//------------------------------// // Onwards! // Story: Curse of the Siren // by Nephilinae //------------------------------// I was back in our room sitting on the floor waiting for Calliope to wake up. Whom, by the way... Is a heavy sleeper... And I was the one who has been up for nearly four days straight! ... Nearly... I don't think she budged from the spot I left her in! I checked the clock again... Nearly eight. I had been back for nearly an hour... I had to check to make sure Calliope was still breathing several times. She was thankfully. It was now nearly nine... She still hasn't moved. And after a shower, and several reorganizing of our supplies, I was getting tired of waiting. "Rise and shine lazy!" I shouted as I pulled the covers. "AAGH!" Calliope yelled in surprise. "Good morning sunshine!" I said with that Tartarus damned happy tone people use when waking someone up. "What in Tartarus' sweet name are you doing?!" Calliope demanded while she was recovering from my rude awakening. "Seizing the day and throttling it!" I exclaimed. Calliope groaned. "Shut up and get out of the way then..." she grunted as she pulled herself out of the bed. I chuckled and got out of the way. "Why in Tartarus are you so chipper?" she finally asked as she began to pull fresh clothes on. "I learned a ton about what's going on!" I exclaimed as I began to fill her in on what happened just hours earlier. "That's insane." she said when I was done. "Of course it is!" I replied. "What else could you use to describe this?!" I continued, grabbing my gem and lifting it up slightly. "Okay..." she relented. "But the idea about this whole thing being some alien vamprisim wannabe is insane." "Noted, and agreed." I smiled. "But seriously... Tacos." "I am willing to try a taco or three... For science." she smiled back. "For science." I concurred. We packed up our stuff and left the room, taking everything with us. We then went to the lobby and turned in the room keys. After a quick stop at the car to put our crap inside. Then it was a quick walk to the taco shop Sonata had taken me to only hours earlier. There was a different cashier now, probably because it was now closer to mid-morning. We then ordered the same taco I had had earlier and sat down to wait. When the food arrived I just sat and watched Calliope. She carefully unwrapped the truly monstrous taco, occasionally casting a glance at me and my untouched food. "Why are you staring at me?!" Calliope finally asked. "I want to see what Sonata saw." I answered with a smug grin. She deadpanned for a moment before shrugging and taking a big bite of the taco. Her eyes lit up and she didn't chew for nearly a minute. Out of idle curiosity, I snapped my fingers in front of her face... Only for her pupils to only widen. "Huh..." I wondered out loud. Thankfully Calliope only seemed to be out of it for a few seconds after. "Sweet merciful Faust!" she whimpered, taking several more bites. I wondered if I had been out of it like that? Unless I talked to Sonata again I doubted I'd ever know. I chuckled as I opened my own taco and took a bite. It was still mind numbingly amazing, but I didn't lose myself to the eternal bliss that is the taco this time. "Hmmm..." I moaned. "...How?" Calliope asked around the taco. "No idea." I responded. We devoured the tacos in silence. Several customers came and went while we did so, ordering their own food as they did so. And judging on how most of them left with bags in tow, it must've been a weekday... I sighed wistfully at the thought of never being able to return to what I once knew... Even if I did end up technically being immortal. "So what next?" Calliope asked. "Hmm?" I asked, pulled out of my thoughts. "Oh... No idea." "Didn't that Sonata girl say something about a third?" Calliope asked. "Yeah... Yeah she did." I replied, recalling that important bit of info. "Sooo... Why don't we know where they are?" she asked. I thought for a moment. "Sonata said that... These" I held up my gem. "choose who becomes a Siren." "So the third hasn't been chosen?" Calliope leaned forward. "I guess not..." I replied. "Then who will be chosen?" Calliope asked. "That's a million dollar question if I ever heard one." I half joked. "No I'm serious..." Calliope stated. "Who's going to be our third?" All I could do was shrug. Eventually we finished our glorious tacos and left. Traffic, both foot and automotive had increased in the time we had been inside the restaurant. "So what do we need to do to get ready?" Calliope asked as we walked down the street back to the hotel. "Well..." I began "First we need to take inventory." "Figure out what we need." she added. "Get what we need." I continued. "Figure out where we need to go." Calliope concurred. "And then get there." I finished. We both stopped on the sidewalk. "That was weird wasn't it?" Calliope asked. "Totally weird." I nodded, both of us continuing down the walk. We reached the hotel in silence and without further incident. After that we went through our stuff. It wasn't great. We couldn't use so much of the stolen money, and odds are the bank numbers would be locked down and watched. Other then the car and set of screwdrivers, we didn't have much. "So... Um... We need everything right?" Calliope asked. "Everything." I agreed. "Well, I'm going to start off by saying we need tools, like camping equipment... Because we don't know where the hell we'll be going." Calliope said, hand on chin in thought. "Sounds fair... Problem is, we can't use any of our funds." I responded. The other girl hummed in thought. "We could... ya know... Steal it?" she half asked half spit balling ideas. "I mean, I've already stolen most of this stuff and burned down a mansion." I shrugged. "What's a little more theft?" "Okay... How about You see about a tent and sleeping bags, while I handle everything else... I know a place." "Former father's?" I asked. "Former father's" she nodded happily. "Good on you." I smiled, golf clapping as I did so."