My Journey

by HopeForTheFew

Chapter 5: The Tears Of A Mad Man

I stood on top the hill where the battle was fought not to long ago. I was so tired... so tired. The teleport drained me of what energy I had left. Though I had no energy left, it seemed that this new power also has the ability to regenerate blood faster for I felt fine other then lacking energy.

I sat down gazing upon the city below and the beautiful castle on the side of the mountain. It was truly a beautiful site, never before have my eyes lain on something so magnificent in architecture. So that is all I did, gaze. Gaze upon the city and wondered what I would do next once my energy was back up in order.

After staring for a good two hours or more I decided to start preparing for my journey home. I got up and started the trek back home. Of course I now had the energy to teleport back but I preferred the scenic walk through the woods. I walked and walked, thinking about all that had happened to me and the possibility of what might happen to me. I rebuilt from my past just to have all I had built to be taken away from me in one single night. How sad my life had been since. Why was I here? I kept asking myself. Was I brought here for a purpose? or was it all a mistake? Though no matter how much I asked, no answer came to me.

I got home quicker then I wanted. The questions from before left me as I walked through the door. I went to the sink to splash some cold water on my face to help wake me up. Though the water did help, it did not have the full effect that I wanted. I was bored very, very bored. So what did I always do when I was bored? I played my guitar.

After I was done with playing the boredom out of me I got up and walked out the door to get a breath of fresh air. "Damn, I must have been really bored if I played till nightfall." I said with surprise in my voice do to the fact that I just realized that it was night time. But what I didn't realize was the fact that there was something lurking within the woods around me, something preparing to strike.


Twilight was walking to her room in the Canterlot castle with a very shocked look on her face. The reason for this shock was the fact that Twilight had just learned that the creature that they had turned to stone. Broke free from its cage. There had never been such power to ever break the Elements of Harmony in Equestria. Whatever this creature had it was able to break Harmony, not even Discord could do that, and he was the spirit of Disharmony. Was there nothing that they had that could kill the creature? She had never thought about killing the creature until now but it could become dangerous, no it WAS dangerous and it wouldn't leave Equestria alone until they killed it.


I was about to walk back in side when it hit me, I turned around, rage in my eyes as I gazed down upon the pony that was able to stab me. With one quick wave of my hand I blasted the pony back easily knocking it out. I turned back to the bushes and released a ball of red light to aluminate my surroundings. However I saw nothing and felt nothing around me. I kept watching for awhile but when nothing happened I went back in side thinking that it was a single assassin sent to kill me. I took the knife out of my shoulder and put some hydrogen peroxide on the wound. I then decided to pay the princess a little visit tomorrow. And with that thought on mind I went to bed. But before I did I remembered and made sure that the pony outside would not stab me again in the middle of the night.


Celestia stood on the balcony of her room as she stared at the battle field that they and the creature fought. But while she was looking at the field she then noticed that there was a Pegasus walking wounded out of the woods but what worried her was what was following the Pegasus. Behind the Pegasus was the creature in all its terrifying glory. The creature was watching Celestia very closely and angrily. Fear rose up within her as she slowly backed away from the balcony. "LUNA!!! ITS BACK CALL THE GUARDS WE HAVE TO DESTROY THE CREATURE NOW!!" Celestia said as she headed to where the elements slept.


I stood on top the hill with the Pegasus that was slowly moving forward towards the city. I then decided to do the pony a favor and teleported it to the gates of the city where the guards helped her in. I watched on and on as the Princesses army (Or what was left of it.) walked out the gates with terror in their eyes. I watched as the four Alicorns walked through the gates as well as the five ponies that locked me up in stone. As soon as the ponies who put me in stone saw me shock went through them and they nearly passed out. However when Twilight saw me only hate went though her as she called upon her friends to prepare their necklaces to try to put me back into stone that kept me prisoner for a matter of hours.

The six ponies gathered together and their weapon started its work as the rainbow blast shot up into the sky. I however was not effected by the fear that grasped me before as I watched the rainbow blast close in. I raised my hands up and prepared for the attack that would soon reach me. I released all my power into a blast that would counteract the rainbow blast. With a loud boom I released the large red beam and the two hit each other. However to my surprise the rainbow beam easily beat my own weapon as I watched as my beam started to fade. "Damn" I said coldly. I then teleported to a different angle to watch the light show. I watched in horror as my blast was easily defeated and the rainbow one made a quick sharp turn and headed towards my direction. I held my hand up once again and greeted the blast as it hit me, blasting me back towards the Equestrian army. I watched in terror as their weapon did its work on me once again. But this time, I was stronger. I waited till the stone nearly covered my head and then began to push against the stone, slowly breaking it. Cracks began to show in the stone with red light filling them. I then began to push with all of my might as I did before and the stone broke before me. However I was tired once again, not as tired but still tired. I teleported on top the hill as I had before and watched the army by the gates as they slowly approached me.

I stared at the army that was now right in front of me. They just kept staring and as did I. I then released a ground blast so powerful that it sent the whole army besides the four Alicorns who all shielded themselves from the blast. I slowly stepped forward and they did the same. We continued this motion for quite some time until I was face to face with the Alicorns. I then sent a blast similar to the last but smaller and faster then the one that knocked the army back. To my satisfaction the blast knocked all the Alicorns back down the hill to where their army was. I looked down at them with tears in my eyes as a sudden flash back of my trials in my own world hit me like a freight train. Why was I doing this? I was never like this back on Earth. I then had a flashback of everything that had happened to me. How I was tortured as a child, how I had lost my parents who tortured me. and been adopted. And my appearance here in this world and all the ponies I had hurt during my time here. I then turned around and walked back into the woods with sorrow in my mind. "Will I never have peace?" I asked myself as the tears began to fall.


Celestia stared at the creature that was on top of the hill with tears in its eyes. What had they done? They were raging war on a creature stronger then the Elements but that is what neither of them wanted. They were raging war on a creature that wanted none of this. A creature that wanted peace, that wanted to be free.