equal terms with Celestia's army, both of them being equipped with swords, spears, slings, bows, and a trifle magic. But now, with the Autobots here, giants made of metal armed with laser beams and energy blasts, they stood little chance. Their weapons could only barely penetrate the Autobots' steel skin, and their armor wasn't strong enough to resist the melting heat of a laser beam.

“This is great!” Shining Armor observed as Tirek's troops retreated. “At the rate we're going, we'll be at Tirek's castle in no time!”

Cadenza closed her eyes and winced. “Sweetie, why do you say things like that? You tempt fate, you know.”

Shining Armor looked to the ground, ashamed. “Sorry.”

“If you'd like,” Rainbow Dash offered as she and Fluttershy loaded a rod into a ballista, “I could extrapolate the time this is taking and calculate a rough estimate of how long it will be before we reach the castle, assuming we can keep up this rate of progress.”

“Save the math for aiming, Dash.” Fluttershy pulled the cords of the ballista taut.
“Say, uh ...” Shining Armor said. “Are we sure it's a good idea for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to be here with us? I mean, if they're separate from the rest of their friends, they can't, uh, you know ...” Shining Armor gestured at his neck.

“I'm sure Queen Celestia factored in the risk when she determined the makeup of our squad.” Rainbow Dash said.

Cadenza glared at Shining Armor, still upset about his earlier tempting of fate.

“Don't worry.” Shining Armor assured his wife. “There's no way they can recover from this attack.”

The lie was put to Shining Armor's words by a huge sword appearing from nowhere as if brought about by divine intervention. The sword flew threw the sky before landing on an Autobot, piercing his body and pinning him to the ground, his body hung on the sword for all to see as its tip dug into the dirt.

“Ew.” Cadence remarked. The ground shook under their feet. The river running nearby rippled, and Menasor appeared, causing quakes with every step.

Menasor reached down and picked his sword up, lifting it from the dirt. He shook the Autobot corpse off his sword and inspected the sword before twirling it. He pointed the sword at Cadenza.

“Perhaps we will provide more of a challenge for you!” Menasor roared.

Cadenza and Shining Armor fired spells from their horns. Menasor raised his sword to block them, the pink and green spells deflecting and bouncing off his sword to to affect some unfortunate random patches of land. The spells hit the land around them like dud bombs and exploded, creating divots in the ground.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy repositioned the ballista, moving it to the side. Rainbow Dash cranked the lever, ratcheting the ballistic up at Mensaor. Rainbow Dash bit down on the firing mechanism and took a few steps back, putting pressure on it. She held it for as long as she could until she was sure she make the perfect shot. When Menasor moved to bat away another of Cadenza's projectiles with his sword, Dash let go.

The ballista bolt went flying, rising up through the air before falling down in an arc. It landed square into Menasor's right optic, shattering the optic and digging into the back of his skull. Menasor groaned and fell onto his back.

“Direct hit!” Fluttershy cheered. “Perfect shot! Bulls-eye!”

Rainbow Dash flicked her mane and beat a proud her hoof against her chest. “Would you expect anything less from my flawless calculations?”

Menasor let out a groan, letting the ponies know he was down, but not out. The battle was not over.

Menasor rolled around, trying to gain his bearings. Seeing two Autobots approach his side of the battlefield, he took advantage of his body's downed position and kicked outwards, punting one of the Autobots into the other and sending them both flying across the battlefield. Still groaning, Menasor rolled onto his chest and raised his fists.

“Fire!” Cadenza ordered, pointing a hoof at Menasor.

Menasor roared and slammed both his fists into the ground, causing a tremor. The impact sent out a shockwave which Cadenza and Shining Armor had to plant their hooves firmly in the ground to avoid letting it bowl them over. The shockwave also caused Rainbow Dash's ballista, the ballista like it nearby, to collapse into their component parts.

Cadenza observed the loss of their artillery, a loss which Celestia had not permitted on this mission's “acceptable losses.” If they were further along in the siege, it wouldn't bother Cadenza, but she saw it as a sign they were losing control over this battle. “Retreat!”

Cadenza and the others turned back towards Canterlot and fled. A few Autobots tried to be helpful and gather up the pieces of the destroyed ballista to be recycled and used again.

“No, no, what are you doing?” Cadenza shouted. “Leave them! They're of no use to us. Get back to base!”

The Autobots dropped the wooden pieces and rejoined the retreating party.

Menasor let out a soft sigh, satisfied at a job well done.

Tirek's men returned to the scene of the battle and saw the pieces of ballista. They had an idea. Just because Cadenza couldn't find any further use for them, doesn't mean they couldn't find something useful to do with the wood …

A pig-man came into Tirek's throne room.

“Prince Tirek, sir!” The pig-man saluted. “We've received a new report from the front line! Celestia's attack has been successfully driven off.”

“Excellent!” Tirek smiled. “It would seem, Galvatron, that your … what did you call it?”

“A combiner, Your Majesty.”

“Your combiner is up to the challenge.” Tirek said.

“That's not all, Your Majesty.” The pig-man said. “They also recovered the enemy's destroyed ballista. We think we can use the wood and make catapults out of them.”

“Something tells me throwing boulders would do a lot more good against the Autobots than ballista bolts.” Tirek pointed his finger. “See that it is done.”

The pig-man nodded and left the room. Discord entered the room, carrying a tray of drinks, his body brushing alongside the pig-man's arm. “Oh, sorry.”

“Discord? What are you doing here?” Galvatron asked.

Discord held the tray up. “I could sense some bad feelings coming from this room, so I thought some nice tea would help everyone relax and calm their nerves.”

Galvatron pinched his fingers around one of the glasses and lifted it up. He examined it for a moment before putting it down. He didn't have the heart to tell Discord Cybertronians didn't drink tea. “Thank you, Discord. It's a nice gesture.”

“Oh, no problem!” Discord said.

Galvatron walked towards a widow while Discord offered a tea to Tirek, who accepted. Galvatron put his hands behind his back and stared out at the sky.

“Is something the matter, Galvatron?” Discord asked.

“No. Well, perhaps. I've been wondering about Nightmare Moon.” Galvatron explained. “When she's going to get out. If she's going to escape in time to be of help to us. We could always use another powerful ally.”

Discord grimaced and rubbed his chin. “Nightmare Moon, huh?”

“Yes.” Galvatron noticed Discord growing uncomfortable. “Discord? You seem uneasy. Is there something we should know about Nightmare Moon?”

“No, no … well.” Discord said. “I may have attempted to do something to ease the ponies' suffering and used my magic to affect Luna's head. I poke to her and I managed to change her way of thinking. Which makes me directly responsible for her turning into Nightmare Moon.”

“So, you turned her into Nightmare Moon?” Galvatron asked.

“Yes.” Discord said. “Perhaps not my greatest move, in hindsight, but what's done is done.”


Before Galvatron and Discord could discuss the morality further, the entire castle shook from a blinding flash of thunder across the sky. Galvatron and Tirek lost their balance and almost fell before catching themselves.

“What was that?” Galvatron looked out the window. The sky was turning dark. Night time was creeping across the sky, stars twinkling and the moon rising up over the horizon, casting its pearly light on a darkened landscape. A blackness seemed to fill the air itself. “Why is it so dark outside? It was bright daylight a moment ago!”

That ...” Tirek said. “Is Nightmare Moon. She has made her escape.”

Galvatron climbed up and perched on a windowsill, preparing to take flight.

“What are you doing? You can't just fly up to Nightmare Moon!” Scorpan exclaimed. “She's an angry powerful princess from times past just released from her prison! You can't be sure she's going to listen to what you have to say. Cease this foolishness.”

“I have to, Scorpan. If we're going to get her help to win this fight, I need to get to her before anyone else does, especially Celestia.” Galvatron said.

“Still ...” Scorpan said. “Do you have any idea where she's going to be? You have no way of finding her.”

Galvatron cast his gaze towards the horizon. In the sky over Celestia's side of the border, storm clouds were gathering. A long tail of cloud wrapped around the sky and swirled around, flashes of thunder rumbling forth.

Galvatron pointed to the storm. “Something tells me she's probably going to be over there.” Scorpan huffed.

Galvatron jumped out of the window, transforming into helicopter mode. His blades whirred as they spun around, generating lift and drag to carry Galvatron over air currents. Rising up from Tirek's castle, he headed straight for the center of the storm.

Galvatron reached the clouds without any problems, though the wind from the storm was making it difficult on his rotors.

The clouds twisted and twirled around, coming together like tendrils from some horrible monster, wrapping around themselves several times over, creating an artificial tunnel.

“HAHAHAHA!” A boisterous female voice laughed from inside. Nightmare Moon appeared from inside tunnel, rearing her up front hooves. She was a pony the same size as Celestia, but with a shorter snout. Her coat was a glittery silver, her wings were like a bat's wings, and she wore a mantel and boots like Celestia's, but her's were a brighter lilac color rather than Celestia's dark purple. And of course, she had eyes like a viper's.

“After a thousand years, a thousand moons, I'm free! Do you hear me, sister? I'm coming for you!” Nightmare Moon darted out of the tunnel, heading straight for Canterlot.

“Excuse me? Excuse me, Nightmare Moon?” Galvatron pulled up to her side.

Nightmare Moon slowed down to let Galvatron catch up with her. “Yes? Who are you?”

“My name is Galvatron. I am the leader of the Decepticons. We've recently joined forces with Prince Tirek and others to form a sort of … coalition to fight Celestia, and we were wondering if you would be interested in joining us?”

“Coalition?” Nightmare Moon asked. “I need no coalition! I am Nightmare Moon! A Princess of Equestria, Celestia's equal if there ever was one.”

“Nightmare Moon … Your Majesty, if I could talk to you for a minute, maybe I could-”

“I do not have a minute to waste on your petty trifles.” Nightmare Moon glared at him before turning her head towards Canterlot. “I want justice enacted on my sister, and I want it NOW! Darkness shall fall on all of Equestria until my sister has been brought to justice!”

Nightmare Mare flared her wings and increased her speed as she darted through the sky, shooting forward like a silver rocket of the night, leaving Galvatron eating dust.

“Oh dear ...” Galvatron could sense Nightmare Moon's plan, whatever it was, wasn't going to end well. He had to catch up with her and talk to her some more. He had to talk her out of doing something foolish, which he knew she was going to do.

Gah! Can't this thing go any faster? Times like this I wish I still had my jet mode ... Galvatron thought at his helicopter mode. It was fast for a helicopter, but nowhere near as fast as his former jet mode was. If he had his jet mode, he could boost power to his engines and catch up with Nightmare Moon in no time. As things stood, Nightmare Moon was becoming a distant silver spec some yards ahead of him.

However, Galvatron did not give up. He continued to follow her, even if it was a longer distance and slower pace than he would like, until he could begin to make out some elevated, grassy terrain ... and the faint shape of Autobots standing guard and watching over it.

Galvatron broke off his pursuit of Nightmare Moon, transforming into robot mode and landing a safe distance away from the base. He found a tree and hid it behind it for cover.

Getting a closer look, he could see the terrain was a base. Celestia's Royal Guard patrolled the area while the Autobots acted as lookouts. There were tents set up and campfires dancing, billowing smoke. He even saw Celestia and Twilight Sparkle walking around.

This must be Celestia's forward camp. Galvatron realized.

Both Celestia and Twilight turned their heads to the sky, their attention caught by something. Galvatron looked up to see what they were looking at.

Nightmare Moon was fast approaching the base camp.

“SISTER!” Nightmare Moon roared, coming to a stop, hovering the camp. Nightmare Moon paid no mind to the Autobots pointing their weapons at her. “It's been a long time coming.”

“Yes.” Celestia was more amused than anything. “Yes, I suppose it has, hasn't it? Stand down, everyone.” Celestia cracked her neck, a purple sphere crackling electrically at the tip of her horn. “I'll handle this.”

“I'm sure you will!” Nightmare Moon taunted before launching her assault. Her opening volley was to summon down several lightning bolts from the sky, summoning them from the storm clouds which followed and aiming them at Celestia.

Celestia conjured a purple shield above the base camp. The lightning bolts struck it hard, so hard Galvatron could feel the impact from where he was standing, but the shield absorbed the blows. It took a toll on Celestia, who was gritting her teeth as she kept the shield up.

The moment there was a pause between the lightning strikes, Celestia saw her chance and took it. She dispelled the shield and fired a lightning bolt of her own from the tip of her horn.

Nightmare Moon dodged, flying to the right to avoid the crackling blast of electricity. Nightmare Moon smiled. “Is that all you have to offer? I must say, sister, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were more powerful than that.”

Celestia growled. She fired a purple beam from her horn, which Nightmare Moon counted by firing a silver beam from her horn. The two beams met in the middle of the air and pushed against each other. On occasion, one beam would gain ground and push the other back a tiny distance, but neither of them maintained a significant advantage for long, the beams pushing back and forth as if it was a toy being argued and pulled by two children.

Celestia dismissed her beam, stepping to the side with her usual eerie calm, so Nightmare Moon's beam struck the ground instead of her, causing a small, smoking hole in the ground.

“This is getting us nowhere.” Celestia said. A smile crept across her face, and she turned to Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight, my dear, why don't you take this opportunity to test your new toys?”

“Ooh! Good idea!” Twilight Sparkle ran to the back of the camp. She soon returned with her friends, wearing a silver crown on her head. The crown was adorned with a gem inside it, in the shape of a six-pointed star with red lines forming a hexagram on it. Each of her friends was wearing a similar silver necklace on their necks.

Nightmare Moon's eyes widened. “What is this? The Elements of Harmony? No. You couldn't possibly have ...”

“Passed them down? That is exactly what I did, sister.” Celestia said. She nodded at Twilight. “Go on, Twilight.”

Elements of Harmony? Galvatron thought, making sure to keep his thoughts in his head, lest an Autobot overhear him. He didn't know what they were, but judging from Nightmare Moon's reaction, they were a threat to take seriously. She had been unflappable up til now, but the sight of the Elements had her paralyzed.

The jewel in Twilight's crown began to glow. Humming with magical power, it shot a solid beam of blackness, and the girls' necklaces shot out beams ranging from white to various shades of grey. The beams twirled and moved through the air before connecting to each at the sides, forming what appeared to be a greyscale, lifeless rainbow.

Galvatron, his scientific mind understanding how rainbows work, thought the idea of a grey rainbow didn't make any sense.

The dark rainbow stretched out, going up towards Nightmare Moon and encircling her, trapping her inside as it wrapped around her body several times, encasing her in a cocoon.

“NOOOOOOO!” Nightmare Moon screamed as the rainbow contracted around and constricted her. It swirled around her before squeezing her. A black sphere of energy appeared around where she was, sending out a blinding flash of light which Galvatron raised his arm to shield his eyes from.

When the light had cleared, Nightmare Moon was gone. The sky had cleared of any darkness, the moon had set, with the sun visible once again, and the thundering clouds which followed Nightmare Moon's trail had gone. On the ground, a pony about the same size as Twilight Sparkle was cowering before Celestia. Her coat was blue and her mane and accessories were purple.

Galvatron couldn't believe it. These Elements of Harmony had turned the monstrous, boisterous Nightmare Moon … into a scared little filly. They had … de-fanged her.

The pony lifted a hoof off one eye, staring at Celestia in fear. “I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

“Perhaps. After all, I know this was not all your fault.” Celestia approached the pony, who shivered as Celestia came closer. Celestia sat down on her stomach, bringing them closer to eye-level. “Join me, Luna. Help me fight the Decepticons and Tirek and end them. Do this for me, and I will forgive you.”

Luna lifted her hooves off her eyes, giving Celestia a look of disbelief. Celestia made a comforting smile to assure Luna her offer was genuine.

Luna smiled and stood up. She nodded. “Yes. I will join you, sister, and help you fight these … Decepticons.”

“Excellent.” Celestia wrapped a wing around Luna and pulled her into a hug. “I'm glad you agreed, sister. Sisters shouldn't fight each other. We should be fighting side by side. On the eve of my ultimate triumph, I would want my sister there with me. ”

“You hear that, Twiley?” Shining Armor shouted from somewhere. “Maybe there's a lesson for you in there somewhere!”

“Shut up, Shining.” Twilight Sparkle shouted back.

Slag it. Galvatron swore in his head. He needed to hoof it out of here. He got out from under the tree and transformed, making a run back towards Tirek's castle before Celestia and the Autobots discovered him and decided to test the Elements of Harmony on him.

“Ah, Galvatron!” Tirek said upon seeing Galvatron return. Starscream went to support his leader, noticing he seemed to be out of breath, or as close as a robot could get to being out of breath.

“It is good to see you return to us in one piece. Were you successful in recruiting Nightmare Moon to our cause?”

Galvatron shook his head. “No. Nightmare Moon's not going to be any good to use. Quite the opposite, I fear. Celestia had Twilight Sparkle and her friends blast her with these things they called “the Elements of Harmony” and turned her into Princess Luna, who signed onto Celestia's side the minute Celestia offered her the paper. So to speak.”

“Hmm.” Tirek stroked his beard. “The Elements of Harmony, eh?”

“You know of them?”

“Somewhat.” Tirek said. “All I know is that they are powerful magical artifacts in Equestria, and Celestia wielded them long ago. It would seem she has passed down the torch to her students. If I were you, Galvatron, I would make an effort not to get hit by them.”

“I saw what they did to Nightmare Moon.” Galvatron said. “You don't need to tell me twice.”

“This … complicates things, certainly.” Tirek said. “But we mustn't give up hope. Together, we will devise a strategy to deal with the Elements … won't we, Galvatron?” Tirek's question lost much of the confidence his speech had begun with, as if Galvatron had the final say on whether they would or would not succeed.

“We will.” Galvatron assured him.

“Sir!” A pig-man entered the room, waving a letter around. “More news from the battlefield, sir. There's been another attack, led by Princess Luna.”

“Let me see that ...” Tirek took the letter and read it. “What? My troops are out of position again! This attack is happening near a certain river crossing. I explicitly gave strict orders for my troops not to go near that crossing!”

“How could that have happened?” Starscream asked. “Surely your troops wouldn't defy your orders, especially at a time like this.”

“The only one with the authority to get my troops to disobey orders is ...” Tirek halted, lowering the letter down as he came to a sobering realization. He had to accept it. He had to accept the truth. “Scorpan.”

“I thought as much.” Starscream pointed at Scorpan. “Admit it, Scorpan. You've been going behind your brother's back, rearranging the troops into the most optimal position for leaving them open to Celestia's attacks.”

“What?” Scorpan said. “Brother, I-”

Tirek held his hand out. “There's no use trying to deny it, brother. You have betrayed me. I see that now. There is nothing left for either of us to do but accept it. I have but one question for you. Why, Scorpan? Why?”

“Why?” Scorpan growled. “Because I deserved to be made reagent of our land, not you! Our mother and father made a mistake, putting you in the throne!”

“Scorpan, you know that is not our way. The rules of our people clearly state that the eldest will ascend to the throne.” Tirek said.

Scorpan took in a deep breath. He turned away from his brother and made for the nearest window, attempting to escape.

Starscream wasn't having any of it, interposing himself between Scorpan and the window. “I don't think so.”

Scorpan drew out a sword and charged at Starscream. Starscream deployed his arm-blade, ready and quite eager to engage Scorpan in a sword fight and put him in his place. Starscream blocked Scorpan's sword, engaging him in a lock.

“I'm curious, Scorpan. Has your agreement with Celestia limited to troop movements, or is there more to it than that?”

“I suppose there's no point in trying to hide it anymore. Celestia has promised me ownership the land if I help her to defeat Tirek.” Scorpan said. “And I intend to own that land!” Scorpan poured his strength into his sword, managing to knock Starscream's blade to the side. He raised his blade up to bring it down over Starscream's head, but Starscream recovered and guarded against the would-be fatal blow. Starscream pushed back, pressing his blade against Scorpan's, mustering up enough force to knock the sword out of Scorpan's hand.

“Grr ...” Scorpan growled and spun around, whipping Starscream in the face with his tail and knocking Starscream onto his back. Scorpan managed to climb out the window and take flight.

Starscream got up and looked out the window. He aimed his arm-cannons at Scorpan and opened fire, shooting blast after blast in an attempt to strike Scorpan and perhaps clip his wings, but Scorpan dodged each shot and got further away, fading into the distance.

Starscream climbed up the window and searched for Scorpan, his cannons still armed. After a brief survey showed no sign of the bat-winged traitor, Starscream sighed and was forced to accept Scorpan had gotten away.

“Slag it.” Starscream said. “I lost him. I'm sorry, Tirek. I had hoped to arrest him for you.”

“There is nothing to apologize for, my friend.” Tirek said. “Although his betrayal pains me, I must admit I am happy you drove him out of the castle if nothing else. Perhaps with him gone, we'll be able to stand a fighting chance against Celestia's forces.” Tirek clapped his hands. “Now, it is likely my brother is going to go to Celestia and join her full-time. He will tell Celestia of all my strategies, so we will need to revise them and come up with new ones if we are to have a hope of turning the tide.”

“We'll get right on it.” Galvatron said. “Let's start with getting your troops into better positions … there's no telling how many of them Scorpan maneuvered them into being sitting ducks for ambushes, or away from key passages that need to be guarded.”

Celestia was helping her sister Luna get accustomed to the chain of command and the use of Autobot troops when she saw Scorpan flying towards their camp.

“Scorpan.” Celestia greeted him as Scorpan touched down. “What are you doing back so soon? Do you have new information to give me?”

Scorpan shook his head. “No. I'm afraid I can of limited use to you from this point on, my lady. My betrayal and alliance has been revealed to my brother. I cannot rearrange the troop movements for you anymore. However, now that I no home to return to, I am free to give you all the information on his defenses I have.”

“Are you implying you were holding back information before?” Celestia asked.


Celestia did appear to believe him. "Scorpan ... it's bad enough you were holding back information before. Do you really want to make it worse for yourself by adding lying to the list? You know I don't appreciate when somepony lies to me. Well, unless they're Twilight, but she and I have a ... special relationship. Simply admit to it now, and I will forgive you. But hurry. This offer, like my patience, fades quickly." She narrowed her eyes.

"Yes." Scorpan admitted, turning his head and grimacing.

"There." Celestia's smile exuded fake motherly charm. "Was that so hard?"

"I was spoon-feeding it to you, just in case things turned sour between us and I became your enemy. After all, if I was to fall out of your favor, I wouldn't want to know you everything about my home, would I? It was merely a back-up plan, I assure you. But that will change, starting now."

"I see. Won't Tirek rearrange his troops that he knows you've been sabotaging him?"

Scorpan laughed. "My brother? No, please. He won't know what to do with the troops."

"Not even with the Decepticons helping him? Or without you whispering falsehoods into his ear? I suspect you underestimate your brother, Scorpan."

Scorpan rubbed at his chin. “Er ...”

“Never mind that.” Celestia said. “I desire a concrete gain in this fight. Where are Tirek's defenses likely to be weakest as of this moment?”

“Somewhere around the prairies, in that direction.” Scorpan pointed to the southeast. “Even if my brother has the sense to call back his troops, it will be some time before reinforcements arrive to that area.”

Celestia nodded. “We will strike there at once. Luna, are you ready?”

Luna looked to the ground with uncertainty in her eyes, but she met her sister's gaze and nodded. “I am, sister.”

“Good. Take some Autobots and Twilight Sparkle with you, as well as … Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie Pie. Rarity is an excellent brawler, Spike is a capable tactician, and I imagine Pinkie Pie must be itching for her turn to contribute.”

Luna nodded to show she understood her sister.

After assembling her squadron, Luna led the march towards the prairie Scorpan had pointed them towards, her hooves beating on the ground in trained, military rhythm.

Once they had arrived, Luna was … off-put to see a wall made of enormous colored crystals rising from the ground, preventing them from going any further.

“Hmm. Scorpan said there would be minimal resistance here ...” Luna said. “Did he lie to us?”

“Servants of Celestia ...”

Luna and Twilight looked up to see Sombra climbing up to the top of a crystal spire. His crystal creatures joined him, appearing on the edges of other crystal.

“Leave at once.” Sombra said. “This place is under my protection, and I have no quarrel with you.”

Luna and Twilight squinted at him.

“Perhaps not, but we have a quarrel with you.” Luna spread her wings and rose up the sky. “And that is that you are in our way!”

Luna fired a magical lightning bolt from her horn. It struck the crystal upon which Sombra stood, shattering into pieces and sending Sombra hurtling towards the ground. Sombra flailed around for a moment before taking a moment to calm down, using his magic to summon another crystal spire to replace the one Luna destroyed, providing him with a platform to stand on.

“Attack!” Sombra ordered his troops, pointing his hoof at Luna.

The crystal creatures reared up and whinnied, climbing over the wall and stampeding towards their enemies. The Autobots opened fire. A few shots hit the crystal creatures directly, knocking them over to their side and stunning them.

The Royal Guard neighed and charged, running up to the crystal creatures and engaging them in physical combat. This was a strategic error, as Sombra's troops used the power Sombra had given them to raise crystals and diamonds from the earth, entrapping the Guards by encasing their bodies in crystal, allowing Sombra's troops to disregard and keep pushing forward.

“Charge!” Spike shouted, waving a lance and mounted upon the back of a Guard. The Guard neighed and rushed forward. Spike pointed the lance right at a Crystal Creature, meaning to spear right her right in her heart.

The Creature waved her hoof, summoning a cluster of rubies which crawled up the Guard's hooves to his body, trapping him in place and covering Spike's feet, trapping Spike with him.

“Well.” Spike put his lance down. “Perhaps I should have seen that coming.” He watched as the Crystal ran past him.

Rarity was doing better than Spike was, strong enough to go toe-to-toe (or hoof-to-hoof) with the Crystals and punch her way out of any crystal prisons they tried to trap her in. One Crystal Pony came up on her right side, rearing its hooves up at her. Rarity slammed her hoof into his face, which wouldn't have accomplished much if weren't for the fact they were fighting on a slope. Rarity's punch knocked him down and send him rolling away.

“Haha! I don't know what everypony's talkin' about. This sure is easy!” Rarity laughed as she grappled with another Crystal.

Twilight Sparkle and Luna used their magic to blast away the Crystals who approached them. They were both beginning to break sweat, as the Crystals seemed to keep coming as if they were an infinite supply of them.

“As much as I love to inflict physical harm, we can't keep this up forever, Princess Luna!” Twilight Sparkle shouted. “Eyah!” Twilight ducked as a Crystal swiped at her. She carefully aimed her horn at him and fired, shooting a laser bolt into his chin and knocking him out.

“I'm aware!” Luna said, flying up to avoid the hooves of the Crystals as they tried to grab her. Their upturned hooves grabbing at the air, reminded Twilight Sparkle of mindless zombies clamoring for their prey.

“LEAVE!” Sombra shouted, his horn glowing with blue and white kirby dots. He fired a beam which traveled across the landscape, raising pillars of crystal and ice everywhere it went, until it reached the position of Princess Luna's forces.

Luna grimaced. Sombra scowled and focused his horn, using his magic to will the sculptures of crystals and ice up higher and higher, making them curve inwards as they got closer to Luna, like the nails of a predator's claws coming together to crush the neck and the life out of an unfortunate rabbit.

Luna's eyes darted back and forth between the Crystals and Sombra's attack. The Crystals were following their leader's example, summoning spires of ruby, amethyst, and garnet to rise up and impale Luna. Luna panicked, thinking she had lost and worrying what Celestia was going to do her when she found. Likely punish her for her failure.

But Luna realized something. Sombra hadn't cornered her. He had given her an opportunity.

Her lips turning upward in a psychotic smile as she showed her teeth, Luna generated a huge black sphere of energy onto her horn. Luna hurled the magic-charged sphere into a crystal spire, where it dispersed, splattering against the crystal and releasing its energy in the form of a lightning bolt, which tore through the Crystals' ranks, slamming through them and bouncing off the crystal spires, a chain lightning which reflected off each surface it touched, destroying crystal spire and tossing aside Crystal alike until it reached Sombra's platform, shattering it once again.

Sombra attempted to summon another spire for him to stand on, but Luna fired another lightning bolt and destroyed before it was halfway out of the ground.

By now, Sombra was starting re-evaluate his chances of winning this battle. He looked up and saw Luna cackling madly, indiscriminately throwing down lightning bolts onto the battlefield with the intent to electrocute, if not obliterate his men.

“Fall back!” Sombra ordered, gesturing with his hoof. “I'll cover you!” His troops did as told, galloping back over the wall. As Luna pursued them, firing lightning at them even though they were retreated, Sombra fired a spell at her which Luna dodged. But it gave Sombra and the last of Crystals time to get over the wall and gallop away.

Luna wore a broad grin as she charged up a spell, shooting out a massive lightning strike and sweeping it across Sombra's wall, obliterating the wall and smashing into thousands of pieces and shards.

Sombra stopped and looked over his shoulder at the destruction. The ground trembled and smoke rose up from the wall as Luna destroyed it, tearing it apart.

As the wall came down … as the wall was shattered into pieces … so too were Sombra's hopes.

A pig-man came into Tirek's throne room. Tirek noticed he was somewhat antsy and nervous.

“What is it?” Tirek asked him.

“More news from the battlefield, sir.” The pig-man said. “It's a message from Sombra. They … they've lost the prairie.”

Tirek slammed his fist on the arm of his throne. “Blast!” Tirek sighed, clasping his hands on the side of his head as he slouched over.

Galvatron looked to Tirek. “What's the matter, Tirek? It is a victory for Celestia, but it is a small one.”

Tirek shook his head. “You don't understand. Everything else before this was just skirmishes. Now Celestia has gained a foothold into my territory.” Tirek rubbed his temples. “Ooh, she's going to win. She's going to win the war and kill all of us, if she doesn't put us in chains and keep us alive as pets.”

“Calm down, Prince Tirek.” Galvatron said. “Celestia will not conquer your lands so long as there is a pulse in my Ember. We will protect your lands from her conquest, or we will die trying.”

Tirek gave a weak smiled, comforted, however slight a comfort it may have been.

“Actually …” The pig-man raised a finger. “Could we skip that part? The part where we die trying? I would much rather live. I have a family, you know.”

“Then I suggest you come up with a way for us to win!” Galvatron barked at him, though in good humor. He, Tirek, and the pig-man shared a laugh before the pig-man left the room to resume his duties.

Luna descended from the sky, joining up with Twilight Sparkle on the ground as they went to deliver the good news to Celestia.

“Good news, sister!” Luna said while Celestia was busy ordering troops to carry materials around.

“What is it?” Celestia turned to them.

“Twilight Sparkle and I have driven out Tirek's allies. We have secured the prairie for you.” Luna wrapped a wing around Twilight Sparkle and pulled her close. The two of them bumped hooves together in celebration of their victory.

Celestia's face went blank as she took a moment to process what this meant. She held a hoof in front of her face as she laughed. “Oh ho ho ho! This is perfect! This is wonderful. This … is an opportunity we cannot afford to let pass. TROOPS!” Celestia shouted. “We have gained a foothold into Tirek's domain! We must leverage our advantage at once. Prepare yourselves. We will be making a massive push forward, deep into the heart of enemy territory!”

Autobots and Royal Guard alike raised their arms and cheered for the coming battle and conquest.

Galvatron rested his back on the wall, crossing his arms as he looked out the window. Despite the pleasant face he kept up and what he told Tirek, he knew they were losing. They needed to find something to turn the tide, and they needed to find it fast before Celestia overwhelmed.

Blitzwing entered the room, putting his hand on the door frame. “Galvatron, sir?”

“What is it, Blitzwing?”

“We've received a message for you. A message using a Cybertronian method, I should add.” Blitzwing said.

“What it's say?”

“It's a request for a meet-up and some coordinates. They think they have information you want.”

“Does it say who the message is from?”

“No, sir.”

“Hmm.” Galvatron frowned. “Get Starscream and form a team. We're going to investigate this, but I don't want to take any chances.”

“Understood, sir.”

Galvatron, Starscream, Blitzwing, and a few others went to the coordinates given in the message. Each of them kept their blasters up, ready to pump someone full of holes at the first sign of trouble.

“Come out, Twilight Sparkle!” Galvatron called. “You may have got me to come alone with one fake message once, but the same trick won't work again! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me! So you may as well come out so we can get this over with.”

“Twilight Sparkle? Heh. As if I would be caught dead hanging out anywhere near that leech.”

A tree rustled close to their position. Starscream and the others turned their weapons in the direction of said tree. Goldbug came out from under the tree, clutching his side and walking with an obvious limp.

“Goldbug.” Galvatron said. “After Twilight Sparkle told me she had spliced your Ember, I thought … I had assumed you were dead.”

“After what she did, I might as well have been! But I lived, didn't I? Or I wouldn't be in front of you here and now, would I?”

“I suppose not.” Galvatron said. “What do you want?”

“What you I want?”

Goldbug pulled out his blaster and raised it up. Starscream moved to shoot at him, but Galvatron held his arm out in front of Starscream.

Goldbug raised his gun up and threw it to the ground. He punted the gun towards Galvatron, but his kick was so weak it only sent the gun a few meters in front of him. “Eh ...” Grunting, Goldbug picked his gun back up, walked over to Galvatron, and dropped the gun at Galvatron's feet.

Galvatron stared at the gun before looking back up at Goldbug.

“I want to talk.” Goldbug raised his fingers. “I got information, see? Information that I know you and your Decepticons and Tirek have just been dreaming about having. I took a look at her drawn-up battle plans before leaving, see?”

“What kind of information?”

“Information about Celestia's movements. Where she's going to attack next. Her strategy for how she's going to attack. Her troop movements. Her back-up strategies. What troops she's dividing into what regiment. And I'd be happy to give it to you.”

“You would? Why? Why would you of all people want to betray Optimus Prime and Twilight Sparkle?”

“Because of what they did to me!” Goldbug screamed. “Twilight Sparkle … mutilated me! She tore out pieces of me for her little science project! After Optimus Prime came back, I went to him to complain. I figured hey, he's Optimus! He'll understand, right? So you can imagine my disappointment when he completely blows me off! I used to be one of his most trustworthy and important spies, but I'm just not as important to him as Twilight Sparkle. Twilight … Twilight Sparkle has Optimus wrapped around her little – well, she doesn't have fingers, but you get the idea. I'm sick of the way they're treating me! I'm not disposable. I have rights, you know! I want payback. I want revenge. I want – I want the pieces of me that are in the Aerialbots taken out and put back into me!”

“I see.” Galvatron said. He cupped his chin, thinking. He stepped forward.

“Goldbug … if your intel helps us to defeat Queen Celestia and Optimus Prime ...”

“Which it will!”

“What would you say to being made Supreme Leader of the Autobots in exchange?”

The other Decepticons were baffled.

“Galvatron ...” Starscream said. “Surely you're not serious?”

“Quiet, Starscream.” Galvatron motioned for Starscream to be silent.

Goldbug turned away from Galvatron to think about it. He cupped his chin. “Hmm. Supreme Commander Goldbug of the Autobots … yeah. Yeah, I like the sound of that!” Goldbug turned his head to Galvatron. “What do you need me to do?”

“Well, first, we need to have your intel check out … and second, we need you to agree to have a microscopic bomb put in your neck powerful to wipe out an Autobot battalion so we have a way of keeping a leash on you in case you get out of hand.”

Goldbug thought about this for a minute before nodding.

“Well, yeah. Naturally. That's only fair, considering what the Autobots are like.”

“So … you provide us with information that will let us defeat Celestia and Optimus, we install you as leader of the Autobots in Optimus Prime's place.” Galvatron offered Goldbug his hand. “Do we have a deal?”

Goldbug took Galvatron's hand without hesitating. “Deal.”

“Now, Goldbug, about that intel ...”

“Of course. After all, I'm an Autobot of my word. Here's what you need to know right away...”

With Goldbug's intelligence report, Galvatron organized some Decepticons, Chrysalis, and her Changelings into a team and positioned themselves at the bottom of a a shallow chasm. A rickety rope bridge, strong enough to hold up Tirek's citizens, connected one side to the other, and it was the crux of their strategy. The strength which let hold Tirek's citizens also made it strong enough to hold a few Autobots, and it would be an easy way to get a significant force further into Tirek's land if it were unguarded, so the Autobots would be trying to cross it at any minute now.

The Decepticons and Changelings hid themselves under camouflage, using piles of twigs and sheets colored to match the surrounding stone to hide in plain sight. Two teams were set up, one for the right side of the bridge, one for the left.

The Changelings buzzed with excitement, flapping their wings and chattering with their teeth.

“Chrysalis, I understand your Changelings are excited, but can't you get them to control themselves?” Galvatron asked, peeking his head out from his cover.

Chrysalis smiled apologetically. “Sorry.”

“Remember, men. Hold your fire til you see the whites of their eyes!” Galvatron pointed at his optic to demonstrate.

“Oh! Here they come.” Soundwave noticed. “Quiet, dudes!”

Rodimus led the attacking squadron. It was only fitting an Autobot of his rank and ambition should lead an important charge such as this, the one which would guarantee the Autobots and Celestia victory. As soon they crossed the bridge, victory was as good as theirs.

Rodimus and others pulled up the bridge in vehicle mode, stopping and letting their Royal Guard passengers out before transforming and walking onto the bridge.

“Is this all there is?” Rodimus asked as he took his first step on the bridge, being careful to balance himself and not fall over. “Pathetic I mean, I wasn't expecting anything too fancy, but youse would think Tirek would assign someone to guard this place. Come on, youse!” Rodimus gestured for his troops to follow.

Little did Rodimus know what Galvatron had in store for his team.

“All right.” Galvatron whispered. “Right flank, fire!”

The Decepticons and the Changelings on the right side of the bridge aimed at the Autobots and fired a small volley of laser blasts.

“What?” Rodimus grabbed onto the bridge's rope for support as he and the Autobots came under fire.

“We're being shot at!” An Autobot exclaimed.

Rodimus shook his fist at him. “I can see that, you piston-head! Return fire!” He pulled out his gun and fired at the direction the blasts were coming from.

“Left flank, open fire.” Galvatron gave the order. Their strategy was brilliant. Distract the Autobots' attention with a small volley from one side, and while they were distracted attempting to counterattack, the other side would rain fire down on them while their backs were turned.

The team on the left side of the chasm opened fire on the Autobots, scoring a direct hit into one unfortunate Autobot's back and knocking him down with smoke coming from his backside. Unlike the right flank, they didn't hold back, shooting at the Autobots with everything they had to offer.

“What is goin' on!?” Rodimus exclaimed as he led the troops to turn around and shoot back at the left flank. The moment they turned around, the right flank opened fire again, this time not holding anything back. The bridge was soon bathed in a flurry of yellow, green, and pink lights as the Decepticons and the Changelings unleashed a hailstorm of bullets and lasers on them.

“If I may make a suggestion, sir?” An Autobot officer said. “We appeared to be surrounded, outmaneuvered, and outgunned! We should consider retreating!”

“Suggestion noted … and heeded! Let's get out of here!” Rodimus transformed into car mode and drove off the bridge, his wheels squealing as he turned around and drove out away from the firefight as fast he could, leaving his Royal Guard allies behind and leaving them to fend for themselves. The other Autobots did the same, though a few of them remembered to pick up the Guards on their way out. It was a sight for the sore eyes of Galvatron's troops to see a mass of fleeing, speeding Autobot cars and galloping Royal Guards escaped from the bridge, returning to their forward base, their charge thwarted and their mission a failure.

The Decepticons and Changelings celebrated their victory, raising their arms up in joy and exchanging high-fives.


“All right”

“We did it!”

Galvatron emerged from his cover, shedding the sheet he used to blend in with the stone floor of the chasm. He almost couldn't believe the ambush had gone as flawlessly as it did. A smile crept onto his face. “We did, didn't we?”

Celestia was organizing her troops when Rodimus and his team limped into the forward base, clutching their shoulders and wincing from the holes blown into them.

“Ah, Rodimus.” Celestia turned to him. “Back so soon? I take it your mission was a success …” Celestia saw the wounds Rodimus and the Autobots had and her smiled dimmed. “Is what I would say, had I not noticed the holes you seemed to be covered in.”

“Yeah.” Rodimus said. “We, uh, well … we gave the Decepticons a good fight, all right. Brought a few of them down, and we managed to make it across the bridge and ...” Rodimus fell silent.

“And?” Celestia demanded, her expression showing frustration.

“Don't believe him, Your Majesty. He's making the whole thing up to make himself look better.” The Autobot officer said.

“So what really happened?” Celestia said.

“We got the bridge and ... the Decepticons ambushed us. They totally crushed us, ripped us a new one. Or several new ones, as you can see.” He gestured to the hole in his shoulder. “It was embarrassing, really.”

Celestia's eye twitched. “Are you telling me, that after Scorpan guaranteed we would be able to win the war as long as we took control of that bridge, you went out on this crucial mission and … failed?”

“It would appear I have underestimated my brother's ability to adapt to changing situations.” Scorpan admitted.

The Autobot officer hesitated before answering. “Yes.”

Celestia shook with rage. She stiffened her posture and stared off into the distance. For victory to be so close to her, at least according to Scorpan, only for itto be snatched away with one simple enemy maneuver upset her to no end. She closed her eyes and placed a hoof over her head, taking in a deep breath so she could stop and think. After she had thought long enough, she placed her hoof firmly on the ground.

“Send everyone. Send everything. I want us to throw everything we have at them.” Celestia ordered.

“C-Celestia?” Twilight asked, her concern for Celestia showing in the way she didn't address Celestia by her title or as “Her Majesty.” She hoped Celestia would notice the omission and it would shock Celestia back into her senses. “Are you sure about this?”

Celestia snapped towards Twilight, giving her a hateful glare. “Are you questioning my orders, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well, uh … y-yes, I am.” Twilight said.

“What Twilight Sparkle means, is ...” Rainbow Dash said, quickly interposing herself between Twilight and Celestia. “Is that you're angry. I get that. She just thinks – and so do I – that you might be overlooking a better strategy than blindly sending all of our forces in at once because of your emotional state!”

Celestia slapped Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash across the cheek in one motion, leaving a bruise on both. “DO AS I SAY

"Yes, ma'am." Twilight Sparkle said, rubbing her bruised cheek.

"It won't happy again, ma'am." Rainbow Dash said, doing the same as Twilight.

Celestia herself seemed surprised by her outburst. She smiled and chuckled. "Come here, my servants." She reached out her wings, wrapping her feathers around both of them, and pulled them towards her. "I just lost my temper for a moment. Can you forgive me?" She gave Twilight and Rainbow Dash each an apologetic nuzzle.

Twilight looked away, blushing. Rainbow Dash bit her lip. Celestia continued to nuzzle them, convincing them to accept her apology. They both nodded, giving awkward smiles.

Rodimus shrugged. “Well, boys, you heard the lady. Back into the fray we go!”

The Decepticons stood at the ready, fortifying the area around the bridge and laying down cover.

Bltzwing put his hand over his head to focus his vision as he noticed the rumbling sounds of marching. “We got company.”

Queen Celestia was marching towards them, with every troop she had at her disposal with her. Optimus Prime and Twilight Sparkle walked side-by-side with her, Superion lumbered near the front of her ranks, every Autobot and Royal Guardsmen was present, and two enormous, winged black dragons marched with them. Not tiny little reptilian servants like Spike, but gargantuan, breathing dragons like the creatures of myth.

“Looks like she brought the whole party.” Blitzwing observed.

“Dragons? Where did she get dragons?” Cliffjumper asked.

“Probably enslaved or made a deal with them some time ago.” Sombra said.

“Never mind that now.” Galvatron said. “Send a message to Tirek. Tell him to bring the rest of our forces here at once.” A Decepticon nodded and left, transforming into a flight-enable mode and flying towards Tirek's castle.

Galvatron turned to look at Celestia's marching army. He made notes in his head of how Celestia had arranged her troops, who she had put in the front and who she had guarding the rear.

“Shouldn't we destroy the bridge?” Side Swipe asked. “After all, it's the main way of getting from one side to the other.”

“The bridge isn't going to matter once the fighting starts and the chasm fills up with corpses Celestia can just walk over.” Galvatron said.

Tirek soon arrived, leading a force of pig-men and saurian monsters onto their side of the chasm. “My apologies that I am I late.”

“Prince Tirek. Glad you could join us. You're just in the nick of time.” Galvatron gestured to Celestia's army. “Please excuse me. I'd like to address the troops.” Tirek nodded and Galvatron moved to where he could be easily seen.

“Decepticons!” Galvatron shouted. “Whatever happens today, know that one way or another, this will be our final battle in this short-lived war. There is no way either of us could recover from sending all of our troops in at once, but that's exactly what Celestia is going to do, and it's what we're going to do.” The Decepticons cheered and applauded.

“Whatever the outcome, this will be our final battle in this war.” Celestia told her troops. “Do not fail me.” The Royal Guard nodded collectively.

“This will be our last fight.” Galvatron continued. “Not just with Celestia, but with the Autobots as well. Everything we've been fighting for since our war started on Cybertron depends on this. All our hopes … are resting on the outcome of this battle. We may have taken a few unexpected turns along the way, but everything we've fought for, everything we've done, has been leading up to this. This will be our last chance to win the war and free the universe of Autobot tyranny. So no slacking! I want you to GIVE – IT – YOUR – ALL! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?”

“SIR, YES, SIR!” The Decepticons saluted.

“All right.” Galvatron turned around to the bridge. He raised his hand up. “On my signal ...”

Celestia's troops stopped moving, taking a moment to size up the opposition and considering the consequences of what they were about to do. The Autobots made the same notes of positions and formations on Galvatron's forces as Galvatron had took on their eyes. Celestia's eyes fell on Galvatron, squinting at him with all her hate and loathing.

Galvatron moved his hand forward.



Celestia reared up and whinnied, flying into the air. The Autobots broke formation, charging towards the chasm like the barbarian horde they were inside. The Decepticons and Changelings used their powers of flight to their advantage, picking up troops and airlifting them over to the other side of the chasm, the side where the Autobots awaited.

“Do what you must, but I will deal with my treacherous brother!” Tirek announced. He reared up and broke into a gallop, jumping over the chasm in a single bound, all under his own power. The Stunticons crossed the bridge and combined into Menasor, who made Superion his first priority, clashing with his enemy once more. The ground trembled as the rival titans clashed for what would be the last time, each combiner determined to see to it the other fell.

“Galvatroooon!” Optimus Prime roared, pointing his sword at Galvatron.

“You want me? I'm right here!” Galvatron roared back, the copter blades on his arm spinning as Galvatron's systems accelerated. If Cybertronians had their own equivalent to adrenaline, Galvatron was producing it at all-time high.

Optimus Prime transformed into a long-nose cab and accelerated towards Galvatron, smashing into his front legs and tripping him over, causing Galvatron to fall onto of Optimus Prime's truck roof. Galvatron braced himself, digging his fingers into Optimus' car doors and holding on for dear life as Optimus swerved and spun around wildly, looking for something hard and sturdy to ram Galvatron into.

Queen Luna flew up over Starscream, Chrysalis, and Sombra, her horn crackling with electricity. “In the name of my sister, and for the good of Equestria, I will punish you!”

Starscrem grit his teeth and deployed his integrated blade.

Chrysalis put a hoof on Starscream's leg. “Go. We can handle ourselves. Your help is more needed elsewhere.”

Before Starscream could ask if Chrysalis was sure about her decision, Chrysalis flew up into the air and met Luna, charging towards Luna and locking their horns together, magical sparks flying off their horns. Sombra went to provide Chrysalis with backup, raising crystals from the ground to use as platforms, slinging spells at Luna while Luna pushed Chrysalis off and fired spells at her. Chrysalis returned fire, shooting a laser beam at Luna and engaging her in a firefight.

Starscream, seeing the two of them in good shape against Luna, looked around for a trouble spot. He rendevoused with Shockwave and Soundwave, keeping an eye for any opportunities.

“What about you two?” Starscream asked, joining Shockwave in shooting down an Autobot. “Have you seen any good openings we can take advantage of?”

Urk. None so far.” Shockwave grunted as he came under attack from a winged Royal Guard, who he brought his fist down on, sending the pegasus into the ground.

Starscream continued to scan the battlefield, though trying to keep track of every movement as Autobot battled Decepticon and Guardsmen struggled to bring down Tirek's monsters with unicorn fire proved difficult. Tirek's troops were more than capable of handling the ponies under Celestia's command, but the Autobots were a more equal challenge, being similar in size, weight, and possessing superior firepower in the forms of their lasers. Thankfully, other Decepticons came to their aid.

“Wait. What's that?” Starscream wondered, seeing Twilight Sparkle and her friends break off from the fighting to watch as Optimus Prime taking Galvatron on a wild ride.

“Okay, girls!” The gem on Twilight Sparkle's crown glowed with dark energy. “You know who your target is! Let's show Galvatron what the Elements of Harmony can do!”

“The Elements of Harmony?” Soundwave yelled. “Oh man, what we can do?”

Starscream watched and observed as Twilight's and her friends' Elements hummed and pulsed, charging up energy. Starscream made the effortless deduction the Elements of Harmony needed to charge and power up before they could be used.

“Well, we can stand around here doing nothing and letting them charge up their magical artifacts, or we could do something about it. Soundwave, hit them with your loudest rock song!”

“You got it!” Soundwave spread his arms. Golden waves of energy emitted from Soundwave's body as he turned his volume up to eleven, weaponnizing his good vibrations in the form of a sonic attack.

“Agh!” Twilight Sparkle and her friends covered their ears to shield themselves from Soundwave's sound-based assault, which hurt them enough Twilight and Pinkie suspected their ears would begin to bleed any second, if the sonic-induced migraine didn't do them in first.

“Shockwave, fire on them. See if you can split them up.”

“With pleasure.” Shockwave took careful aim.

“Make this shot count, Shockwave.”

“Don't I always?” Shockwave fired into the center of Twilight's group of friends. His blast created a miniature explosion with a blast wave strong to blow the girls away, scattering them and knocking them away a good two yards from each other.

“I once said that if I ever got the chance, I would kill Fluttershy first.” Starscream readied his armblade. He transformed into jet mode, using the additional speed it gave him to fly towards the girls as fast he could before they could recover, and transformed back into robot mode.

“I keep my promises, Fluttershy!”

Starscream raised his blade up into the air and brought it down, swinging it and slashing Fluttershy across the chest. A splash of blood spurted from her chest, coating Starscream's blade. Twilight Sparkle reached a hoof for her friend in distress. Fluttershy's face was one of utter shock and confusion. She didn't think Starscream was capable of this kind of cold, callous action.

“I'll take this.” Starscream snatched the Element necklace Fluttershy was wearing, ripping it from her neck as she fell to her side, her chest leaking blood onto the grass.

Starscream held the Element up for inspection. “Now, to get you somewhere safe ...” Starscream transformed into jet mode and sped through the sky in search of a place to throw the Element away.

“He's got Fluttershy's Element!” Twilight pointed at Starscream as he fled the scene. She looked over her shoulder at Fluttershy. She grimaced in concern. She needed to chase Starscream and retrieve Fluttershy's Element, but she couldn't abandon Fluttershy while she was bleeding on the ground.

Pinkie Pie went up to Fluttershy, placing a comforting hoof on her neck. “She'll be fine. I'll take care of her. You girls go after Starscream.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded. She, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash broke into gallops, pursuing Starscream.

Pinkie Pie ran her hoof over Fluttershy's neck. “You hear me, Fluttershy? You're gonna be fine. I'm a doctor. I'll take care of you.” Pinkie Pie pulled out a medical kit and went to work, first pulling out her stehtoscope, then some cotton balls. Those would help with the bleeding.

“I didn't ...” Fluttershy coughed, blood dripping out the side of her mouth. “Starscream … I didn't think he had it in him.”

“There, there.” Pinkie Pie placed a cotton ball onto Fluttershy's chest to soak up the blood and perhaps stop the bleeding. “You're gonna be all right.” Acting as a doctor, Pinkie Pie was trained to and tried not to let her worry show, but it was written all over her face.

The battle raged around him, but the sound of booming laser cannons and humming magical beams did not distract Scorpan when he saw his brother step forward and stand in front of him, determination in his form. Scorpan's eyes widened.



“I suppose talking about this is out of the question.” Scorpan said.

“You've talked to me much over the years, brother … and I am tired of listening.” Tirek said.

“I see. Brother, could I at least convince you go easy on me?” Scorpan shrugged, smiling disarmingly. “After all, we are brothers and I ... do not have my sword.”

Tirek reached behind him and produced Scorpan's sword, holding it up for Scorpan to see. Tirek tossed to the ground, the blade going into the dirt and standing the sword up.

Scorpan hesitated before wrapping his fingers around the sword's handle and pulling it free. He twirled the sword, making sure it felt the same as before, before adopting a fighting stance, his sword raised and pointed at Tirek.

“Brother … spare me. I was only trying to do what was best for our people. I thought you lacked the ability to make decisions and stand by them. I see now that I was wrong.”

“You know, Scorpan … since your flight from our castle, my castle, I've been doing a lot of thinking.” Tirek said. “I've come to realize something. when you told Galvatron he couldn't recruit Nightmare Moon, you weren't concerned for his safety. You wanted to keep us from getting an ally who could fight Celestia. And for as long as Celestia has been attempting to take over my lands … all the times you insisted on something I thought was odd, like testing vistors before they could see me … you must have been planning this treachery for a long time.”

Scorpan scowled as he realized there was no way for him to talk his way out of this. He raised up his sword and yelled.

Tirek, without a word, used his magic and blasted him. Two blue lines appeared emitted from the tips of Tirek's horns, meeting in the empty space between the horns and forming a sphere, which grew in size before Tirek unleashed his magic, firing a blast of blue fire which blasted Scorpan away and sent him flying. Scorpan landed on his back, the blast making him drop his sword out of reach.

Scorpan gasped, looking to his sword from the side. He rolled over and reached to pick his sword up.

Tirek snorted. He scraped his front hoof before charging at his brother, raising a hoof and stomping on Scorpan's wrist. Tirek stared at his brother with visible contempt as clear as clean water in his features, his eyes, his mouth, and his eyebrows.

While Scorpan shivered in fear, Tirek charged up another spell from his horns.

“Brother, wait!” Scorpan held out his free hand. “Before you execute me, there's something you should know ...”

“Oh? And what's that?”

“Queen Celestia … she has the Rainbow of Darkness.”

This was cause enough for Tirek to halt in his tracks. He dispelled the magic charging up between his horns. “What? The Rainbow of Darkness? Our family heirloom? The counterpart to the Rainbow of Light, missing for years, if not centuries … Celestia has it? How? Did you give it to her?” Tirek applied pressure to his hoof on Scorpan's wrist.

Scorpan shook his head. “No. She found it. At least, that is what she told me when I asked ...”

Tirek chewed on his knuckles, wondering what to do. He wasn't sure it was a good idea to leave Scorpan … but he needed to tell Galvatron this news at once.
Lifting his hoof off Scorpan's wrist, Tirek brought his hooves down on Scorpan's sword, shattering the blade into pieces. Tirek turned to his brother, reared up his hooves, and kicked Scorpan in the head, hitting him hard enough to knock him out, but not kill him.

“Don't go anywhere.” Tirek instructed his brother. He galloped off to warn Galvatron, his tail swinging back and forth in concern.

Galvatron's legs swung to the side as Optimus Prime made another turn.

“All right. I think I've had just about enough of this!” Galvatron decided. He climbed onto Optimus' roof, stretched his legs out, and swung himself around, landing his knees onto Optimus' truck bed. Galvatron pulled out his sword. Holding up the sword with the blade end pointed down, Galvatron stuck the blade between Optimus' wheels, jamming them up.

Optimus Prime began to swerve out of control. With his wheels making him drift to one side, Optimus Prime pulled forward and hit his brakes, bringing himself to a complete and sudden stop. Galvatron was still carrying moment, which carried him and flung him off Optimus. Galvatron landed on his feet, digging his heels into the dirt as he was pushed forward, creating two lines in the ground.

Optimus Prime transformed into robot mode and pulled out his sword. “Let's finish this, Galvatron.”

“I couldn't have said it better myself. Let's.” Galvatron twirled his blade, demonstrating impressive control over his sword.

Cliffjumper and Side Swipe pulled up to the scene onto the scene into their vehicle modes, transforming into robots once they were in visual range of Optimus.

“Side Swipe? Cliffjumper? What are you doing here?”

“We thought you could use a hand.” Side Swipe said. Side Swipe and Cliffjumper drew up their blasters and fired on Optimus, pelleting him with energy blasts.

“Raaa!” Optimus Prime shrugged off their fire and charged at Galvatron, raising his blade up high and making it an effort to bring it down on Galvatron's head. Galvatron blocked the blow with his sword. Optimus forced his sword into Galvatron's, attempting to break through Galvatron's guard.

“We're not doing much.” Cliffjumper saw what little effect his fire and stopped wasting his ammuntion. “Hey, Side Swipe? You think we can still use our Cyber Keys now that the Cyber Planet Key is in Galvatron?”

“It's worth a try. Let's find out.”

Cliffjumper and Side Swipe reached their hands out toward Galvatron, attempting to call upon the power of the Cyber Planet Key which lay within his chest.

Galvatron grunted and kicked Optimus Prime in the gut, knocking him off, if only for a brief moment. Galvatron looked down saw a pink glow emitting from his chest.

Optimus Prime didn't know what the glow was, but he knew he wanted to stop it. He raised his blade and charged at Galvatron again, though too late to prevent two lights from shooting out of Galvatron's chest and entering into Side Swipe and Cliffjumper's chests. As Galvatron and Optimus locked blades again, Cliffjumper and Side Swipe felt the power of their Cyber Keys flow through their bodies.

“Yeah!” Cliffjumper relished the feeling as a turret formed from his back, and rocket launchers appeared on Side Swipe's shoulders. They fired on Optimus Prime with their Cyber Key-powered weapons, Cliffjumper's turret pumping lead into Optimus' side, and Side Swipe's rocket blasting Optimus Prime away from Galvatron, throwing him face-first on the ground.

“Grr ...” Optimus growled at Cliffjumper continuing to shoot at him. He stood up and lumbered his way towards Cliffjumper, muscling his way through the fire – the bullets were only causing him to stagger.

Seeing Optimus Prime get closer, Cliffjumper continued to fire the turret at him for all the good it would do. Once close enough, Optimus Prime grabbed Cliffjumper by the head and lifted him off the ground before turning and hurling him into Side Swipe, flinging Cliffjumper and Side Swipe away. The two of them tumbled to the ground, and the impact of Cliffjumper's body being flung into him shattered Side Swipe's optic.

“Get off.” Side Swipe told Cliffjumper, lifting him up and pushing him to the side. “That's it, there you go … I'll help you up.”

Galvatron watched the show of camaraderie between the two with concern as Side Swipe got to his feet and helped Cliffjumper. Galvatron's optics widened when, from the corner of his optic, he saw Optimus Prime charging at him. He was able to raise his sword to block Optimus' blade in the nick of time to deflect Optimus' attack.

“Distracted watching your troops, Galvatron? You should keep your eyes on your opponent. That's always been your weakness. Your compassion. It distracts you. If you would just let go and focus on the important things, maybe you would have won this war by now!”

“Ah, but my compassion gets me something you don't have; friends. Whereas you have minions that serve you out of fear who would turn on you in an second if they thought could get away with it, my friends will stay with me through thick and thin, all the way to the end. Besides that, this “weakness,” as you claim, is also ... what drives me ... to defeat the likes … of you!” Galvatron poured his strength into his sword, pushing Optimus Prime's sword and making the Autobot leader stumble. Seizing his advantage, Galvatron drove fist into Optimus Prime's chin, cracking Optimus' faceplate and helmet.

Optimus Prime raised his sword again and brought it down on Galvatron. Galvatron used his sword and batted Optimus' sword away, leaving Optimus Prime undefended and open to attack. Galvatron thrust his sword forward, stabbing Optimus Prime in the chest.

“Gah!” Optimus Prime jumped backward, the sword leaving his chest. Infuriated at being wounded, Optimus decided to quit trying to beat Galvatron in swordplay and take the easy way to victory. He drew his blaster with his other hand and aimed at Galvatron's chest.

Galvatron was quicker on the draw, however. He raised Rumbler up and blasted Optimus Prime's gun, destroying it and turning it into a smoking pile of parts.

Optimus Prime growled, his hands shaking in frustration. He tossed the exploded gun to the ground and made ready to charge at Galvatron again.

Galvatron raised his hand, drawing on the power of the Key and firing pink lasers from fingertips. The blasts struck Optimus Prime and pushed him back.

Optimus fell on to one knee, using his sword to support himself. He recovered and ran at Galvatron, madly swinging his sword around without any finesse or grace to his maneuvers.

Galvatron countered Optimus Prime's crazy tactics with a calm and measured response. Activating engines in his systems, Galvatron lifted off the ground and flew up into the sky, levitating high above Optimus Prime on the lowly ground. Galvatron crossed his arms and smirked, confident he now had the advantage.

“You think that flying will save you? Think again!” Optimus Prime readied his sword as fire began to burn from under his feet, rockets in the legs of his new body allowing him to fly up towards Galvatron.

Galvatron was caught off-guard by Optimus' ability to fly. No one had thought to mention to him Optimus could fly now. Still, he prepared his sword and guarded against it as Optimus Prime flew straight at him, trying to slice Galvatron down the shoulder.

“Would you quit blocking?” Optimus Prime pressed his sword against Galvatron's. “It's not going to get us anywhere if you keep that up!”

“And then what? Sit idly by while I let you dice me into pieces?”

“Well … yes!”

“No thanks, I'll pass.”

Optimus Prime screamed in fury, pressing his sword harder and harder against Galvatron's, wishing Galvatron's stupid sword would break. It would make this fight so much easier for him.

Galvatron and Optimus dueled, their swords parting and clanging together several times, neither of them gaining an advantage until Galvatron raised his sword up with his right arm, leaving his left side vulnerable. Optimus Prime slashed his sword through Galvatron's shoulder, and while Galvatron was still feeling the effects of that, Optimus slammed his arm into Galvatron's torso, sending Galvatron falling down, where he crashed into the branches of a tree on a nearby cliff. The thin, brittle branches gave way and snapped, unable to support Galvatron's heavy weight. Galvatron landed on the tree's roots.

Optimus Prime descended in front of him, landing gently on his feet before Galvatron.

Galvatron groaned, his vision blurry after the fall he suffered. He rested his hand on the tree for support as he climbed onto his fist.

Galvatron, never one to give up, pointed his sword at Optimus Prime. “Give it up, Optimus Prime! You'll never beat me. I am Galvatron! I no longer suffer from the self-doubt or moments of despair that Megatron did! I am Galvatron the liberator! The bringer of hope to all of the impoverished citizens of Equestria!”

Galvatron prepared a Cyber Planet Key-powered blast in his palm, pink energy gathering and swirling in his hand.

Optimus Prime lunged forward, grabbing Galvatron's hand by the wrist and pulling Galvatron close, causing Galvatron's blast to fire over Optimus Prime's shoulder and miss its target.

Optimus Prime lunged his sword forward, running his sword through Galvatron's side, the end of Optimus' blade sticking out from Galvatron's back. Galvatron gasped and dropped his sword, the pain leaving him unable to maintain his grip on any longer.

“You may have a new paint job and a new look, but you're still the same Megatron under it. The same … weak pathetic Megatron who couldn't win the war.”

Optimus Prime pulled his sword out and let go, allowing Galvatron to fall back against the tree. Deciding resting on a tree wasn't enough humiliation for Galvatron to satisfy him, Optimus Prime grabbed Galvatron by the chest and threw him to the ground.

“The Decepticon who couldn't the win the war. That's who you are. That's what you'll always be, and that's how you'll be remembered!”

Optimus Prime put both hands on the handle of his sword and raised his sword up, the blade pointed down at Galvatron's chest, ready to end Galvatron's life.

Galvatron closed his optics, bracing himself for the end to come.

The next thing Galvatron knew, he heard the swing of swords and the clashing of blades grinding against metal and … he was still alive, and he didn't feel Optimus Prime's sword in his chest. He opened his eyes to see Side Swipe standing in front of him, Optimus Prime's sword having gone through Side Swipe's chest instead of Galvatron's, with Side Swipe driving his sword up and through Optimus Prime's chest.

“What?” Optimus Prime groaned, his body shaking.

“SIDE SWIPE!” Cliffjumper screamed, arriving on the scene a minute too late to do anything.

“Side Swipe?” Galvatron asked, sitting up.

“What's … going on? I … don't understand.” Optimus Prime said.

“Do you remember me?” Side Swipe asked. “No. Of course you don't. Let me explain. My name is Side Swipe. A long time ago on Cybertron, you sent my commanding officer and partner, Drench, and me on a mission, which was a ruse for an ambush you had arranged in order to kill Drench for being too soft, and you left me to die. I survived and joined the Decepticons.”

Side Swipe's sword squealed as Side Swipe drove it further into Optimus Prime's chest, straight into his Ember. “I took up Drench's colors as a reminder to you and myself, that one day, I would kill you. That one day, I would avenge Drench and myself.”

The metal of their swords squeaked and groaned as Optimus and Side Swipe adjusted their blades, Optimus trying a desperate attempt to regain control of the situation and his position as the winning combatant.

“I thought long and hard about how I would make you pay for what you did. I asked myself, 'what's most important to Optimus? What's the precious thing could I take away from him?' And it hit me. I realized, what was important to you was that you got to finish off Galvatron yourself in a bloody, glorious fight to the finish. Well, I won't let you. Instead, you'll die being taken out by a nobody, by a traitor you thought you had already dealt with."

"No!" Optimus Prime put his foot against Side Swipe's chest. He tried to push, to withdraw and free himself of the deadlock Side Swipe had him engaged in, but Side Swipe freed his other hand and drew his other sword. The vengeance seeker swung his blade, bringing it down on Optimus' sword and locking the sword - and with it, Optimus - into place with a vice grip created by the forces of both of Side Swipe's blades pushing against Optimus' blade.

"I will take you with me to the bottom of the ocean. My spirit will watch over your corpse for your eternity. My wraith will guard your body and make sure you are never again resurrected. Not by Twilight Sparkle, not by your loyal Autobots, not by anyone! This is my final revenge against you, Optimus Prime – to deny you your final showdown with Galvatron!”

“NO!” Optimus Prime screamed. He drove his sword further into Side Swipe's chest, seeking to end Side Swipe's life and free himself from Side Swipe's hold. Side Swipe responded in kind, driving his sword further up the inside of Optimus Prime's chest.

“Oh yes, Optimus Prime. “Take a good look at me, Optimus Prime! Take a look at the colors of Drench that I wear and see Drench's ghost!”

“Side Swipe ...” Cliffjumper spoke his friend's name.

Side Swipe turned to Cliffjumper with a smile, despite his broken optic, the Energon leaking down his face, and the sword going inside of him.

“Don't cry, Cliffjumper.” Side Swipe said, almost if he were oblivious to the screaming of his and Optimus' swords as each was driven further into the other, sparks flying from their bodies as the blades penetrated deeper. “You always knew … deep down, you had to have known … it was never … going to end … any other way.”

Side Swipe turned back to Optimus Prime.

“As for you … a river is one thing, but I'd like to see Twilight Sparkle try to fish your body out from the bottom of ocean, especially with me guarding it!”

“NOOOO!” Optimus Prime screamed, digging his sword into Side Swipe's body as far as it would go, at last piercing Side Swipe's Ember. Side Swipe, with the last of his strength, pushed his sword through into Optimus Prime's Ember and shoved Optimus Prime's by the shoulders, pushing him off the edge of the cliff. As Optimus toppled over the edge, Side Swipe went with him. The two of them fell down together, their bodies intertwined by the blades stuck in their chests. As they plummeted towards the ocean depths, the lights in their eyes went out, though Side Swipe's optics remain lit for a few seconds longer than Optimus Prime's did.

The two bodies hit the water and made an enormous splash, spreading sea spray all over the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.

Cliffjumper ran forward and was about to jumped off the edge to rescue Side Swipe, but Galvatron grabbed him from behind, wrapping his arm around Cliffjumper's neck.

“There's no point.” Galvatron said. “Without any life between the two of them, they'll sink to the bottom in minutes. Even if you survived the drop, there's no reason for you to waste your life plodding along the ocean floor looking for two dead Autobots.”

Cliffjumper looked at Galvatron. “Yeah … yeah, you're right.” Cliffjumper made his way out of Galvatron's grip and stared at the ground.

“Side Swipe … I can't believe he did that.”

Galvatron placed a hand on Cliffjumper's shoulder. “He was a good solider and a good friend.”

“I guess … I guess he was right.” Cliffjumper said. “Deep down, I always knew it was always going to end like this. He was always angry, you know? He hid it well. He kept it under control. But it was always there, always … burning. If it wasn't with Optimus, it would have been with someone or something else. It really wasn't going to end any other way.”

Cliffjumper sniffed and wiped a tear away from his optic. He turned to Galvatron. “Go. You have business to attend to, remember?”

Galvatron nodded. He turned to leave and ran towards the tree, but he stopped. “Will you be all right?”

“Yeah.” Cliffjumper waved his hand at Galvatron, still staring at the ocean. “Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll catch up and rejoin the fight. I just … need a moment, okay?”

“Take all the time you need.”

“And miss out on all the action? Not a chance.” Cliffjumper smiled for a moment, but his smile turned upside down. “Side Swipe … he would have wanted me to keep fighting.”

Cliffjumper sat down, putting his legs together and staring out at the ocean.

Galvatron gave Cliffjumper one last look to confirm he would be all right.

Galvatron left to rejoin the fray, cutting through the trees to get back to the battle, leaving Cliffjumper alone.

Starscream weaved through the air, swerving, strafing, and doing barrel rolls to avoid Twilight Sparkle's lasers blasts.

“Stop him!” Twilight ordered.

Rainbow Dash flew up to Starscream's side, adjusting her glasses. “Exscue me, Starscream, but if you do not comply with our orders to stop, I will be forced to take drastic measures.”

“You'll pardon me if that doesn't exactly feel me with fear.” Starscream said. Rainbow Dash grunted and charged at Starscream's wing. Starscream tilted to the side, lifted up, and brought his weight down on Rainbow Dash, smacking her with his landing gear. Rainbow Dash went out and fell to the ground, landing on top of Twilight Sparkle and pining her.

“Get off!” Twilight shouted, trying to push Rainbow Dash off.

The ocean became visible in Starscream's sight. He transformed, landed on the edge of the beach, and tossed the Element into the sea. The necklace splashed as it hit the waters and sunk to a watery resting place.

“He … he just threw the Element into the ocean.” Twilight Sparkle realized. “Retreat! Fall back! There's no way we can recover it now! Not with him in the way, at least ...” She muttered. She and her friends regroup and pulled back, retreating to the forward base.

Starscream put his hands on his hips, congratulating himself on a job well done. His spirits were brought low when Queen Luna appeared overhead, carrying Chrysalis and Sombra with her magic.

“Behold!” Luna held up Chrysalis and Sombra, their unconcious bodies danlging in way which filled Starscream with discomfort. “I have defeated your guardians.”

Luna threw Chrysalis and Sombra to the ground. She began to prepapre a spell, a lightning bolt to strike Starscream and punish him for defying Luna's sister.

“Queen Luna, wait!” Starscream raised his hands. Maybe he could reason with her. “When you were Nightmare Moon, you wanted to see Celestia brought to justice, yes?”

“Yes?” Luna asked, curious. “I'll have you know, that was Discord who wanted to bring Celestia to justice, not me. Where are you going with this?”

"What Discord did to you was wrong and misguided. He knows that now." Starscream said. "But I think here's good in you. I want to see the good in you. I want to believe that he couldn't have done what he did to you if there wasn't something in there already. A tiny part of you that deep down, realizes what Celestia does to her people is wrong."

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Starscream asked. “To serve under your sister's command, fighting her enemies? Perhaps there's still a part of you that wants justice, that wants the law to prevail, and you're just too afraid of your sister to see it. We can help you.” Starscream offered his hand. “If you join us, we could have the power to see to it that Celestia was brought to justice, with a fair trial and all.”

Luna grew nervous, pink spots appearing on her cheeks and her spell losing power. “Well, I … I'll admit, my sister can be a bit ... crazy at times. it's certainly an enticing offer – no! I will not be talked down! I will not be influenced by the likes of you a second time!” Luna's eyes grew furious, and the spell charging in her horn reasserted itself and held steady. “I will not be swayed again by empty promises of justice! I will punish you for my sister and for the good of Equestria!”

Luna prepared to fire her spell, but she was interrupted by a huge pink laser beam coming from the ground and hitting her, grazing her side and causing her wings to go off-balance. Luna corrected herself, flapping furiously until her wings held her still.

“Told you … we could handle it.” Chrysalis said, opening one eye. “Good distraction, Starscream.”

Starscream frowned. “That wasn't a distraction. It was honest.”

Luna didn't care whether it was a distraction or an honest offer or not. Her sole concern was inflicting punishment on her sister's enemies – on her enemies. Fury in her eyes, she charged up another spell and fired a bolt of lightning at Starscream.

Crystals burst forth from the earth in front of Starscream, and a mirror emerged from those crystals. The mirror absorbed Luna's lightning bolt spell and bounced it back at her, reflecting the spell and shooting a lighting bolt at Queen Luna, electrifying her. Luna's teeth chattered as electricity surged through her body.

“All right, Discord!” Galvatron said, arriving on the scene. “Well done!”

Discord blushed and turned away. “Just doing my part. Though I never would have gotten that mirror in place without Sombra's crystals.”

Sombra waved his hoof, satisfied with his contribution.

“RRAAAH!” Luna screamed and prepared another lightning bolt. Galvatron slipped by her and blindsided her, slugging her in the cheek and knocking her out with a single punch. Luna plummeted to the ground like a dead fly.

Galvatron cupped his chin, looking down at Luna. “Do you think that was too harsh, maybe? I mean, she doesn't seem to have the same protection her sister does, so my giant metal fist bashing her skill might cause her some problems.”

Discord shrugged.

There was little time to discuss the matter further, as a storm of lightning bolts struck the area around them, trying to hit Chrysalis, Starscream, Sombra, Discord, and Galvatron. The sky over them began to fill with black clouds, flashes of light filling the sky as the clouds thundered.

Queen Celestia appeared, descending from the sky, her horn still blazing with fresh electricity from her lightning bolts.

“Galvatron ...” Celestia hissed, and the thunder of the clouds seemed to match her diction as she spoke. “You are through interfering with my affairs.”

Celestia offered the evidence to prove her statement by firing a huge purple laser blast at Galvatron, as big as a tunnel in diameter. The blast knocked Galvatron out of the park, throwing him a good distance across the horizon.

As he landed on his back in a different area, Galvatron suspected Celestia was as upset with him taking out Luna as she was with anything else. For all her … perversity, her sadism, her manipulative tendencies, Celestia seemed to be truly upset with Luna's defeat … in her own twisted little way. Of course, perhaps it was just anger at Luna for failing her, rather than any sisterly affection. He rolled over and got to his feet, ready to fight as Celestia appeared before him.

“Ooh. Look at you.” Celestia cooed. “Still so ready to fight, even though you're out of league and injured. Well, if you wish to fight until you drop down and die, WHO AM I TO DENY YOU!?” Celestia fired another blast.

Galvatron placed his palms together and fired a blast in kind, their two attacks meeting in the air and coming to a stalemate. Both Galvatron and Celestia poured their heart into their attacks, but this only increased the intensity of the force each combatant could feel the opposing spell.

“Hang in there, Galvatron!” Starscream announced, flying into the air with his blade swung out. “Help is on the way!”

A small spark winded its way up the grooves of Celestia's horn. Without batting an eye, Celestia fired a lighting bolt to the side almost offhand, scoring a direct hit on Starscream, shattering the glass which made up the cockpit of Starscream's vehicle mode and causing him to plummet back to ground.

“STARSCREAM!” Galvatron cried out. The distraction caused him to lose focus on his attack, his blast fading away. This gave Celestia an opportunity to propel her blast forward, striking Galvatron and flinging him off into the distance for a second time.

“You know ...” Galvatron said to himself as he pushed himself, spitting out the face-full of dirt he had swallowed during his landing. “I wouldn't want to change anything about myself, but I'm beginning to think Optimus had a point when he said my compassion was my weakness.”

“Fear not, Galvatron! I shall save you!” Discord raced onto the scene, his serpentine body wiggling in the wind as he flew towards Celestia.

Celestia cocked an eyebrow. “Discord? I thought you were trapped in a block of ice. How long have you been out?”

“That is of no concern to you.” Discord clapped his fingers, conjuring up a jousting lance in the air. He took the lance by the handle, reached his arm, and throw the lance at Celestia like a dart.

“You're right. It's no matter. I will slay you just the same.” Celestia blinked, but it had no effect on her ability to react to the improvised missile barreling towards her. With a shining light on the tip of her horn, Celestia expelled a burst of fire from her horn, engulfing the lance and incinerating it, reducing it to ashes, which fell pitifully down.

Discord bit his lip. He was unnerved by Celestia's display of both her magical power and her ability to let nothing faze her. Gulping, Discord summoned another lance, a shield, a suit of armor for him to wear, and a hobby horse toy to serve as his mount. Battle crying, he charged at Celestia, the toy horse jostling up and down.

Celestia rolled her eyes at Discord's 'attack,' if it could be as such. Waving her hoof, she sent out a wave of magic which pushed Discord back and threw him off-balance, making him fall off his toy-horse

Galvatron grunted, struggling to get up. He slammed his elbow into the dirt to use as leverage when a white hoof stepped forward and filled his vision.

“Tirek?” Galvatron asked. “Good. Now that you're here, would you mind helping me defeat Celestia once and for all?”
“Galvatron, wait. Before you go to fight Celestia again, there's something you should know.” Tirek said. “Celestia has the Rainbow of Darkness.”

“Rainbow of Darkness? What … is that?”

“An heirloom of my family.” Tirek said. “You see, in days long past, my family possessed both the Rainbow of Darkness and the Rainbow of Light, each magical artifacts with the power to control the world around them. Counterparts to each other, my family made sure to never keep them apart, as it was their control over both light and darkness which let them rule over a land as idyllic as ours was. But one day, sometime before I was born, the Rainbow of Darkness was lost. And now my brother tells me that it is in Celestia's possession.”

Galvatron paused for a moment to consider the implications of Tirek's words.

“Would this explain how, the first time Celestia and I fought, she was able to crush my hand with her bare hoof? My huge, metal hand, with her tiny, flesh-and-blood hoof?”

Tirek nodded. “I suspect so, yes.”

“So, what do we do about it?”

“We must locate the Rainbow of Darkness on her person and remove it. Its magic will protect her from serious harm and give her strength. We will not be able to defeat her until we do. ”

“Understood.” Galvatron looked up at Celestia, who was too busy fighting Discord to turn her attention on him and Tirek. Galvatron was grateful to Discord for it, as Celestia would have been upset to hear their plan. “Can you do that? Can you locate the Rainbow on her?”

“Yes, but I will need an opportunity to see it in use, first. We must trigger its protective magic, and I should be able to recognize it by the glow.”


“I told you it was lost. I only have paintings my father showed me to go on.” Tirek shrugged.

Galvatron got to his feet, shaking the dirt off his shoulders. “You better be right about this. I hope this works!” Galvatron tensed up and jumped to the sky to engage Celestia. Tirek stood back to watch for signs of the Rainbow's magic.

Out by the shore where Starscream had tossed Fluttershy's Element, Twilight and her friends out, making preparations. Each of the girls had brought along snorkeling masks and goggles, though Rainbow Dash was the only one so far to have puts her's on.

Twilight Sparkle did another check around the area, looking around for Starscream. “Okay ...” She said, suspicious. “No sign of Starscream. Does everypony remember what they're supposed to do?”

“Dive into the ocean, go as deep down as we possibly can, and then don't resurface until we've found the Element.” Rarity said. “Is that right?”

“Right.” Twilight nodded.

“It would be logical for me to go first.” Rainbow Dash said. “I can use my wings as propellers, allowing me to swim much faster than any of you.”

“Ah, but I have my magic.” Twilight said. “With it, I should be able to locate the Element in no time. But remember, this is a team effort! So no complaining.” Twilight's voice alternateed between sweet and motherly and dark and threatening.

“Uh, Twilight?” Rarity poked Twilight's shoulder.

“Not now, Rarity, the smart ponies are talking.” Twilight dismissed her. When an explosive shell hit the beach and scattered the girls across the beach, sinking them into either the sand or the water, Twilight wished she had listen.

Twilight Sparkle pulled her head out of the sand and looked up to see Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Soundwave staring down at them from a ledge, the barrel of Shockwave's cannon smoking from its recent fire.

“I'm sorry, Twilight Sparkle. We can't do let you do that.” Shockwave said.

Twilight Sparkle growled at them.

Soundwave raised his hands and proceeded to unleash the power of rock on Twilight and her friends, in the form of a sonic attack, vibrations coming from Soundwave's chest at painful levels of megahertz and focused on them.

“Aaah!” Twilight Sparkle screamed, falling down and covering her ears.

“You would think after last time, we would learn to bring earplugs!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Rainbow Dash remained calm. Standing up in the water, she searched the area, considering her options.

Sound travels differently in water. Rainbow Dash thought. So if I dive, I can potentially escape Soundwave's sonic weapon and find the Element, hitting two birds with one stone.

Rainbow Dash jumped into the water, spreading her wings. The splash of her dive went unnoticed by the Decepticons, preoccupied with making sure the rest of Twilight's friends stayed where they were and didn't try anything.

“Oh, no you don't!” Cliffjumper ran towards the scene, joining the Decepticons. He took out his gun and fired into the sea, ripples sailing through the water as his bullets pierced the surface.

“Hey, Cliffjumper!” Soundwave said. “Glad you could make it!”

“Uh, Cliffjumper?” Shockwave asked. “What are you doing?”

“Didn't you see it? Rainbow Dash jumped into the water. She's going after the Element.”

Shockwave nodded to confirm. He assisted Cliffjumper, firing his laser cannon into the sea. Huge upward splashes joined the tiny ripples of Cliffjumper's bullets as Shockwave's lasers descended into the water.

Rainbow Dash rose up from the water, taking a huge gasp for air. She crawled her way onto the beach, her swimming goggles cracked from the explosion of Shockwave's blasts and blood leaking from her right haunch, having been pierced by Cliffjumper's bullet. “Don't shoot! I surrender!”

“Retreeeeeat!” Twilight Sparkle screamed.

“Hey, it is just me, or have we been doing a lot of retreating today?” Applejack asked as she and the others galloped away.

“Shut up, Applejack!” Twilight snapped.

“What? It was an honest question!”

Shockwave aimed his cannon at them, a whir coming as he charged up a shot and prepared to fire. But at the last second, he was washed over with a sense of nobility and felt merciful. He let them go. The Decepticons watched their pony tails fade into the distance.

“Hey ...” Soundwave turned to Cliffjumper. “Where's Side Swipe?”

Cliffjumper answered Soundwave with silence.

“I see.” Shockwave said. He, Blitzwing, and Soundwave all bowed their heads in respect.

Celestia lowered her horn and charged at Discord, bringing it underneath his body and lifting up, goring Discord with her horn and throwing him away. She watched Discord spiral away aimlessly and ducked to avoid a laser beam shot by Rumbler.

“You again?” Celestia asked Galvatron, Rumbler's barrel smoking on his arm. “Come now, Galvatron. Honestly, don't you ever get tired of losing?”

“You tell me, Your Majesty. Do you ever get tired of trying to put down a fighter that you know won't quit?”

Celestia chuckled, giving the polite deception she was amused by Galavtron's persistence. She yelled and fired a lighting bolt at him, which Galvatron moved to the side to evade. Galvatron fired Rumbler at the three more times, Celestia flying and swerving to evade each shot.

Come on. Tirek thought, watching Celestia and Galvatron bob and weave. I need it to activate to see it.

Galvatron performed a back flip through the sky to avoid Celestia's next lightning strike.

“Impressive display.” Celestia complimented.

“Thank you. And for my next trick ...” Galvatron lunged at Celestia with his fist raised.

“This again?” Celestia asked. She held out her hoof and stopped Galvatron's punch cold, as she had done when she first fought Megatron. “Come now, Galvatron. Surely you realize how this will end.”

“I don't know, Celestia. You can't out on the same performance each time, or the audience will get bored.” Galvatron continued to press his fist into Celestia's hoof, knowing full well it wasn't going to accomplish anything. He just needed to get the Rainbow to trigger.

Celestia grimaced. Her hoof was beginning to shake as she resisted Galvatron's punch. She could feel so much more force behind Galvatron's fist than she could behind Megatron's, as if Galvatron wasn't going to yield, no matter what, and would require external influence before his fist parted from her hoof. Celestia wondered, was this the Cyber Planet Key within him granting Galvatron new power … or something more?

Tirek squinted, thinking he saw something. Is that …

Leaning forward, Tirek could see a tiny sliver of purple light glowing from underneath Celestia's chest plate.

There! That's it!

“Ooh, that's clever.” Tirek said. “Hide it under your mantle so no pony realizes you're getting magical aid from the jewelry on your neck. Galvatron!” Tirek shouted. “The Rainbow! It's under her chest piece!”

“Got it!” Galvatron said. He pulled away from Celestia, separating his fist from her hoof, and before Celestia realized what was happening, Galvatron took Rumbler and fired at Celestia's chest. The blast hit a bulls-eye on its target, shattering Celestia's chest plate into pieces and exposing jewelry underneath it, a black, heart-shaped locket which Celestia wore around her neck.

“So ...” Celestia said. “You've discovered my secret. Yes, it's true. I wear the Rainbow of Darkness. I use its power to strength my own.” Celestia lifted the locket up with her hoof, regarding it. “I have stolen and sealed the power of many demons inside this locket.”

Galvatron made a dash for the locket, attempting to snatch away from Celestia while she was busy reminscing.

Celestia's horn glowed, and Galvatron was frozen into place.

“Arrogant fool!” Celestia yelled. “You think I would simply allow you to take the Rainbow of Darkness from me?” A purple beam came from Celestia's horn, which Celestia swept through Galvatron's right arm, cutting it off at the elbow. The severed arm, with Rumbler attached, crashed to the ground, fraying on impact.

Celestia lifted Galvatron up with her magic before throwing him to the ground.

Tirek tried to rescue him, firing a beam from his horns at Celestia, but Celestia moved to the side, causing the beam to shoot off into the sky. Celestia launched a black pulse wave from her horn, pushing Tirek away.

Celestia swept her gaze across the land. Finding something which suited her purposes, she used her magic to lift up a huge boulder and bring it to the area where she fought Galvatron. Hoisting the boulder up, Celestia dropped it, letting it fall on Galvatron and bury him. The enormous boulder's landing shook the the ground.

Tirek stared in awe and disbelief.

“Galvatron … I will remember you.” Tirek brought his arm over his chest. Realizing he wasn't powerful enough to contest with Celestia, he turned and fled from the scene.

“Hmph.” Celestia humphed and turned to leave the scene. She was confident that for all his strength and durability, Galvatron could not survive being crushed under a ton-and-half boulder, and with Tirek fled, there was no one left to oppose her.

“Halt, villain!”

Celestia turned back around to see Discord pointing a finger at her.

“You and I still have some unfinished business!”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at Discord. She was spared further nuisance by Luna flying up between them.

“Go ahead, sister. Do what you will do. I will deal with him.” Luna said.

“Get back here!” Chrysalis, recovered from her earlier beating at Luna's hooves, tackled Luna, wrapping her hooves around Luna's throat and flew down, slamming Luna into the ground. Chrysalis laid down on her back, her hooves still wrapped around Luna's throat.

Sombra galloped in as well, his horn burning with blue fight.

Luna grunted, struggling to break of Chrysalis' grip. She slammed her knee into Chrysalis' chin, breaking Chrysalis hold on her, got up, and punched Sombra in the face. Luna jumped forward, landing on her stomach and firing a lighting bolt at Discord, hitting him on the tail and sending him flying away.

Luna pushed herself up to her hooves. Chrysalis came up behind her and tackled her to the ground, trying to wrap her legs around Luna's stomach. Luna punched Chrysalis in the chin, knocking her hoof, but before she could get any farther away, Starscream appeared and pinned her, pushing her down under one hand. Starscream raised his fist and brought it down on Luna, punching her at least three times until she was unconscious.

Celestia scoffed in disgust, though it was hard to say whether it was because she was upset by Starscream's barbaric treatment of her sister, or because she was disgusted by their perseverance. Electricity swirled around Celestia's horn, and she fired a three-pronged lighting bolt at the would-be heroes, delivering powerful electric shocks to Starscream, Chrysalis, and Sombra and knocking them out. They might have endured Celestia's strike and remained conscious if they weren't already wounded, beaten, and tired.

Tirek went out onto the battlefield, where he could several of his troops engaged with Celestia's army. Seeing a good spot, he climbed onto a ledge where he could view the entire arena.

Tirek charged up a beam in his horns and fired, hitting one of Celestia's dragons in the head and toppling it over. Tirek swept his beam across the battlefield, making sure he hit every Autobot solider present, blasting them away. Celestia might have been able to withstand or dodge Tirek's beams, but they weren't.

Tirek's pig-men and dinosaurs stood in place, confused about what happened. They scratched their heads, wondering what had ended the fight for them until Tirek addressed them, and they realized they had been spared combat by the grace of their leader.

“My troops … my citizens .. my people.” Tirek addressed them. “I have need of your help. I have turned you into monsters. I have given you power. And now must I ask that you give that power to me. Some of you know that I have the ability to drain the magic and power out from a creature, but I am loathe to do it in the best of circumstances. Celestia has grown powerful – too powerful for me to fight on my own. That is why I musk ask you for your consent to drain you of your power, of your magic, so that I may fight Celestia on a more equal power. I would not wish to inflict this on you if I could avoid it, so please understand that I am truly desperate to be asking this. Galvatron has been defeated. Discord has failed to harm Celestia. All other options have failed. Will you help me?”

The pig-man and the dinosaurs gathered around their leader as he spoke. They looked to each other and nodded, each of them agreeing to do what Tirek was asking of them. They looked up to Tirek and nodded to him, giving their permission.

“Thank you.” Tirek said. “When this fight is over, I will look back to this day and remember you all and your willingness to give up your power for the cause.”

Tirek took a deep breath and unhinged his jaw. Trails of magic, blue in color, lifted out from the mouths of Tirek's men, of his people, and weaved their way through the air into Tirek's mouth. The magic continued to flow. Tirek grew larger as his men grew smaller and shrunk, Tirek's muscle becoming larger and bigger, with bulging veins, his body growing in height, his ponytail extending past his neck, his chest becoming ripped, and his skin turning a darker shade of pink. Meanwhile, his men turned tiny and were transformed back to their natural forms – tiny animals such as squirrels and rabbits and deer.

“Thank you.” Tirek said, his voice booming and three, if not four times deeper than before. “Go find somewhere safe until I can return for you.”

Tirek's citizens nodded and scattered, looking for holes or burrows into hide in.

Tirek left to challenge Celestia, his massive hooves shaking the leaves on the trees with each step he took.

Celestia focused on the boulder, leering at it for signs of life. Satisfied Galvatron was dead and buried, she moved to leave. But she heard a rumbling. She turned back around and saw the boulder shaking. The boulder began to raise up.

Galvatron emerged, lifting the boulder in his hands. The only reason the boulder kept him down this long was because he was having to lift with a full left hand and a stump of an elbow where his right hand used to be.

“You want to play that way? Fine! We'll play that way.”

His teeth bared like a wild animal, Galvatron heaved the boulder up and tossed it to the side. He spread his hands (well, hand and a stub) firing pink tractor beams into the distance, the magical cables hooking themselves to the sides of trees.

Grunting, Galvatron uprooted the trees and tore them from the ground, levitating the trees around himself, orbiting him like they were planets and he was their sun.

Celestia snarled. She fired her magic at the area where she had gotten the boulder from and picked up another boulder of equal size in her magic. She threw the new boulder at Galvatron.

Galvatron manipulated the trees, bringing them together and forming a wall. The boulder hit the wall of trees and slid off, rumbling as it fell to the ground.

Galvatron smirked to himself, satisfied he had defeated Celestia's attack.

Celestia screamed, firing a lighting bolt into the sky. The magic lighting dispersed through the atmosphere. A flurry of lighting strikes came down hard on Galvatron, striking every one of his uplifted trees and setting each aflame, embers dancing along the length of the trees and their branches.

Galvatron wasn't going to let a little, tiny thing like being set on fire cause him to waste a potential asset. He raised up the burning trees and launched them towards Celestia.

Celestia was startled by Galvatron's resourcefulness. Her horn fired several jets of flame in a X formation, incinerating the trees into cinders before they reached her.

Celestia prepared another spell to fire at Galvatron, but she didn't have the chance to fire it, as a blue beam came blazing it and struck her in the chest, incapacitating her, if only for a fleeting second.

Galvatron looked up with a mild curiosity as Tirek stomped forth, the size of a building and his muscles bulging.

“Someone's been eating their vitamins.” Galvatron quipped.

“Indeed.” Tirek said. He held out his hand and used his magic to pick Galvatron's severed arm, reattaching it to the end of Galvatron's stump, connecting the struts and fusing the wires which made up the arm, restoring Galvatron's arm to full functionality.

Galvatron flexed his repaired arm, testing to make sure it was all complete and functional.

Celestia growled and flew towards them, her horn glowing and pointed at them. Tirek clenched his fists as he fired another blast at Celestia. His blast packed a punch, as the feathers falling off Celestia's wings could attest.

Galvatron drew his sword and jumped into the air. Seizing the chance presented to him by Tirek's spell, he lunged at Celestia and plunged his sword into the left side of her chest, blood splattering across Celestia's fur and the tip of the blade.

“I'll take that.” Galvatron grabbed the Rainbow of Darkness and snatched it off Celestia's neck, the cord holding it snapping in half. “Tirek!” Galvatron tossed the Rainbow of Darkness.

Tirek reached up and caught the locket with both hands. “Ah … finally. After all this time, I have power over both light and darkness.”

“So you've managed to remove the Rainbow of Darkness from me. Fine. So what? You are still an arrogant fool. Do you really think simply removing the Rainbow of Darkness will be enough to defeat me?” Celestia snapped.

“No, but I expect it to make a heck of a lot easier!” Galvatron followed up his statement by attacking Celestia, slamming his knee into her stomach, and producing a sickening, disgusting crack best described as “wince-inducing.”

“Ooh, I think I broke a few ribs!” Galvatron pulled his sword out from Celestia and kicked Celestia, ramming his foot into her chest and punting her way.

Celestia's breath became labored and heavy, her wings struggling to flap and keep her up in the air. Gritting her teeth, she produced a flash of light, conjuring a massive, royal sword with a golden handle and silver blade, huge in comparison to a pony, but the right size for the weapon of a Cybertronian.

Celestia charged at Galvatron, swinging the blade with her magic. Galvatron guarded against her initial strike, and blocked each subsequent attempt by Celestia to slash him thereafter. The clang of their swords echoed through the sky, filling the air with the sound of clashing metal.

Galvatron smiled. He could see Celestia was on the ropes. He effortlessly prevented Celestia's overhead strike from making contact, and when Celestia attempted to follow up with a horizontal slash across Galvatron's waist, Galvatron blocked it as well, pointing his sword down and blockading her sword's path.

“What's the matter, Celestia?” Galvatron asked, seeing Celestia break a sweat, beads of liquid dripping down her head. He parried Celestia's lunging thrust. “Afraid you're not as powerful without your Rainbow?”

Celestia glared at him. She pulled back, removing her sword from Galvatron's, and lowered it. She looked to the sky and fired a golden beam into the clouds, a tiny shaft of light traveling up into the heavens.

Galvatron heard the rumble of a falling object. He tilted his head up and saw an impressive sight. Celestia had summoned a meteor to strike him down, a massive rock falling from space, engulfed in flame, a trail of fire waving behind it as the meteor fell through the atmosphere, aimed at Galvatron.

Seeing a meteor falling straight towards them could make the most unflappable of men shake in their boots, but not Galvatron. Galvatron remained calm and aimed Rumbler, centering Rumbler's barrel with the meteor. He fired a single, perfect shot, hitting the meteorite dead in the center and causing it to break apart. The burning meteorites and debris which formerly compromised the meteor fell around Celestia in a pathetic hail of rocks.

It seemed almost representative of Celestia herself, in a way, given how her duel with Galvatron was going. She was a meteor, coming in at full force, with the power to and every intention of sundering everything around her to the ground, but on the last leg of her journey, she was breaking apart.

“You're clearly not as strong without the Rainbow of Darkness.” Galvatron taunted her and needled her, paying her back for all the disparaging comments and insulting remarks she made towards Megatron.

Celestia charged at him, twirling her sword around without any control, without any rhyme or reason. Galvatron had a pitifully easy time blocking it, and Celestia pressed her sword into Galvatron's, pressing harder and harder to try to get his sword or his guard to break.

“What was it that you said to me the first time we fought, Celestia?” Galvatron asked, rubbing his chin to recall. “Ah, yes, I believe it was 'you're not worth my time.' Well, Celestia, without your Rainbow of Darkness, without your Autobots or Twilight Sparkle by your side … that's how I feel about you now.”

Galvatron leaned forward, pressing back against Celestia's sword.

“You're not worth my time.”

Celestia's eye twitched at this phrase being used against her. Her head twitching in rage, she pulled her sword away from Galvatron.

“Celestia?” Galvatron became unnerved by the change in Celestia's posture. Instead of rigid and calm, she seemed loose and unstable. “Are you … all there?”

“AAAAAAAAHH!” Celestia screamed, launching a thousand spells from her horn. Green, pink, and blue beams fired out in every direction from her, going up, down, and sideways, raining destruction across the landscape. Lighting bolts flew from her horn and struck at the air or at the ground. Conjured swords rained down, stabbing into the grass or the sides of trees. Every so often, she would summon another meteor, which crashed to the ground and created craters on impact, where the smoldering space rocks would burn out.

Galvatron made it a priority to get as far away from her as possible, retreating to Tirek's position. Before any of Celestia's spells could hit, Discord appeared, having recovered from Luna's lightning bolt, and created a clear bubble around him, Galvatron, and Tirek to protect them from Celestia's barrage.

The entire rest of the battlefield were soon drawn to the shower of destructive fireworks spurting from Celestia's horn. In the middle of a their retreat, Twilight Sparkle and her friends saw a the display and went to investigate, going as close as they could while maintaining a safe distance from the haphazard magical missiles. A yellow beam arching and swerving and hitting the ground in front of them, causing an explosion and another crater.

Elsewhere, Cliffljumper, Shockwave, Blitzwing and Soundwave hear the cracks of lightning and the booms of magic projectiles exploding against whatever they hit. They followed the sound to its source, watching in awe of the fountain of spells shooting up from Celestia's horn before swerving downward and destroying whatever they hit, unlucky patches of grass being burnt to a crisp and boulders who were minding their own business being shattered to pieces.

The Autobots, the rest of the Decepticons, and the remainder of Tirek's forces all saw or heard the display. They stopped fighting and gathered around, going to see the source of the spells up close.

The earth shaking around them, the ground rattling beneath their feet, and their ears assaulted by the booms of magical missiles, Galvatron raised his arm, bracing himself for impact, even if he was protected by Discord's bubble. He didn't think the bubble could stand the brunt of Celestia's onslaught forever.

“I don't suppose we could simply we could stay here and simply wait for her to tire herself out?” Discord asked, disliking the prospect of facing Celestia with all these spells raging around them.

A yellow beam struck Discord's bubble, exploding and causing the bubble to quake, answering Discord's question.

“Not an option.” Galvatron said. “We need an opening to get close.” He looked up at Celestia and made note of how the spells were flying from her horn – the directions they took, the degrees of their arcs, and where they landed. After examining them for a few minutes, Galvatron came to a conclusion

“We're not going to get an opening. The trajectory of Celestia's spells is too random to reliably predict where they'll go.” Galvatron said. “We're gonna have to just risk it.”

“Oh, I love this plan.” Discord said, rolling his eyes.

“Either that, or way until her spells break through the bubble and shred their way through us.” Galvatron said.

Discord's face showed he still had some distaste for the idea of rushing headfirst into Celestia's barrage and hoping they got lucky, but he recognized they didn't have much of a choice.

“On my mark,” Galvatron said, “Discord, you lower the bubble. The minute he does that, Tirek, you blast Celestia. I've seen your blasts work on better than most attacks.”

Tirek nodded. “Understood.”

“And then what?” Discord said.

Galvatron shrugged. “I don't know. I was thinking we would see if we survived those first two steps first and then improvise.” He winced as a spell exploded beside them.

“I would appreciate a better plan that.” Discord said.

“I agree with Discord.” Tirek said. “A plan whose third step is “improvise” is a recipe for disaster.”

Galvatron nodded. “Agreed.” He rubbed his chin. “Assuming we can do all that, Discord, you find some way to restrain her, and then I'll subdue her.”

“Now it's a plan.” Discord said.

“Everyone ready?” Galvatron asked. Discord and Galvatron nodded.

“Okay … on the count of three … one … two … three!

Discord lowered the bubble. Tirek wasted no time, firing a blast straight Celestia. Tirek's spell hit her in the chest, interrupting the parade of spells from her horn and throwing her backwards.

Discord clapped his hands, conjuring a solid rock in the air for Celestia to land on. Celestia hit it, landing on her backside on the rock.

Galvatron leaped into action, flying towards Celestia with his fist outstretched. Cornering her between himself and Discord's rock, Galvatron slammed his fist into Celestia's ribcage, knocking the wind out of her. Galvatron saw Celestia gasp as the air was forced out of her.

“Your reign is over, Celestia. It's over. All of it. It's all over.”

“NO!” Celestia screamed, lunging forward, held back by Galvatron's fist and lacking the strength or the energy to break free. “It's NOT over! It will NEVER be over! My reign will be eternal! My reign will last forever! I will take over Tirek's kingdom, and I will rule Equestria for all time! For eternity!”

Galvatron wrapped her up in his fist. He lifted her up and threw over the side of the cliff, where the crowd, including Twilight Sparkle, was watching.

Galvatron jumped down after her, landing beside Celestia.

“Celestia ...”

Galvatron drew up his sword.

It's over.

Galvatron swiped his sword, smashing his blade into Celestia's horn, cutting it off and shattering it into pieces, leaving Celestia with a broken, uneven, jagged stub where her horn used to be.

“Celestia?” Twilight asked, walking up and putting her hooves on Celestia's body.

“Not … over.” Celestia said, shuddering and shivering. “Not … over. Never … over … my reign will be eternal … eternal!”

Twilight Sparkle shed a tear, forced to accept the truth. She turned to Galvatron.

“You're right. It is. It's over.”

Galvatron nodded, acknowleding Twilight.

Twilight parted from Celestia, tears still dripping down her cheeks over the defeat of her mentor. “Well, Celestia … it looks I won't get to stab you while we're cuddling one day after all.”

Galvatron bent down. With tender hands, he scooped Celestia up into his arms. He flew up onto the cliff and addressed the crowd.

“AUTOBOTS!” Galvatron shouted. “Your leader, Optimus Prime, is dead.”

“And hopefully this time, he'll stay that way ...” Cliffjumper muttered.

Galvatron held Celestia up for all the Autobots and the Royal Guard to see. “Celestia has been broken. Your leadership has crumbled. There is no need to continue this pointless fighting, no need to carry on our war. Surrender now, and relinquish yourselves to our care. We will offer you resettlement. We will offer you new lives, better lives, under the guidance of a new leader. Accept the leader we offer you, and we can end the war today, without anymore harm done to Equestria or Cybertron. We can start to rebuild Cybertron. Accept my offer, Autobots. Surrender, so that we may begin to repair the damage done to Equestria and Cybertron at once.”

The Autobots all looked to each other, unsure what to do, hoping the Autobot next to them would have an answer.

“Eh, I say forget about it!” Rodimus raised his gun into the air. “I nominate myself the new Autobot leader, and I say we keep going, and we give these 'Cons their what-for, capische? Make them pay for killing our boy Optimus! Who's with me?”

The surrounding Autobots were alarmed and startled with Rodimus' question was answered by a smoking hole appearing in the front and back of his head. Rodimus fell down, the lights in his optics fading, exposing Goldbug behind him, the barrel of Goldbug's blaster smoking. Even Galvatron was stunned by the turn of events.

Goldbug limped forward, looking at the Autobots and looking at Rodimus' corspe and the smoking holes in his head.

“He always did like the sound of his own voice.” Goldbug quipped. He looked at Rodimus again, and kicked Rodimus' corpse out of spite for Rodimus using him for Twilight Sparkle's project.

Some hours later, Galvatron was walking the streets of Canterlot when he saw Starscream. Cybertron had been moved further away from Equestria, thought not by much.

“Ah, Starscream!” Galvatron approached him. “Status report. How are things?”

“Well,” Starscream held up a stylus and a tablet, “we've begun repairs on the Ark and the Nemesis. Our plan is to use them to tow Cybertron back in the place. In the meantime, we've begun building that space elevator between Equestria and Cybertron that you wanted.”

“Space elevators are cool.” Galvatron said.

“I suppose so, sir. Though we may need to devise a way to vary its length. It won't do much good if we finish the elevator, then finishing repairing the ships, and tow Cybertron away, leaving the elevator hanging in space.”

“We'll work on it.” Galvatron said. “What about Twilight Sparkle and her gang? Celestia? Luna?”

“Twilight Sparkle and her associates, including Spike, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadenza, all have been arrested and locked away in what Sombra assures me is a magic-proof prison of his own design.”

“Good.” Galvatron nodded. “And what about … Fluttershy? I heard in the after-action report you inflicted a pretty good slash wound on her.”

Starscream became uncomfortable, looking away from Galvatron. “She's hospitalized, sir. She's undergoing treatment now, but the doctors assure me she's going to be fine. Once she's fit, we'll throw her in Sombra's prison with the rest of her friends.”

“Going to be fine, huh?” Galvatron said. “I'm not sure whether I should feel happy or upset about that. I mean, I should feel happy about avoiding the loss of life, but at the same time, she's … ”

“I understand how you feel, sir.”

“What about the Elements?”

“The Elements of Harmony have been taken and scattered into different parts of Equestria's ocean, each one thrown into a different sector.”

“Mmm. I might have felt a bit better if we'd had launched one or two them into space in a pod, but it's something. What about Sombra and Tirek? Are they getting along okay?”

“Sombra assures me his kingdom is fine, and he is in the process of undoing his transformation spells on his citizens, except for a select few who chosen to become a standing military for the Crystal Empire. As for Tirek, he sent me a message asking me to pass on his thanks to you.”

“No need, Starscream.” Tirek said, appearing. “I will thank him myself.'

“Tirek! What are you doing in Canterlot?” Galvatron asked, giving Tirek a handshake.

“I thought I would pay a visit. See how your efforts are going.” Tirek placed a hand over Galvatron's. “And once again, I can't think you enough for your help. Thanks to you, I was able to finally restore my citzens to their true forms and recover a priceless family artifact.”

“About that artifact ...”

Tirek chuckled. “You needn't worry, Galvatron. I have both the Rainbow of Darkness and the Rainbow of Light safely locked away.”

“Good. And … I'm sorry to ask this, but what about your brother?”

“Scorpan?” Tirek shook his head. “I have used my power to drain him of his strength and locked him away as well. His betrayal still saddens me, but … in some perverse way, it is nice to know that a part of him will always be with me.” Tirek placed a hand on his chest.

“Oh!” Galvatron exclaimed. “I almost forgot. Starscream, how is the Autobots' resettlement going?”

Starscream swiped the stylus along his tablet. “We've managed to find an uninhibited planet for them, where they can destroy and smash and fight to their hearts' content. I believe they decided to name it “Charr.” Goldbug has had the restraining device implanted into him, and we've given some electromagnetic pulse weaponry in case the Autobots starting getting rowdy.”

“Excellent.” Galvatron clapped his hands.

Chrysalis walked by them, wearing a fanciful crown and an ermine cape.

“And how is the new Queen of Equestria doing today?” Galvatron asked.

“Just fine, thank you.” Chrysalis tipped her crown at them. “Come, my Changelings! It is time to spread joy and peace and love across the land!” The Changelings behind buzzed and chattered, following her into the town square.

Cliffjumper joined them, giving Chrysalis a puzzled look as he walked by. “Sometimes I think that girl is too excited for her own good.”

“Ah, Cliffjumper.” Galvatron said. “You're back. How did your snorkeling mission to retrieve Side Swipe's body go?”

"Mixed." Cliffjumper said. "I mean, I found his body, and Optimus Prime's … they were lying there together, their swords still inside the other as if they were still fighting. As I got closer, I didn't see anything … but I definitely like there was something watching me, something didn't want me there. So I got out of there, and to be honest ... I don't think I'm going back. Side Swipe ... doesn't want me to go back." Cliffjumpered look up, imagining the spirit of his fallen friend looking down at them and smiling at Cliffjumperr's understanding.

Galvatron nodded his head, understanding. “Do you suppose, now that the Autobots are more or less contained, you'll want us to start looking at ways to send you back into your home dimension?”

Cliffjumper seemed taken aback. “Gosh, I … I hadn't even thought about that.” He rubbed the back of his head. “It's … it's been so long since I was there. Would I even recognize it if I got back?” Cliffjumper turned from them. “I … I need to think about this.”

“Take your time.” Galvatron said as Cliffjumper walked away. “Just know that it's an option.”

Soon following behind Chrysalis' trail were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, themselves followed by a cowering quarter of Miss Cheerilee and the Blank Flank Rangers.

"And how are the Queen's assisants doing today, as well?" Galvatron asked with a smile.

"We're fine. Just fine, thank you." Diamond Tiara gave an eye towards Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Isn't that right, girls?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Scootaloo said.

"Absolutely fine, ma'am!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Please don't sick your giant robot on us." Apple Bloom whimpered. Diamond Tiara glared at her. " ... Ma'am." Apple Bloom tacked on. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon shared a laugh.

"I trust you two are doing everything you can to serve the Queen to the best of your abilities." Galvatron said. He bent down. "And treating your aids fairly?" He winked at them.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon giggled. "Don't worry!" Diamond Tiara said. "We've been good to them!"

"Yeah. A lot better than they ever were to us." Silver Spoon said.

"Silver Spoon! We lose the moral high ground if you brag about it like that!" Diamond Tiara said, playfully smacking Silver Spoon in the shoulder. "But it's true."

"So long as it keeps being true." Galvatron said. The girls saluted him before leaving, and he waved them goodbye as they passed.

“Galvatron?” Tirek pointed. “Pardon me, but who is that?”

Galvatron saw who Tirek was looking at. Fancy Pants was crossing the street, using a walker to help him get around. “Oh. That's Fancy Pants. When Celestia came back to Canterlot, he stood up to her and get punished for it. I hope he's doing okay ...”

“Don't worry.” Starscream said he tapped the stylus to his tablet. “I've talked to the doctors, and it looks like he'll make a full recovery. He'll back to making labor union complaints against us in no time.”

Galvatron laughed, though Tirek missed out on the joke. Galvatron waved goodbye to them, going to a Canterlot cliff to think about recent events as he surveyed the land. Everything that happened recently …

“My student ...”

Galvatron turned around, seeing the faint, flickering image of Megatronus.

“You've done well. I'm proud of you, Galvatron.” Megatronus said.

Galvatron bowed to his mentor, who, having said his peace and everything he came to say, flickered and his image vanished.

Galvatron looked back to the land, looking as far as he could see. Everything he surveyed, from Ponyville to the borders leading to Tirek's kingdom, was at peace now, resolved of conflicts which had plagued them for years. And it was all thanks to him. Him and his Decepticons, and their efforts to aid Tirek and Chrysalis and Sombra.

Megatronus told Galvatron he was proud of him. Well … Galvatron felt proud of himself. Because of him, because of his Decepticons, his army, his friends, across all of Equestria and Cybertron …

All was well.