//------------------------------// // Chapter II // Story: Where Would You Like To Go // by TimeRarity64 //------------------------------// Chapter II: To The Sea “Night Light dear, you are too young to be playing by the docks with your brother. What if you fall and drown?!” It was the usual day that Night Light’s mother would nag at him for being overly excited near his older brother, near the pear of Lotus Bloom. He lived in an old village near the sea of the western borders of Equestria, not so far from the railroad leading towards Fillydelphia. The thing about this young colt was that he always admired the sight of the ocean view from his window. How alluring it was that the waves would roll in and out, giving off that fresh scent and layout a beautiful clear view for the sun to rise at the horizon. But today was once more a usual day where his mother would disagree with his actions to pursue such dreams in actually traveling out there recklessly. That was his dream, a dream to become a navigator sailor, that was also a tradesman. His father worked in the navy, his brother was soon to follow in their old stallion’s footsteps and Night Light here hoped to follow in it himself too, just to feel the thrill of adventuring out there upon Poseidon’s sea. “But ma’, it’s no fun being here where all the sand gets dusty and all over the floors, I hate sweeping up the rigid ol’ stuff in here,” The colt protested in his shanty town accent, northern traits he received from the ponies he lived with. This earned a good wallop on the side of his head, “Ow,” He groaned. His mother was a barbaric one when it came to discipline, for instead of the typical soap to the mouth, it was a hoof to the side of the head. “Now you listen here, young foal, ya not gonna be playin’ around these docks! You ain’t ol’ ‘nough to begin with.” And so awaken his mother’s accent. “Now what does age have to do with me? I’m an all grown up stallion like pa and bro! This here is a hypocrisy! We need ah democracy!” He protested once more, earning another wallop to other side of his head, “Ow!” “Ya watch those words now, foal, for in this old house ya father paid so well for, just to go out and sail his sorry behind to those narrow seas, is mah own kingdom, and ya gonna be livin’ under mah own monarchy!” She shouted causing the colt to pout and fold his hooves against his chest. “Don’ you pout at me, or I’m stuffin’ your mouth with cotton!” Night Light ceased his pouting and groaned at his mother, always the same with her. Thoughts that ran through his head where he would imagine a giant sea creature attacking his own imaginary ship; taking the form of his own mother. Oh, how those sweet moments he would slay the beast and rule the seas triumphantly, but those were simply dreams; imaginations running about in his bright mind. In reality, he was before a caring mother that cared simply for the safety of her foals. She needed him all the time for he was the only one that was left with her, while his brother was on and about with his adolescent life, preparing for stallionhood where the Navy would call for his service. Night Light did not know it, but that was every mother’s turn of events. The sight of their own child being sent away to put their life on the line. It struck chords inside of them like no other and though Night Light never understood it much, when one foal is sent to military, they will be gone for a long time. One month would be okay, but for three or more, truly enough would make a mother feel empty and incomplete. Night Light’s brother was the firstborn...and to mothers...the firstborn meant everything. They were the beginning records of their parenthood. They were the start of a new life that the parent was pushed to follow the best or only way they could. Their father was a good husband; well financed, nice career, but he always had a knack for adventuring and was always away from his loved ones for far too long. Night Light did not see it now for his age limited his attention span, but his mother was alone... She was so alone. So she would do whatever she could to keep her only foal close by to her side so when the day of calling would come, she would not feel that emptiness creeping up too soon. “Fine…” Night Light surrendered, “Ya win, ma.” He groaned and looked away. “Mothers always win, now come on now and help y’re own mother cook up stew,” His mother said softly, returning into a motherly state where she gave a triumphant soft smile towards Night Light, patting his head. Night Light looked up excitingly, forgetting instantly about the disappointment and thinking only on one thing that crossed his mind. Food. When an hour had passed, they were together stirring the pot above the fireplace slowly, avoiding the embers flicking below the pot. Roll by roll, turn by turn, and as the nightlight sky from the outside glowed in its vibrance, so did that cheerful mood that engrossed the two to enjoy the partnership of mother and son. Though, to Night Light is was him and the food. His mother stared at him quietly and calmly, watching the colt hum to himself a light tune, a tune that his father taught him from one of his adventures upon the sea. A Chanty Song called Ever-So-Free. This made her curious to what it sounded like from her own voice, she did not mind humming along with him, which caused the colt to stop and smiled at his mother happily with curious embers burning in his eyes. He was not aware though...that that song was made in honor to her. A song her husband would sing every time to himself or have his crew sing with him so he would not forget her. “Ma, ya know pa’s song too?” Night Light asked, causing his mother to blush lightly. Of course she knew the song, such a silly question she felt so glad to answer. “Of course, ye ol’ humpty dumpty sings it a lot now! Whenever he flops back on mah doorsteps he be coaxing me with ye song like honey!” She laughed lightly, “But I’m the Queen bee just deciding to put a stingin’ to his grubby paws, and he just won’t stop coming back for more.” She stopped for a bit realizing the confused expression upon Night Light’s face. He clearly did not understand the adult context under it, so she decided to place it in a foal’s way. “Ya father loved me so much, he made that song for me!” “Can ya sing it?” Night Light asked, ceasing from turning the handle for the pot. His mother paused for a moment and nodded her head. Perhaps it would take a bit much work, but she was willing to give it a try for her dear son. Open springs, so liberating and free Between trees, so soothing inside me... Everything's alright So long...as I breathe. If the lands...begin to split Apart from these trees I will...at least smile just for me. Hali-luli-lo, Hali-luli-lo, Hali-luli-lo~ Hali-luli-lo, Hali-luli-lo, Hali-luli-lo~ Hali-luli-lo, Hali-luli-lo, Hali-luli-lo~ The wind's melody sings just for you As the sea hums for me, And if the sun is our stage, May the moon be our audience Listening to us play our notes per each page! Night Light soon lost his smile, becoming worried and confused as he watched his mother very closely once she stopped singing. Something occurred before him he never would have imagine or actually understand how to describe it. His mother was crying. Tears streamed down her soft blue eyes as she stared at the pot with a gentle smile, so settling and peaceful, yet what made Night Light worried were the tears. “Ma...ar’ ya okay?” He asked gently, “Did I do somethin’ wrong?” His mother shook her head quickly, wiping away her tears with a free hoof as she sniffled and smiled at her youngest son. How sweet of him to instantly worry about her caused a warm spark to swell in her heart, but as she looked at him she saw her dear husband. Her precious son had similar looks to that romantic stallion. “No, Night Light,” She responded with a gentle smile, “Ya done nothin’ wrong. Mommy just remembering ya pa at the moment. He always dreamed ya know, dreamed big and wide like you...that stallion...he is somethin’. An adventurer and proud father like no other to you foals...and to me...an amazing husband that I’m happy to call mah own no matter how much of a pain he could be.” It was a moment of silence for the two as the embers beneath the pot flickered. A moment where they smiled and enjoyed one another's presence. Night Light to that day knew, when the food was served no later than twenty minutes after the stew was done and table was set, that he was stallion of the house, but also son that would do whatever he could to help out his mother. But that did not diminish his dreams, instead it reinforced it. For at that table, right there where his mother sat on the other side eating her food after grace peacefully...he was asked a question that he answered ever so happily without hesitation. “Night Light, where would you like to go when you grow up and move out this old dusty place of a cabin?” His mother questioned with a genuine smile. “Where I would wanna go? Well mah...that’s easy! I would wanna go home!” He answered, and so that dream was set to becoming a goal that he would aim to accomplish, to live out his life like his father, and soon come home to see his mother. To his home...where everything began. To Be Continued